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Emiliano Sala


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1 minute ago, Steve Watts said:

Obviously regardless of who is on board, let's hope they're found safe and sound.  From a selfish point of view....where does Steve live?  Can never remember which Channel Island it is.... 


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It isn't looking good for Sala and everyone else on board. In this social media age of swift communication if he was not on board he would have been located and the minds of his friends and family set at ease by now. My thoughts are with everyone on board and their families and friends. 

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The worrying thing is there is nothing coming from Sala himself. You also have to question who is making that sort of flight? It's not a normal route so you'd think he was on board at the time. Very sad stuff so praying everyone is found unharmed. 

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4 minutes ago, Negan said:

The worrying thing is there is nothing coming from Sala himself. You also have to question who is making that sort of flight? It's not a normal route so you'd think he was on board at the time. Very sad stuff so praying everyone is found unharmed. 

Apparently the first alert was Sala not responding to phone / social media posts etc

Doesnt look good

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Very sad news. 

My mind immediately thought back to the late 80’s when we’d signed Dean Horrix. He made a superb debut away at Shrews and then tragically died in a car crash the next day. 

Very sad situation for the player and pilot’s families and also for Cardiff. 

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22 minutes ago, chipdawg said:

This is awful news, regardless of who was on board. But you have to ask; what were Cardiff doing flying their record signing over in a little prop plane like that? If you're spending £12 million on a player, surely you can stretch to the £10k or so to charter a more modern plane?

No, you really don't have to ask that.

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8 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

Awful news. Afraid to say that he would have tweeted by now to confirm that he was ok if he was. 


Very sad news, rival team etc goes out of the window on things like this

Agree that you would assume if he wasn't on the plane someone would have made contact with him by now

Fingers crossed the pilot and passenger may still be found alive

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3 minutes ago, RUSSEL85 said:

I can see why I stay firmly away from Social media these days, try to get an update and some of the comments people make made my blood boil, there are some truly vile human beings around. Hoping for a miracle.

Seen a few of those myself. People will do and say anything nowadays for likes regardless of what's happened. 

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4 minutes ago, Negan said:

Seen a few of those myself. People will do and say anything nowadays for likes regardless of what's happened. 

Very sad but true unfortunately. Unbelievable to any sane human being though thankfully. Thoughts to all concerned, very very sad news indeed.  

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Awful news. A young man about to embark on a new chapter in his life. It’s an absolute tragedy for his family, friends and colleagues. Nice to see the respect shown here and that we can all rise above the tribalism of the game we love. A shame the same can’t be said of a minority on social media. I urge anyone who reads something offensive to please report it. 

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Sightings of red flares were reported during a lifeboat and helicopter search, but "nothing of significance was found", a Channel Islands Air Search spokeswoman said.

Wonder if there is a slim chance they survived the initial crash. No idea if a plane like that would be kitted with a life raft, perhaps life jackets?

Fingers crossed for them both.

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5 minutes ago, Gazred said:

Sightings of red flares were reported during a lifeboat and helicopter search, but "nothing of significance was found", a Channel Islands Air Search spokeswoman said.

Wonder if there is a slim chance they survived the initial crash. No idea if a plane like that would be kitted with a life raft, perhaps life jackets?

Fingers crossed for them both.

I dont think life jackets would do much good.

Water would be far to cold to survive in it for long.


Really sad.

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13 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

This is awful. 

If flares were seen, pray for a miracle and that they have a life raft - unfortunately in current sea temperatures in the channel hypothermia would set in in well under an hour.

Tragic news and thoughts are with all involved.

Where did you hear that they had seen flares?

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Just about the only hope in this is that the Channel is said to be the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Plenty of people will be looking. I can’t imagine what the wait for news must be like for friends and family of all concerned. 

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This story really has hit me very hard. Its heartbreaking and you have to wonder how his team mates at Nantes must feel if he has died, being the last few people he spent time with, and saying their goodbyes as he embarks upon a whole new journey. 


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17 minutes ago, ZiderEyed said:

This story really has hit me very hard. Its heartbreaking and you have to wonder how his team mates at Nantes must feel if he has died, being the last few people he spent time with, and saying their goodbyes as he embarks upon a whole new journey. 


Yep. My thoughts too. Hopeful there can still be a positive outcome. ?

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Really Really sad to hear this. I used to fly out of Lulsgate for years when I had a PPL and used to fly down to France and the Channel Islands. It never looks a lot of water on maps but believe me, when you are flying over it in a prop aircraft it is as vast as the Atlantic to a 747. It seems strange that no SOS was sent by the pilot as when I used to go down there I always flew at 10,000 feet minimum on Radar and Instruments and was in constant contact with French or London Radar. I expect the outcome will be known soon but it doesnt look good and my prayers are with the Pilot and Emiliano.

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Unfortunately, and as I am sure we are all aware, the longer this awful incident continues without any positive, i.e. factual, news, the more likely it becomes that a tragedy has indeed occurred.

Indeed, a representative from Channel Islands Air Search, one of the search teams involved, has been quoted as saying he cannot understand how the plane has simply disappeared from the radar (the pilot had earlier sought permission to descend) and assumes there must have been a catastrophic technical or mechanical problem: in his opinion, there is not the slightest chance that the two occupants will have survived....

The representative states further that, if the plane cannot be found and has simply broken up, he would hope, perhaps, to find 'the bodies' today, or in two or three weeks time, quite possibly on Brighton beach as that that is where the current and tide will take them!

How awful for all concerned, friends and family alike.

Edited to correct translation from French.


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4 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

Unfortunately, and as I am sure we are all aware, the longer this awful incident continues without any positive, i.e. factual, news, the more likely it becomes that a tragedy has indeed occurred.

Indeed, a representative from Channel Airline Airsearch, one of the search teams involved, has been quoted as saying he cannot understand how the plane has simply disappeared from the radar (the pilot had earlier sought permission to descend) and assumes there must have been a catastrophic technical or mechanical problem: in his opinion, there is not the slightest chance that the two occupants will have survived....

The representative states further that, if the plane cannot be found and has simply broken up, he would hope, perhaps, to find 'the bodies' today, or in two or three weeks time, quite possibly on Brighton beach as that that is where the current and tide will take them!

How awful for all concerned, friends and family alike.


Indeed. I'm still hoping for a miracle but it looks an awfully bleak prospect as time goes on. 

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Really terrible incident really feel for the lads family & friends, Nantes clubmates and for all concerned at Cardiff (this sort of tragedy puts football rivalries into perspective) also for the Pilots Family and anyone else on board (said there was 2 people on board not sure if this means 2 + pilot).  

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