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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

Yes, he should.

He didn’t say “nuclear holocaust” though. did he?

He said holocaust, which is the term that’s used to describe the attempted annihilation of the Jews in Europe.

 It is incredible that people don’t understand this or why it is so offensive.

He said "a holocaust" not the Holocaust.

Like others, can't stand the man and not really wanting to defend him, but  I would describe his comments as mis-informed.

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2 minutes ago, zippycar said:

He said "a holocaust" not the Holocaust.

Like others, can't stand the man and not really wanting to defend him, but  I would describe his comments as mis-informed.

But out of all the words to describe players having a mare that’s the one he chooses to use? It was always going to be controversial 

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3 hours ago, zippycar said:


Be that as it may, when the term “holocaust” is mentioned, the genocide of the Jewish people is the first thing that comes to the mind of the vast majority of us surely? And he should know that.

Nevertheless, I’d put this down to being a senseless and ill informed remark rather than him trying to be out right offensive. An apology should suffice, then we should draw a line under it. 

I think Wendy has really let herself down here though. Usually a very well mannered and pleasant poster, but that was a nightmare..

Edited by Wanderingred
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I don’t understand why people are trying to defend or play down what he said. It is not that the word ‘Holocaust’ is banned, or is a swear word, it’s the awfulness fo the comparison.

As quoted above, the Holocaust refers to the systematic annihilation of an entire race in Europe. Millions were deliberately killed. A nuclear holocaust refers to the complete annihilation following nuclear explosions. 

A bad performance by a footballer is not comparable. It’s not even similar. It belittles the suffering endured during the 1930s-40s to say that a highly paid sportsman misplaced a few passes over a 90 minute period. 

For that reason saying a player had a ‘Hiroshima’ is just as insensitive and offensive. The nuclear blast was so hot and bright that all that remained of some people was a shadow. To think that that evisceration can be equated to not having a good game is shocking. 

WendyRedRedRobin’s comment is the worst of the lot. 

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Barton’s comment isn’t going away and the media are rightly condemning it and demanding a statement, is only to get stronger. Problem for Wally is if he sacks Barton for saying it , he’ll have to pay his contract and as awful as his comment was , it’s probably not a breach of contract. Wally doesn’t have the money to sack him, and probably why radio silence from rovers in issuing a statement. Wally’s head appears to be fully in the sand, with fingers in ears saying ‘please go away’. 

This is two issues involving Barton now since his appointment, the alleged assault on his wife and now this. Add to the already alleged assault against a fellow manager prior to joining the club. Not many clubs would have taken Barton on, no one would be keeping him, with two assault trials on their way and now this comment.  

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54 minutes ago, Maesknoll Red said:

All - when you think something is offensive or inappropriate don’t keep bloody quoting it, just report it!  Easier to remove one post than many that needlessly quoted the content.

Noted and, of course, that makes sense.

I must confess, I was one of the guilty ones who quoted the post when registering my disgust at its content.

Nevertheless, I maintain my hope that, when @wendyredredrobin wakes up this morning, he (or she?) apologises.

You will not be surprised to know that the quote made it to GasChat, where it has received thr expected responses.


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1 hour ago, BrightCiderLife said:

I don’t understand why people are trying to defend or play down what he said. It is not that the word ‘Holocaust’ is banned, or is a swear word, it’s the awfulness fo the comparison.

As quoted above, the Holocaust refers to the systematic annihilation of an entire race in Europe. Millions were deliberately killed. A nuclear holocaust refers to the complete annihilation following nuclear explosions. 

A bad performance by a footballer is not comparable. It’s not even similar. It belittles the suffering endured during the 1930s-40s to say that a highly paid sportsman misplaced a few passes over a 90 minute period. 

For that reason saying a player had a ‘Hiroshima’ is just as insensitive and offensive. The nuclear blast was so hot and bright that all that remained of some people was a shadow. To think that that evisceration can be equated to not having a good game is shocking. 

WendyRedRedRobin’s comment is the worst of the lot. 

If it were someone with no history of violence, abuse, controversy, then I could understand it and could accept if they had mispoke and actually apologised for it,

Then they could be forgiven and moved on

But no this is convicted criminal joey Barton who has a history of this sort of thing

He didn't mispeak and what makes it worse is rovers doing nothing about it the same with the lack of comments on his numerous pending court cases,

The club is as guilty as the individual a club with fans that have a history of racist chants are in my opinion also antisemitic 

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1 hour ago, BrightCiderLife said:

I don’t understand why people are trying to defend or play down what he said. It is not that the word ‘Holocaust’ is banned, or is a swear word, it’s the awfulness fo the comparison.

As quoted above, the Holocaust refers to the systematic annihilation of an entire race in Europe. Millions were deliberately killed. A nuclear holocaust refers to the complete annihilation following nuclear explosions. 

A bad performance by a footballer is not comparable. It’s not even similar. It belittles the suffering endured during the 1930s-40s to say that a highly paid sportsman misplaced a few passes over a 90 minute period. 

For that reason saying a player had a ‘Hiroshima’ is just as insensitive and offensive. The nuclear blast was so hot and bright that all that remained of some people was a shadow. To think that that evisceration can be equated to not having a good game is shocking. 

WendyRedRedRobin’s comment is the worst of the lot. 

Indeed. The whole “yes but it’s okay because he didn’t clarify which Holocaust he was talking about” is one of the strangest arguments I have ever seen on these boards.

Everyone’s mind goes to the same place with the word “Holocaust” and - as you say - even a nuclear Holocaust is a deeply in appropriate comparison.

I’m not a big fan of calling for someone to loss their job but comments like this - aside from the PR damage - are massively alienating for any Jewish Rovers fans. At the very least Barton and the club should have quickly and sincerely apologised and Barton should have committed to learning about the seriousness of the Holocaust and why it is utterly inappropriate for glib comparisons.

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Those clamouring for Barton's sacrificial offering might be so kind as to provide a comprehensive list of words, any of which if accidentally and incorrectly used in a single utterance, might automatically demand an individual or organisation's 'cancellation'.

Those who misquote Barton, interpret what they'd like to think he said, or pretend his use of the word holocaust might be construed as making sense within the context of what he said, reveal far more about themselves than the thuggish lowlife they wish cancelled.

Whilst language changes and adapts history should not and must not be rewritten. I see the tw*t Abrahams seeking publicity, others referencing an imagined impact on the Jewish Community. History highlights that multiple cultures across the globe have their own terms for sacrificial offerings, the Jewish have their own but that isn't Holocaust, that word being appropriated from The Greeks and I don't see many referencing Barton alienating the owners of tavernas the length of Gloucester Road, all burning their souvlski to a crisp.  The word isn't Jewish, it isn't owned by the Jewish race or for their exclusive use, though like the West Bank many like to think it is.

Edited by BTRFTG
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1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

Those clamouring for Barton's sacrificial offering might be so kind as to provide a comprehensive list of words, any of which if accidentally and incorrectly used in a single utterance, might automatically demand an individual or organisation's 'cancellation'.

Those who misquote Barton, interpret what they'd like to think he said, or pretend his use of the word holocaust might be construed as making sense within the context of what he said, reveal far more about themselves than the thuggish lowlife they wish cancelled.

Whilst language changes and adapts history should not and must not be rewritten. I see the tw*t Abrahams seeking publicity, others referencing an imagined impact on the Jewish Community. History highlights that multiple cultures across the globe have their own terms for sacrificial offerings, the Jewish have their own but that isn't Holocaust, that word being appropriated from The Greeks and I don't see many referencing Barton alienating the owners of tavernas the length of Gloucester Road, all burning their souvlski to a crisp.  The word isn't Jewish, it isn't owned by the Jewish race or for their exclusive use, though like the West Bank many like to think it is.

Give the 'woke' emergence, it might be easier to list what isn't offensive BTRFTG. ?

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2 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

Those clamouring for Barton's sacrificial offering might be so kind as to provide a comprehensive list of words, any of which if accidentally and incorrectly used in a single utterance, might automatically demand an individual or organisation's 'cancellation'.

Those who misquote Barton, interpret what they'd like to think he said, or pretend his use of the word holocaust might be construed as making sense within the context of what he said, reveal far more about themselves than the thuggish lowlife they wish cancelled.

Whilst language changes and adapts history should not and must not be rewritten. I see the tw*t Abrahams seeking publicity, others referencing an imagined impact on the Jewish Community. History highlights that multiple cultures across the globe have their own terms for sacrificial offerings, the Jewish have their own but that isn't Holocaust, that word being appropriated from The Greeks and I don't see many referencing Barton alienating the owners of tavernas the length of Gloucester Road, all burning their souvlski to a crisp.  The word isn't Jewish, it isn't owned by the Jewish race or for their exclusive use, though like the West Bank many like to think it is.

The problem is lack of empathy from that vile club and human being

While the storm was brewing on Saturday evening and all day Sunday, with Jewish figures criticising, what do rovers do, edit the clip and reupload it, which in itself is an admission of guilt,

Then silence for 3 days, all they had to do was acknowledge it and say sorry

Remember this is the same joey Barton who performed a nazi salute when scoring for Newcastle. 

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25 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

The problem is lack of empathy from that vile club and human being

While the storm was brewing on Saturday evening and all day Sunday, with Jewish figures criticising, what do rovers do, edit the clip and reupload it, which in itself is an admission of guilt,

Then silence for 3 days, all they had to do was acknowledge it and say sorry

Remember this is the same joey Barton who performed a nazi salute when scoring for Newcastle. 

The Gas far from cover themselves in glory but what exactly might they apologise for?

"We're profoundly sorry that our thick as a brick manager uttered a word wholly out of context, rendering meaningless whatever point it was he was attempting to make, so we're sorry that a bunch of sensitive revisionists misinterpreted or provided their own interpretation as to the mistake he made.

As a club we're disgusted by the linguistic inadequacies displayed by our manager. We stand resolute in calling out and highlighting all those educationally challenged."

Is that they type of thing you're suggesting appropriate?

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6 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

The Gas far from cover themselves in glory but what exactly might they apologise for?

"We're profoundly sorry that our thick as a brick manager uttered a word wholly out of context, rendering meaningless whatever point it was he was attempting to make, so we're sorry that a bunch of sensitive revisionists misinterpreted or provided their own interpretation as to the mistake he made.

As a club we're disgusted by the linguistic inadequacies displayed by our manager. We stand resolute in calling out and highlighting all those educationally challenged."

Is that they type of thing you're suggesting appropriate?

Simple, say it was taken out of context and apologise for any offence it caused,

Joey didn't intend to use the term as a reference to the halacaust that took place during the 2nd World War,

End of statement and this thing would of blown over by now, 

But no, they say nothing and let the media storm escalate the same as they did for the court case for domestic abuse 


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Disappointing to even see City fans on here defending it and dismissing it as “woke”, or glibly asking “what words can we use then?”

If you’re describing anything bad that happens as a holocaust, then I’d suggest you need to widen your vocabulary.

It’s quite clearly an offensive term, shown simply by the fact that Rovers rushed to edit it out of their video.

How about people realise that the world has changed over the last few decades from the “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” era, into one where people realise how damaging words can be as well.

Barton’s in a public position and, as such, needs to be extra careful about his language and choice of words. This was a clear slip, which likely demonstrates that he uses the word fairly regularly. I can’t say it’s ever a word that would come to my mind when describing something.

Rovers know it shouldn’t have been used, hence the editing of the video. An apology for using a term offensive to many should be forthcoming  especially from a club that have done a lot of good things this season regarding diversity, inclusion and against domestic violence.

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22 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

The Gas far from cover themselves in glory but what exactly might they apologise for?

"We're profoundly sorry that our thick as a brick manager uttered a word wholly out of context, rendering meaningless whatever point it was he was attempting to make, so we're sorry that a bunch of sensitive revisionists misinterpreted or provided their own interpretation as to the mistake he made.

As a club we're disgusted by the linguistic inadequacies displayed by our manager. We stand resolute in calling out and highlighting all those educationally challenged."

Is that they type of thing you're suggesting appropriate?

Do you include the Jewish people who have expressed their extreme offence at his use of the term in your list of 'sensitive revisionists'?

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7 minutes ago, Dastardly and Muttley said:

Disappointing to even see City fans on here defending it and dismissing it as “woke”, or glibly asking “what words can we use then?”

Not my point at all D and M, I abhor use of the word 'holocaust' vehemently. 

The point I was making is a more general one, that due to 'wokism' there aren't many things that can be said nowadays without some little precious being offended.

My answer? **** 'em! 

Barton should most certainly not have used the term when there are so many more apt adjectives he could have used. Awful terminology by an awful human being!

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I think News Thump on Facebook has it covered ? 


Losing a football match isn’t in any way analogous to the Holocaust, even if you concede more than three goals. But that doesn’t stop Joey Barton from making the comparison.

Bristol Rovers manager Joey Barton has been roundly criticised for comparing poor footballing performance to the Nazi’s systematic murder of six million Jews.

But how does one go about comparing trivial events to one of history’s worst atrocities? Barton talked us through his methodology.

1. Have no idea what the word Holocaust means.

“I just thought Holocaust meant, like, bad,” explained Barton. “Like when you’re doing a fry up on a Sunday morning and you burn your eggs and you say, ‘Ooh, that’s a bit of a Holocaust’.

“The key is to make the analogy so bad that nobody would ever believe that you had the slightest clue what you’re on about.

“For example, if your kid dropped his ice-cream and hundreds and thousands went everywhere, saying ‘Argh, it’s a total Holocaust’ would be a bit too good a comparison because the lost sprinkles would be really similar to all those murdered Jews.”

No Joey, they wouldn’t.

2. Make the comparison in a very public manner.

“I made my apparently insensitive remark when talking to the press after a match – that made sure it would be in all the papers and stuff.

“It’s pointless being an ignorant ******* if no one is there to appreciate it. Just this morning I had an absolute Holocaust of a poo but I kept it to myself because there was no one there to listen.

“Well, apart from the missus who was in the bath.”

3. Branch out into analogies with other crimes against humanity

“If people are getting all arsey about your Holocaust benchmarks then you can start using other war crimes to distract them.

“’Oi ref! That offside decision was like the Rwandan genocide!’ That sort of thing.

“I have no idea who the Rwandan genocide was or why he’s famous but his name rhymes with offside so that’s good enough for me.

“But yeah, I’ve been getting some real flak for the comments I made at the weekend. It’s been quite stressful and incredibly Holocausty.”

Again – no Joey, it really hasn’t.

Edited by Sweeneys Penalties
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1 hour ago, Stortz said:
1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

The Gas far from cover themselves in glory but what exactly might they apologise for?

"We're profoundly sorry that our thick as a brick manager uttered a word wholly out of context, rendering meaningless whatever point it was he was attempting to make, so we're sorry that a bunch of sensitive revisionists misinterpreted or provided their own interpretation as to the mistake he made.

As a club we're disgusted by the linguistic inadequacies displayed by our manager. We stand resolute in calling out and highlighting all those educationally challenged."

Is that they type of thing you're suggesting appropriate?


Do you include the Jewish people who have expressed their extreme offence at his use of the term in your list of 'sensitive revisionists'?

For sure I do. The Jewish Nation has revised history for centuries and continue so to do till today. Why else might they experience such hostility?

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1 hour ago, Monkeh said:

Simple, say it was taken out of context and apologise for any offence it caused,

Joey didn't intend to use the term as a reference to the halacaust that took place during the 2nd World War,

End of statement and this thing would of blown over by now, 

I'd agree that editing the video was a woeful mistake by The Gas media team, they should have left it up in its full glory so as reinforce the tongue-tied thug was speaking garbage, not referencing an event imagined by many.

Say as little as possible but only ever apologise for something you've actually done, not something others imagine you might have done. To do the latter either is admission of wrong doing, else stoking the fire by highlighting to those who can't recognise their arse from elbow that it's they who taken the wrong end of the stick. That never goes down well.

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7 minutes ago, Stortz said:

And there we have it.

Very sad, but not very surprising unfortunately.

You posed a question which I answered. An answer which is neither sad or unfortunate. Pretty much all the Jewish comment I've seen incorrectly references what they believe Barton said not that he said. In the case of the woeful Abrahams he posted his comment under a clip of the original interview. He proclaims himself a reporter (sic) yet somehow misquotes Barton saying something the video proves was never said.

Like Barton I imagine this was an honest mistake by an ignorant person. I don't see Abrahams' head being called for though.

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3 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

You posed a question which I answered. An answer which is neither sad or unfortunate. Pretty much all the Jewish comment I've seen incorrectly references what they believe Barton said not that he said. In the case of the woeful Abrahams he posted his comment under a clip of the original interview. He proclaims himself a reporter (sic) yet somehow misquotes Barton saying something the video proves was never said.

Like Barton I imagine this was an honest mistake by an ignorant person. I don't see Abrahams' head being called for though.

When somebody shows you what they are, you should always believe them. Hence, sad and unfortunate.

I won't debate it with you any further, we'll let your own words speak for you.

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