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Shake up time for OTIB?

Marina's Rolls Royce

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1 hour ago, steviestevieneville said:

I've been thinking exactly the same thing. Whenever I've not gone to a away game and am on the march day thread there is always the usual suspects saying how crap this or that player is but never seems to go to games . How can anyone form an opinion without seeing games. There are some though who don't go , especially exiled fans who ask opinions of those who do attend regular and don't judge based on crap commentary from radio Bristol. Fair play to them . 


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2 hours ago, spudski said:

You have a good point mate.

As we know...the BP take stories from here. Then print them. It's when it's printed and the wider audience take note, that it becomes a problem for the Club.

I don't think the Club would worry about the forum so much, as it generally has extreme views and often made up stories.

It's when the press get involved it takes notice I feel.

The mood down the Gate, doesn't reflect at all what you read on here in general. You get a minority of disapproving comments and shouts...but the majority of the paying fans have been very supportive considering.

Social media can be great, but it can also be divisive and dangerous, especially when people get it into their heads that they want to stir up trouble.

Do you think so or do you think it's more of what %99 of supporters do and (despite the crap about banners and petitions) support the team whilst they scrap for the three points

Virtually all I know are in that mode

Amongst the congregation at particular moments in the game people's frustration will boil over (Incresingly so unless we improve) but it's sparodic and an instant reaction to a goal , a substitution etc

Think the supporters have been ridiculously patient if I'm honest , and I don't accept supporters behaviour / reaction on match days are an indication of support for LJ - Just my experience and opinion

I hope SL is not waiting for the match day support (Which is his MO) to finally have enough and turn ,as that is too late for the good of anyone 

As much as I don't believe in LJ , I seriously hope as I've said numerous times that I'm wrong , and the first half at Derby is a spark and a sign that we can suddenly blossom , I do as much as each and every die hard fan

I still maintain IMHO that if we survive relegation it will be because the players suddenly decide to get their arses in gear 

Will that happen ?

Only time and games will tell - I do worry about dressing room harmony both in terms of with LJ and even amongst the squad 

I think the quality is there to get us out of this ,

the team spirit and togetherness ..... I hope so - otherwise we are going to need an overload of quality

I genuinely hope that with any upturn LJ proves me totally wrong and his positive impact at first team level is evident and I'm ready to be convinced - I can be turned , no problem - but personally I'd want some proper evidence of progress due to LJ

SL is definitely playing Russian Roulette with this one !!

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10 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

I guess when I posted, I thought it may suddenly be highjacked to super fan debate.

That's not my point at all. My point is that if you don't go to watch BCFC then an opinion on a player/ manager should be taken with a pinch salt.

Yes I completely believe that someone who has attended a match has more credibility in their assessment than someone who doesn't.

If anyone thinks that someone who never/rarely attends matches has a "supporter's right" to attack the club whilst hiding behind a monica is ,imo. not a fan merely a commentator.

I suspect this post might offend more fans who don't go than those who do.

You share the fact that I'm an "OTIB Supporter" and you hold my personal details. Adding a further status with my permission breaches nothing.

I totally agree with you mate, to many fans judging from the BBC stats rather than the game itself...

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1 hour ago, steviestevieneville said:

It's not a super fan v others thing imo. It's pretty obvious though that someone who goes to games regularly can form a better opinion of things that's going on on the pitch than someone who never sees a game. 


1 hour ago, Maesknoll Red said:

The main point coming out of this, is that we are all entitled to an opinion, whether that be negative or positive, but it's pretty ridiculous to try and make a point pertinent to a game, if you haven't seen it.  It's not surprising there is disquiet amongst the fans given our league position and whether you have seen every second of every game home and away of this season, or just TV highlights, you'd be pretty valid in having an opinion that the way the season has gone so far, is not good enough.

Its not difficult to sort out those ranting nonsense and those posting considered opinion, not sure we could or should change that format.  It has been said that some season ticket holders are clueless, I had the same seat in the Dolman for  20+ years and there was a couple of guys around me who might as well have been watching netball for all they understood about the game.  So would I think there opinion was valid, having been there, no chance, but there was another guy I used to see in the pub who went to some City matches when he could, who was a part time scout for Man U, now his opinion was worth listening to, he'd see things in games/players that many of us miss.


Some years back , sat with a 'proper football man' , decent ex player (Not City) , a coach who used to coach our schoolboys and we were watching Hereford in Div 4


During the warm up he pointed to a gangly young lad for Hereford and said - That kids a player 

(Turned out to be a lad called Gareth Davies making his second appearance - who Everton subsequently bought when he was 18 but whose career crashed through a serious injury) ( We recommended him to City who never followed it up)

I asked the guy later what it was he'd seen in the warm up to make that instant recognition

'Everything , just the way he moved, the way he was striking the ball , his first touch'

From that day onward I watch every moment of things like the warm up , I know some on here also do, but how many supporters do ?

They can rightly say I'd rather have an extra pint or just I don't want to - and that's absolutely right and so they should do if that's what they prefer

I always see it as a 'optional extra' and the varied and innovative methods now , I find interesting and extremely revealing

What, in a long winded way I'm trying to explain is that just because somebody's a season ticket holder ( And in my experience some of the season ticket holders , are those with no idea , and look no further forward or deeper than where the ball is on the pitch at any given moment) doesn't validate an opinion 

To be fair @steviestevieneville You have said never go to a game ,which is different from non season ticket holder, but some of the most perceptive supporters I know don't go week in week out or are season ticket holders

Amazing what a 'fresh' pair of eyes can see sometimes

Some supporters whether they go to some , most or in and out , depending on how much they watch and take in , can have a better or more rounded perspective than a staunch supporter home and away that only sees the top layer , as is their right of course


I always like to read opposition boards post match as they can often given an interesting third party view of us and our players and compare with my own views


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22 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

Do you think so or do you think it's more of what %99 of supporters do and (despite the crap about banners and petitions) support the team whilst they scrap for the three points

Virtually all I know are in that mode

Amongst the congregation at particular moments in the game people's frustration will boil over (Incresingly so unless we improve) but it's sparodic and an instant reaction to a goal , a substitution etc

Think the supporters have been ridiculously patient if I'm honest , and I don't accept supporters behaviour / reaction on match days are an indication of support for LJ - Just my experience and opinion

I hope SL is not waiting for the match day support (Which is his MO) to finally have enough and turn as that is too late for the good of anyone 

As much as I don't believe in LJ I seriously hope as I've said numerous times that I'm wrong and the first half at Derby is a spark and a sign that we can suddenly blossom , I do as much as each and every die hard fan

I still maintain IMHO that if we survive relegation it will be because the players suddenly decide to get their arses in gear 

Will that happen ?

Only time and games will tell - I do worry about dressing room harmony both in terms of with LJ and even amongst the squad 

I think the quality is there to get us out of this ,

the team spirit and togetherness ..... I hope so - otherwise we are going to need an overload of quality

I genuinely hope that with any upturn LJ proves me totally wrong and his positive impact at first team level is evident and I'm ready to be convinced - I can be turned , no problem - but personally I'd want some proper evidence of progress due to LJ

SL is definitely playing Russian Roulette with this one !!

When Derick McInness was sacked we were three down at half time vs Leicester, I left on four at about sixty minutes with hundreds of others.  The person I was with an I just knew the inevitable would happen.  And it did that eve.

Us being in sight in most games has kept the crowd mellow and LJ his job, imo.

We're very passive aggressive these days.  No match day riots but plenty of anonymous feeling expressed online.

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9 minutes ago, WTFiGO!?! said:

When Derick McInness was sacked we were three down at half time vs Leicester, I left on four at about sixty minutes with hundreds of others.  The person I was with an I just knew the inevitable would happen.  And it did that eve.

Us being in sight in most games has kept the crowd mellow and LJ his job, imo.

We're very passive aggressive these days.  No match day riots but plenty of anonymous feeling expressed online.

Good point which I meant to make :thumbsup:

The forum is just that - it's different to match day , and people can express their open honest views without direct damage or spoiling their match day experience

I don't get how people can't grasp that that is the case for %99 of even the strongest of LJ 'outers'


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10 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

I refer the Rt Hon Gentleman for Portland to my several previous answers on that precise subject.

I've been going to AG for 40 years, I now spent the majority of Saturdays watching my lads play, but have been to 6+ home games this season. You may also be aware  ( perhaps your not) that I can watch every minute of every game on the City player. 

Still don't think I should have an opinion?.

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A lot of us exiles don't comment on players, or performances (apart from the league table),  but on the club and the way it's being run, perhaps distance sometimes allows a little perspective, much as I'd love to be at AG.

We can also question the manager based on observations of those that do go to games (thanks @Olé) and the statements made in the media.

The forum is for all, not just those 'lucky' enough to be able to go to every match.

I was bought up in Manchester from the age of about 4, how easy could my football following life have been?  

How many times did I have to try and explain my generic red Umbro shirt from Asda was actually Bristol City?

I would suggest that the people lucky enough to be living next door to the stadium try doing it from afar,  ffs I couldn't even get a drink next to the ground about 8 years ago after a 4hr journey because of a lack of proof I was a home supporter and don't have a Bristolian accent (friends had my ticket).

I'll say what I bloody well want on this forum of the club that has been part of me for 40 years, and my family's for 120 years, if that's ok?


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26 minutes ago, Portland Bill said:

I've been going to AG for 40 years, I now spent the majority of Saturdays watching my lads play, but have been to 6+ home games this season. You may also be aware  ( perhaps your not) that I can watch every minute of every game on the City player. 

Still don't think I should have an opinion?.

Once again- I have to refer you to all my previous responses and my OP.

So of course you do- and usually over the seasons a very good one.

Imo you seem to have not connected with my point. No problem.

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1 hour ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

Do you think so or do you think it's more of what %99 of supporters do and (despite the crap about banners and petitions) support the team whilst they scrap for the three points

Virtually all I know are in that mode

Amongst the congregation at particular moments in the game people's frustration will boil over (Incresingly so unless we improve) but it's sparodic and an instant reaction to a goal , a substitution etc

Think the supporters have been ridiculously patient if I'm honest , and I don't accept supporters behaviour / reaction on match days are an indication of support for LJ - Just my experience and opinion

I hope SL is not waiting for the match day support (Which is his MO) to finally have enough and turn ,as that is too late for the good of anyone 

As much as I don't believe in LJ , I seriously hope as I've said numerous times that I'm wrong , and the first half at Derby is a spark and a sign that we can suddenly blossom , I do as much as each and every die hard fan

I still maintain IMHO that if we survive relegation it will be because the players suddenly decide to get their arses in gear 

Will that happen ?

Only time and games will tell - I do worry about dressing room harmony both in terms of with LJ and even amongst the squad 

I think the quality is there to get us out of this ,

the team spirit and togetherness ..... I hope so - otherwise we are going to need an overload of quality

I genuinely hope that with any upturn LJ proves me totally wrong and his positive impact at first team level is evident and I'm ready to be convinced - I can be turned , no problem - but personally I'd want some proper evidence of progress due to LJ

SL is definitely playing Russian Roulette with this one !!

This is where we'll have to agree to disagree mate...because I don't think our 'Situation' is simply down to one man, that being LJ.

I don't believe bringing in another manager would make any drastic difference.

It, imo, is a culmination of many things....just like at other Clubs who are struggling.

I'm not as you know, a massive LJ fan, I like the guy and believe what he's trying to do is correct.

My mantra, is I want stability. I don't want the Club to sack AGAIN.

We are on 11 managers in 16 years.

I'd like to see us do something different for a change....and let a manager who's doing the right things for the Club, try and turn things around.

Even given the shitty run of results.

I don't think sacking is the answer. :-)

Hopefully as our last four games, with the improved performances, they will continue into results. :-)

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10 minutes ago, spudski said:

This is where we'll have to agree to disagree mate...because I don't think our 'Situation' is simply down to one man, that being LJ.

I don't believe bringing in another manager would make any drastic difference.

It, imo, is a culmination of many things....just like at other Clubs who are struggling.

I'm not as you know, a massive LJ fan, I like the guy and believe what he's trying to do is correct.

My mantra, is I want stability. I don't want the Club to sack AGAIN.

We are on 11 managers in 16 years.

I'd like to see us do something different for a change....and let a manager who's doing the right things for the Club, try and turn things around.

Even given the shitty run of results.

I don't think sacking is the answer. :-)

Hopefully as our last four games, with the improved performances, they will continue into results. :-)

Sure no probs and I understand we differ on this Spud

What I can't get my head round (And this not aimed just at you but a view that's been expressed by quite a few LJ backers) is the suggestion

we shouldn't get rid of LJ because we can't keep sacking managers

Im all for the principle of continuity and even happy to try and see the positives of the overall project , but I guess where we differ is in our rating of LJ and his 'potential' or otherwise

Im basically all for backing a coach , even at tough times IF I can see real potential there.

For a whole host of reasons I simply just don't see that in LJ and thus however unfortunate in the terms of changing managers / coaches again , the alternative is far less palatable for us in the short term and the long term future IMHO

if he's the wrong man he's the wrong man, no matter how long you stick with him

Of course there is always the 'possibility' that lots of us have misjudged him and he will lead us out of this mess and on an upwards path , and I hope he does as it will be in the Clubs interest

Just , in my genuine, honest opinion can't see it happening or sustaining



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1 hour ago, Portland Bill said:

I've been going to AG for 40 years, I now spent the majority of Saturdays watching my lads play, but have been to 6+ home games this season. You may also be aware  ( perhaps your not) that I can watch every minute of every game on the City player. 

Still don't think I should have an opinion?.

Can you watch the whole 90 minutes on 'Player' (not live) after the match?  I didn't know that.

I remember the home game v Hull last season, bloody cold, but it was on Sky so recorded it too.

Remember thinking Freeman had had a decent game, but the forum was full of:

- Freeman keeps falling over

- Freeman kept giving the ball away

- Freeman doing stepovers

- Freeman 4/10

- Freeman not good enough for the Downs

so I watched the whole 90 back the following morning, and the first two were just not true, the third one was (!), but it told me that oriole get fixed views in their head and just apply that to every performance.


I like to get to the ground early, not for a pie or a pint, but to watch the warm ups.  Joe is happy cause he gets time on his tablet before the game (kids, eh?).

You can sometimes see that a player doesn't look 100% sharp from the drills....and you watch to see if that plays out in the game.

Although much of the 90 minutes is focussed on just that, the 90 minutes, I do like picking up things, like player x of team y always takes a touch to spin to his right, or player z is jumping early to try and get Flint to mis-time his jump.

There are 11 players and a manager trying to stop our players doing what they want to do, sometimes you have to give them credit.


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49 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Can you watch the whole 90 minutes on 'Player' (not live) after the match?  I didn't know that.

I remember the home game v Hull last season, bloody cold, but it was on Sky so recorded it too.

Remember thinking Freeman had had a decent game, but the forum was full of:

- Freeman keeps falling over

- Freeman kept giving the ball away

- Freeman doing stepovers

- Freeman 4/10

- Freeman not good enough for the Downs

so I watched the whole 90 back the following morning, and the first two were just not true, the third one was (!), but it told me that oriole get fixed views in their head and just apply that to every performance.


I like to get to the ground early, not for a pie or a pint, but to watch the warm ups.  Joe is happy cause he gets time on his tablet before the game (kids, eh?).

You can sometimes see that a player doesn't look 100% sharp from the drills....and you watch to see if that plays out in the game.

Although much of the 90 minutes is focussed on just that, the 90 minutes, I do like picking up things, like player x of team y always takes a touch to spin to his right, or player z is jumping early to try and get Flint to mis-time his jump.

There are 11 players and a manager trying to stop our players doing what they want to do, sometimes you have to give them credit.


I know you do Dave and we've been in good discussions before about the shooting drills and players approach to them

I like the little things / details you , and others , notice and pick up , often things I've missed 

The point you make re Freeman and reviewing a game is a good one - 

I don't expect them to but if fans watched a player for 10-15 mins or longer and not follow the ball they would see things good or bad that they havnt really noted before

I started to do this years ago through some work I was doing and I think like yourself and a few others like Spud , became a bit hooked on doing it !!!

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10 hours ago, RumRed said:

A lot of us exiles don't comment on players, or performances (apart from the league table),  but on the club and the way it's being run, perhaps distance sometimes allows a little perspective, much as I'd love to be at AG.

We can also question the manager based on observations of those that do go to games (thanks @Olé) and the statements made in the media.

The forum is for all, not just those 'lucky' enough to be able to go to every match.

I was bought up in Manchester from the age of about 4, how easy could my football following life have been?  

How many times did I have to try and explain my generic red Umbro shirt from Asda was actually Bristol City?

I would suggest that the people lucky enough to be living next door to the stadium try doing it from afar,  ffs I couldn't even get a drink next to the ground about 8 years ago after a 4hr journey because of a lack of proof I was a home supporter and don't have a Bristolian accent (friends had my ticket).

I'll say what I bloody well want on this forum of the club that has been part of me for 40 years, and my family's for 120 years, if that's ok?



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I remember talking to a guy in the Tobacco Factory after a game, who was a bit worse for wear, and him telling me how shit we were even IMO we had played well, and won… His argument fell down however when it transpired that he was sat behind a pillar and couldn't see anything…

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I think those of us who go to games can tell the uninformed opinions of those who don't from those who do. It's quite obvious usually.

These days,  I can rarely go to away games so I don't often make any comments on our performance other than very general ones.

I get the gist from some of the detailed match reports from fans on here, but as @Septic Peg points out - no two supporters see the match entirely the same, so it's wisest not to "call out" players or tactics unless you yourself witnessed the failings.

An example is the focus on the problems of our defence: now I'm not denying that Could Do Better would be on their report card, but many of the comments are made by people who only watch the goals on highlights. They see someone go through "unmarked" and suddenly the whole goal becomes one defender's "fault". What they don't see is the ball being lost upfield by a midfielder or attacker, upfield players not trying to get it back, the defence under pressure from lack of support , and the other goal threats who the "at fault " defender was marking. Often the player decried for being "at fault" is the one who makes the greatest effort to intercept the threat,  with ball-watchers escaping criticism! 

It's the narrow view of the armchair fan.

Now, there are a host of reasons from geography, to economic,  to health, to work and many more why dedicated City fans may not be able to make as many games as they like. I'm certainly not going to call out anyone on that. There's no such thing as a Super Fan - only a fan who has got more opportunity to follow the club than others.

But if there's one thing we can take from the OP's post it's "please exercise caution when speaking about games you didn't witness".

Everyone is free to have opinions on the running of the club, but I think some of he criticism of individual players is unfair and based on ignorance. 

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17 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

I think those of us who go to games can tell the uninformed opinions of those who don't from those who do. It's quite obvious usually.

These days,  I can rarely go to away games so I don't often make any comments on our performance other than very general ones.

I get the gist from some of the detailed match reports from fans on here, but as @Septic Peg points out - no two supporters see the match entirely the same, so it's wisest not to "call out" players or tactics unless you yourself witnessed the failings.

An example is the focus on the problems of our defence: now I'm not denying that Could Do Better would be on their report card, but many of the comments are made by people who only watch the goals on highlights. They see someone go through "unmarked" and suddenly the whole goal becomes one defender's "fault". What they don't see is the ball being lost upfield by a midfielder or attacker, upfield players not trying to get it back, the defence under pressure from lack of support , and the other goal threats who the "at fault " defender was marking. Often the player decried for being "at fault" is the one who makes the greatest effort to intercept the threat,  with ball-watchers escaping criticism! 

It's the narrow view of the armchair fan.

Now, there are a host of reasons from geography, to economic,  to health, to work and many more why dedicated City fans may not be able to make as many games as they like. I'm certainly not going to call out anyone on that. There's no such thing as a Super Fan - only a fan who has got more opportunity to follow the club than others.

But if there's one thing we can take from the OP's post it's "please exercise caution when speaking about games you didn't witness".

Everyone is free to have opinions on the running of the club, but I think some of he criticism of individual players is unfair and based on ignorance. 

........ even an armchair pundit can look at the league table and can see our form is shit, and we are in 20th place.

Football - a results based business - or does it not matter???

LJ is eminently 'likeable' so that is all that matters to the Happy Clappers.





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4 minutes ago, Benjam!n Ultra said:

What the **** did I just read?! 


12 minutes ago, Taxi for Johnson said:

........ even an armchair pundit can look at the league table and can see our form is shit, and we are in 20th place.

Football - a results based business - or does it not matter???

LJ is eminently 'likeable' so that is all that matters to the Happy Clappers.





Hope this helps?



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On 17/02/2017 at 10:21, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

OTIB is never more popular than when things are going wrong at BCFC.

Not only do we get a good number of newbies but also the return of posters who love to get involved in a witch hunt whilst having no real opinion when things are going right.

The problem I have with these newbies and serial dissenters is that I'm really not sure if they are fans of BCFC or just joining in a social media bullying circus.

Comments like " if (insert name here) is appointed then I'll vote with my feet" or "if LJ remains then I'll not renew my season ticket" " I'm not supporting City anymore if we go down" are from "fans" who may very well never go near BS3- ever. In fact some of the biggest critics of all things BCFC never actually attend matches or do so once or twice a season depending on league position . I also know ( through their own integrity on here) that some of the most popular posters are not regulars at Ashton Gate or away matches. This  is often for geographical , health, work or financial reasons.

One thing is for sure- you can't genuinely form an accurate assessment of a player, team , manager or stadium without actually attending matches on a regular basis. And certainly not from listening to the radio , reading BEP and shouting on a forum. Or looking at the league table in isolation.

So when we get "beaten" by Derby 3-3 and I see the animosity but then read the excellent @Olé away reports ( who I have to say must be congratulated in his honest assessments) or comments from @Dollymarie who puts her heart and soul into the club along with so many others- I take notice and take it seriously whether I agree or not. When some poster demands this or that - a manager to be sacked, an owner to be hounded out or a player to be dropped then that's fine too....... Provided they actually are a Bristol City supporter and can see with their own eyes what is going on more than just looking at the result after the final whistle. Not just gobbing off about a club they have little association with other than on social media from their bedroom/sofa.

382 "supporters" signing a petition- only the most deluded would take that seriously. How many of those actually attend football matches let alone City matches?

My point is this: Surely a genuine supporter/fan will attend matches regularly if they can or better still- hold a Season Ticket? 

When fan's say " without us there is no club". I agree wholeheartedly but only if those fans actually go to the matches. If you don't or rarely go then why get involved with 'Flint needs a rest' or 'drop Fielding etc' or 'pathetic result and pathetic manager' about a game I've just seen where we played very well but failed to win.

How many times have you met a football fan who says" I support ( insert name here)" yet when you ask the last time they attended a match( or even the name of their right back etc).........."errr- well....I don't really get the chance to go".

On OTIB we are currently experiencing some pretty polarised opinion- namely that LJ was,is and always shall be a ( insert here) and that SL is, has and always shall be clueless. And if those are the genuinely held opinions of a regular supporter who attends games and/or contributes to BCFC then fair enough. I respect your opinion but don't agree with all of it. But if you never actually go to any matches, or very few- be honest about how you arrive at your opinion- Good or Bad.  Or don't bother contributing!


So MODS- I've mentioned this before. Why not have a system whereby ST holders are actually  indicated as such on OTIB? Or members of City away travel etc.

It's about credibility and the ability to help separate the opinion of a match goer to the opinion of a bored keyboard warrior with a personal agenda.




Personally I would rather listen to someone who's played the game (at any level), has there badges or are affiliated to the game in some respect over someone who just has a season ticket. That's not discounting the opinions of non playing supporters yet if your putting people on pedastols I'd sway towards people who've played the game. 


Ive a family member who's gone down for years. Doesn't really watch the football but enjoys the beer and banter with his mates. It's a day out. The footballs a hindrance for him. Get him to tell you the offside rule and he'd be shagged. He's gone down for 5 years +. Would I trust his opinion over others on here, no chance. Is his opinion more creditable cause he goes down every week. Certainly not.


Why do some season ticket holders want an additional pat on the back? 


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54 minutes ago, Taxi for Johnson said:

........ even an armchair pundit can look at the league table and can see our form is shit, and we are in 20th place.

Football - a results based business - or does it not matter???

LJ is eminently 'likeable' so that is all that matters to the Happy Clappers.





Not at all.  As I say anyone can have an opinion on how the club is being run. I've no problem with that.

Only with the "experts" who can summarise an entire game on the basis of 3 minutes of edited highlights.

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I reckon there are quite a few "regular" posters on here, that have not been to many games this season. Watching the highlights on TV does not paint a true picture of the 90 minutes, in fact it usually completely distorts it. As mentioned, you can tell fairly easily which posters they are if you follow there comments and posts. I freely admit I have missed 3 home games due to work commitments this season, so never comment on those. 

Personally I like to go to games, watch them and then try to form reasoned, balanced opinions whether it is about players, tactics or the manager. Which lately I have to admit, has been somewhat negative of LJ.


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On February 17, 2017 at 12:57, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

Of course I'll be there- we're living in  "interesting times". My new banner will read:

"I hate the Manager's bench and everyone who ever sat on it"

What even more than Matt Smith surely not!

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On 2/17/2017 at 13:05, Crimson said:

We should perhaps have some kind of verification measure?  Maybe we can validate each other through season tickets or through established forum users Dolly Marie etc  

I personally don't like reading negative comments about the club, manager players etc so would be good to see a forum that has only positive contributors.  


Hi, Thirst postings....go eazy. Iam fan from Rumia in Poland. How you ferify to exclude the fan from oversees? 

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On 17/02/2017 at 13:05, Crimson said:

We should perhaps have some kind of verification measure?  Maybe we can validate each other through season tickets or through established forum users Dolly Marie etc  

I personally don't like reading negative comments about the club, manager players etc so would be good to see a forum that has only positive contributors.  


I think that is a dangerous precedent to set, a bit Disney for my liking. It's never a good idea to restrict freedom of speech, one must learn to hear and digest other peoples' opinions, whether you agree or not. Only positive comments leads to an unbalanced and skewed view of actual events.

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