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Richard Gould

Gillies Downs Leeds

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Have to admit the Shakespeare disavowal is a blow. My impression is that we would if we could but we’ve no money so we can’t. And if we can’t when our manager is kyboshed indefinitely, then that’s grim. Panic spending in January in a desperate bid to stay up seems unlikely. Which just leaves panic and desperation. Think the club is missing a trick here. If they came out clearly with a black and white home truths statement- unable to spend a penny more because of pandemic/FFP, existing personnel, fit, injured, unwell, absolutely the people to get us to next summer, no incoming etc, then 99% of the speculative crap on here would disappear. Think the fans would dig in, make a virtue of necessity, get with the Dunkirk/ Total War vibe, and actually start to value the challenge. 

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3 minutes ago, Bedred31 said:

Think the fans would dig in, make a virtue of necessity, get with the Dunkirk/ Total War vibe, and actually start to value the challenge. 

I don't think a lot would. You only need to have read this forum for a short while to see that. The only thing that would get the whole fan base on board is a season like the last promotion season.

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Sounds like they are fiddling and fretting while Rome burns.

Still if Lansdown worries about how much money he loses on the club now, wait till he sees how many people attend matches and buy merchandise, when the club is in L1.

It sounds like the club admin are in deep denial about how deeply in decline the team is. How likely relegation is. 

Things cannot simply drift on because those in charge don't know what to do.


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That was definitely a different Richard Gould to that one I watched being interviewed with Mike Atherton on sky sports before he became CEO.. A very uninspiring interview because right now the only ones that sound like they give a T**s is us fans what the hell is going on at city everything about the place is uninspiring.. The last 4 years of boring home games the lack of communications the lack of match day atmosphere and now we are down to this, Honestly I'm starting feel my passion for city is fading something has to give surely.

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4 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

He said on paper . That does not translate to a great team on  the field . 

Great Nige interview on this point and the work he had to do at Leicester second time around . ( coaches voice )  

He did say on paper, which is ridiculous. 

4 minutes ago, Sturny said:

Well if they believe that then surely they think NP is doing a poor job?

With that context yes, although in my opinion RG is incorrect in his assessment of the squad. 

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Blimey. Only at City! Ultimately, I feel a little for the Club hierarchy  - what else can they do? Crap after crap no matter what they do.

I am so sorry NP is unwell but he has had COVID twice and now is unwell for who knows how long.  You cannot have the head guy missing so often when running a professional football club. Alarm bells rang when they said he wasn’t attending the Coventry game - and as a manager, you don’t miss games because of a cold so it must be something more serious and long-term.

Reading between the lines, I reckon the club have said to NP to take the next two weeks to get better. They have left the door open but if the illnesses persist, then they will have to move on. Ultimately, they are giving NP every chance but cannot put up with it for ever - and quite rightly so given the results returned thus far.

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Fair play to him for fronting up, but he sounded pretty uncomfortable. Pure PR exercise obviously, but didn’t offer any real insight or answers beyond the obvious corporately delivered customer service style. This ain’t all his fault. He’s just having to do the predictable attempt at allaying the fears and diffusing the growing anger of the fans. Not massively convincing to be honest. Welcome back to the world of football, CEO.

Basically we’re in the shit, it sounds like our manager position is in some doubt due to awful bouts of Covid (and above all else his health is the most important), we have less coaching staff now with a squad who are severely short on confidence, and have little money. Basically out of our (fans) control apart from getting behind them as much as possible (like last 10 minutes v Barnsley) and hoping things turn.

There didn’t sound much of a plan apart from must work harder, imaginitive recruitment, etc. Hmmmm. Surely that’s always been said to be part of executing of the bigger plan. Will be interested to see how they firefight this present crisis. Let’s hope this all has been in discussion over the past couple of weeks and hope they have an interim plan in Nige’s absence. 

On the playing side, the biggest slice of fortune that we can hope for is that our injured players get fit asap and stay fit, then we might at least have a chance to keep a consistent line up and maybe just enough to stay up. Williams, Conway, James, Atkinson, Baker, Semenyo at least can add a bit of aggression or physicality (whether they do is down to them and the coaches - Aaarrrggghhh!!!).

Whatever the outcome, best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to good health for NP.



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1 hour ago, P'head Red said:

Not sure how you managed to come to that conclusion.

I came to the same conclusion.  Gould said they wanted Pearson back, but would not say the Pearson would come back.  The only scenario is therefore that the club is unsure whether Pearson will come back.  He was very careful not to say that Pearson wanted to come back.

Edited by The Dolman Pragmatist
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So we have a squad with play off quality? Exactly what Ashton said repeatedly. It was rubbish then and it's even more the case now.

Gould is, thankfully, a better man than Ashton but he seems to have the same belief that the fans are stupid enough to swallow the party line.


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from the what I heard of the interview was very much stalling for time, sounds like NP won't be back at all and this and international break gives them time to sort out the situation (knowing city done on the cheap and generally ending in failure) a very poor interview that answered nothing and if anything just made the situation worse...

Seems like a bit of a shambles all round still hope NP will be back and will be given what is needed to succeed. But after listening to the interview feel worse than before it no confidence in anything that was said..


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Agree with most comments in that the interview left more questions than answers.   The solution is to work hard to address slide and achieve our aspiration to be a high energy attacking team with our overpaid squad (top 6 budget) 

Having said that, Gould said that we’ve missed Nigels energy/presence since the last international break & makes you question what his attendance has been like due to his ill health over last few weeks ?  Is health a factor in sitting in stand? The key question I suppose is how long can he stay absent for in light of this statement & that’s they key thing we all want to know.  Clearly, the club knows and will have a contingency ready to invoke (you hope).

Equally felt that Gould didn’t come across as particularly impressive but in fairness it was a no win situation for him as so many things up in the air.  Credit for going on as we’d all be saying the club tells us nothing which in essence, I guess he didn’t in this interview.

We all needed a lift after recent results & we didn’t get it.


Edited by Shuffle
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7 hours ago, Desso said:

Questions to ask him.

Have we still got a Chairman?

If allowed, is Steve prepared to back the club in January?

If the manager is away for an extended period, would we get a temporary coach in? cough, cough.

All the usual answers we expected asked about how much and what signings we could expect in January guess what wrong time to try an sign players wont be held to ranom  now where have we heard this before .

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I've not watched or heard the interview but what I've read here and on Twitter sounds concerning. This guy has taken over Ashton and it sounds we're no better off with the only sight of our owner are pictures of him via the internet and the odd tweet from his useless Chairman.

No doubt there will be those who come out with "Get your money out" but I will cheer from the rooftops if and when he sells up.

The bloke never learns

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What is worrying is the players are not only low on quality but low on confidence too, and without a leader that’s not going to get any better.

I thought it wasn’t possible to feel any lower as a fan than the capitulation to Forest and Coventry, but then the club comes out and essentially gives a 15-minute shrug of the shoulders to the supporters. It’s like Henry Winkler’s lawyer character in Arrested Development when he asks the Bluth family: “Right, what’s the plan?”

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12 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Agree with most comments in that the interview left more questions than answers.   The solution is to work hard to address slide and achieve our aspiration to be a high energy attacking team with our overpaid squad (top 6 budget) 

Having said, Gould said that we’ve missed Nigels energy/presence since the last international break & makes you question what his attendance has been like due to his ill health over last few weeks ?  Is health a factor in sitting in stand? The key question I suppose is how long can he stay absent for in light of this statement & that’s they key thing we all want to know.  Clearly, the club knows and will have a contingency ready to invoke (you hope).

Equally felt that Gould didn’t come across as particularly impressive but in fairness it was a no win situation for him as so many things up in the air.  Credit for going on as we’d all be saying the club tells us nothing which in essence, I guess he didn’t in this interview.

We all needed a lift after recent results & we didn’t get it.


Absolutely, but to be fair he could hardly say he & NP have been lumbered with a right mess by Ashton, with players like Palmer & Wells on fortunes that don’t offer us any value at all.

To me the alarm bells sounded when he admitted Nige had long Covid & from there on I thought it was a damage limitation exercise.

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I listened to it, and in fairness twentypence said that the club had set this up - so credit to RG for doing so. GT was pretty direct so no surprise it wasn’t the perfect interview, we can all see how bad it is on the pitch so even the best public speaker would struggle. 

my opinion - health is the most important thing, so fully behind Nige taking time and wish him a speedy, full recovery.  There is very little that the club can say, from an HR perspective, even if he was set to leave. But it wouldn’t surprise me to hear news of him leaving in the next 7 days. There is more to life. 

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I’ve just listened while doing a half arsed gym session. 

I don’t think RG said anything wrong. When pressed on Pearson he said all that he could… that he’d hoped he’d be back. I don’t really see what else he could have said. 

GT also pressed him on what we’re doing to improve, which as CEO, I’m not sure he’s qualified to answer - that’s more a question for Nige. 

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t left me ultra confident, but I’m not sure it’s quite the car crash some are describing. 

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6 minutes ago, Curr Avon said:

If Pearson is on sick leave indefinitely and the club has no plans to recruit another coach, on current evidence do we have any faith in Curtis Fleming to arrest the slide?

I don’t know, in truth.

He has been in charge for 3 games, one of which we won.

His background includes coaching at other Championship clubs as well as us (Bolton. QPR, Boro) so he certainly possesses a better CV than say Holden.

To me though with a fortnight between games it all depends on the prognosis with Pearson because if it is long Covid then we have to look at replacing Pearson, not someone standing in for him.

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8 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

I’ve just listened while doing a half arsed gym session. 

I don’t think RG said anything wrong. When pressed on Pearson he said all that he could… that he’d hoped he’d be back. I don’t really see what else he could have said. 

GT also pressed him on what we’re doing to improve, which as CEO, I’m not sure he’s qualified to answer - that’s more a question for Nige. 

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t left me ultra confident, but I’m not sure it’s quite the car crash some are describing. 

So if it's not Gould's job and Nige is too ill to do his what do we do to improve?

If it's not been collectively agreed already we are well and truly stuffed.

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i read it as the reigns have been handed over to curtis fleming for the unforseeable, now he can try what he thinks best without being worried about being frowned upon by anyone for his decisions, good luck to him,we know he knows how to win a game, hes got a 30% win rate of games so far .

in the meantime,nige can recover without worrying about anything being on his shoulders,win win for both of them. get well soon NP, i hope to see him back and the pair of them be successful at city, just got to hope the players trust CF now

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I’m sorry… I admit I ain’t the brightest cookie in the jar… but.. what the xxxx does Gould do? What is his actual role? Did he play football?;  had he managed a football team?; had he had dealings with footballers agents?… sorry I may be completely wrong but as I see it… WTF??



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1 minute ago, bristol red said:

I’m sorry… I admit I ain’t the brightest cookie in the jar… but.. what the xxxx does Gould do? What is his actual role? Did he play football?;  had he managed a football team?; had he had dealings with footballers agents?… sorry I may be completely wrong but as I see it… WTF??



You know who his dad is I assume? 

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4 minutes ago, bristol red said:

I’m sorry… I admit I ain’t the brightest cookie in the jar… but.. what the xxxx does Gould do? What is his actual role? Did he play football?;  had he managed a football team?; had he had dealings with footballers agents?… sorry I may be completely wrong but as I see it… WTF??



He comes from a footballing family (his Dad & brother were pros), he didn't play professionally himself. He is a sporting adminstrator. His role is CEO. He will have had dealings with sports agents through a long career in sports administration, he will continue to speak to agents by virtue of being the CEO of a Championship football club.

Edited by GlastonburyRed
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5 hours ago, bristol red said:

Well.. as I see it… what a waste of effing time, crap, money… like Ashton before… jobs for the boys… give control to a proper ex footballer DOF and sort the shit out… ( sorry rant over! )

The point is Richard Gould is fulfilling his role as CEO whereas Mark Ashton was trying to be a DoF. Ashton was doing it wrong Gould is doing it right. If he choses to appoint a DoF then that is different, but as CEO he is there to lead the admin side of the operation, not the football.

What Is Chief Executive Officer (CEO)?
A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company. Broadly speaking, a chief executive officer’s primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations. In many cases, the chief executive officer serves as the public face of the company. 


Edited by CiderJar
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So short version; NP like the squad and club are not "fit for purpose" atm. The next transfer window may be our only hope but dont hold your breath as we have no spare money.

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Just listened to the first 5 mins states he wants NP back. GT - "And he wants to come back", RG - "I'm sure that's the case".

Not sure where the ambiguity is in that other than he can't speak for Nige, he doesn't know Nige's thought's he just knows what he thinks Nige's thought's are.

the bit that struck me is he said long COVID so I assume that's what it is - he also said "who knows with long COVID"

He is obviously not going to paint himself into a corner and look stupid by saying Nige will be back next week when he doesn't know if it's tomorrow, next week, 3 months or if NP is going to come to the conclusion that his health means he can't do the job.

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5 minutes ago, Pezo said:

Just listened to the first 5 mins states he wants NP back. GT - "And he wants to come back", RG - "I'm sure that's the case".

Not sure where the ambiguity is in that other than he can't speak for Nige, he doesn't know Nige's thought's he just knows what he thinks Nige's thought's are.

the bit that struck me is he said long COVID so I assume that's what it is - he also said "who knows with long COVID"

He is obviously not going to paint himself into a corner and look stupid by saying Nige will be back next week when he doesn't know if it's tomorrow, next week, 3 months or if NP is going to come to the conclusion that his health means he can't do the job.

Wouldn’t there have some conversation with Nige before he went? If there was, Nige wasn’t adamant that he was coming back…I thought RG would’ve have said “yes, of course, all being well”

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3 minutes ago, JonDolman said:

Yep. But when GT said about performances on the pitch he maybe could have used a different example than the Bournemouth game - against the best side in the division. Although it was a shocking performance there are enough other examples against much worse teams he could have used ? easy answer for Gould to say parachute payments on that one.

All mainly quite pointless though isn't it. One guy trying to ask difficult questions and another who is just trying to say whatever safest thing he can think of.

Some questions a waste of time like asking him about how they can play better on the pitch. That's not his job to find solutions for the current players to play better. The video club interview which surely had all questions planned even asked him questions like that which was odd. 

And GT asking him questions he obviously won't answer like what position we will strengthen and Massengo's contract.

So I think the only thing we can take from the interview which is the main thing people tuned in for is that it sounded like Pearson might not be here in the future. Though he didn't answer that one so that's just a guess.

Oh and I think he said we will be in the transfer market in January which is one positive to come from it because it wasn't obvious that would be the case with people saying we don't have any money.

I’m just concerned that Nige won’t be around to oversee the transfers. Who will be in charge of that?

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11 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

Wouldn’t there have some conversation with Nige before he went? If there was, Nige wasn’t adamant that he was coming back…I thought RG would’ve have said “yes, of course, all being well”

I don't know about you but I get pissed off if my directors contacts me when I'm off sick. So no I don't think he would have had a conversation prior to going on, Nige needs to worry about getting better not about a Twentypiece interview.

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4 minutes ago, Pezo said:

I don't know about you but I get pissed off if my directors contacts me when I'm off sick. So no I don't think he would have had a conversation prior to going on, Nige needs to worry about getting better not about a Twentypiece interview.

They would have been talking for sure. Currently going through the paperwork and can't announce his departure just yet perhaps ?, maybe there was a late issue as this whole interview had the whiff of that it was actually set up by the club for another reason as nothing of substance was revealed. Maybe he resigned but they are trying to talk him into staying after a break. Who knows but one thing is for sure we are now in the "worst of all worlds". No manager for weeks/months, a disorganised, demotivated shambles on the pitch, no money to change squad in January and I thought it couldn't get any worse.


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5 minutes ago, Pezo said:

I don't know about you but I get pissed off if my directors contacts me when I'm off sick. So no I don't think he would have had a conversation prior to going on, Nige needs to worry about getting better not about a Twentypiece interview.

Oh, I meant before he went sick. Perhaps they didn’t have a chance, poor chap. 

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3 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

They would have been talking for sure. Currently going through the paperwork and can't announce his departure just yet perhaps ?, maybe there was a late issue as this whole interview had the whiff of that it was actually set up by the club for another reason as nothing of substance was revealed. Maybe he resigned but they are trying to talk him into staying after a break. Who knows but one thing is for sure we are now in the "worst of all worlds". No manager for weeks/months, a disorganised, demotivated shambles on the pitch, no money to change squad in January and I thought it couldn't get any worse.


The first half of your post is all assumptions and conjecture, why would he resign and then RG think oh I know I will go on GT?

My own conjecture - I think you are probably projecting your hopes onto the interview.

The second half - yeah we're ******!

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6 minutes ago, Pezo said:

The first half of your post is all assumptions and conjecture, why would he resign and then RG think oh I know I will go on GT?

My own conjecture - I think you are probably projecting your hopes onto the interview.

The second half - yeah we're ******!

Maybe he had resigned and they had someone lined up and that fell through ?

Yep all guess work as you say but they would have talked for sure, ill or not and that interview was set up for another reason, that is obvious.


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5 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

Oh, I meant before he went sick. Perhaps they didn’t have a chance, poor chap. 

Oh I see, the interview has been organised after NP went off sick.

I think this was organised because of the social media backlash, there have been people on here and twitter asking what our direction is and RG needs to be able to say they aren't hiding.

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1 minute ago, VT05763 said:

Maybe he had resigned and they had someone lined up and that fell through ?

Yep all guess work as you say but they would have talked for sure, ill or not and that interview was set up for another reason, that is obvious.


Hmmm we will have to agree to disagree, I think that interview was organised because fans are looking for answers and were asking the SL, JL and RG to answer questions through social media, RG realised he had to fill the chasm of non information flying around so rather than directly respond on social media and set that expectation he went on GT.

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12 hours ago, The Bard said:

I despair sometimes.  The man volunteered to go on that and fielded a load of questions a lot of which were disingenuous  a lot of which he couldn't say anything and a lot of which isn't his place to answer (eg where do we need to strengthen).


It's called leadership. Fronting up when times are tough.


Ashton would've hid.

100% He can’t give a definitive answer on when NP will be back as. 1 He’s not a doctor 2 it seems he has long covid , so no one knows. 
It’s not RG’s job to talk about on field matters. He’s a CEO not a director of football or manager. 

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9 hours ago, bristol red said:

I’m sorry… I admit I ain’t the brightest cookie in the jar… but.. what the xxxx does Gould do? What is his actual role? Did he play football?;  had he managed a football team?; had he had dealings with footballers agents?… sorry I may be completely wrong but as I see it… WTF??



He’s not a football person. He’s a business man . His job is to run BCFC as a business. He’s nothing to do with the actual  football side of things. 
If you look at the progress he made with Somerset ccc & Surrey ccc you’ll see where his skill set is. 

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28 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

Maybe he had resigned and they had someone lined up and that fell through ?

Yep all guess work as you say but they would have talked for sure, ill or not and that interview was set up for another reason, that is obvious.


No it’s not bloody obvious . Stop with guess work & conspiracy theories. GT said the club got in contact to come on, for one obvious reason. Confusion about why NP isn’t around & the anger of the capitulation of the last week. 
just making stuff up is embarrassing . 

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30 minutes ago, Pezo said:

Hmmm we will have to agree to disagree, I think that interview was organised because fans are looking for answers and were asking the SL, JL and RG to answer questions through social media, RG realised he had to fill the chasm of non information flying around so rather than directly respond on social media and set that expectation he went on GT.

fair enough.

7 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

No it’s not bloody obvious . Stop with guess work & conspiracy theories. GT said the club got in contact to come on, for one obvious reason. Confusion about why NP isn’t around & the anger of the capitulation of the last week. 
just making stuff up is embarrassing . 

Morning Karen.

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Just now, VT05763 said:

fair enough.

Morning Karen.

Any update on the new manager you want, how to turn us around & our new playing philosophy yet pep ? I’ve only been asking for about a week . You’ve still yet to reply . 
you’re obviously going in to very fine detail on this, I understand. What with that & the conspiracy theories . You’re a busy boy. I’ll let you crack on oh great one. 

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18 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

100% He can’t give a definitive answer on when NP will be back as. 1 He’s not a doctor 2 it seems he has long covid , so no one knows. 
It’s not RG’s job to talk about on field matters. He’s a CEO not a director of football or manager. 

Why on earth do that interview then, we didn't want to know how the club shop is doing. All questions were going to be about NP.

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Amusing to read the responses here, and the speculation about the manager's health - see my separate thread, in which my question about Pearson's long-term health results in getting slaughtered.

What's Gould supposed to say? By law, you can't get rid of someone who's legitimately ill without their consent. And there's a lot of uncertainty and unknowns about long COVID (if that's what it is*). So he's hardly going to announce on air that we're binning an employee. 


*Source: I've got it

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1 minute ago, steviestevieneville said:

Any update on the new manager you want, how to turn us around & our new playing philosophy yet pep ? I’ve only been asking for about a week . You’ve still yet to reply . 
you’re obviously going in to very fine detail on this, I understand. What with that & the conspiracy theories . You’re a busy boy. I’ll let you crack on oh great one. 

Ryan Lowe. Playing a system that suits our squad. Intensive work on the training ground, creating a positive culture within the players and giving them confidence, allowing players to dribble.

But just my opinion and if you are happy with the  "poor mans Wimbledon" disorganised shambles that has been on offer then season then that is fine.

3 minutes ago, SecretSam said:

Amusing to read the responses here, and the speculation about the manager's health - see my separate thread, in which my question about Pearson's long-term health results in getting slaughtered.

What's Gould supposed to say? By law, you can't get rid of someone who's legitimately ill without their consent. And there's a lot of uncertainty and unknowns about long COVID (if that's what it is*). So he's hardly going to announce on air that we're binning an employee. 


*Source: I've got it

Correct, so why do the interview ? serious question.

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8 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

You must be joking. The most negative poster on here, no idea what he wants, zero proposals and zero concept of where we are.The worst type of person around the club. People like him are a disgrace . 

Or someone who disagrees with you.

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