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We're just not an attractive proposition

Top Robin

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3 hours ago, GasDestroyer said:

Unfortunately IMO we need a BIG name manager to attract BIG name players. Unfortunately little LJ does not fit the bill. That does not guarantee success I know but the way football is heading, it most definitely helps.

Currently BCFC is treated like a kind of “wilderness outpost” by many in the football world - and has been for many years.

Difficult to ID what the answer is whilst LJ is manager, we need success from LJ to change thinking.


It's a hard one to gauge IMO.

Can only take the evidence though- last 3 seasons in terms of promotion to the PL.

  • Burnley and Dyche? Good manager yes. Parachute payments yes- very well run club? Undoubtedly. A name? Not necessarily. Hull and Bruce certainly was, plus parachute payments (less well run though). Middlesborough with Karanka? Spent a lot and working under Mourinho probably helped attract some players.
  • Newcastle straight back up, Benitez. Well tbh didn't expect anything less with them really. Brighton? Hughton- not a stellar name but decent. Wagner at Huddersfield? Most definitely not a na,me- yes he knew Klopp which undoubtedly helped get some German League players in but no great experience or pedigree to speak of.
  • Wolves? Interesting deal with Mendes- Nuno good experience at Valencia and Porto. Not a name in the English game though, but still a good manager, and Mendes together with him might fit the criteria. Cardiff and Wanock? Promotions aplenty for him which helped. Fulham and Jokanovic? Doubtless him working with Mitrovic before helped- but his overall track record? Yes he got Watford up and yes they played some of the best (post Christmas perhaps the best) football in the division but his experience is not vast.

Parachute payments obviously played a part at varying stages with a number of these sides too- think 5 of them had Parachute payments at one stage or another. However that shows that a big vast CV or experience of promotion or consistent Championship football isn't necessarily the be all and end all in terms of success at this level. In short, there's no one size fits all (possible exception is Newcastle coming down, a club with such revenues, such a fanbase etc always likely to go straight back up I feel).

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10 hours ago, KeepUpLino said:

Let’s not beat around the bush lads we will be looking at league 1 again before the premier league... about time some of you lot got in the ******* real world... this is not a club looking to move forward let me tell you, we’re just living on a wing and a prayer and this will most certainly end in tears... if I’m wrong then great but can’t see it!!!

In my darkest hours KUL, I think the same as you do. After following City for nearly 60 years, I have seen times of joy but much more of tears. I have accepted it as part of my inheritance through my dad and grandad and am just living it out on a season by season experience. I get a great feeling when we have signed a new player, only for it to be continually dashed when he is on the field, with some making it but a lot ....not. This next new season fills me with hope........yet again, but that nagging doubt is always there, its a BCFC thing !! :ill:   :city:

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21 hours ago, bristolcitysweden said:

According to Lee Johnson we need to bring on steel whatever that is. Marley Watkins is hardly steel. Is Sugar Daddy feeding little Lee?

In my opinion the people in leading positions don't know anything about football.

Bring on another 100 shit seasons.


21 hours ago, bristolcitysweden said:

r it. Steve, you are not exactly going to be homeless. Neither are the coming genaeraions. Set up a trust if you are so ancious and go fog. Tought the braindead Bristol braindead elit. Braindead people-

Out of interest, what should "the people in the leading positions" be doing? Who should they be signing? What should they think is a realistic expectations for next season?

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55 minutes ago, oldstandrobin said:

In my darkest hours KUL, I think the same as you do. After following City for nearly 60 years, I have seen times of joy but much more of tears. I have accepted it as part of my inheritance through my dad and grandad and am just living it out on a season by season experience. I get a great feeling when we have signed a new player, only for it to be continually dashed when he is on the field, with some making it but a lot ....not. This next new season fills me with hope........yet again, but that nagging doubt is always there, its a BCFC thing !! :ill:   :city:

Therein lies the solution to our fate as fans.

Instead of the club investing in this that and the other we should all seek to be adopted by people who are fans of Man U, Man City, Chelsea so the inheritance they pass on to us will be that of following a very successful club.

























Nothing like the same is it? 

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44 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

Surely you'd recognise that bag anywhere? … even if you were a bit drunk at the time!  :yawn:

Q. What's the difference between a fox and a dog?

A. About 7 pints.

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47 minutes ago, J D said:


Out of interest, what should "the people in the leading positions" be doing? Who should they be signing? What should they think is a realistic expectations for next season?

SL said at the end of last season that he's expecting a higher Championship finish this season. To me that's a clear instruction to LJ to achieve more - from within his transfer strategy.

We all know that its SLs ambition to reach the PL and that he's supported LJ to the hilt throughout the poor run, particularly the season before last when so many fans were calling for him to be replaced.

 it'll  be interesting to see what would happen if City hit another poor run this coming season........

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2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

SL said at the end of last season that he's expecting a higher Championship finish this season. To me that's a clear instruction to LJ to achieve more - from within his transfer strategy.

We all know that its SLs ambition to reach the PL and that he's supported LJ to the hilt throughout the poor run, particularly the season before last when so many fans were calling for him to be replaced.

 it'll  be interesting to see what would happen if City hit another poor run this coming season........

I'd substitute "frightening" for "interesting".

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On 21/07/2018 at 16:45, Spoons said:

You are a total numpty who's clearly not a city fan...... Or a raving acholoic who's had to many Shandy's!

That's exactly what LJ said in an interview. In disappointment over how the season panned out. We missed "steel" in midfield and he was going bring it in.

The question still stands; Is Marley Watkins "steel"?

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2 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

That's exactly what LJ said in an interview. In disappointment over how the season panned out. We missed "steel" in midfield and he was going bring it in.

The question still stands; Is Marley Watkins "steel"?

Why stop at Watkins! 

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16 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

That's exactly what LJ said in an interview.

LJ told you, "you are a total numpty whose clearly not a city fan - or a raving alcoholic who's had to many shandies!" ?


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21 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

That's exactly what LJ said in an interview. In disappointment over how the season panned out. We missed "steel" in midfield and he was going bring it in.

The question still stands; Is Marley Watkins "steel"?

the steel missing is in the center of midfield, watkins is a winger

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5 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

the steel missing is in the center of midfield, watkins is a winger


Smith Brownhill

Or however you want to configure it, as a 3 I think that would be pretty strong. Watkins definitely wouldn't be the answer to that question though!

Funnily, of our midfielders Hegeler does indeed like a tackle and his defensive contribution.

When Hegeler joined he in fact put in an average of 2.8 tackles per game for us- which is higher than any of our current Central midfielders, such is the way the game in general has changed.

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23 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


Smith Brownhill

Or however you want to configure it, as a 3 I think that would be pretty strong. Watkins definitely wouldn't be the answer to that question though!

Funnily, of our midfielders Hegeler does indeed like a tackle and his defensive contribution.

When Hegeler joined he in fact put in an average of 2.8 tackles per game for us- which is higher than any of our current Central midfielders, such is the way the game in general has changed.

they have failed to protect the back 4 for 3 years now, that isn't going to change, we miss a cisse type player, we have no bite in the centre of the park and is the only area of the pitch that continues to be overlooked

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On 21/07/2018 at 13:12, Barry Sheene said:

If you were a pro footballer and you had the choice of earning 5k a week with a club like Villa or 10k a week with Bristol city you would choose Bristol City.

It's not about how big a club is or how many watch us.

If I was a very ugly Rich man I would be far more attractive to a woman than an good looking bloke who didn't have two penny's to rub together. It's not rocket science why we are not that attractive to the top players.

Dead right, although do we ever outpay some of those "bigger name" clubs ? I wouldn't have thought so.

I think we are unattractive to those with options not just because the likes of Derby and Boro are bigger with a better chance of promotion (and win bonuses) they surely also pay their players more.

Perhaps we are also seen as unambitious ? No idea, but we are sharing a pond with some pretty large fish now and are way down the pecking order if they show an interest in someone we fancy.

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1 minute ago, Monkeh said:

they have failed to protect the back 4 for 3 years now, that isn't going to change, we miss a cisse type player, we have no bite in the centre of the park and is the only area of the pitch that continues to be overlooked

Tbh we have very seldom set up in the way of 3 in centre mid I suggested. Not properly.

3 in central midfield gives you more security- instantly. Games are increasingly won and lost in midfield.

Agree on Cisse though- we've not properly replaced him yet in that sense. Yet Hegeler with an average of 2.6 tackles per game is on paper our best suited to that role in some respects in a midfield 3. Games evolving, if you're up vs good sides with fluidity (putting aside the obvious Wolves and Fulham), and you have 2 in central midfield- think Sheffield United and their 3-5-1-1 (3 central mids, Brooks behind Sharp and O'Connell able to step from the back into midfield) last year, you're going to be badly outmaneuvered if not overrun, especially if playing a pressing/attacking game. Especially when your CB's are not the type capable of stepping up- Flint and Baker were not. At best you'll have Reid dropping into help and even then it's 3 v 4 or even 3 v 5.

Our narrow 4-4-2 with Brownhill and Paterson wide was an awkward fit. It had strengths in that they could drift inside but it was just an awkward fit.

I'm saying we have the players, if we would set up differently.

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On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 12:48, bristolcitysweden said:

According to Lee Johnson we need to bring on steel whatever that is. Marley Watkins is hardly steel. Is Sugar Daddy feeding little Lee?

In my opinion the people in leading positions don't know anything about football.

Bring on another 100 shit seasons.

Blige, someones tired.

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On 21/07/2018 at 19:36, Cunnyfunt said:

Which in itself is strange as many players that join have tended to stay in the area. Russell Osman, Alan Walsh, Alex Russell Joe Jordan I think. To name a few. It can't be that bad surely.

Packy yesterday said that he considers Bristol as 'home' now as well
What a lovely place to live and earn a few bob. That being said, if I was a pro and Boro offered me 3 years on £5k a week more, I'd have to go

One season in the PL with all that lovely money to spend, we'd soon become more attractive. Getting there is the ******* hard part 


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No, Bristol City aren't an attractive prospect. We've never been in the Premier League, and most fans in the country were calling us "Bristol" when we beat Man Utd. In fact, a Liverpool fan I worked with didn't believe me when I told him that there was a team called Bristol Rovers. He lived in Bristol of all places, so not only is it ******* hilarious how low the gas are, it's also a sign that the club has far more potential for growth.

In terms of attraction for players, a lot of it is down to ownership, and agents will remember our recent issues when selling the club to players. While we've had some happy players join our club, we've had issues like:

  • The owner buying a keeper without the manager being aware. That manager left.
  • The switch to hiring head coaches over managers. We brought in McInnes, a manager with potential, and sacked him. He went back to Scotland and was successful again, with rumours circling of bad ownership hampering him during his time with us.
  • Questions around the treatment of some of our players, and the bad attitude of some players a few years back.
  • The Five Pillars, and how it took rehiring a manager (not a head coach) and a switch away from the previous tactics by Cotterill to get us back to the Championship.
  • "That" Lansdown interview on BBC radio, and numerous calls for Lansdown to stand down after the club had struggled under his tenure.

Now, I was the first person to criticise our hiring of LJ, but he's performed adequately at this level. Sure, the highs are high (topping the league), and the lows have been crushing at times (mid-table after dominating for so long), but we're definitely a Championship-level team now that should be aiming for Championship-level and above talent. We're on the right track, but the club needs to continue pushing forward slowly, with any moves backward punished at all levels. The more we improve, the further the above points are deemed to be history, and not a sign of what's to come from joining this club.

In my view, a club is successful based on good management and good ownership. In the past neither have been good, but there is definitely a shift, and if we can keep things good on the pitch, ensure that we're not selling players to rivals, and ensure that we improve our place each year we'll continue to improve our proposition. This means Lansdown growing our support, expanding the club, and ensuring that we're earning enough to expand our wage structure, otherwise the owners become the bottleneck of success.

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21 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

He is paying Pack more. And his dad is not complaining. Maybe we can see balls til Christmas.

to be fair pack deserves it, but we have no depth or bite in the centre and that area there is no real competition 

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2 hours ago, downendcity said:

LJ told you, "you are a total numpty whose clearly not a city fan - or a raving alcoholic who's had to many shandies!" ?


I'd have a lot of respect for LJ if he did.

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1 hour ago, EnderMB said:

 In fact, a Liverpool fan I worked with didn't believe me when I told him that there was a team called Bristol Rovers.

I'm sorry, but no matter how shit they might be I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 5 in Bristol isn't aware that lot exist

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17 minutes ago, Woodsy said:

I'm sorry, but no matter how shit they might be I refuse to believe anyone over the age of 5 in Bristol isn't aware that lot exist

Admittedly, he wasn't born and bred in Bristol, but it's absolutely true. He had been in Bristol for at least a decade, and at least knew enough about football to hold a conversation about the Premier League and England.

Besides, there are plenty of fans out there that literally only follow the Premier League. Spend a bit of time on Reddit or Twitter and you'll see plenty of English fans that called us "Bristol" during our cup run last year. It might be a bit different when you're in Bristol, but there are plenty of people out there that barely know of us, let alone the basement dwellers.

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18 minutes ago, EnderMB said:

Admittedly, he wasn't born and bred in Bristol, but it's absolutely true. He had been in Bristol for at least a decade, and at least knew enough about football to hold a conversation about the Premier League and England.

Besides, there are plenty of fans out there that literally only follow the Premier League. Spend a bit of time on Reddit or Twitter and you'll see plenty of English fans that called us "Bristol" during our cup run last year. It might be a bit different when you're in Bristol, but there are plenty of people out there that barely know of us, let alone the basement dwellers.

Is this person not a football fan? 

The people who are only interested in PL really **** me off. I always wonder that if Manchester City hadn't bought their way to success maybe we'd get called our proper name, City seems to be reserved for them now. It's like Man United being referred to as just 'United', that must really jar the likes of Newcastle? The Bristol thing I hate with a passion, it's just pure laziness 

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On ‎21‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 17:59, core321 said:

Funny how thatch was banned and this idiot is still here.

But Thatch was just an antagonistic plonker whereas Tommy is just a (mostly pissed) legend of OTIB.

Long live Tommy  :wub:

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2 hours ago, Woodsy said:

Is this person not a football fan? 

The people who are only interested in PL really **** me off. I always wonder that if Manchester City hadn't bought their way to success maybe we'd get called our proper name, City seems to be reserved for them now. It's like Man United being referred to as just 'United', that must really jar the likes of Newcastle? The Bristol thing I hate with a passion, it's just pure laziness 

Well...he's dead now (died in a car accident), but yeah he watched Sky Sports most weekends, and if you were to chat to him in the office kitchen he'd usually have some opinion on teams in the Premier League.

I think it's a lot more common than people would like to believe, especially with kids. When you throw obscene money into a league, you end up building a franchise, and with the split between the Football League and the Premier League the kind of people that support the top ten teams never need to worry about the Championship outside of who will be playing them next season. 

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7 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


Smith Brownhill

Or however you want to configure it, as a 3 I think that would be pretty strong. Watkins definitely wouldn't be the answer to that question though!

Funnily, of our midfielders Hegeler does indeed like a tackle and his defensive contribution.

When Hegeler joined he in fact put in an average of 2.8 tackles per game for us- which is higher than any of our current Central midfielders, such is the way the game in general has changed.

I have to question a stat like this. 2.8 tackles, per game? Really? That's less than one tackle every half an hour.

As a midfielder what are you on the pitch for? Running about a bit, whilst showing off your haircut and tattoos?

I'm lost. 

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Bournemouth, Huddersfield, Cardiff and co aren’t exactly steeped in football history or watched by massive crowds.

The bottom line is you get what you pay for. We continue to shop in Poundland and continue getting hopeful ‘punts’ as a result, and that amounts to lack of ambition from the top down. 

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1 hour ago, DaveInSA said:

I have to question a stat like this. 2.8 tackles, per game? Really? That's less than one tackle every half an hour.

As a midfielder what are you on the pitch for? Running about a bit, whilst showing off your haircut and tattoos?

I'm lost. 

No reason to doubt it's validity though- or at least in that ballpark.

Game has changed, hasn't it. A lot more about pressing and more importantly knowing when to press, turnover of possession, positioning be it in an attacking or a defensive sense than it was even 10 years ago.

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1 hour ago, tin said:

Bournemouth, Huddersfield, Cardiff and co aren’t exactly steeped in football history or watched by massive crowds.

The bottom line is you get what you pay for. We continue to shop in Poundland and continue getting hopeful ‘punts’ as a result, and that amounts to lack of ambition from the top down. 

Huddersfield not exactly steeped in history and watched by massive crowds?

In 1926, Huddersfield became the first English team to win three successive league titles – a feat that only three other clubs (Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United) have been able to match – under the leadership of legendary manager and pioneer Herbert Chapman and his successor Cecil Potter. Huddersfield Town also won the FA Cup and Charity Shield in 1922 and have been runners-up on four other occasions in the FA Cup. During the club's heyday in the 1920s and 1930s, on 27 February 1932 the club achieved a record attendance of 67,037 during their FA Cup 6th round tie against Arsenal at Leeds Road. This attendance has been bettered by only 13 other clubs in the history of the Football League.

Admittedly, their period of greatest success was some time ago, but that is history.


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Guest Premier Blue
On 21/07/2018 at 12:39, Top Robin said:

Just hearing about our transfer targets and then the painfully long time for any decisions leads me to believe that its not just the negotion between the clubs which takes time. I am sure that many player targets do not see us as a an attractive proposition. As a City fan it pains me to think that they would see us as having little historical success, lowish attendances and an average ground in a non passionate footballing city but they are probably right in some ways.

So we are always going to be up against it when we are trying to attract players against any Prem side and then the likes of Forest, Wednesday, Derby, Villa, Sunderland, Borough etc etc 

My point is thats its sometimes the player who holds off for a more attractive club to come in for him rather than join us.

Couldn't have summed it up better myself. There are too many fantasists on here who think you are a big club and an attractive proposition.  They will be even worse now it's school holiday time. 15th position is best you can hope for next year  

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3 minutes ago, Premier Blue said:

15th position is best you can hope for next year  

The games against the two Manchester teams will certainly have raised the clubs profile, but agree its the history etc that's missing. 

But please don't try telling me you're miles ahead of us

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Guest Premier Blue

Ummm well we are in the Premier league and according to most on here played shit football. But I know where I would rather be

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