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Shock Horror!

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Coach windows smashed, an organised mob waiting for away fans to leave are forced back by police- But as it didn't involve City fans there's no mention anywhere.

I have to wonder that if it had been Rovers in the LDV final then we would never have been kept so keenly kept up to date on the actions of one bottle throwing individual.

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Of course no mention. There a decent family club with no troublesome fans whatsoever. All the trouble-makers only supporrt City. It's true, I read it in the Evil Post. :(

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Well i was on Gloucester Rd at about 2.30pm only to see a load of pint glasses and yobs come pouring out of the Forresters Arms, dont know what caused it but the old bill were straight on it :PC_Plod: , not a pretty sight, especially for the OAPs and kids doing some harmless shopping on a Sat afternoon. :(

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Guest Hodges17

I understand your frustrations,guys.

I can only apologise on behalf of my club for those buffoons who shamed the name of my club,and our town, on saturday (and for once i'm not talking about the players).

And shame on the local media - People have a right to be informed with a neutral service......which is why i dont listen to GWR as they are all City fans!


Derby Gas

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Fair shout fella, not often someone will say that.

I fear this has made the game at their place alot riskier for people like yourself, but then I doubt this came to the heads of the "Rovers" fans having a go

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There was a small mention in yesterday's sunday Independent (local, not national).

It went something along the lines of..............Police had to deal with troublesome soccer fansat Bristol Rovers' ground at around kick-off time after the crowd became boisterous in the run up to the matchagainst Hull City.

:PC_Plod: A police spokesman said "There wasn't a big problem, just a small group of supporters who were rather vociferous"

"We went in and showed them who was the boss and they all went home again"

He said that the trouble makers were mostly Hull supporters.

That's the end of the story.

So from what he's saying, due to it mostly being Hull supporters is..... they came all the way down from Hull, had a little scuffle before the game and then the police scared them off so they all went back up to Hull without watching the game. :(

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I think Geoff Dunford secretly owns Htv and Evening post......... :(

And from the sounds of it, he has also become a spokesman for the local constabulary, may be he should concentrate on just the one thing :)

I'll let you decide on which one, as I'm sure we both have different views on which one :(

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Guest DrFaustus
I'm suprised they havn't printed the story, claiming that City fans were involved and caused most of the trouble.

A season ticket holder at the Gate was with us on Saturday. I can happily confirm that he was nowhere near the trouble as he was too busy enjoying the pre-match beer and then the football.

We may have to bring him again.

As for the trouble, according to those that witnessed it, a group of the combatants were coming into the carpark from Filton Avenue as the match finished. It doesn't seem likely that they were actual fans. Like City we have a problem, which due to good stewardship by the Police, is usually contained at and around The Mem.


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The City season ticket holder that went with on saturday will be our half time entertainment on Saturday.

He shall be hung, drawn and quartered infront of the Atyeo, and the 4 pieces will be put on top of all four stands as a warning to others.

As for the policing at the mem, I've got to say the policing at the Gate is top notch too - A&S old bill have got is sussed big time.

In reference to the scum that were arriving as the game finished, it just shows why banning orders don't go far enough. they should be made to report to their local police station at half time, then they won't be able to get near the grounds, home or away

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Guest DrFaustus
The City season ticket holder that went with on saturday will be our half time entertainment on Saturday.

He shall be hung, drawn and quartered infront of the Atyeo, and the 4 pieces will be put on top of all four stands as a warning to others.

As for the policing at the mem, I've got to say the policing at the Gate is top notch too - A&S old bill have got is sussed big time.

In reference to the scum that were arriving as the game finished, it just shows why banning orders don't go far enough.  they should be made to report to their local police station at half time, then they won't be able to get near the grounds, home or away

I may have the basis for a campaign of bribery here. Either he pays a hefty wedge into my bank account each week, or I publish his details on this site.....hmm.

As or the banning orders, what annoys is the fact that they are so bltantly ignored in any case.

Ah well, onwards and upwards. Due to our consistency in cup competitions, we have no game next week. Good luck against Barnsley. I can't quite see myself reciprocating and turning up at The Gate. :(


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Guest DrFaustus

He can start with selling me some cheaper CD-RW media, isn't that right Stu, opps :(;)


No Senor Arse, the particular fan is about twice the height of young Stu and nearly 3 times the age!


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Another traitor??

At this rate we'll have enough halftime executions to last well into next season.

A prize can can be given each week for whoever comes up witht he most origional execution idea.

We could expand on this by introducing celebrity executioners for the bigger games.

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Guest Harry May

One thing I would like to add here .

The Cardiff supporters who were attacked at Cheltenham railway station last season - there were about 30 ordinary Cardiff fans on that particular train along with members of the general public .

There were over 120 Gas heads waiting for them. They put benches across the track to stop the train pulling out . They attacked the train with fire extinguishers and advertising hoardings.

The Transport police could n't cope with the level of violence and had to call in MOD police stationed nearby.

Despite there being CCTV footage of the mayhem , there have beeen no arrests from this trouble.

Now tell me the local media and OB are n't biased against us.

Caldicot Red.

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Guest DrFaustus
One thing I would like to add here .

The Cardiff supporters who were attacked at Cheltenham railway station last season - there were about 30 ordinary Cardiff fans on that particular train along with members of the general public .

There were over 120 Gas heads waiting for them. They put benches across the track to stop the train pulling out . They attacked the train with fire extinguishers and advertising hoardings.

The Transport police could n't cope with the level of violence and had to call in MOD police stationed nearby.

Despite there being CCTV footage of the mayhem , there have beeen no arrests from this trouble.

Now tell me the local media and OB are n't biased against us.

Caldicot Red.

Good evening Harry.

A friend of mine got caught up in that malarkey last year, he didn't say there were 120 alleged Rovers fans there, less than half.

As for the EP, they should publicise all incidents to ensure no-one gets complacent and thinks it's a 70s/80s "disease".

As for the Police, I'd doubt they enjoy any #### from any fans.

The underlying point, which I'm sure you can agree however is, we don't need our clubs being associated with completely umrelated to football acts of thuggery.

Please don't disregard this post as another Gashead claiming that our club is a "family". The same as your goodselves, we have an unsavoury element.

Buenas nochas

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Guest Harry May

Quite right . I do n't want to get involved in a pi55ing contest - our clubs better than your s blah blah.But some other facts you may not be aware of.........

In the Western Mail , the SE Wale's version of the Evening Post, the figure they were quoting from police sources was 150 gas heads ,this was the Monday after the game. From people I know , they said the figure was less - probably in the region of 100-120.

The Cardiff fans hospitalized were never visited by the OB and statements were never taken.

Compare this with our treatment when we got the train back from Wrexham this year . There were around 50 police officers with dogs,for 8 of us.

When I challenged them on this number and their attitude towards us , I was told we were Bristol City and they were expecting trouble.

I suggest the NCIS start earning their money which I have to pay in my taxes.

Caldicot Red.

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Guest DrFaustus

Fair enough my friend. I'm just referring to anecdotal evidence from one occasion... quite evidently, reports vary. My mate, who makes Gandhi look like a thug got himself in a nasty situation, that's all.

As for a ######ing contest, I totally agree...pointless. I fully agree about equality of reporting, there is no point in pretending the problem has gone, it hasn't.

The very best of luck against Barnsley.

Hasta luego.

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I agree with those who believe the reporting is biased. It was on Radio 5 news yesterday about the man given 8 months imprisonment. They padded out the story by stating he was in a gang of over 100 Bristol City fans who rampaged through central Cardiff after the LDV final causing mayhem and destruction. He then held a pub door open so that those inside could throw bottles etc out. Surely therefore, he was only aiding and abetting, not the real guilty party? :Confused13:

Stoke and Cardiff tend to have more of their supporters arrested than any other club, but I don't hear about their misbehaviour on the national news. :(

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I agree with those who believe the reporting is biased.  It was on Radio 5 news yesterday about the man given 8 months imprisonment.  They padded out the story by stating he was in a gang of over 100 Bristol City fans who rampaged through central Cardiff after the LDV final causing mayhem and destruction.  He then held a pub door open so that those inside could throw bottles etc out. Surely therefore, he was only aiding and abetting, not the real guilty party? :Confused13:

Stoke and Cardiff tend to have more of their supporters arrested than any other club, but I don't hear about their misbehaviour on the national news. :(

It seems that since City were highlighted nationally by the Rovers match pitch invasion, any serious trouble involving City fans has resulted in jail sentences being handed down.

West Brom away, Stoke home and now the LDV final immediately spring to mind.

I too have been disappointed to hear City highlighted on the national media, especially as i'm certain City fans are far from unique in occasionally being involved in serious trouble.

I remember a gang of about 8 Coventry fans being jailed this year and a few ( very few) Millwall fans after that horriffic play-off riot and some Portsmouth fans after a full-scale riot at Coventry, both did receive national coverage. Not much else though despite the fact that hooliganism is supposedly rife higher up the League.

We can only hope magistrates around the country are being equally as tough and the media will highlight other clubs disdemeanours in the same way as they seem to revel in exposing our own.

Mind you, you've got to catch them first and it seems they are keener to catch some than others. For instance, referring to Harry's post, a good few Rovers fans may be facing jail for the criminal acts described above but i've yet to see the apparently available mugshots from the incident displayed on the front page of the EP. Similarly, not much was made of it when a 15 year old Exeter fan needed the kiss of life after being beaten by a gas mob at St. James' last season. No bad publicity for the gas then.

As it is their 'family club' image is perpetuated and our club's name is dragged through the mud at every opportunity. If you were new to Bristol, with this obvious bias in reporting, where would you take your child to watch his first match? ;)

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I don't mean it in a racist way, sorry I did mean to add BNP as well.

I should have also have added every may day protest too. If I was to act like that in a police escort at football I'd be nicked.

But lets be honest, football trials get much more exposure than those examples

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Just to reopen this little nugget, I got a copy of the free North West Bristol Observer through the door today. This was on the front page and continued on page 4 and 5. I've edited it down quite a lot, but I have included what I feel are the main points that are set out in it


'Police had to use CS gas when street rioting kicked off before a football match, terrorising Saturday afternoon shoppers and busy traders.

Stunned onlookers watched as away-day thugs supporting Hull City FC broke free of police escorting them to a Bristol Rovers match in Horfield and set off to fight any home suppporters they could find.... after watching the battle unfold from the sanctuary of a charity bookshop, one witness described the violence as "the worst I've seen in 25 years of living in Bishopston".

Hundreds of people were involved in the fighting - triggered when coach loads of Hull City supporters began goading Rovers fans enjoying a pre-match drink.

Riot police using CS gas finally brought things under control by forcing the gang into a local pub to contain them and then marching them away to the Memorial Stadium.

The trouble began when after the Hull supporters, many dressed in fashion label 'uniforms', arrived in the city for the away clash with Rovers.

Police decided to escort the group up Gloucester Road towards the Rovers' ground to avoid any trouble. There were no problems until the supporters arrived at the Foresters Arms, where some thugs broke free from the convoy.

Pub manager Damien Sage, 29, told the Observer "I probably had about 30 guys in here drinking and watching a live football match we were showing. They weren't looking for any bother but then some of the away fans broke from the rest and I saw a fan come up to the window and start goading the people in the pub.

"Next thing, the people inside started throwing things out the pub at the away supporters and the police were gassing the doorway."'

The article goes on, and basically points the finger at the police, who didn't warn shopkeepers and pub owners when they'd be escorting the fans, and for throwing all the Hull City fans into the Goose and Flyer without consulting the landlord or leaving a police presence in the pub whilst they dealt with the trouble outside.

At least it does have a quote from toy shop owner Paul Carpenter saying "You don't normally see that sort of incident. They didn't look like football fans because they weren't wearing football shirts. They had one thing in common - they were all big blokes", so it does hint at the fact that these hooligans aren't real fans.

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