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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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25 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

................unless, of course, he's any good and we got him for free "!

It will certainly be interesting to see how Wael deals with that one, my bet was that they would say Brown wasn't employed by us at the time of the offence, although seemingly they have gone for the Dominic Cummings/Boris Johnson approach of 'delete, pretend it never happened and everyone will forget about it soon enough'

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18 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

If you mean do the actions of any individuals have a bearing on my support for Rovers, then no . Does that mean I support or condone the actions of those individuals, that's a no as well. I suspect that am no different to 99% of football fans of any club in that respect.


Personally, I doubt the 99%.

We all see club shirts year round, including teams that are relegated, that is the game. You respect that support. It doesn't feel quite the same when a club has gained a reputation for controversy as it kind of associates the wearer with whatever is going on.

As an example, if the England cricket team took some sandpaper onto the pitch to rough up the ball, I would feel embarrassed to support them.

If a rugby team took a vial of fake blood onto the pitch, same applies.

Not direct comparisons, but hopefully you see my point.

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1 minute ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

Personally, I doubt the 99%.

We all see club shirts year round, including teams that are relegated, that is the game. You respect that support. It doesn't feel quite the same when a club has gained a reputation for controversy as it kind of associates the wearer with whatever is going on.

As an example, if the England cricket team took some sandpaper onto the pitch to rough up the ball, I would feel embarrassed to support them.

If a rugby team took a vial of fake blood onto the pitch, same applies.

Not direct comparisons, but hopefully you see my point.

I do see your point, I just don't agree with your boundaries . Do you mind if I ask your age? I just wondered if there is anything in the history of your club that has made you consider stopping your support?

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27 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

I don't have and am not trying to make any case. 

But you do make a well argued case about the treatment of footballers compared to others. Whether or not I agree with somebody I like to acknowledge a well argued post.

The point I dispute is that we may never know the circumstances when they were put before the court.

Anyway let's leave it there. Carry on posting here, at least you know you won't be be banned just for being a Gashead!?


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18 hours ago, Red Army 75 said:

Me personally if you hit a woman you’re a *** end of. Rovers City doesn’t matter. But a quote from Wally regarding the thug you have in charge was along the lines of 

but club president Wael Al Qadi wrote in an open letter that Rovers stood “firmly against any form of violence” and that “any individual that is found guilty of any such offences will be dismissed immediately”.

Well you’re new guy has been found guilty, but hey maybe you’re owner has had a change of heart.

They get a top scorer ,but if he goes down they cancel his contract, don't cost them **** all ! 

They aught to change their motto to ........................

quid pro nihilo        

( something for nothing )

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13 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

I do see your point, I just don't agree with your boundaries . Do you mind if I ask your age? I just wondered if there is anything in the history of your club that has made you consider stopping your support?

No comment! Except I was a youth when the consecutive relegations happened and I really struggled with that.

Being a lot older now I would be able to differentiate bad form on the pitch from something external.

That's something that age hopefully gives us - better judgement. I despise pre planned cheating like the sandpaper and fake blood. In this case Rovers have made a conscious decision, presumably a committee consensus, to take this player on. It could pay off with goals but at a cost off the pitch. Their choice.

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Just now, Open End Numb Legs said:

No comment! Except I was a youth when the consecutive relegations happened and I really struggled with that.

Being a lot older now I would be able to differentiate bad form on the pitch from something external.

That's something that age hopefully gives us - better judgement. I despise pre planned cheating like the sandpaper and fake blood. In this case Rovers have made a conscious decision, presumably a committee consensus, to take this player on. It could pay off with goals but at a cost off the pitch. Their choice.

Okay, probably a similar age to me then. You could call the signing of Brown a lot of things,  but it certainly isn't pre planned cheating. FWIW , I found it odd that Rovers didn't wait for the outcome of the case before making a decision. I assume they were very confident of a non custodial sentence.

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Just now, Miah Dennehy said:

Okay, probably a similar age to me then. You could call the signing of Brown a lot of things,  but it certainly isn't pre planned cheating. FWIW , I found it odd that Rovers didn't wait for the outcome of the case before making a decision. I assume they were very confident of a non custodial sentence.

Yes, my examples were to show an element of bad decisions in slow time compared to flash points.

I think a custodial sentence is irrelevant, it is the reputational damage which is more relevant.

Think of club sponsors, back room employees or the handy man volunteers. More to a football club than the players, culture and respect takes good leadership.

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2 hours ago, The Gasbuster said:

I recall Wayne Rooney wearing a hi-vis and doing some community work.

If it's good enough for him, then it is certainly good enough for this sag "nobody".

It’s all bollocks I remember that time I got drunk over 53467325773377732x and having 13years on said player I never once spat on a girl nor attacked one either ? absolute shambles

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49 minutes ago, SirColinOfMansfield said:

A lot of those headlines scream " Bristol Rovers STAR"      He hasn't kick ed a ball (or woman) for them yet !  He might be the biggest load of crap :fingerscrossed: But on that point, IF he hadn't gone out that night and had stayed in like a good little boy, judging by the first half of the season there would have been no way the Slags could have afforded him...........what, at least three Tilsons!  It's an ill wind etc .

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3 hours ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

Well he won't be the last if society imposes lenient penalties and football clubs turn a blind eye - the whole point of deterrent is lost. What stops another player going out tonight and doing the same if they think it will just cost them a few £k?

According to Gaschat - 'We will rehabilitate him, we have done nothing wrong' etc. Maybe not but if that is how they want to be associated then they should expect a moral backlash too.

Technically and legally ok, morally and reputation wise - terrible news for the club and genuine fans.

For me the way back for this player is to put all his spare time into charitable and community work. It won't be good enough to just be a goal scoring hero. 

I recall Gaschat being VERY pious when we signed Danny Simpson. 

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28 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

I see that Brown has made a statement claiming there was a racial element to the altercation, if that was the case surely the women involved would have been up in court themselves>

Strange he didn’t include it in his defence then?

Or would that be because he’d have to prove it?

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They really are exceptional


"There is one thing that has been overlooked in the report it said the argument started with the doormen and then the women got involved.
If the women hadn't got involved none of this would have happened I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

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1 hour ago, Southport Red said:

I recall Gaschat being VERY pious when we signed Danny Simpson. 

I don't go on it, but I'd imagine if you looked back, what you would find is that some posters were very pious, and that will always be the case as it is with every other form of social media.

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2 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

They really are exceptional


"There is one thing that has been overlooked in the report it said the argument started with the doormen and then the women got involved.
If the women hadn't got involved none of this would have happened I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Ah, good old victim blaming.

And at the risk of repeating myself, if there was other evidence in his favour his lawyer would have put it before the court. So the speculation that there is stuff that doesn't meet the eye is just another attempt to play down his actions.

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52 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

They really are exceptional


"........ I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye."

From the court reports the only thing that met the eye was a slap from his hand unfortunately.

There is always a back story to a headline, a pro sports person shouldn't really have been there at that time of day or that drunk. How far do you wind it back?

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1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

I don't go on it, but I'd imagine if you looked back, what you would find is that some posters were very pious, and that will always be the case as it is with every other form of social media.

Very true Miah, but it contrasts with the rather more conciliatory attitude taken towards Mr Brown. 

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1 hour ago, BCFC11 said:

Some of the comments on here are astounding, but coming from them it comes as no surprise.


Well, I think the tone is slightly better now than when I looked earlier, good to see some Rovers fans are not prepared to listen to excuses. I hope their club listens to them.

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2 hours ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

They really are exceptional


"There is one thing that has been overlooked in the report it said the argument started with the doormen and then the women got involved.
If the women hadn't got involved none of this would have happened I think there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

This is what many of them have become.

What a state!

2 hours ago, chinapig said:

Ah, good old victim blaming.

If you remember, Rovers have already stated publicly in the past that assaulting women is apparently a ‘victimless crime’….can’t be accused of victim blaming if there’s no victim.

5 minutes ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

I hope their club listens to them.

Hahahaha ?

The club clearly doesn’t give a shit.


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As a registered charity, Bristol Rovers Community Trust are able to offer exciting post-16 courses which combine academic studies with a sporting experience. 

The courses delivered by the charity, aim to improve the motivation, confidence and self-esteem of students on the courses and help to create life changing opportunities as students are supported in improving their employability prospects.

To find out more about our courses and speak to the education team, register to attend one of our upcoming open evenings this academic year.


One of our graduates ?

Girls racist to man
Man spits at lady 
Lady pulls his hair
Man slaps lady for racist and pulling his hair. .

Wind your Dam neck in were not all whiter as white as you. 

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Barton's 3 game ban upheld, obviously he didn't have an expensive slimy lawyer to bail him out this time

Barton initially denied two of the three charges before later admitting them and expressing remorse over his actions. 

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2 hours ago, TV Tom said:

Barton's 3 game ban upheld, obviously he didn't have an expensive slimy lawyer to bail him out this time

Barton initially denied two of the three charges before later admitting them and expressing remorse over his actions. 

“I didn’t do it! Okay I did but I’m sorry….let me off please?”

”I didn’t spit or slap that girl twice…okay I did. But I was drunk. Forgive me please?”

“But we submitted planning permission….no it wasn’t accepted before we built the glorified steel tent which was wrong but can we keep it up, please?”

Running theme here. 

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On 08/07/2023 at 09:13, Miah Dennehy said:

I still stand by what I said in my original post btw, there are many, many crimes, committed by all sorts of people, not just footballers and the hypocrisy of the lynch mob knows no bounds, but that's all part of the modern world I'm afraid, along with vacuous meaningless statements put out by corporations, including football clubs, whenever they feel like they should be 'being seen' to be doing something. It's all incredibly depressing. Oh, and one more thing that got my goat, although it could just be me overthinking things. The welcome to Rovers post that was put out for Jevani Brown showed him in the kit with his kids. I don't think I have ever seen a welcome pic like that before, the cynical among us may be tempted to believe that was an attempt to portray him as a 'family man' and that sort of shite really does piss me off.

I don't think Rovers are any better or any worse than any other club at this sort of bollocks. Jevani Brown has been punished by the courts and not one of us will ever really know the circumstances behind what happened that night, but he isn't the first and he certainly won't be the last to be involved in something like this.


Third time you’ve backed him. Just as bad as the rest of them 

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7 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

I haven't 'backed' anyone, try reading what I posted.

I have. You haven’t condemned him have you. Always thought you were a decent poster & always welcome as it’s not North Korea .com like some forums but perhaps I was wrong . Not that Lansdown would entertain it , but I’d be pretty pissed off if we had a manager & player with their history 

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7 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

I have. You haven’t condemned him have you. Always thought you were a decent poster & always welcome as it’s not North Korea .com like some forums but perhaps I was wrong . Not that Lansdown would entertain it , but I’d be pretty pissed off if we had a manager & player with their history 

We signed Danny Simpson, agree it’s maybe not the same as signing someone with an existing case of assault hanging over them but even so, Lansdown has agreed signing someone with ‘history’.

The main difference for me is that I don’t remember any City fans making excuses for Simpson the way lots of slags are making excuses for Brown on Gaschat.


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49 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

We signed Danny Simpson, agree it’s maybe not the same as signing someone with an existing case of assault hanging over them but even so, Lansdown has agreed signing someone with ‘history’.

The main difference for me is that I don’t remember any City fans making excuses for Simpson the way lots of slags are making excuses for Brown on Gaschat.


A lot actually didn't want him associated with the club.

Edited by Taz
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20 hours ago, Jim Davey said:

Good night that was , fnuck off Irene

Use to love being in the old park end back in the day , 

now I’m 30 years older the thought of being at a football match in winter with no roof would have me cussing blind ?

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3 hours ago, steviestevieneville said:

I have. You haven’t condemned him have you. Always thought you were a decent poster & always welcome as it’s not North Korea .com like some forums but perhaps I was wrong . Not that Lansdown would entertain it , but I’d be pretty pissed off if we had a manager & player with their history 

Okay- I think assault is a terrible crime- is that okay? I've made several posts on this subject and one of them mentioned the meaningless statements clubs and companies put out when something like this happens, just so they can be seen to be doing the right thing, it's utter bollocks. Of course I wouldn't defend Jevani Brown doing what he did, who on earth in their right mind would? But I don't buy into all this shite about how this should effect how I support my team. The hypocrisy stinks when it comes to things like this. When Barton was first employed at Rovers a bloke I know(City fan fwiw) was saying it was disgusting we had employed him and how I should be ashamed to be a Rovers fan. Ten minutes later he was chatting and laughing about how he made a teenage Liverpool fan cry when they got him cornered around Ashton at the cup game- and I'm the one who should be embarrassed? nah, I know I'm a half decent bloke, I've done things wrong like we all have, but who Rovers employ isn't a reflection on me just as some bully isn't a reflection on most City fans.

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3 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Okay- I think assault is a terrible crime- is that okay? I've made several posts on this subject and one of them mentioned the meaningless statements clubs and companies put out when something like this happens, just so they can be seen to be doing the right thing, it's utter bollocks. Of course I wouldn't defend Jevani Brown doing what he did, who on earth in their right mind would? But I don't buy into all this shite about how this should effect how I support my team. The hypocrisy stinks when it comes to things like this. When Barton was first employed at Rovers a bloke I know(City fan fwiw) was saying it was disgusting we had employed him and how I should be ashamed to be a Rovers fan. Ten minutes later he was chatting and laughing about how he made a teenage Liverpool fan cry when they got him cornered around Ashton at the cup game- and I'm the one who should be embarrassed? nah, I know I'm a half decent bloke, I've done things wrong like we all have, but who Rovers employ isn't a reflection on me just as some bully isn't a reflection on most City fans.

But you still support a club that’s morally bankrupt & have been for some time. If city had Barton as manager I’d withdraw my support for as long as he was there. 

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1 minute ago, steviestevieneville said:

But you still support a club that’s morally bankrupt & have been for some time. If city had Barton as manager I’d withdraw my support for as long as he was there. 

Pretty meaningless thing to say when you know it's not going to happen though isn't it.

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5 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

But you still support a club that’s morally bankrupt & have been for some time. If city had Barton as manager I’d withdraw my support for as long as he was there. 

You’re not one for the rehabilitation of offenders then?  I think a number of City players have had criminaI convictions over the years, some involving assault.  Would you have advocated the sacking of Bradley Orr and Steve Brooker?

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20 minutes ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

You’re not one for the rehabilitation of offenders then?  I think a number of City players have had criminaI convictions over the years, some involving assault.  Would you have advocated the sacking of Bradley Orr and Steve Brooker?

Obviously I don’t condone violence of any sort . However , a fight in a pub between men is completely different to violence against women . Both Barton & this new signing are repeat offenders . How many chances do you give people . If you listen to under the cosh podcast , Orr goes into the incident & it was one of the worst days of his life . We actually did get rid of the main instigator which you conveniently failed to mention .  

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13 hours ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

You’re not one for the rehabilitation of offenders then?  I think a number of City players have had criminaI convictions over the years, some involving assault.  Would you have advocated the sacking of Bradley Orr and Steve Brooker?

Where is/was Jevanis Brown rehabilitation, is he fully rehabilitated in a few months? How has his attitude changed? Does he still drink alcohol and how does it affect him? Is he on any courses for this rehabilitation - he may have met Barton on one... I have read he received counselling for alcohol issues since 2021, then this happens in 2023 - so please explain how he is now some sort of rehabilitated role model.

Did Brooker or Orr get signed when they had been sacked by their previous club, had just pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman, and had another assault charge hanging over them as well?

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2 hours ago, TheReds said:

Where is/was Jevanis Brown rehabilitation, is he fully rehabilitated in a few months? How has his attitude changed? Does he still drink alcohol and how does it affect him? Is he on any courses for this rehabilitation - he may have met Barton on one... I have read he received counselling for alcohol issues since 2021, then this happens in 2023 - so please explain how he is now some sort of rehabilitated role model.

Did Brooker or Orr get signed when they had been sacked by their previous club, had just pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman, and had another assault charge hanging over them as well?

Brown was also "released" from Peterborough mid-season in 2013 for an off the field incident.


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19 hours ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

You’re not one for the rehabilitation of offenders then?  I think a number of City players have had criminaI convictions over the years, some involving assault.  Would you have advocated the sacking of Bradley Orr and Steve Brooker?

How can you possibly believe fighting with nightclub bouncers is in any way comparable with hitting a woman?

For clarity if we had signed someone who had tried to cash a dodgy cheque in a pub no one would be too bothered about that either.

The Simpson example is much more similar & I consistently posted at the time that we should not have signed him & even if he’d turned out better (the fact he didn’t is actually totally irrelevant here) I would still wish we hadn’t.

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23 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Pretty meaningless thing to say when you know it's not going to happen though isn't it.

Not at all . It’s hypothetical . If you had a daughter that was a victim of violence by a man would you be happy ? But you’d happily support a football club with two men that have a history of it. 

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2 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

Well you are because you haven’t answered or given your opinion on it. You don’t have a opinion on anything hypothetical then ? 

Not really no, I have enough opinions about the real world that upset people, I don't need to add to them :)

I am serious btw, when I get asked hypothetical questions I tend to answer with 'Ask me when it happens'

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On topic…..3rd pre season game for them tomorrow and they’re just a small 8 players away from R Joe’s magic 12 that he decided he needed. To help them finish mid table, get bored, realise they have no budget to go again and then start applying around for jobs. 

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1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Not really no, I have enough opinions about the real world that upset people, I don't need to add to them :)

I am serious btw, when I get asked hypothetical questions I tend to answer with 'Ask me when it happens'

Hypothetical can be the real world though.

I am decorating at the moment. If I said to my wife 'I am going to paint the front room bright pink, is that ok?' and she said 'ask me when it happens' I would be very surprised. She would of course, instead predict hypothetically that she wouldn't like it.

Not as bad as blue and white quarters, but you get my drift.

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Had a chat with a gas head in the gym who didn’t like my opening comment that “I hear the Russian army are recruiting from Rovers as more convicts there than in Russia”

We then discussed the Brown signing & within a few minutes had gone from I’m not defending him but……… he only slapped her, he was drunk, he was racially abused & had his hair pulled & everyone makes mistakes.  No mention of spitting in her face and how would he feel if that lady was his wife or daughter.  I also said in essence if it was a shit player the club would have released the player if already there as per Wael’s statement pre Barton trial.

The bloke was getting more & more rattled and compared the incident with bankruptcy in 82 with the quote “where were your clubs morals when businesses and players weren’t paid!”

Strange lot at times.


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2 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Had a chat with a gas head in the gym who didn’t like my opening comment that “I hear the Russian army are recruiting from Rovers as more convicts there than in Russia”

We then discussed the Brown signing & within a few minutes had gone from I’m not defending him but……… he only slapped her, he was drunk, he was racially abused & had his hair pulled & everyone makes mistakes.  No mention of spitting in her face and how would he feel if that lady was his wife or daughter.  I also said in essence if it was a shit player the club would have released the player if already there as per Wael’s statement pre Barton trial.

The bloke was getting more & more rattled and compared the incident with bankruptcy in 82 with the quote “where were your clubs morals when businesses and players weren’t paid!”

Strange lot at times.


“At times” is superfluous here. 

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Funny thing memory.

Not to long ago they used to do raffles for the shirt sponsorship. £1k to enter, who do they draw - yup company one of the directors owned.

Good for them having a progressive owner and experienced CEO who evolving the club into prison fc.

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2 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Not really no, I have enough opinions about the real world that upset people, I don't need to add to them :)

I am serious btw, when I get asked hypothetical questions I tend to answer with 'Ask me when it happens'

But you asked a load of hypotheticals yourself earlier, you asked what if it was a scammer who caused heartbreak (what was the scam, how much, who was the victim), extra punishment for assaults on men (what are the assaults you talk of), you asked about certain age groups (what age groups), you asked about drink drivers and drug users (what were the circumstances)?

A lot of hypotheticals as you never gave any actual examples, but you expected people to answer them, yet refuse to answer any you get asked?

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I boiled the piss of a bus nutter gas head by suggesting that the the bulk of Bristolians don’t give a toss about what City did or didn’t do nearly half a century ago. They just see a Championship football club in a modern stadium.

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16 minutes ago, alexukhc said:

I love how their answer every time is “1982” which is the playground equivalent of saying “your mum”

1982 41 years ago, 

Yet a week doesn't go by without them embarrassing themselves, they literally the laughing stock of the entire nation 

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