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The Bcfc Band

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I thought they formed themselves. I can remember Scott Davidson doing his "Jim'll Fix It" bit a few seasons back presenting them with some new loud drums.

Recently wrote a letter to the git asking him where the hell my 26 packets of Anadin Extra are.

Anyway, I believe one of the musicians (I use that term loosely) posts on here under the name of "H Block Drum n' Bass" or something very similar if you want to know more.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

It all started with a drum in the Atyeo

Then the band appeard in the Dolman Vs Reading in the LDV

Ever since the Atmosphere has gone downhill, BAND OUT!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"the band are the only thing making any kind of a noise these days"

Well true, apart from away fans.

Let me recreate for you, what I can here when I'm sat next to the away end and the away fans aren't singing.

"Bang, bang, thump, thump, thud, thud"

I'd rather be able to hear/sing with City fans rather than having it drowned out by such City classics as "When the saints go marching in" - Did make me laugh that one of the louder renditions of this was against Southampton.

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Without coming over all Victor Meldrew, why the hell do tone deaf, unsyncoptated, failed musicians believe a football stadium is an appropriate place to practice their caterwauling? It's not clever, it's not amusing. It's bad enough having to put up with the musak cr*p they pipe out over the tannoy & laughingly describe as entertainment (sic) without some drongo playing selective notes from the Post Horn Gallop in one's ear. In my youth such sadsters were made to don pseudo militaristic uniforms & march the streets of South Bristol each Sunday morning, post church parade, & it is reflective of the current malaise in British society that they no longer command the derision they once attracted.

Sheff Wed profess themselves to be the best of a rum bunch, though at The Gate recently I felt compelled to ask them, in my most undulcet tone, to, "change the ######ing tune!"

Just don't get me started on the continental trend for air-horns.......



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Guest d_hardingbcfcband

Question mr BTR FTG are u a musician??? We are not failed musicians thank you very much. If it wasnt for us there would BE NO NOISE at the gate! Even when we aint playin there is no noise. So why dont u start singing before critiscin.

Oh yeah the brass formed after tlk with the community dept after the suceess of shefield weds and shortly after the drummers thought we should all unite to make the noise carry. This did succeed at first why?? becuase PEOPLE WERE SINGIN AND JOININ IN NOT sitting ON THEIR BACKSIDES moanin about the performance. We can only get better if we get behind the lads so stop citicsin others and lets all join IN TOGETHER STARTING ON SAT!COME ON U REDS!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The same Sheff Wednesday band that most Sheff Wednesday fans want gone. Sorry lads, It was fun when I lasted but you have been a major factor in the death of the Atyeo. I should know, I was sat in there during its slow, sad decline

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"Question mr BTR FTG are u a musician??? "

No Mr. D-HardingBCFCband I am not, which I suppose fully qualifies me to join your merry troop ! What you short of, triangle or cor anglais ?

Unlike you I lived the days of singing, when people would invent new chants every other week, each in turn vindictive or humerous. Like all youth at the time, I joined in. It is true that, these days, I don't sing as much. I've aged & if you look around The Gate you'll note a correlation between those that sing & the extent to which their hairlines have receeded. Feel free to ask - I'm a virtual slaphead. Then again, City fans haven't had that much to sing about of late & the asinine, tiresome monotone of 'garden sheds' & 'microwaves' I find somewhat demeaning. Oh yes, there's also that infernal racket from the corner of the Ateyo to contend with...........

On a serious note & for any of you who are third year sociology undergradutes, what better a final thesis than 'The decline of the terrace chant within football- The decline of melodies in popular music on which chants were based'? They may have been, as their name implied, Middle of the Road though 'Chirpy, Chirpy, Cheep, Cheep' will forever live on in terrace mythology, something that will never be said of the aptly named Ludacris..........



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Guest east_dundry_red

Before you all start moaning about the drums. Those of you that sit in the dolman will be moaning soon as i plan on taking my drum in there.

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I think that there is a difference between a drum and a whole band.

If used to good effect one, maybe two drums can create an atmosphere. When used it can start of songs well and then drop into the background after.

However, with the band being there it is too much. We get to hear pointless songs with no reference to City being played for long periods of the game.

They might try and create an atmosphere but with a few drums - maybe one in the Ateyo and one in the Dolman I think that it would be a lot more effective.

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The enthusiasm and dedication of the band is to be applauded, (not so their collective sense of rhythm and pitch, but hey, long live the punk ethos).

The problem is that, at times, they actually stop people from singing. So often a rousing rendition of Keep The Red Flag... is killed dead by the interruption of Pigbag or somesuch. Other times the band will join in with a song but in an entirely different key, making it impossible to continue singing without deteriorating into a hilarious Les Dawson-type fiasco. So band members, you know what to do.

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