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Looking To The Future


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Come on folks......... TT.......Murray

What ever your feelings towards these players they are not the future of our beloved Bristol City football club.

It is time to move on...... they are not coming back

The only consistant thing about Bristol City is our support through the goodtimes and the bad.

Our trouble is we seem to be in a what if phase...... we have to move on, wherever that may be....... Ill be there and I've no doubt you will be there too.



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The only consistant thing about Bristol City is our support through the good times and the bad.

And the fact City seem to be perminately struggling to get out of the 2nd division.

The truth is that City's support is not consistat through goodtimes and bad.It wasn't that long ago the City were playing in front of 6000 at AG in Div 1 under Osman.

There are only about that number of true diehard and loyal fans.Fans that will turn up and follow City no matter what division they are in.

If City were in Rovers position as they are now - there would be smaller crowds at AG than there are at the Memorial.

Sad but true.

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Accepted Robbored.............. I was there then and I'll be there in the future.

I still believe we have one, despite the players that have left us

There is no reason for us to live in the past, yeah I'd like Bristol City to be big news again.......God knows it's time for a change but it's about big crowds and money now. The players thing is a different issue to me, though not totally unconnected?

My support has been constant regardless and at least there are the ones that know right?


I share that belief with them & I hope we can get back to where we belong

Just hope these are the 'Goodtimes' and the even 'Better Times' are just round the corner.... though not from one of our set pieces ;)

Rovers.......who the F##K are rovers (to the tune of living next door to Alice) :(

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Guest Bigdave60

Accepted Robbored.............. I was there then and I'll be there in the future.

I still believe we have one, despite the players that have left us

There is no reason for us to live in the past, yeah I'd like Bristol City to be big news again.......God knows it's time for a change but it's about big crowds and money now. The players thing is a different issue to me, though not totally unconnected?

My support has been constant regardless and at least there are the ones that know right?


I share that belief with them & I hope we can get back to where we belong

Just hope these are the 'Goodtimes' and the even 'Better Times' are just round the corner.... though not from one of our set pieces ;)

Rovers.......who the F##K are rovers (to the tune of living next door to Alice) :(

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Sad but true, permanent struggle, but one thing is constant, the long suffering faithful still keep coming, adding to debates, moaning when we are ######*, and cheering when we aint, and one or more members of the team are getting flak!!

Cidereds till we die...........Thank God!!! We could be really unfortunate, and be the Gas

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