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City's Most Expensive Waste Of Space


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In light of Bosko Baliban leaving Villa & having cost them £34K for each & every minute he played for them on the park, it set me thinking who City's most expensive flop must have been. Transfer values plus wages, divided by minutes on the park. Doubtless, by maths alone, Thorpe must be up there somewhere though I'd never consider him a 'flop'. Personally I'd start the ball rolling by suggesting either Martin Kuhl or Glen Pennyfather.

Who do you reckon?



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Agree about Matthews, but not about Dyche. A good player who played through a serious injury during his time with us and ended up getting some very unfair stick as a result. He's since gone on to be a consistently good performer at Div 1 level.

In terms of a poor return for money paid, Paul Holland would be right up there - even though he did put in some good performances.

But surely the winner of the 'beggar all for a lot of money' prize would have to be Paul Mortimer. My meory is a bit hazy, but didn't he cost about half a million pounds, and only end up playing 28 games?

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6)Mark Shail - Cost us £50'000 was regarded as the finest defender in the first division for a while

7)Wayne Allison - Scored over 20 goals in his last season for us, you must have been about 8 when he played for us?

Mark Shail - certainly not in our top 10 donkeys of all time. Looked good early on when he first signed from Yeovil(??) but after the honeymoon period he was In my opinion unconvincing.

The chief? Nah - ol' Wayner would waltz back into our current starting 11.

Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

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Matthews, Lavin, Mortimer, Steve Jones (one season doesn't make a £275,000 fee) would top the list in recent years. Through no fault of their own Holland and Mercer can go down too.

Shail and Allison were both great for us in reply to whoever listed them. Who can forget Wayne's part in the defeat of Liverpool and generally around that time. He's still doing the business for Sheffield United today. "Chief! Chief! Chief!"

Shail wasn't the best defender in the world but he wasn't the worst either and he didn't cost us much.

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Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

Oh Wayny Wayny!!

Wayny, Wayny, Wayny, Wayny Allison

Now that was a song! great memories.

Division One, Open End, The Wedlocks (upstairs bar) before they renovated it, Crowd Surges...Oh and an atmosphere at games, anyone else remember that?

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Has to be Steve Jones, close to half a million transfer fee and no doubt high wages. Also Bo Anderson, was it 2-3 appearances before being sold for £12,000?

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Guest SuttonRed

Cant agree only the Allison thing!

Not the prettiest player to watch but very efffective.

As for how much he cost I can't remember, but Ian Baird was dreadful for those that recall.

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Guest Top Corner

As already stated Ray Atteveld most be near the top of the list. Scorer of a contender for one of the best own goals of all time, from the best part of 30 yards out. Away at the Old then I think. Danny Baker mentioned it on 6-0-6 that evening I seem to recall. Didn't care that we had beaten his team that day, but more concerned with the fact that he had seen one of the classic own goals.

Bo Anderson. I remember watching his debut up at Barnsley. Trudging all the way up to Barnsley for a midweeker in the last relegation season, only to be greeted with a goalkeeper who, on the evidence of that night, didn't know the first thing about how to catch a football. It even made you wonder whether he had ever seen a football before that evening!

Although probably not a bad player, you could hardly say we got value for money for Vilmos Seebok. Another player who signed in our last relegation season, who was an international player when he signed for us. Didn't take too long for him to be dragged down to our level though. Another contender for own goal of all time, after his back pass at Wolves found it's way past Stevie Phillips.

Plenty of contenders for City's most expensive waste of space. Thorpe, considering what we spent on getting him here and alledgely forked out in wages, must rank high up the list if you were looking at players who gave the least value for money. However, there's little doubt that in the present climate, Thorpe is going to remain our last million pound signing for a very long time to come!!

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Never forget,

Gus Caesar

Richard Dryden

Lowie Donowa

Craig Fagan(loan)

Carl Hutchings

Lee Matthews

Gordan Owen(oh my god, has anyone ever been so costly with his mistakes)

Liam Robinson

Paul Tisdale

Julian Watts(as bad as it gets)

and a certain long blonde curly haired git that Joe Jordan bought from Gillingham, who had played for Man Utd, and was the biggest tart that ever played for us. Memory seems to have blanked out his name.

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Lowie Donowa

I remember him scoring a blinding diving header against the gas in about 1992 or 93 i think it was - in the 89th minute, right infront of the away end which made it even more sweeter!! ;) We won 1-0 that day!!!


How can you rubbish a man who did that to the gas... shame on you!!! :(

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Guest Top Corner
and a certain long blonde curly haired git that Joe Jordan bought from Gillingham,  who had played for Man Utd, and was the biggest tart that ever played for us. Memory seems to have blanked out his name.

..... I'm sure you mean the one and only, Scott Mcgarvey. No idea if we bought him from Gillingham, but let's just say, there have been just slightly one or two better forwards to put on the shirt over the years!!

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That's the bugger, Scott McGarvey. How I loved to hate him. As for Lowie Donowa, I went all the way to Newcastle to watch him miss a sitter in a #### 0-0 draw. The goal against the gas was special, but so was the night. Some of their supporters wound up the City fans by booing through the minutes silence in respect for Des Williams, and then we were out to pay them back, although it took a late Donowa goal to do it after pummeling them for 88mins. 1 goal doesn't make him special as there were another 10 men out there that night that did their bit as well.

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Gerrard Lavin anyone? :Confused13:

I seem to remember in a certain home game him turning to play a 40 yard back pass to our keeper (Probably Steve Phillips or Billy Mercer?) and it landing about 20 yards away from the keeper, going out for a corner. What a waste of money he was. Was his last game at Reading?

Paul Mortimer and Carl Hutchings are other ones, and agreed that while Steve Jones came good for about half a season, the couple he wasted was at too great a cost.

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Guest leveller

Who was that hopeless Scandinavian we bought for £1/2m at the same time as paying £1m for Akinbiyi? Danish international - a Danish pastry would have been tastier

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Paul Mortimor wasnt that bad a player, he actually had a very good left foot and would have been a decent player had it not been for the idiot Pullis making him play while already injured!!

My shout would be Baird !

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We have bought some #### players for sure but if we are talking about their comparative value, i.e. how much they cost compared to their real value. I would go for Steve Jones, Ray Atteveld and probably Tony Fitzpatrick (fits'n'starts) 230k was a huge amount of money then for a man who's only talent seemed to be go sideways across the pitch.

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Never forget,

Gus Caesar

Richard Dryden

Lowie Donowa

Craig Fagan(loan)

Carl Hutchings

Lee Matthews

Gordan Owen(oh my god, has anyone ever been so costly with his mistakes)

Liam Robinson

Paul Tisdale

Julian Watts(as bad as it gets)

and a certain long blonde curly haired git that Joe Jordan bought from Gillingham,  who had played for Man Utd, and was the biggest tart that ever played for us. Memory seems to have blanked out his name.

I'm amazed no-one mentioned hulking lardarse Steve Johnson. We bought him from Wigan in 1985 for something like 80k(?) and he was our first "big money" signing after being skint for years. He was a lumbering carthorse centre forward who never cut the mustard and was offloaded a year later. A big flop.

Scott McGarvey was the blond frontman who was so concerned about his hairdo he didn't want to head the ball in case it messed up his curls. He was, quite possibly, the worst player I've ever seen in a City shirt. Only Garry Stanley and Gus Caesar come close. The fact Stanley came to us from Wichita Wings of Canada and went to Gosport Borough when he left says all you need to know about him. Whether he managed a single accurate pass in the intervening year remains a matter of debate.

But you can't possibly include Torpey, Wayne Allison or Mark Shail. Shail was absolute quality until his injury - the sort of cool, classy defender I love to see. Torps was key to our promotion - just look how many of his goals won us points.. It's actually quite surprising. And The Chief improved throughout his time here.

You also can't include Gordon Owen. The guy was a class winger, scored loads of goals and was a joy to watch. Sure, he cocked up a couple of crucial penalties btu he contributed enormouslyt in his time here before, if my memory serves me right, his missus draged him back oop north.

How the Hell anyone can include Louie Donowa is another mystery to me. He was a superb passer, a great winger. And how can you castigate the bloke who scored a last minute winner against The Gas to end our drought against them? The guy's a hero.

Bo Andersen was out of shape when he got here and never proved his worth. For me, the jury's still out on Dyche. I'm not disputing his quality as a player, but what

did he actually contributed while he was here, for whatever reason?

Julian Watts was ####, as was Dryden (how did we ever offload him to Southampton?)

Jones never made himself worth the outlay, because his renaissance was too short to make up for the wasting he did beforehand. Matthews still has time to redeem himself.

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The goal against the gas was special, but so was the night. Some of their supporters wound up the City fans by booing through the minutes silence in respect for Des Williams,

Now i remember why i hate the gas so much, the "family club" supporters showed their upmost respect that night by booing through a minutes silence.

Not sure about expensive but here is my Waste of Space top 10

10..Liam Robinson

9....Ian Brown

8....Ian Baird

7....Ray Atteveld

6....Bo Anderson

5....Paul Tisdale

4....Paul Mortimer

3....Steve Jones

2....Trevor Morgan :)

1....Gus Ceasar :ph34r:

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Guest profplum86

craig fagan.......if we had to pay for his transport from birmingham to here, we payed far to much, i would rather see a llama play for us then him.

for people we have actually brought i think its unfair to say lee matthews, when he has more then 3 working body parts (once or twice a year) he usually playes pretty well.

steve jones was a bit of a flop.

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Perhaps not overly expensive but definitley a waste of space :

Alan Hay - left sided defender [sic] early 80's

Tony Caldwell - signed from Bolton in 87 - a forward my ***e . Did score 5 for Bolton in one game and played against us in 86 Freight Rover Final

Brian Mitchell and David Thomson - 2 goddam awful defenders signed by Dennis Smith in the summer of 92

Ian Baird - the biggest insult in 36 years of supporting City .... we sold Cole and in the summer of 93 signed him as a "replacement". Threw a "v" sign at the crowd in one game I seem to recall

Countless loan players over the years with the possible exception of Robert Fleck - signed by JJ in Dec 94 and played to end of Feb - would have stayed up that year if we could have afforded to keep him which we could have done had City included a sell on clause in the Cole transfer. When he went to Man Utd in Jan 95 if City had a 25% sell on it would have brought in c£1.5m [blame Les Kew for that one !!]

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Gerard Lavin for me, his antics on his debut put a bad name to the club and he still got paid for sitting around doing nothing he is one of the players I despise of most in the same bracket as Mr 'I'm to good for you' Rosenior. if I was manager at he would have been gone that Monday after and on a final note whatever happened to Mr Lavin then? :Confused13:

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can think of eight candidates:

(Jason?)Tisdale, Steve Jones, David Seal, Sean Dyche, Carl Hutchings, Vilmos Sebok, Ray Atteveld, and Gerard Lavin, stars one and all, I've forgotten the #### ones before then, so they will do.

Wayne Allison, Never -did some good thangs down here.

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