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We Were Most Peoples Faves At Start Of Season..

Guest Tins4Gaffer

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Guest KingswoodRed

Kamara for example thinks he knows every position to know on a football field, and assumes that he knows how to play best in each of them.

I have nothing against the guy as a presenter, but as a football expert I think he lacks a bit of savvy.

He even tried to tell the goalkeepers of this world yesterday how they should play.

Then went on to explain how defenders should play.

By then I have to say, I got bored of the 'know it all' and turned over.

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Guest Red_Rat

just shows what all the other managers and oundits alike think of our side,cleary we are highly rated,we've just gota start putting all that expectation into practise on the pitch,i think the pressure of being the so-called 'big team' gets to a few of our younger lads.

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