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Murray Or Wilkshire

Guest two acres red

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Guest two acres red

sorry if this has been posted before but i think dw has made the signin of wilkshire as a tinman replacement and hasn,t replaced murray yet what do u all think.

Moderator's note: Please refrain from typing in this text language style in future. Thank you.

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sorry if this has been posted before but i think dw has made the signin of wilkshire as a tinman replacement and hasn,t replaced murray yet what do u all think.

I would agree with you there , wilkshire is a completely different type of player to murray and is more like the tinman with his quality passing. He is obviously not a right midfielder but a central midfielder.

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sorry if this has been posted before but i think dw has made the signin of wilkshire as a tinman replacement and hasn,t replaced murray yet what do u all think.

Why don't you type properly??.. :Confused13:

Your're not texting your mates when you post a thread on here.

As for the content of your thread - yes, it has been discussed several times.

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Murray was a true city fan and i have not heard wilkshire say i want to stay has long as possible which murray said once. wilkshire has got more experience but that to me is it

I think actions speak louder than words or is it money that talks.

Despite what Murray said he obviously didn't want to stick around.

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QUOTE (two acres red @ Nov 27 2003, 03:35 PM)

ps robbored I'm 35 not under 18 

I never suggested that you were under 18....

You never said that he was under 18 but in your previous post about banning under 18's you said it.

:PC_Plod: Edited for text speak :PC_Plod:

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Guest Cider_Army
sorry if this has been posted before but i think dw has made the signin of wilkshire as a tinman replacement and hasn,t replaced murray yet what do u all think.

Moderator's note: Please refrain from typing in this text language style in future. Thank you.

This text speak debate has gotten out of hand. What next people not being allowed into certain places because they have a different accent!

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Murray was a true city fan and i have not heard wilkshire say i want to stay has long as possible which murray said once. wilkshire has got more experience but that to me is it

More experience? Wilkshire has started about 30 league games in his career, Scott more like 200, what are you talking about?

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Guest cidered

we'll never replace murray with the money we have at the momment murray took years to get to how good he is now we'll have to gve him time

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Sorry to stray back away from the subject but i would just like to say Robbered shut up with your moaning and constant criticism about everything that doesn't suit you 100%. You not the only person in this world.

As for typing in txt message format, what difference does it make, this is not exactly a formal forum which is going to change the course of history or make a difference to our lives.

What next will we have to write our names, addresses, dates and yours sincerly (or faithfully whichever appropriate) at the end.

Come on just get on with it unless its something that offends you, afterall its a forum for all city fans to air their views and to have a bit of fun. You will get things that annoy you, or isagree with what suits you but sometimes you have to adapt and maoning about everything and putting people down does not help at all.

As for this subject i think it could turn out to be a good move. The more i see Wilkshire play the more i like him. In the middle i think hes a class act and after him scoring his first i think he will progress even furthur even faster. Also remember we got Miller because we sold Murray as well so all in all it wasn't so bad afterall.

Even though i love murray to bits and would do anything for him to be back down here!

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Good post Tommy, makes me laugh how seriously people can take this online forum sometimes (although some posters ruin the place with stupid posts).

I still ain't impressed with Wilkshire yet, but he's getting better playing in the center and I'm willing to give him more time to settle into the division, but we could of got alot better for 250k than we did!

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