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Bcfc Women's Clothing


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As most of you will be aware, from our interminable posts on the subject, we have been having t-shirts made to sell via The Incider and at Ashton Gate on matchdays.

I would be extremely grateful if the female posters on this forum would give me some feedback as to why they aren't buying the skinny-fit style shirts we had printed.

Obviously, we don't want to stop doing the women's shirts if at all possible, as it's our intention to supply good casual wear to all BCFC supporters and we're sure there's a market for it. So, I really want to know if there's something we should be doing differently to make them more appealling to you.

Come on, good ladies of the forum, tell us simple menfolk what we're doing wrong and we'll attempt to address the suggestions you make and give you what you want (ahem).

Is it the style? The players we're putting on the shirts? Or is it simply that you can't try them on before you buy (though we are willing to open our coats and stand in a circle round you while you do this)?

Any feedback you can give us will be extremely gratefully received.



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Guest lydneyred

For me there are 2 main reasons- one is that there isn't really anywhere I can try it on, and also I am not sure if they will fit me anyway (Yes I know that's why I need to try it on!!) and not to do with the second paragraph Cheshire but more to do with it fitting in or over certain places.

Are they just one size for the womens or are there s-m and m-l........... I can never work out how a one size fits all skinny top can fit a size 10 and a size 18+ (not at the same time!)

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If it helps any women out there make a decision on the Incider skinny fit T shirts, I have one and I'd say they are the perfect fit for a 12/14 with an average bra size. They're good quality and a nice shape, though even for figures outside those sizes.

I'll spare you all the specific details of my figure - people may be eating. But I'm quite happy to pm any girls interested in the fit and be more specific.

Incidentally, I've also got a medium non-skinny fit shirt, and that fits well too!

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Maybe it's just the time of year - not really t-shirt weather.

On a personal note I'm completely the wrong shape to wear skinny-fit t-shirts, therefore my sole purchases of City gear to wear consist of Black or dark sweatshirts and scarfs etc.

But that won't stop me buying one if you happen to see me when you've actually got something left for me to buy! :clap:

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Guest Mrs Shippers


The main reason I haven't bought any of the ladies cloths is because I like to wear the shirts, it makes me feel more involved!

I feel that the sizes aren't very good as in this day and age not every lady is a size 16 and under.

Hope this helps! :

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I feel that the sizes aren't very good as in this day and age not every lady is a size 16 and under.

I'm not sure that's wholly fair to the Incider team, to be honest. The non-fitted T shirts are avaliable in a range of sizes and they aren't limited to men. The fitted one does only come in one size, but it actually widens the choice for women rather than restricting it.

If we were talking about the official shop, you'd have a point, but the Incider team are putting their own money into trying to widen the choice for all fans, it would be impossible for them to widen the size ranges even further.

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Maybe it's just the time of year - not really t-shirt weather.

On a personal note I'm completely the wrong shape to wear skinny-fit t-shirts, therefore my sole purchases of City gear to wear consist of Black or dark sweatshirts and scarfs etc.

But that won't stop me buying one if you happen to see me when you've actually got something left for me to buy!  :(

Thanks for all the feedback so far.

So, would this sort of thing suit you better?


This is what we're considering doing for the next run. They'd just be long-sleeved cotton tops that would potentially be a bit more unisex and would overcome the 'it's not really t-shirt weather' point.

I'd be interested to hear your comments (males and females this time!).

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Although I am unlikely to buy one as they are unlikely to be big enough for me, I will say that I think that design is wicked and if it did, I would.

Luke, you do realise that's just a picture, and that the actual shirts will be bigger than this, don't you?!

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I have the Tommy skinny fit edition and it fits and washes well ( still a tight fit after washing!). I'm not so keen on baggy tees, but realise they're more acceptable as a unisex option!

Perhaps you guys can make the odd special exception and run the occasional skinny fit option! :(

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Tom and I aren't going. I'll have a think if there's anyone going up who could bring a shirt with them for you.

What was it you wanted again?

Ah, my PM to you last night didn't work, which is what I presumed from the lack of response.

Don't worry, I will see you at Rushden in a fortnight no doubt considering your location.

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