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Sale Of Ag / Money For Players


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It was confirmed that Ashton Gate is still under Mortgage. That being the case any funds raised by the sale of the ground would be nominal and I would imagine most of it would go into plugging the expected £1.6 million debt the club is currently running at.

The sale of Ashton gate is not going to change the clubs fortunes overnight so the question is one of pure fantasy.

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Definitely NOT.

A few transient players, whether they brought short-term success or not, would be gone in a few years.

City's traditional home would be gone FOREVER.

Through the Academy City are building slowly but surely for a successful future. An improving and expanding Ashton Gate, in line with that success, should be an integral part of the overall plan.

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NO ! Clubs who lose their ground tend to lose everything.

What does Beezey mean when he say's The Gate is "under mortgage". Whilst I can imagine one or more of the club's loans may have resulted in a charge being attached to the freehold I can't imagine when, or why, the board would have raised a 'mortgage' against it? Can anybody clarify as I don't yet have this year's accounts?



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Presumably the club would have had the freehold valued if they'd raised a mortgage against it, so did the accounts presented reflect any uprating of the value of that asset ? I seem to recall the club had quite rightly refused to 'pump the figures' by doing so for the best part of the last decade.



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