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Now James is fit can we get rid of Bakinson

Better Red

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2 hours ago, JoeAman08 said:

Now that King is fit can we get rid of James? Joking. James is ok but King was outstanding today and I was gutted when he went off. And with how Massengo’s last 165 minutes have gone I can’t see how you can drop him. 

James is ok ? By far our best midfielder . We need either him or king in there at all times . They Marshall that midfield. Next time your at a game , watch James , just for a few minutes. He’s constantly talking to the youngsters , pulling them into position . Most of his & kings work goes un noticed . Invaluable & that’s why NP brought them in . Remember the shambles of our midfield last season . 

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38 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

James is ok ? By far our best midfielder . We need either him or king in there at all times . They Marshall that midfield. Next time your at a game , watch James , just for a few minutes. He’s constantly talking to the youngsters , pulling them into position . Most of his & kings work goes un noticed . Invaluable & that’s why NP brought them in . Remember the shambles of our midfield last season . 

I agree we need 1 but I prefer King to James. James has been underwhelming for what I thought we were getting. Other than marshalling the midfield I find him quite average at everything. Not saying there isn’t value in that but we certainly won’t be pushing the top 6 with James a regular imo. So for the length of his deal he is ok. 

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On 30/12/2021 at 22:36, Simon bristol said:

Hes not a disgrace,, he clearly is a talented ball player in a team where not many players are very good with the ball… box to box power house of a midfielder he aint, in a decent team who can keep possession he would probably show up pretty well. 

You still sure about him now? 
Nice isn’t 

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22 minutes ago, Simon bristol said:

I believe everything i said about him is accurate.

you are a sad little ***** arent you

Agreed what a sad little tw4t the OP is, who goes commenting on his own boring old thread, when another thread is discussing it. Must be sat there with w4anking him self silly, look mummy I was right NP doesn't like him.


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7 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

Agreed what a sad little tw4t the OP is, who goes commenting on his own boring old thread, when another thread is discussing it. Must be sat there with w4anking him self silly, look mummy I was right NP doesn't like him.


I am not sure why everyone cant say what the see and not what they want to see.

It’s not about me being right.

Its about people just knocking people when it’s not a positive statement about someone who was a disgrace.

I never use that statement about a player but in this case it was fully justified.

I was not trying to be controversial when I made the post.

I just don’t get what people are watching to defend him. 

It’s also about you being wrong…

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23 minutes ago, Better Red said:

But right.

Only in your little mind! When you kept digging up this crap thread after each game, saying look at me I told you he was rubbish he can't make the squad. Only for the real reason to come that TB had covid (you went very quiet then)

NP obviously does not rate him today, but no way he would have put him on the bench and played him against Fulham if that had been his views at that time, NP is too principled. So seems like some fall out has happened since.

Perhaps if you stopped acting like such a pr1ck, then more people would have time for your threads

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25 minutes ago, TheReds said:

I wouldn't worry too much with what the OP has to say about Bakinson. You only have to read his comments on the "dropping the Captain" thread to see what goes on in his head.



What’s wrong with dropping the captain comments.

I said he barley put a foot wrong since he has been here.

If you don’t think Bents has been a great player for us then it ain’t me who has a problem.

Again I am not a ‘Anti Maxer’ I just think Bents has been a top keeper for us.

Just for the record Max has let in 11 in 4 games - Is that an improvement on Bents? 

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53 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

Only in your little mind! When you kept digging up this crap thread after each game, saying look at me I told you he was rubbish he can't make the squad. Only for the real reason to come that TB had covid (you went very quiet then)

NP obviously does not rate him today, but no way he would have put him on the bench and played him against Fulham if that had been his views at that time, NP is too principled. So seems like some fall out has happened since.

Perhaps if you stopped acting like such a pr1ck, then more people would have time for your threads

Let me help you the re write  above.

NP obviously does ‘Not’ rate him.

If you don’t get that after what he said then I don’t know if you will ever get it.

It’s not my fault Nige agreed with me.
Just because is does not fit with how you want don’t try and twist which is obvious about how Nige rates him

Also need to re write  - little ‘right’ mind.





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2 hours ago, Better Red said:
1 hour ago, Better Red said:

Maybe people should be a bit nicer in the way the dismiss other people’s thoughts….


If you check my initial thoughts on bakinson which you quoted above, the way i replied was entirely respectful of your view and gave my opinion on why i thought he wasnt a disgrace….

Hes not a disgrace,, he clearly is a talented ball player in a team where not many players are very good with the ball… box to box power house of a midfielder he aint, in a decent team who can keep possession he would probably show up pretty well. 

I have since had you quoting it back at me several times on several different threads… but now you take offence at the way people dismiss your thoughts? 

to be honest, the subject of bakinson and your opinion of him is of relatively little consequence to my life, and doesn’t warrant any more of my time

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Like most of us have said, he always had potential and the technical ability to be a good standard Championship player. However we see now it’s a attitude problem, of thinking, I don’t need to improve. So many have fallen out of football this way.

Edited by Bodiesaffer
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1 hour ago, redsocks said:

Bakinson will be no loss.he just is not a championship player.div 1 or 2 about his standard.theirs still 4 or 5 to go yet watch this space.

Rumoured that Blackpool and Hull were after him….and fits the narrative from Nige that he’s not gonna help another team in our league unless it’s the right deal.  If true, then 2 other clubs think he’s championship ability.

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I've only scanned some of the comments over social media, wow.

IMO Bakinson is Championship standard now, at least he would look that way in the right team. We aren't that yet, and we (or Nige) wants everyone to work hard. Bakinson isn't that player. He has vision , ability and the technical skill, he just doesn't put himself about enough. Listening to Pearson's comments, I would say it was more attitude and how he conducts himself.

Pearson said: "Yes. As far as I'm concerned, and I've said it before, if players don't want to be here they can go.

"I'm not bothered. He's a player who unfortunately just wants to play on his own terms. It's not something I particularly want so he can go.

"I'm not wasting energy on negativity, I don't invest time on that, I'm not just saying it. If you ask people who work with me they'll say exactly the same thing, I don't waste energy on negativity, it drives me mad.

He should be a real success in L1, and I really think that could set him up for next year. But maybe he wants someone to do the hard yards for him, or he thinks he can coast a bit. Whatever it is, Nige doesn't like it.

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Just now, Tafkarmlf said:

I'm adding to the discussion.

I'm sorry that it doesn't reach your expectations. However toxic positivity is a thing and can be used in context with the quoted speech from NP. 

You can disagree should you want  however it's all a bit and the band played on on the Titanic for my liking at the moment. 

A hammering against Cardiff and we're definitely in GJ style sacking territory. 

I'm hoping for a win for us as hopefully will galvanise us after getting tonked by Fulham. 

Others may think differently. 


Yeah, sure, just like how you said his "hand grenades" had stopped working and it was just like the end of GJs rein halfway through the Milwall match earlier in the month, right before Weimann got his hattrick and we won 3 - 2. If we lose to Cardiff he wont get fired.

I think there's a big difference between what Pearson said and toxic positivity.

I'm sure, as a very experienced player and manager, he has a lot of experience with all kinds of mindsets - I don't suppose Williams and Baker have been feeling particularly positive lately. Have they been called out or ditched?

So I disagree that toxic positivity can be used in context with his speech. The reasons he laid out are clear, and it's obviously not "I demand everyone be 100% positive at all times, not matter the circumstances, or else". If you can't understand that I don't really know what to say!

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8 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

I'm adding to the discussion.

I'm sorry that it doesn't reach your expectations. However toxic positivity is a thing and can be used in context with the quoted speech from NP. 

You can disagree should you want  however it's all a bit and the band played on on the Titanic for my liking at the moment. 

A hammering against Cardiff and we're definitely in GJ style sacking territory. 

I'm hoping for a win for us as hopefully will galvanise us after getting tonked by Fulham. 

Others may think differently. 


Disagree, but the analogy of the ‘it’s all a bit of the band played on the Titanic’ is brilliant. 

I think where I depart from your line of thinking is that Big Nige, having snatched the wheel from Captain Ashton, is trying to steer the Titanic away from the looming iceberg.

Grant you he has made some questionable decisions on line and course to date, but it’s a bloody large ship to stop and turn about given Ashton had set us up as a direct hit at full steam ahead. 

I’m still with him, partly on the basis he’s vastly experienced and should have the skills and knowledge to manoeuvre us out of our perilous position, but also partly as there are very few lifeboats left available and time is running out!  

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41 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

I'm adding to the discussion.

I'm sorry that it doesn't reach your expectations. However toxic positivity is a thing and can be used in context with the quoted speech from NP. 

You can disagree should you want  however it's all a bit and the band played on on the Titanic for my liking at the moment. 

A hammering against Cardiff and we're definitely in GJ style sacking territory. 

I'm hoping for a win for us as hopefully will galvanise us after getting tonked by Fulham. 

Others may think differently. 


In your dreams maybe, but there’s no comparison with where we were when GJ was sacked.  

If you really believe otherwise, your blinkered agenda against Pearson is just getting ridiculous.


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36 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

Great post. Like you say we're at different points of the boat sinking, but I loved the descriptive nature of your post. 


So, player unrest (Sproule at Plymouth, Tyreeq here), spanked in the lead up to dismissal Donny 5-2, Jet Masterclass iirc vs Fulham 6-2) and a crunch game vs our rivals we got spanked 6-0 in Jan the season GJ went). 

We've a very outspoken manager, who can only seem to play one style of football (GJ and NP) and appears to like 'phrases' (golf clubs vs on the bus) 

Lack of striking options (Haynes vs Martin), reliance on youth (Danny Wilson blooded lot vs current) after rubbish signings (Styvar vs Simpson) who added nothing. 

There's loads of similarities between the two. 

GJ was 2 wins in 10 before dismissal, NP is 2 wins in 10 now afaik. 

I could go on. Feels like we've been here before and sadly a bad loss vs Cardiff and I fear it may be curtains for NP. 

Sorry that you think that it's some kind of obsession, however the above is the situation and unlike others I dont think NP is working currently. You are quite welcome to disagree as it is about opinions. 


3 wins, 2 draws, 5 losses in the last 10. 9 of which were league games, so 11 points from 9 which is pretty much par for our season and keeps us safe and solidly mid table. I think most of us would taken that at the start of this season as long as the performances slowly improve. In my opinion they have been improving recently, and even more importantly in comparison to the start of the season I'm starting to enjoy games at AG again. 

It's not too much fun being lower mid table, but it's where we are as a club. Where I'll be concerned is if we are still where we are now in the 23/24 season. 

A successful 3 year project for me would look something like: safe early and mid table this season with some good young player development. Top half next season with less inconsistency in performance, followed by a playoff push the year after. 

So to clarify... In my opinion now is completely the wrong time to be thinking about changing the manager.

Edited by NorthBris_Southstand
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The thing is with an experienced manager like Nige if the going gets tough he won't panic and will keep a level head, unlike a less experienced coach (like eg Holden). He has done well to bring on our academy players and we just have to survive this season (I think we will). I think next season should be better given our young (less experienced) players could be more like Alex Scott next year in terms of development, I can't see any benefit in changing managers at this point and I'm sure SL is thinking the same.

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