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New Keeper In January Anyone?

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

How much do they go for nowadays?

Someone like Keith Welch, now there was a keeper to inspire confidence! Phillips however, erm - Just doesn't. Infact I think he's gone down hill over the last season or so, which shouldn't be happening.

Is it yet another case of a young player with lots of potential reaching a standard and not going above it? We seem to have a few of them :(

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Guest BCFC Matt

Come on be realistic, Phillips as saved us on numerous occasions, so the guy surely deserves some credit!!!!

He's been consistent for us and mistakes happen so i'd say NO to a new keeper in january!

He as just signed a new contract and id certainly like to keep him as our number 1 for the forseeable future.

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Someone like Keith Welch, now there was a keeper to inspire confidence!

So replace Phillips because he made an error which cost City the game?

Why not sack Roberts,Wilkshire,Peacock and Tinnion because they all miseed chances to score today.

As for Welch.... :how funny: He was sooo limited as a goalkeeper.He was a shot stopper nothing else.I never rated him and when his contract was not renewed it was no suprise.And what happened to him after he left City? N'hampton Town.They got rid of him as well.

How he ever held the City no 1 spot for so long is a complete mystery.No competition I suppose.

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No competition I suppose.

Which is one reason why I said that in the close season a new goalkeeper could have been bought in. I don't think that Philips has any competition, because I do not rate Stowell. Philips needs to be kept on his toes.

However, to be talking about a replacement for him due to one error is stupid.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"He was sooo limited as a goalkeeper.He was a shot stopper nothing else"

So what would you call Phillips then?

As normal on this forum a coment is jumped on without any meaningfull response.

1 Mistake - Yeah thats fine, but they just occur too often, the defence is a mess when it comes to corners and free kicks - Who's faults that?

"I never rated him"

Have you ever rated anyone?

"Why not sack Roberts,Wilkshire,Peacock and Tinnion because they all miseed chances to score today."

Take Wilkshire out of those and the other 3 wont be in the first team in over a years time anyways (Unless Tinns keeps playing and doesn't retire)

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So what would you call Phillips then?

"I never rated him"

Have you ever rated anyone? 


Phillips - a half decent 'keeper who is getting better each season with experience.Still needs to improve his command of the 18yd box but an above average 2nd Div keeper.

Players I've rated? How long have you got?

Currant players only - Coles,Tinnion,Miller,Hill,Wilkshire,Bell and Docherty(when he's on his game).

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"above average 2nd Div keeper"

Now that's where we disagree. I would have thought most keepers in this division can sort their defences.

Now I do think Steve is able, and he does make some very good saves - Always has.

But I just feel we can't rely on someone who makes so many errors. He's had plenty of time to grow in to a quality, assured keeper, but apart from the obvious improvment in the kicking there seems to be little else.

A lack of competition obviously does not help the situation.

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I'm all for bringing in a new keeper, just not one to replace Phillips

Why not one to replace Philips? If you're going to add to your squad, especially at this level and with finances so tight, then you need to get your monies worth. What's the point in bringing any player into the club, if he's not going to be any better than what we already have? There's no point in bringing someone in just to tell them, "sorry you're not going to replace player x."

If a new keeper was ever bought in, then it would have to be with a view to replace Philips. At least then you bring the new keeper in, and Philips is looking over his shoulder thinking "If I make a big mistake, then I'm going to lose my place to this guy."

I'm not saying we need to go out tomorrow and replace Steve, that's stupid. However when a new goalkeeper is bought in, surely he must be as good, if not even better than what we already have?


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Guest Dolman Moaner

Phillips - a half decent 'keeper who is getting better each season with experience.Still needs to improve his command of the 18yd box but an above average 2nd Div keeper.

I have to disagree and not just based on today.

Phillips is a shot stopper, the rest of his game is dire.

He can't kick, he has no command of the defence or the penalty area.

Don't get me started on his wall positioning, if he had been responsible for Hadrian's Wall, our border with the Jocks would be somewhere in East Anglia.

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Oh dear we lost, :Confused13:  Philips fault, :Confused13:  no Peacocks fault, :Confused13:  no winger, :Confused13:  no hope; :Confused13:  yeah right  :Sleep15: get over it; City for ever  :Party27:  :Party27:  :Party27:

There's nothing like a well structured point put across to put up a good case for disagreeing with a post.

Did I say "There's"; sorry I meant "This is" :(

Here's an idea. Put up an argument for Phillips retaining his place instead of (yet again) criticising a forum member for voicing an opinion. That's if you are capable of course :Cheeky3:

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Don't get me started on his wall positioning, if he had been responsible for Hadrian's Wall, our border with the Jocks would be somewhere in East Anglia.

Right i'm starting to get annoyed with this rubbish, on the whole Phillips wall positioning is fine, the wall is nearly always in the right place.

I got the pleasure of watching West Brom against Cardiff at NP on tuesday. West Brom had a free kick in the perfect position, and guess how Neil Alexander positioned himself and his wall. Exactly the same as Phillips would have done with himself to the right side of the goal from where i was standing. With the wall covering the other side of the goal. So if a keeper of Alexanders quality is happy to do this against a player of Koumas standard, who is far, far superior to anything in this division or the one above, i'm going to go out on a limb and say that Phillips is doing it right. And as ever keeper on the planet does the same, then i'm going to say Phillips is doing it right.

There are problems of wall formation which is down to the coaching, the tallest players should be near the post, which often they are not, Phillips can shout at them to move, but they never do so obviously someone higher up than Phillips has told the wall to form this way. Against Wigan, did the sky commentators have a go about Phillips positioning ? Not really, they made more of the point that the wall was wrong with shorter players near the post. And NO man on the post, this all comes from higher up than Phillips.

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Guest Dolman Moaner
I got the pleasure of watching West Brom against Cardiff at NP on tuesday.  West Brom had a free kick in the perfect position, and guess how Neil Alexander positioned himself and his wall.  Exactly the same as Phillips would have done with himself to the right side of the goal from where i was standing. With the wall covering the other side of the goal.  So if a keeper of Alexanders quality is happy to do this against a player of Koumas standard, who is far, far superior to anything in this division or the one above, i'm going to go out on a limb and say that Phillips is doing it right.  And as ever keeper on the planet does the same, then i'm going to say Phillips is doing it right.

There are problems of wall formation which is down to the coaching, the tallest players should be near the post, which often they are not, Phillips can shout at them to move, but they never do so obviously someone higher up than Phillips has told the wall to form this way.  Against Wigan, did the sky commentators have a go about Phillips positioning ?  Not really, they made more of the point that the wall was wrong with shorter players near the post.  And NO man on the post, this all comes from higher up than Phillips.

There have been countless occasions when Philips has got away with it, because the free kick has gone narrowly over etc.

Last season against Cheltenham, I was out of my seat screaming at him (what good was that going to do ?) before the freekick was even taken.

I'll wager he get's caught out again this season too.

Anyway, I stand by my original post, if he was a builder, he would be on one of those "Named and Shamed" hidden camera type programmes.

Besides, his other inadequecies help the total package.

The fact that he doesn't command his area.

Defenders never know whether he's coming out for the ball or not.

He flap's on crosses, punching when he could catch, or not going for them at all.

No sorry, that's not right he only doesn't go for the one's he should, then charges out when he shouldn't.

Can he kick it ? No he can't.

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