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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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I think this is brilliant by the EP, such an embarrassing story for Rovers anyway, now it's front page news!!


I might have thought that it was a brilliant move by the EP to show the 15ers up, except they ran that story the other day saying that Higgs looks like grumpy cat.


Joke of a paper.

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Sounds like desperation is setting in, Higgs 'bet the farm' in an attempt to make himself eternally popular amongst the majority of their support who only seem to want to get 'one up' on us.

So now it's a case of "**** it! Get anyone to pay for it, who cares if we have to hand over naming rights and pay rent? Get the Yanks in, get the Arabs in....anyone with a few quid even if it means asking ******* SHITHEADS!!!"

Don't think so somehow....


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Ok, what's the consensus, will they appeal or not?

I think they will.


I think they will.  Higgs is a certain type of businessman - an emotional one.  In smaller companies this level of self-belief and wanting things works brilliantly.  When it gets bigger and more complicated then rules are involved and just because your ego says you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it.  He'll be shouting and banging the table in his total conviction that he is right and deserves to win; the rest of the board will go along with it, the lawyers will encourage him because they'll get another big payday, and they will lose again.


I worked at one medium-sized company which had been built by the efforts of one man, yet ultimately his conviction that he could do no wrong nearly bankrupted the company through some big loss-making contracts he had signed up to; it got taken over with one big condition - that he left.

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The strange thing about all this...when they were set to make an announcement about their plans for a new stadium at UWE, the rumour mill on here went into overdrive suggesting that this mysterious upcoming announcement could be about Rovers possibly going into administration.

Several years later, we've nearly gone full circle on this subject.

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Sounds like desperation is setting in, Higgs 'bet the farm' in an attempt to make himself eternally popular amongst the majority of their support who only seem to want to get 'one up' on us.

So now it's a case of "**** it! Get anyone to pay for it, who cares if we have to hand over naming rights and pay rent? Get the Yanks in, get the Arabs in....anyone with a few quid even if it means asking ******* SHITHEADS!!!"

Don't think so somehow....


Sag: Got any spare change for a new ground please you Sh**head ****?


Sheed: :laugh:. Umm...No.

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The front page of the Bristol Post this morning is the gas note left in the Sainsbury's trolley.


The Bristol Post is just as much of an embarrassment to this city as the 15ers.

See, they ought to leave it alone. It might be construed as insitement ! For the majority of gappers without PCs/social media wouldn't they be saying "Great Ideal" ?

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I just mentioned the name Nick Higgs in conversation to a sag the other day and they jumped straight down my throat. Typically touchy. It wasn't even in jest!


The problem with Sags is that they are like your kid brother....an absolute pain in the arse who wants everything that you have got and always feel hard done by. Then they kick off because their jealous rage takes over and then when daddy comes along to sort it out they exclaim that "they don't care" and "it was HIS fault not MINE".


Hopefully not too long now for social services to come along and have the little runny nosed ****er adopted!

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I'll put a tenner in for that


If only there was a local cause looking for money that we could give half the money collected to.....anyone got any ideas?

How about the WWI Memorial Fund to keep the Memorial Stadium as a sacred place for the fallen?

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I think they will.  Higgs is a certain type of businessman - an emotional one.  In smaller companies this level of self-belief and wanting things works brilliantly.  When it gets bigger and more complicated then rules are involved and just because your ego says you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it.  He'll be shouting and banging the table in his total conviction that he is right and deserves to win; the rest of the board will go along with it, the lawyers will encourage him because they'll get another big payday, and they will lose again.


I worked at one medium-sized company which had been built by the efforts of one man, yet ultimately his conviction that he could do no wrong nearly bankrupted the company through some big loss-making contracts he had signed up to; it got taken over with one big condition - that he left.


Now which recent BCFC manager does that remind us of? And which German Chancellor?

Edited by Aizoon
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So they want us to have a whip around whilst in 1982 they tried to steal AG from under our noses. If they wanted to rely upon our generosity perhaps they should have reciprocated it. As it happens I consider myself a decent enough chap who supports a few causes... I wouldn't give them the steam from my ****


As for an appeal I personally wouldn't bet on it.

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So they want us to have a whip around whilst in 1982 they tried to steal AG from under our noses. If they wanted to rely upon our generosity perhaps they should have reciprocated it. As it happens I consider myself a decent enough chap who supports a few causes... I wouldn't give them the steam from my ****


As for an appeal I personally wouldn't bet on it.


Why did the filter star out 'kettle'? :P

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I don't think they will appeal it, it's all bluster from Higgs

First off they can't afford it

And second off you can only appeal how the judgement is made of there is a fall and we've all seen the document and she has given good reasons why she came up with that verdict

Sainsburys have contract law on their side while rovers hav "bad faith" which was proven that it wasn't the case,

Rovers beef seems to be the weak appeal for the delivery hours on the s.76 something rovers themselves had to sign off on to be submitted

They are banged to rights it's like a kid saying he hasn't eaten your chocolate while his chops are covered in the stuff

But it's typical rovers here shout about it enough and the fans believe it to be true while all the facts point the other way

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We are Bristol Rovers so agents automatically add on an extra 5% or 10% as we are perceived to be a BIG club.



I can see agents thinking "the newest football league club that are on the brink of administration are so big we can add on 10%".  :facepalm:

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Typical form from the squatters.


This from the family bunch who wanted us to die in 1982 so that they could have our ground. "Trashton" they call it.....Honestly, they look more and more stupid every day.


What time are the administrators due? I think I have had just about all the side splitting comedy I can take from this lot.....Like another poster once said....It's like kicking a dead dog.....It's just cringe worthy and embarrassing for Bristol. Would some creditor please put this terminally ill club out of it's misery?!!!

Wouldn't give them the use of a second hand bog roll yet alone a financial donation of any sorts, unfortunately some of our fans have short memories when it come the the antics of the so called family club, I remember 1982 very well, the way in which BRFC and their fan base conducted itself in aiding a fellow club survive going out of business.

Every time we get anything they whinge that anybody, everybody, even us shit heads should bend over backward to ensure they get it too, difference being they don't want to or can't pay for it, yet the minute it looks like we may get a bit of help they start polls/lobby's , write letters etc.

**** em, quicker they go bust the better.

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I think they will.  Higgs is a certain type of businessman - an emotional one.  In smaller companies this level of self-belief and wanting things works brilliantly.  When it gets bigger and more complicated then rules are involved and just because your ego says you want something doesn't mean you're going to get it.  He'll be shouting and banging the table in his total conviction that he is right and deserves to win; the rest of the board will go along with it, the lawyers will encourage him because they'll get another big payday, and they will lose again.


I worked at one medium-sized company which had been built by the efforts of one man, yet ultimately his conviction that he could do no wrong nearly bankrupted the company through some big loss-making contracts he had signed up to; it got taken over with one big condition - that he left.



Looks like we could be right...He has recovered from the decision and has had discussions with his legal team and appears to be of a mind to appeal the decision. He appears bullish in the clubs chances but all I will say is that if his legal team are so confident, perhaps they will mount a no win/no fee appeal. He did tell us that Sainsbury would not be able to give any evidence in any such appeal and there are two points of appeal and we only need to win one of those points to overturn the verdict in our favour. Perhaps, a fellow Gashead who was also present could confirm the finer details.

Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/3600/higgs-on-points-west?page=6#ixzz3g3mr2EDp

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Is this a newspaper or an end of term project by a junior school?

Hardly "revenge" is it..?!

That is one of the worst pranks I've ever heard of!

Do they really think sainsburys give half a toss..?!

Edited by Bar BS3
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Can they actually afford an appeal tho?

Didn't they take out the Wonga loan partly to fund the original case? If so they will struggle to refinance that and fund an appeal.

One of these days their board will wake up and find they are trading insolvently.

They are just digging a deeper & deeper hole for themselves.

It is hilarious.

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I might have thought that it was a brilliant move by the EP to show the 15ers up, except they ran that story the other day saying that Higgs looks like grumpy cat.

Joke of a paper.

That was a typical Post typo.

Meant to say Higgs was a grumpy tw**

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Either Gas or Evil are welcome to fill their boots with this image such they can do a 'before and after' comparison of the image 'Coin Gluer' posted the other day. Beware the power of The Gas - The 'Guess what happens when you mess with The Rovers ?' headline.

Makes a change from 'Easton Man Sees Dog Cross Road' exclusive....

(It'll allow Sainsbury's the opportunity to post their own image of the even more extensive store they've opened down the road..... Yes, I said huge new store just opened..) ??

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The inside man alludes otherwise.....

With respect, he wouldn't know what I know.

Don't get me wrong they are in a very bad place financially and Higgs is being irresponsible, naive at best, but there is light at the end of the tunnel even if they lose in the court of appeal.

People predicting this is the beginning of the end for the sags will be disappointed I think...

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With respect, he wouldn't know what I know.

Don't get me wrong they are in a very bad place financially and Higgs is being irresponsible, naive at best, but there is light at the end of the tunnel even if they lose in the court of appeal.

People predicting this is the beginning of the end for the sags will be disappointed I think...


There, I told you the Merchant Venturers would step in.

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With respect, he wouldn't know what I know.

Don't get me wrong they are in a very bad place financially and Higgs is being irresponsible, naive at best, but there is light at the end of the tunnel even if they lose in the court of appeal.

People predicting this is the beginning of the end for the sags will be disappointed I think...

While you were right about most things kid didn't you say that rovers had a strong case and win? Is it the same person giving you info as that?
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With respect, he wouldn't know what I know.

Don't get me wrong they are in a very bad place financially and Higgs is being irresponsible, naive at best, but there is light at the end of the tunnel even if they lose in the court of appeal.

People predicting this is the beginning of the end for the sags will be disappointed I think...

Light at the end of the tunnel? How so? Is someone else looking to step in?

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While you were right about most things kid didn't you say that rovers had a strong case and win? Is it the same person giving you info as that?


He meets him in an underground car-park. The guy's codename is Deep Throat.


I cannot reveal who it is either, but all I know is he's tubby and often carries a bottle of Chianti about with him....

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