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Vaccine Passport - Plan B

Bristol Rob

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3 hours ago, marmite said:

Could this happen at a match then when potentially 10-15000 people all trying to access their apps at the same time along with the same situation at 40 other grounds?

You can download it so that’s available offline, so no it shouldn’t if you’re proactive however I believe this happened a few weeks ago to people who arrived at airports etc while the app was down

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1 hour ago, Med/MadHatter said:

Well I'm 60, I wear a mask when outside the house I do my thing to protect other people, I don't go anywhere apart from food shop where I go in the quiet hours and use self checkout, have had cancer , brain aneurysm, many multiple fractures- major ones, so I see life a little differently I guess but agree whole heartedly about seeing City in the Premier league, I did see the old First Division days but most of my memory has been wiped after my stroke :laugh:

Very best wishes to you mate ... ?

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27 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

Out of interest why? It’s not the club imposing it - so you aren’t getting any message across to the people imposing the rule, it’s just the club and arguably you suffering (though given our form maybe you’re suffering more if you attend!)


I answered this earlier. 
Nothing against the club. They have to obey the rules. I’ve paid for my season ticket so they won’t be losing any money from me and I won’t be asking for a refund.  
I simply do not agree with the measure. Never have and never will. I’m shocked that so many people think it’s ok and will accept it as the ‘norm’. 

I know this is football chat, so I don’t want to stray too much into the ‘politics’ of it, but I’d like to make it clear that I am not against the vaccine, I am happy that many vulnerable people have been able to be afforded an element of protection (you’ll know from when I used to post on the politics forum that I was very ‘pro-Covid measures’ until the mission creep to start jabbing children came filtering through). But I am vehemently against a vaccine mandate. Yes, the vaccine does offer some protection for the person who has received it, but many people have been indoctrinated and fail to believe that having had a vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid nor prevent you from passing it on. You can still get it and you can still give it. There is no evidence that vaccines passports actually work. So anyone that has been staying away who will now attend again because they think they are now safe - well, they are very wrong. Their safety at AG with a vaccine passport is pretty much the same as their safety would be without one. 
It’s unnecessary, authoritarian, won’t make any difference, and quite frankly is just a coercive attempt to get more people ‘boosted’ as quickly as possible to line more pockets of people who don’t actually give a flying **** about the health of the population and never have. 

That’s not something I want to be a part of, and so, for as long as this applies, I won’t be there. Same goes for anywhere that requires such a ‘pass’. If that means I ‘miss out’ on stuff, so be it. My soul will remain pure, knowing that I didn’t take part in the facilitation of this utter bollox. 

Edited by Harry
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3 hours ago, Harry said:

I read it as being the numbers in attendance rather than the capacity. But if it’s capacity then I’ll watch some local non league instead. 

Not punishing City at all. It’s not their fault. I’ve paid for my season ticket and won’t be asking for any refund. 
But I always said from the very start of all this that I’m against this kind of thing and I won’t attend anywhere that requires people to show evidence of vaccine status. 
Just to be absolutely clear - I would be able to gain access if I wanted to. But it’s against everything in my moral fibre and I will choose not to attend. I’m not taking part in this governments bullcrap dictats. 

You wouldn’t be attending somewhere that requires you to gain entry with evidence of vaccine status. You can show a negative lateral flow. 

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4 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

You wouldn’t be attending somewhere that requires you to gain entry with evidence of vaccine status. You can show a negative lateral flow. 

Recommend stocking up on lateral flow tests from local library or from local pharmacies via NHS app

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17 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

You wouldn’t be attending somewhere that requires you to gain entry with evidence of vaccine status. You can show a negative lateral flow. 

Probably didn’t make myself clear. 
I don’t want to engage in the facilitation of this bollox in any way. 
I’m amazed people think it’s ok. 

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2 hours ago, LoyalRed said:

Won’t be attending games, it’s that simple. 

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face, sorry but your attitude is all wrong, one day I'm sure with the benefit of hindsight you will see how wrong you are, that's assuming you will still be here, if you have had no vaccinations however young and fit you may think you are it's possible you could be one of the unlucky ones, why on earth are you being so stubborn? surely you don't believe the crap you see on the internet.

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54 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

I think anyone not getting vaccinated is stupid but respect their right of personal decision. Just as long as they stop populating the A and E at Gloucester Gen where they non vaccinated are currently tying up all of the key resources. Anyway, whilst I cannot fly to Australia (in normal times) without a yellow fever vaccine certificate , so I am used to proving certain vaccinations, I cannot see how a vaccine passport relates to going to a football match or a restaurant. A vaccine will protect you, but it does not make you more or less likely to infect others. I could understand (if it were possible) an instant test of the virus, but how does a vaccine passport help stop infections, it just helps you live. If we are worried about mass gatherings, then you need to stop them. A vaccine certificate will not help. I am pro vaccination, it saved my mums life and a number of vulnerable family members, but it should not be used in a way that is more related to coercion that actual virus control. Knowing that everyone is vaccinated if I enter an event or location does not make me feel relaxed. I am more interested in the knowing if there are Covid spreaders there. But as we have not got a rapid instant test system , vaccinated or not, it means nothing when related to being exposed to the virus. 

A vaccine does make you less likely to pass it to others, all the experts are agreed on that, yes you can still pass it on but the figures I have seen from the New scientist would indicate it is 63% less likely if you are fully vaccinated, surely that is worth it. 

Edited by pillred
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21 minutes ago, Harry said:

Probably didn’t make myself clear. 
I don’t want to engage in the facilitation of this bollox in any way. 
I’m amazed people think it’s ok. 

I would rather none of this happened, and I don’t think it’s okay. The inclusion of lateral flows, well I think that’s quite an important distinction, personally. No one has been outcasted. If you are vehemently anti-vax, test, trace, mandate, whatever, you can fake a negative on an LF with ease. I don’t think presenting a faked negative lateral flow to get into a football match would be a facilitation of vaccine mandates. But I respect your choice. 



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Would be interested to see how many outraged at the government removing their freedoms were the same people dismissing kill the bill protestors in Bristol last summer as cry baby vandals. 

Your freedoms are far more under threat with the passing of that permanent bill than they are with probable temporary measures. 

For those talking about a protest, you can’t do that anymore. You’ll have to be very careful. Unless you fancy time.  

Consistency is ? 


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I'm with @Harry.

I've been double jabbed for ages (after being initially sceptical and having to do a lot of research to find out it's basically a flu vaccine that's customised for COVID - so has been in use for a long time), I wear a mask, clean my hands regularly ect ect - perfect little sheep.

That being said I don't want to have to prove my status for anything just to travel and attend events in our country (I get it if going abroad - there's some quiet nasty stuff out there), to have to prove it to a club that I attend on a regular basis and to what will likely be stewards that we all know form more uninformed opinions than this forum (and quicker as well) - na not doing it.

I will be staying away and watching via NordAirways.

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16 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

I would rather none of this happened, and I don’t think it’s okay. The inclusion of lateral flows, well I think that’s quite an important distinction, personally. No one has been outcasted. If you are vehemently anti-vax, test, trace, mandate, whatever, you can fake a negative on an LF with ease. I don’t think presenting a faked negative lateral flow to get into a football match would be a facilitation of vaccine mandates. But I respect your choice. 

So for me it's not about if I can get a vaccine passport as I can, it's about having to prove my vaccine status to people I don't want to (basically anyone) to do something.

This is all bit to much control for my liking in a free country and control is hard to let go of for some people and they are the types you don't want to let have control in the first place.

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7 hours ago, glynriley said:

How long is it valid for?

It’s a calandar month rolling pass, eg if you ask for one today it will expire on the 8th of Jan. You can ask for another tomorrow, (you don’t have to wait until the 8th of Jan) at it will expire on the 9th. Hope this makes sense. That is a domestic pass, there is an option for travel which I haven’t looked at.

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6 hours ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

I would rather none of this happened, and I don’t think it’s okay. The inclusion of lateral flows, well I think that’s quite an important distinction, personally. No one has been outcasted. If you are vehemently anti-vax, test, trace, mandate, whatever, you can fake a negative on an LF with ease. I don’t think presenting a faked negative lateral flow to get into a football match would be a facilitation of vaccine mandates. But I respect your choice. 



Yet… it’s only a matter of time before lateral flow test is removed - mark my words. Also, who do you think is paying for all these tests? Do you think they will be “free” forever ??? Wake up and smell the coffee, everybody’s life is now conditional from whatever dictate our mad government decides one day to the next - how about one “jab” a month or we remove your QR code …

Authoritarian rule for ever … I’m 100% with Harry and am simply amazed so many of you have not worked out the slippery path this puts our society on…

PS - this is very much NOT about your health….


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34 minutes ago, jjcarrera1974 said:

Yet… it’s only a matter of time before lateral flow test is removed - mark my words. Also, who do you think is paying for all these tests? Do you think they will be “free” forever ??? Wake up and smell the coffee, everybody’s life is now conditional from whatever dictate our mad government decides one day to the next - how about one “jab” a month or we remove your QR code …

Authoritarian rule for ever … I’m 100% with Harry and am simply amazed so many of you have not worked out the slippery path this puts our society on…

PS - this is very much NOT about your health….


Why are you spouting utter nonsense?

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10 hours ago, Med/MadHatter said:

. I remember Gulf War syndrome and the effects that "vaccine" had, so sorry not sorry I'm opting out until I feel there's enough evidence that it will benefit me

Not a vaccine - nerve agent pre-treatment sets...

And most blokes binned them anyway!

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I am triple jabbed, but am yet to hear a convincing argument of how owning a Covid passport prevents me passing on covid to others. Anyone not jabbed can easily show a negative LFT without taking a test, so what is the point of it all ?

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Just now, Sir Geoff said:

I am triple jabbed, but am yet to hear a convincing argument of how owning a Covid passport prevents me passing on covid to others. Anyone not jabbed can easily show a negative LFT without taking a test, so what is the point of it all ?

I think it's all just incremental mitigations, none are going to completely prevent anything.

Getting jabs, wearing a mask, taking a test, lockdowns - none are 100%, but in combination they're more effective.

Being jabbed does reduce transmission it looks like, as well as obviously meaning if you did get it you're less likely to be a burden on the healthcare system.

People can always find a way to cheat the system just like they have with fake IDs to get beer when kids or getting paid cash in hand for a job... The bottom line imo is those selfish people are contributing to this situation.

I'm yet to see anyone against the jabs/tests/masks/lockdowns/whatever ever come up with a single thing they suggest instead (not you obviously).

It's easy to just be blindly anti everything while having zero suggestions for a route forwards yourself... Just look at our match day threads!!

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7 hours ago, pillred said:

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face, sorry but your attitude is all wrong, one day I'm sure with the benefit of hindsight you will see how wrong you are, that's assuming you will still be here, if you have had no vaccinations however young and fit you may think you are it's possible you could be one of the unlucky ones, why on earth are you being so stubborn? surely you don't believe the crap you see on the internet.

I’ve had both vaccinations as at the time I was told that by doing so I would be protecting the vulnerable and we would be able to get back to normal.  That hasn’t happened so I will not be proceeding with the booster and I will not be abiding by vaccine passports.  Not sure why you are claiming I have not had vaccinations but I guess if I don’t have the booster then I’m pushed into the unvaccinated shame bucket with everyone else.  

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10 hours ago, Med/MadHatter said:

Well here in Alberta Canada, you are basically hamstrung to do anything but food shopping if you haven't been double jabbed, you then get a QR code issued that is then used to be scanned for entry in to any public business. I'm about to lose my job as it's 1500km away from home and I have to fly there, but as I'm not jabbed I can't use the planes. I remember Gulf War syndrome and the effects that "vaccine" had, so sorry not sorry I'm opting out until I feel there's enough evidence that it will benefit me

Sorry to hear your story.  It really is now a mad world we live in and too many people are in acceptance of it.  

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7 hours ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

I would rather none of this happened, and I don’t think it’s okay. The inclusion of lateral flows, well I think that’s quite an important distinction, personally. No one has been outcasted. If you are vehemently anti-vax, test, trace, mandate, whatever, you can fake a negative on an LF with ease. I don’t think presenting a faked negative lateral flow to get into a football match would be a facilitation of vaccine mandates. But I respect your choice. 



I think you have just summed up how pointless it is, faking a lateral flow to get in surely defeats the purpose ? 

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8 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

I’ve had both vaccinations as at the time I was told that by doing so I would be protecting the vulnerable and we would be able to get back to normal.  That hasn’t happened so I will not be proceeding with the booster and I will not be abiding by vaccine passports.  Not sure why you are claiming I have not had vaccinations but I guess if I don’t have the booster then I’m pushed into the unvaccinated shame bucket with everyone else.  

You have helped the vulnerable, and life has been largely back to normal for a fair while now hasn't it?

Compare the last few months to this time last year. National lockdown I think?

I don't understand this thought process where we pick a path and just never react or deviate from it no matter what happens - probably fuelled by our idiotic government to be fair!

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21 minutes ago, Furious Custard said:

It's still sad how many people are just accepting that they will likely be a burden on the NHS this winter. 

996 beds in southmead hospital and there are 50 beds occupied with covid patients right now, 60% of which are unvaccinated.  Hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid despite what is being said.  

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19 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

996 beds in southmead hospital and there are 50 beds occupied with covid patients right now, 60% of which are unvaccinated.  Hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid despite what is being said.  

No one said they are overwhelmed now. What part of prevent the NHS from becoming overwhelmed do you not understand?

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1 hour ago, Bristol Rob said:

I'm astounded @Harry thinks his soul will remain pure.

There are prostitutes with a more convincing route to reclaiming their virginity.

Ha ha. Can’t argue with that Rob. But I’ve done a lot of penance (that’s of the repentance kind, not the small town on the Cornish coast) and I’m re-born. 
My soul is as pure as that Colombian stuff we used to see some of our friends bring out of an evening. ?

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10 minutes ago, frenchred said:

No one said they are overwhelmed now. What part of prevent the NHS from becoming overwhelmed do you not understand?

And if that was going to happen with this new variant, then there is no evidence that vaccine passports will prevent that. 

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30 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

996 beds in southmead hospital and there are 50 beds occupied with covid patients right now, 60% of which are unvaccinated.  Hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid despite what is being said.  

That could change drastically if this new strain goes the wrong way.  You don’t react when the beds are full, you try to avoid that happening by reacting in advance.

Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.  This government is far from perfect, but you can guarantee that at sny given time, some are accusing them of not doing enough or too slowly, while others say they are over-reacting or rushing things.

I guess we can count ourselves lucky that we can all criticise, but don’t actually have to make the decisions that directly affect the whole population, but can never please everybody.

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41 minutes ago, LoyalRed said:

996 beds in southmead hospital and there are 50 beds occupied with covid patients right now, 60% of which are unvaccinated.  Hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid despite what is being said.  

Erm it's specifically ICU beds that's the problem and there is nothing like 996 ICU beds in the whole of Bristol. 

In fact, Southmead only has 48 ICU beds. 

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4 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

That could change drastically if this new strain goes the wrong way.  You don’t react when the beds are full, you try to avoid that happening by reacting in advance.

Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.  This government is far from perfect, but you can guarantee that at sny given time, some are accusing them of not doing enough or too slowly, while others say they are over-reacting or rushing things.

I guess we can count ourselves lucky that we can all criticise, but don’t actually have to make the decisions that directly affect the whole population, but can never please everybody.

The new strain is mild. Hasnt killed one person.

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11 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

That could change drastically if this new strain goes the wrong way.  You don’t react when the beds are full, you try to avoid that happening by reacting in advance.

Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.  This government is far from perfect, but you can guarantee that at sny given time, some are accusing them of not doing enough or too slowly, while others say they are over-reacting or rushing things.

I guess we can count ourselves lucky that we can all criticise, but don’t actually have to make the decisions that directly affect the whole population, but can never please everybody.

Has this new strain killed anyone ?The answer is no.

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20 minutes ago, Harry said:

And if that was going to happen with this new variant, then there is no evidence that vaccine passports will prevent that. 

But the vast majority of those seriously ill are those who are unvaccinated - so if you have not been vaccinated you won’t be allowed in - hence, even if you become positive it is unlikely you will become seriously ill - hence keep the NHS from being overwhelmed!!

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10 minutes ago, Harry said:

And if that was going to happen with this new variant, then there is no evidence that vaccine passports will prevent that. 

You’ve made a load of really valid points in this thread but there’s one I can’t agree with.

You say the vaccine passport in stadiums won’t make you any safer than outside, and is pointless.  All I’ll say is, can’t you see the difference between momentarily passing someone in a shop who’s infected, or squashed up next to them for 90 minutes in a stadium, and more than likely talking to them a foot apart, not 2 metres.

You seem really passionate in your views but imho, If no measures are taken now, we could find ourselves right in the shit again.  This virus has proved that by the time the numbers start rocketing, you’ve ‘missed the boat’ and it takes really drastic measures to try and get control again.

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5 minutes ago, bris red said:

Has this new strain killed anyone ?The answer is no.

Not that we’ve heard but that isn’t how it works, is it?  People get progressively sicker as time goes by, so hospitalisations usually start a couple of weeks after infection and deaths from then on.  

The longer we go without deaths the better and we can start being more optimistic.  It’s a massive risk though to assume this is a milder 
variant and do nothing, only to find people dropping like flies and the virus is already rampant theoughout the country.


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Just got my covid passport on the NHS app and it's valud until 8/1/22.

At the moment, I think you can still get one with 2 jabs, although I've had the booster as well as the first 2.

What with the baton searches and covid passport checks, we had better be ready for some massive queues at the next game.

p.s. will anyone cross reference the name on the passport with the name on the ticket?

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1 minute ago, BrizzleRed said:

You’ve made a load of really valid points in this thread but there’s one I can’t agree with.

You say the vaccine passport in stadiums won’t make you any safer than outside, and is pointless.  All I’ll say is, can’t you see the difference between momentarily passing someone in a shop who’s infected, or squashed up next to them for 90 minutes in a stadium, and more than likely talking to them a foot apart, not 2 metres.

You seem really passionate in your views but imho, If no measures are taken now, we could find ourselves right in the shit again.  This virus has proved that by the time the numbers start rocketing, you’ve ‘missed the boat’ and it takes really drastic measures to try and get control again.

There’s not really much ‘packing in’ going on at AG nowadays. Loads of space if you wanna sit away from people. And besides, you’ll spend the majority of your time ‘outside’.  You are more likely to be breathed on by a dirty carrier when you are squashed up in the pub together, or standing for 20 minutes in a disorganised throng of people waiting to be searched, like the recent games, or indeed standing in a queue for 10 minutes in the concourse waiting for your latest round of high-fat content food or alcohol, both of which are more likely to make you unfit and unhealthy and more susceptible to a bad case of Covid. 
Vaccine passports have been in place in many countries for many months, and they haven’t made a blind bit of difference. So the real world data says that they simply do not make a jot of difference. 
The funniest news I saw this week : France made vaccine passports mandatory in nightclubs in July. Earlier this week they closed nightclubs again. So, who was spreading this virus in nightclubs?? 

Ultimately, vax passes don’t work. There is no evidence in any of the places that have implemented them that they stop spread. Having 1, 2 or 3 vaccines does not stop you catching covid and does not stop you passing it on. The only benefit which is clear is that it may prevent someone who previously would have had a high risk of death that they may now get through it. So yes, vaccines are good for anyone who is vulnerable to this virus. But they are pretty much negligible for everyone else. 

It seems to be forgotten that millions and millions of people caught covid before vaccinations and survived. In fact, most of them didn’t even know they had it. There has recently been a narrative that says the opposite to that known fact - now it’s said that if you haven’t had a vaccine you are probably going to be hospitalised. Which of course, is absolute nonsense. 

It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do, that everyone knows that governments and media tell lies on a regular basis, and yet people simply fall in line with anything they say in regard to covid. One minute it’s “I hate this government, they don’t represent me”, the next it’s “must show my pass to go to football, because the government said so”. It’s laughable. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s actually very very sad. 
I’m not willing to play this nonsense game that the government are playing. I’m not anti vax or a sceptic or anything.
Covid exists.  Yes.  
Covid can be dangerous for a very very small number of people. Yes.  
Covid is not any danger for the vast vast vast majority of people. Yes. 
Vaccines can help the most vulnerable to fight it off. Yes. 
Vaccines are necessary for everyone else who are not vulnerable to death from the virus. No! 
Coercion has been used to get vaccines into healthy children. Yes. 
Is that ******* disgusting and forever unforgivable. Yes. 
Do vaccine passports stop spread. No. 
Can a vaxxed person catch it. Yes. 
Can a vaxxed person pass it on. Yes. 
What will vaccine passports do? Nothing. 

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1 minute ago, Red Army 75 said:

My covid passport is only valid for 2 days. Twice I have tried it. Any ideas why it’s only giving 2 days at a time. Thanks for any information 

That’s always been the case for me. Never heard of the app showing a month’s pass. 

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1 hour ago, LoyalRed said:

996 beds in southmead hospital and there are 50 beds occupied with covid patients right now, 60% of which are unvaccinated.  Hospitals are not overwhelmed with covid despite what is being said.  

You have missed the point entirely.

Every one of those beds occupied potentially could have been prevented. Then add on all the test and trace etc to get them from the point of infection to today. 

And we are are the start of a new variant so it's only going to get worse. 

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6 minutes ago, Harry said:

There’s not really much ‘packing in’ going on at AG nowadays. Loads of space if you wanna sit away from people. And besides, you’ll spend the majority of your time ‘outside’.  You are more likely to be breathed on by a dirty carrier when you are squashed up in the pub together, or standing for 20 minutes in a disorganised throng of people waiting to be searched, like the recent games, or indeed standing in a queue for 10 minutes in the concourse waiting for your latest round of high-fat content food or alcohol, both of which are more likely to make you unfit and unhealthy and more susceptible to a bad case of Covid. 
Vaccine passports have been in place in many countries for many months, and they haven’t made a blind bit of difference. So the real world data says that they simply do not make a jot of difference. 
The funniest news I saw this week : France made vaccine passports mandatory in nightclubs in July. Earlier this week they closed nightclubs again. So, who was spreading this virus in nightclubs?? 

Ultimately, vax passes don’t work. There is no evidence in any of the places that have implemented them that they stop spread. Having 1, 2 or 3 vaccines does not stop you catching covid and does not stop you passing it on. The only benefit which is clear is that it may prevent someone who previously would have had a high risk of death that they may now get through it. So yes, vaccines are good for anyone who is vulnerable to this virus. But they are pretty much negligible for everyone else. 

It seems to be forgotten that millions and millions of people caught covid before vaccinations and survived. In fact, most of them didn’t even know they had it. There has recently been a narrative that says the opposite to that known fact - now it’s said that if you haven’t had a vaccine you are probably going to be hospitalised. Which of course, is absolute nonsense. 

It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do, that everyone knows that governments and media tell lies on a regular basis, and yet people simply fall in line with anything they say in regard to covid. One minute it’s “I hate this government, they don’t represent me”, the next it’s “must show my pass to go to football, because the government said so”. It’s laughable. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s actually very very sad. 
I’m not willing to play this nonsense game that the government are playing. I’m not anti vax or a sceptic or anything.
Covid exists.  Yes.  
Covid can be dangerous for a very very small number of people. Yes.  
Covid is not any danger for the vast vast vast majority of people. Yes. 
Vaccines can help the most vulnerable to fight it off. Yes. 
Vaccines are necessary for everyone else who are not vulnerable to death from the virus. No! 
Coercion has been used to get vaccines into healthy children. Yes. 
Is that ******* disgusting and forever unforgivable. Yes. 
Do vaccine passports stop spread. No. 
Can a vaxxed person catch it. Yes. 
Can a vaxxed person pass it on. Yes. 
What will vaccine passports do? Nothing. 

If you and I are both at football and we both catch the new covid variant. Who is more likely to be hospitalised ? 

Is it me with my vaccinations or you without ? 

So now let's say you didn't go to the game as you don't have a covid passport. So now you don't catch covid. And now you don't burden the NHS . Multiply this scenario out for the whole country and you can see how it helps reduce the burden on the NHS. 

I would say the passport worked. 

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16 minutes ago, Harry said:

“must show my pass to go to football, because the government said so”. It’s laughable. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s actually very very sad. 

It’s downloading an app and flashing it at a steward if asked. No doubt it’s going to be a pain getting into City as it has been already at many places I’ve had to show it but hey ho, it’s where we are atm. But I really dont get what the issue is and I’m certainly not going to deny myself my joys in life - sport, gigs, galleries, museums etc - for the sake of having to show it. 

Protest of any kind doesn’t do anything in this country - we will all have our only chance to protest at the ballot box in two or so years time and I’d imagine plenty on here currently bemoaning Boris and his covid decisions will sadly still be voting for him / his replacement come what may.   

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16 minutes ago, lenred said:

That’s always been the case for me. Never heard of the app showing a month’s pass. 

If your pass is validated by being double jabbed it should give a month. If it’s by inputting the code off a lateral flow test as negative it only gives 2 days. 
My understanding from my Welsh friends is that what makes it all completely pointless is that you don’t need a negative test, you need an unused test code which you report to be negative. Whether you do the test is between you and your conscience. So the only factual knowledge the steward gets is your date of birth. That could be awkward for some if combined with ticket categories. 

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4 minutes ago, Parkwaymom said:

If your pass is validated by being double jabbed it should give a month. If it’s by inputting the code off a lateral flow test as negative it only gives 2 days. 
My understanding from my Welsh friends is that what makes it all completely pointless is that you don’t need a negative test, you need an unused test code which you report to be negative. Whether you do the test is between you and your conscience. So the only factual knowledge the steward gets is your date of birth. That could be awkward for some if combined with ticket categories. 

I’ve never entered a lateral flow as I’ve never needed to enter its details. Not a PCR either.  

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29 minutes ago, Harry said:

There’s not really much ‘packing in’ going on at AG nowadays. Loads of space if you wanna sit away from people. And besides, you’ll spend the majority of your time ‘outside’.  You are more likely to be breathed on by a dirty carrier when you are squashed up in the pub together, or standing for 20 minutes in a disorganised throng of people waiting to be searched, like the recent games, or indeed standing in a queue for 10 minutes in the concourse waiting for your latest round of high-fat content food or alcohol, both of which are more likely to make you unfit and unhealthy and more susceptible to a bad case of Covid. 
Vaccine passports have been in place in many countries for many months, and they haven’t made a blind bit of difference. So the real world data says that they simply do not make a jot of difference. 
The funniest news I saw this week : France made vaccine passports mandatory in nightclubs in July. Earlier this week they closed nightclubs again. So, who was spreading this virus in nightclubs?? 

Ultimately, vax passes don’t work. There is no evidence in any of the places that have implemented them that they stop spread. Having 1, 2 or 3 vaccines does not stop you catching covid and does not stop you passing it on. The only benefit which is clear is that it may prevent someone who previously would have had a high risk of death that they may now get through it. So yes, vaccines are good for anyone who is vulnerable to this virus. But they are pretty much negligible for everyone else. 

It seems to be forgotten that millions and millions of people caught covid before vaccinations and survived. In fact, most of them didn’t even know they had it. There has recently been a narrative that says the opposite to that known fact - now it’s said that if you haven’t had a vaccine you are probably going to be hospitalised. Which of course, is absolute nonsense. 

It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do, that everyone knows that governments and media tell lies on a regular basis, and yet people simply fall in line with anything they say in regard to covid. One minute it’s “I hate this government, they don’t represent me”, the next it’s “must show my pass to go to football, because the government said so”. It’s laughable. Actually, it’s not laughable. It’s actually very very sad. 
I’m not willing to play this nonsense game that the government are playing. I’m not anti vax or a sceptic or anything.
Covid exists.  Yes.  
Covid can be dangerous for a very very small number of people. Yes.  
Covid is not any danger for the vast vast vast majority of people. Yes. 
Vaccines can help the most vulnerable to fight it off. Yes. 
Vaccines are necessary for everyone else who are not vulnerable to death from the virus. No! 
Coercion has been used to get vaccines into healthy children. Yes. 
Is that ******* disgusting and forever unforgivable. Yes. 
Do vaccine passports stop spread. No. 
Can a vaxxed person catch it. Yes. 
Can a vaxxed person pass it on. Yes. 
What will vaccine passports do? Nothing. 

Great response and a lot of good points, but not sure that it’s that black and white tbh.

No measures are anywhere near 100% effective and it’s a cumulative effect from multiple measures that add up and can then have a significant effect.

As for your comment about not being squashed together in AG at the moment, they must be a particularly dedicated bunch round me in the SS, as all the seats are always occupied on either side of me.  

I regularly used to go to live music gigs and am getting well pissed off withem them consstantly being cancelled.  If a vaccine passport could help bring those back before the musicians go bacrupt then I’m well up for it and don’t see it as that big a deal tbh.

It would be more of a problem if it became permanent, as at some point we should all be getting some natural resistance.  I’ll be more than happy to join any protest at that point and sure there would be many others too.

At present, I can only see this as a temporary measure to get a grip on the virus.  I know in the majority of cases this virus is mild, but I suspect we’ll find long-covid could also turn out to be a serious issue and that can happen in all ages and not just the elderly and vulnerable.

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8 minutes ago, lenred said:

It’s downloading an app and flashing it at a steward if asked. No doubt it’s going to be a pain getting into City as it has been already at many places I’ve had to show it but hey ho, it’s where we are atm. But I really dont get what the issue is and I’m certainly not going to deny myself my joys in life - sport, gigs, galleries, museums etc - for the sake of having to show it. 

I agree, it's a very strange ditch to die in, given the amount of other information on our lives that we regularly share with governments/tech companies.

They already know everything they need to know about you, including whether you have been jabbed or not. So the thought that simply proving this to an uninterested steward to gain entry into a stadium, being the straw that breaks the camel's back, is a bizarre leap of logic to say the least. 

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2 minutes ago, Parkwaymom said:

If your pass is validated by being double jabbed it should give a month. If it’s by inputting the code off a lateral flow test as negative it only gives 2 days. 
My understanding from my Welsh friends is that what makes it all completely pointless is that you don’t need a negative test, you need an unused test code which you report to be negative. Whether you do the test is between you and your conscience. So the only factual knowledge the steward gets is your date of birth. That could be awkward for some if combined with ticket categories. 


Now that's worth knowing.

I have a pack of LFTs because I (and everyone, not just me) was asked to take one before a social occasion which I was happy to do.

I have massive reservations about taking a vaccine for which the long established standard medical trials have simply been waived but I am perfectly happy to take regular LFTs before going anywhere crowded.

I hadn't realised that that was an option, albeit in Wales at present where I am not, but it does seem a particularly sensible option.

I distrust the vaccines but wouldn't want to spread Covid if I have it and taking a LFT solves that for events; and I would take the test as I'm not trying to "game" the system.

I'm aware that they're not 100% accurate but they're not bad.

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36 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

My covid passport is only valid for 2 days. Twice I have tried it. Any ideas why it’s only giving 2 days at a time. Thanks for any information 

Do you mind me asking where your registered with your GP? 

In Wales it only seems to give a 48 hour covid pass. Could be why?

1 hour ago, ashton_fan said:

My wife and I have hard copy vaccine passports rather than relying on the app, hoping the club will accept these as well as on the app.

Hi, how do you get a hard copy? I've tried to find one online but can only find a digital QR code. Thanks in advance. 

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1 hour ago, Denbury Red said:

But the vast majority of those seriously ill are those who are unvaccinated - so if you have not been vaccinated you won’t be allowed in - hence, even if you become positive it is unlikely you will become seriously ill - hence keep the NHS from being overwhelmed!!

Please forgive me, but the Nhs being overwhelmed is a line you’re being fed to get people to comply. 
Here’s the truth. The people who work in frontline nhs are superb and do the best job they can. But they are backed up by a hulking dinosaur of a system that swallows money and a ruinous government who don’t give a **** about your health. 
The actions this government have taken have done everything possible to ruin your health and collapse the nhs. 
Fear, panic, lockdowns and restrictions have seen businesses go bust, people lose their homes, people lose their minds, people kill themselves, people become destitute, people struggle mentally, children be abused and murdered, people not be able to see their GP, people not get cancer screens, people not get regular blood tests, people die in their homes, alone, without any family to comfort them, blimey, I could go on. 
Yet, if you want a vaccine you can get it anywhere anytime. Want to see your GP? No chance. Want a vaccine? Come on up, we’ll do it right now. 
Yes, the people who work in the nhs are superb. But the nhs itself isn’t fit for purpose. The reason it can become overwhelmed is nothing to do with a minority of unvaxxed people. The reason hospitals are busy this winter is because millions of people haven’t been cared for in the last 20 months and are now becoming severely ill, through undiagnosed cancer, unmonitored heart conditions, etc. 
Vaccine status for attending a football match will have absolutely 0% impact on this situation. 

Football, for many people, involves enjoying a bit of alcohol. Given that 35% of all hospital admissions are alcohol related, perhaps they should stop people having a drink at the match as well, just in case they might become one of the 1.3 million people per year who burden the nhs with their choice to get pissed. 
Perhaps they should also ban smoking from anywhere in the ground, and lock everyone inside at half-time and not allow them to go out for a fag. Just in case they become one of the half a million people per year who burden the nhs through their choice to smoke. 
Perhaps they should stop serving you pies and pasties in the ground just in case you become one of the million people per year who are a burden on the nhs because of their dietary choices. 
Spare me the “nhs overwhelmed” line, when nothing, absolutely nothing, has been done in the last 20 months to help the service, and absolutely nothing has been done to tell people to get healthy - the likelihood of death or Icu intake is tremendously higher in those with a high BMI than those of a healthy range. Tell me one thing the government have done to promote healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, education and courses to support those with high bmi to help them reduce their risk. Nothing. In fact they did the opposite - closed gyms, locked people in their homes, ****** up their mental health, closed GP surgeries, cancelled blood tests for sick people in order to get more jabs into healthy people, which only has the benefit of lining the pockets of people who don’t give a flying **** about you or your health. 

So please forgive me for not bowing to the ‘vax passports will help to not overwhelm the nhs’ line. 

Edited by Harry
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2 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

We only heard about it about a week ago, so there’s plenty of time yet!

More than a week and its worldwide. Pretty sure its confirmed as being mild.

Rather get that than get the vaccine and get a blood clot or heart issues.

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23 minutes ago, Harry said:


It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do

Mate. Is the penny just dropping? 

You literally started the thread bemoaning protests at the far more intrusive and consequential policing bill. Where was the care for freedoms then? Did you not take that as a sign? 

Covid was all big and scary then, wasn't it? 'Protests in a pandemic ?' et all. 

You can't be a bootlicker one day and a braveheart the next. If you are willing to admit you were misplaced with the benefit of hindsight, fair enough.  Otherwise I do not understand how you can possibly not apply most of what you have said in this thread to that bill. 

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I’ll wear a mask to protect others and not make others feel uncomfortable, but I’m completely done with this mess.

Any news updates on the radio or TV, I switch over. I’ll be happy just living in my own bubble…

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This is the  main reason I didn't renew my season ticket, lots of us so called "Conspiracy theorists" saw this coming and we're laughed at. What I Don't understand is that lots of people are welcoming this in on the basis that the Omnincron "might" " maybe" "if" it's more deadly than the previous variant. Since when have we had restrictions on us on a  "maybe" .

If the government said you can only go to the football if you stick a carrot up your ass, pretty sure most of you will do it..Sad really.

If you can't see it now, especially after last year's Government Christmas parties then quite frankly you never will..

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2 minutes ago, Riaz said:

More than a week and its worldwide. Pretty sure its confirmed as being mild.

Rather get that than get the vaccine and get a blood clot or heart issues.

More at risk by not getting it. Why are people spouting this rubbish? Too many David Icke books...

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