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Ikea Floodlight

Guest lydneyred

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Guest lydneyred

Right now there is a "ceremony" taking place at Ikea with past and present footballers attending. The last floodlight from when the stadium was there is being taken down this morning.

Does anyone know why that one was left there, when the others were taken down?

Also what are they planning on doing with it?

I know this forum is about City but as its supposed to be part of Bristol's football history according to some reports I just wondered.

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I believe they are now removing it because its becomming dangerous - They are auctioning off each spot light with the procceds going to charity (I think)

"My god, what a large vagina, my god, what a large vagina"

"Ok Doctor, I know! You don't have to say it twice"

"I didn't!" :(

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