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Not going Saturday


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I've gone back and forth but I've finally decided to give it a miss on Saturday. After missing out on a family Christmas last year (they all live in Melksham) I'm not going to risk it this time around. I'm so looking forward to spending Christmas with my sister, niece's, nephews and great niece's and nephews. I need to visit my father and mother's grave too with its new headstone after we lost mum to this feckin virus last December. 

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4 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

I’ll be going.I don’t believe any of the rubbish fed to us  by the scaremongering government and scientists.I’ve been triple jabbed and had covid 3 weeks ago and it was just like having a cold.We live with flue with a vaccination every year and we treat covid the same way.The symptoms are so mild that you won’t know you’ve got it.

I had Covid six weeks ago whilst double vaccinated, I'm a reasonably fit & healthy guy and was really rough and had 3 weeks off of work and was nowhere ready to go back to work after ten days and was later told that I have long Covid which can take months before you get back to normal. I've since had my booster and was pretty rough with that as well.

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21 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

I’ve decided that it’s too close to Christmas to  risk going on Saturday and potentially ruin our normal family Christmas. Having had Covid in late September/early October I’m not really prepared to take the risk of a double whammy on my body in such a short period of time. 

Will watch on RobinsTV and certainly hope for a home win. 

I can’t be the only one thinking that attending on Saturday is a potential fool’s errand?


Fair play to you. My family and I are basically isolating as best we can between now and December 25th, not because we’re particularly concerned about getting the virus, but rather the potential for it to ruin our Christmas plans.

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I cannot believe the crass refusal of so many on Otib, too many, who are so quick to dismiss the advice of the scientists in this field.

What makes them think they know better from their own position of complete ignorance

It is at times like this that I despair of some of my fellow Bristolians

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12 hours ago, westonred said:

I havent been all season, the reason, i had cancer surgery recently and currently i am on a 6 month course of Chemotherapy so my immune sytem is at an all time low so it would be crazy to go to the games. I have a season ticket but havent used it but flying VPN airways i have watched every game this seaon although it's not the same as meeting up with mates watching the games live. When everyone was moaning a few games ago i was saying to myself yes we are playing badky but i would still love to be inside the ground supporting the team i love.

Hopefully i will get to a game before the end of this season COYR

Best wishes on full & speedy recovery 

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4 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

It is at times like this that I despair of some of my fellow Bristolians

I have drawn a wider conclusion over the last 2 years (though I already suspected): that as a nation, including many if not most politicians, we are close to being functionally innumerate.

People (including many otherwise very clever people) often seem amused if they are not good at maths but as we can now see that has real world consequences.

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Since reading this thread, myself and my mate have also decided we won't be bothering. With a pregnant mrs at home and the risk of having to isolate over Christmas and not see family, it's really not worth it.

Especially when I can watch it online after a short virtual flight to France! ✈️

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28 minutes ago, Pands said:

Since reading this thread, myself and my mate have also decided we won't be bothering. With a pregnant mrs at home and the risk of having to isolate over Christmas and not see family, it's really not worth it.

Especially when I can watch it online after a short virtual flight to France! ✈️

Sorry, France has banned virtual flights from the UK.?

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6 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

I’ll be going.I don’t believe any of the rubbish fed to us  by the scaremongering government and scientists.I’ve been triple jabbed and had covid 3 weeks ago and it was just like having a cold.We live with flue with a vaccination every year and we treat covid the same way.The symptoms are so mild that you won’t know you’ve got it.

Complete fool, my mother died from it and my cousin a anti vaxer also got it and died in a few days; maybe you should work in a covid ward if you think you are a superman....and you with such a great name for a poster as well rooster teeth ugh GIF by Achievement Hunter


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6 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

I’ll be going.I don’t believe any of the rubbish fed to us  by the scaremongering government and scientists.I’ve been triple jabbed and had covid 3 weeks ago and it was just like having a cold.We live with flue with a vaccination every year and we treat covid the same way.The symptoms are so mild that you won’t know you’ve got it.

Apart from all of the dead people of course.

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2 hours ago, Shaun Taylor said:

I had Covid six weeks ago whilst double vaccinated, I'm a reasonably fit & healthy guy 

Yup. I hear this. I tested positive, despite being double jabbed, just a few days after running the half marathon at the end of September. 

i can assure anyone reading this that it was in no way enjoyable and for those lucky enough to brush it off as a minor inconvenience, well, fair play you did well. I know people that are still pretty fkuced months after having it. 


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2 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

Yup. I hear this. I tested positive, despite being double jabbed, just a few days after running the half marathon at the end of September. 

i can assure anyone reading this that it was in no way enjoyable and for those lucky enough to brush it off as a minor inconvenience, well, fair play you did well. I know people that are still pretty fkuced months after having it. 


To echo these comments recall the first friend I had who died from Covid. Fitter than the most of you combined. Least likely bloke I know who'd die.

But he did, very early doors, from Covid acquired before you'd ever heard the word. He died as a result of the 'minor' infection he contracted from his partner, who contracted the infection from ski lodges long before Britain had cottoned on to the virus. He was fine post illness, minor inconvenience, until his heart gave out that is. A heart at autopsy that resembled one that had previously suffered heard attacks. The heart of an old man. Save he wasn't. He was super fit, fitter than most of you will ever be. Years younger than I. A life to be lived. Until, that is, it (& he) wasn't. Out running he died. He wasn't expecting that. His friends weren't expecting that. Covid didn't care.

So if you get Covid and dismiss it out of hand, well, I hope you aren't in for a shock,  but you might be. Not you'll know until the dying. No pockets in shrouds, no smugness in knowing somebody called it wrong.  Just as it is.....

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Just now, CyderInACan said:

Really sorry for your loss and obviously very much more so for your friend’s family. RIP. 

It was bloody tragic. He was buried on the day he should have married his partner.

There's sod all he might have done given it was early doors, much like my mega fit nephew ( commercial pilot,) who returned from flights from Shanghai late 2019 and, though never seriously unwell, was confined to his pit unable to move for days. He thought it mega flu. Weeks later they mentioned Covid, though family in contact suffered various symptoms later identified as being signs of Covid.

I met him a few weeks ago and he's angry. Very angry. He continues to fly to China, he showed me the photos of how he's treated when there. And for those of you who've seen the Hollywood disaster movies HAZMAT suits all round, zero contact, confined to hotel rooms (cells,) fed through a hatch. Yep, that's what he's been living these past two years.

Beyond the confines of the airport he neither knows nor cares. His photos paint a thousand words, yet that's what the Chinese still think appropriate. Yet pillocks over here complain of infringement.


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5 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

hate to think how his partner feels knowing he contracted it from her, hopefully nowhere near as bad as anyone now who passes it on to a loved one from going somewhere which could have been avoided fully aware of possible consequences

Not an issue as it was so early doors nobody had ever heard of Covid when she (and he,) contracted it. She's very vocal as she's one of the first identified cases of long Covid and it's ****ed her life beyond that of losing a partner. (She's also lost her health, career and pretty much everything.)

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3 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

It was bloody tragic. He was buried on the day he should have married his partner.

There's sod all he might have done given it was early doors, much like my mega fit nephew ( commercial pilot,) who returned from flights from Shanghai late 2019 and, though never seriously unwell, was confined to his pit unable to move for days. He thought it mega flu. Weeks later they mentioned Covid, though family in contact suffered various symptoms later identified as being signs of Covid.

I met him a few weeks ago and he's angry. Very angry. He continues to fly to China, he showed me the photos of how he's treated when there. And for those of you who've seen the Hollywood disaster movies HAZMAT suits all round, zero contact, confined to hotel rooms (cells,) fed through a hatch. Yep, that's what he's been living these past two years.

Beyond the confines of the airport he neither knows nor cares. His photos paint a thousand words, yet that's what the Chinese still think appropriate. Yet pillocks over here complain of infringement.


My bruv-in-law is also a commercial pilot, and he got covid whilst in Ukraine.  The hospital was pretty grim, until he got moved.  Wasn’t on a ventilator, but still bricking himself.  He’s not right now either.

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2 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

Not an issue as it was so early doors nobody had ever heard of Covid when she (and he,) contracted it. She's very vocal as she's one of the first identified cases of long Covid and it's ****ed her life beyond that of losing a partner. (She's also lost her health, career and pretty much everything.)

rightly so with it being unknown then. hopefully you understood what i meant about people being fully aware now ?

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8 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

It was bloody tragic. He was buried on the day he should have married his partner.

There's sod all he might have done given it was early doors, much like my mega fit nephew ( commercial pilot,) who returned from flights from Shanghai late 2019 and, though never seriously unwell, was confined to his pit unable to move for days. He thought it mega flu. Weeks later they mentioned Covid, though family in contact suffered various symptoms later identified as being signs of Covid.

I met him a few weeks ago and he's angry. Very angry. He continues to fly to China, he showed me the photos of how he's treated when there. And for those of you who've seen the Hollywood disaster movies HAZMAT suits all round, zero contact, confined to hotel rooms (cells,) fed through a hatch. Yep, that's what he's been living these past two years.

Beyond the confines of the airport he neither knows nor cares. His photos paint a thousand words, yet that's what the Chinese still think appropriate. Yet pillocks over here complain of infringement.


Awful story and puts into context how others deal with this virus.

As for your last sentence in bold, that perfectly describes a ‘I want and I’ll have it’ generation.

They seem to have the view that they don’t have to work within society and won’t be told or even advised what they should, or shouldn’t be doing.  

It seems they view fighting against rules and authority as a badge of honour and appear to be really proud of it and it isn’t difficult to spot them on here.

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32 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

It’s not exactly the Battle of Britain out there that people are making out…

If you don’t wish to go, then that’s absolutely fine….if you do, enjoy the game.

I fear those staffing London's ITU may disagree, but as you'll never enter them (unlike them,) why would you care whether you're right or wrong? 

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It's interesting to read different views on this. personally I don't think COVID has ever been a good enough reason to implement the kind of rules that have been put in place, this thread is proof of that. Plenty of you guys are using common sense, and we should be trusted to do so. That's how this society has always worked. They say how it is and we assess our personal situation and make a call. If that means 10k at home, good! Those 10k shouldn't be seeing there nan the next day. 


Get your booster but live your life, only get one of those. 

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7 hours ago, Galley is our king said:

Russian roulette is a great description.

My 11 year old nephew got covid and was really ill, spending several nights in hospital. He is much better now but it left him with type 1 diabetes.

He had no underlying health issues and was as fit as the proverbial butchers dog.

You never know.....

Sorry to hear that, I'm afraid there are far too many younger people that somehow think being that young means they are immune, well your nephew proves there are no guarantees and the sooner people stop believing the nonsense that is said about covid on social media and the internet the better.

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45 minutes ago, Robin-hugh-blind said:

It's interesting to read different views on this. personally I don't think COVID has ever been a good enough reason to implement the kind of rules that have been put in place, this thread is proof of that. Plenty of you guys are using common sense, and we should be trusted to do so. That's how this society has always worked. They say how it is and we assess our personal situation and make a call. If that means 10k at home, good! Those 10k shouldn't be seeing there nan the next day. 


Get your booster but live your life, only get one of those. 

It does make you wonder what the future holds,. I have done everything I can as far as vaccination is concerned yet now I find myself having to wear a mask in a theatre again and show a pass to enter the gate I really hope this is not our lives from now on as that's a depressing thought. 

Edited by pillred
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6 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

To echo these comments recall the first friend I had who died from Covid. Fitter than the most of you combined. Least likely bloke I know who'd die.

But he did, very early doors, from Covid acquired before you'd ever heard the word. He died as a result of the 'minor' infection he contracted from his partner, who contracted the infection from ski lodges long before Britain had cottoned on to the virus. He was fine post illness, minor inconvenience, until his heart gave out that is. A heart at autopsy that resembled one that had previously suffered heard attacks. The heart of an old man. Save he wasn't. He was super fit, fitter than most of you will ever be. Years younger than I. A life to be lived. Until, that is, it (& he) wasn't. Out running he died. He wasn't expecting that. His friends weren't expecting that. Covid didn't care.

So if you get Covid and dismiss it out of hand, well, I hope you aren't in for a shock,  but you might be. Not you'll know until the dying. No pockets in shrouds, no smugness in knowing somebody called it wrong.  Just as it is.....

Sorry to hear your sad loss life can be so cruel 

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6 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

It's neither.  It's a case of people dying where they should not because people are, well, selfish tw*ts.

How many deaths is it with this new variant?

While people are dying of cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Life is short, I’ll go out and enjoy it while I can. I won’t have you tell me what to do, ta.

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

How many deaths is it with this new variant?

While people are dying of cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Life is short, I’ll go out and enjoy it while I can. I won’t have you tell me what to do, ta.

None of those things are contagious though

And these are people dying on top of that

I get your point, but we have to have a level of care towards this new strain until we know for certain it's milder otherwise all those other issues get impacted - because when someone goes into hospital with Covid they are infectious therefore more time is taken up with cleaning protocols etc.


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32 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

As Chris Whitty said yesterday, it's only those who dont understand health who hold the same views as yourself. 

He mentioned and I've mentioned previously that the NHS is geared and swamped by Covid. Its effectively on a war footing to fight Covid and we as a whole cant switch to sorting out other things as Covid is basically rampant in the wild in the UK. Until we have that under control we cant do anything else. 

150,000 cases in the UK in the last two days and that will be well over 200, 000 today. 

I do truly 'get' you want to live your life, however Omicron is one of the most potent threats we've ever faced, Covid or not. 

The likelihood is that if not arrested in its spread most if not all of the entire country will get it, testing capacity will literally break long before we can measure that. 

This time it is very much, take precautions get boosted or possibly kill people. 

I wish people got that more. 


Appreciate your point.

I am double vaccinated and waiting for my booster jab, I wear a mask etc. I don’t want to make anybody feel uncomfortable when in public places…

But at the same time we can’t continue to live like this. The world is a depressing place as it is at times…

The media and Gov don’t help the situation either.

34 minutes ago, VT05763 said:


Aren’t you the forum clown that said Nige is a bully?

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

How many deaths is it with this new variant?

While people are dying of cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Life is short, I’ll go out and enjoy it while I can. I won’t have you tell me what to do, ta.

Where did I tell you what to do?

You've shown your cards, made your point (badly,) and will continue your existence, albeit one apparently devoid of intellectual or emotional empathy.

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17 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

I’ll be going.I don’t believe any of the rubbish fed to us  by the scaremongering government and scientists.


17 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

.I’ve been triple jabbed 

I don't quite follow you there, sir.

17 hours ago, Bobby kellard hero said:

s.I've been triple jabbed and had covid 3 weeks ago and it was just like having a cold.We live with flue with a vaccination every year and we treat covid the same way.The symptoms are so mild that you won’t know you’ve got it.

Who told you this? 

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The Cheif Medical officers are naturally very cautious in same way lawyers always are, which is fair & to be respected.

The PM has such low trust & credibility that it’s impossible to support any of his narratives. 

There’s a lot of uncertainty but also the playing field is starting to level up through Vaccines, Awareness & Measures.

Living in a world of 24/7 news channels doesn’t help.

We’re further ahead than same time last year, but not out of the woods by any means so we need to accept those less at risk can live a more normalised life & those at higher risk need to live more cautiously for now.

Those who are low risk but have contact with high risk have the important role & decisions to make - at this time of year it might be sensible to take a rain check on attending events to keep their high risk family safe.

I don’t see the need for all the partisan sh1t on here & accept everyone is in a different place & had to manage their own risk.

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7 minutes ago, Red Alert said:

The Cheif Medical officers are naturally very cautious in same way lawyers always are, which is fair & to be respected.

The PM has such low trust & credibility that it’s impossible to support any of his narratives. 

There’s a lot of uncertainty but also the playing field is starting to level up through Vaccines, Awareness & Measures.

Living in a world of 24/7 news channels doesn’t help.

We’re further ahead than same time last year, but not out of the woods by any means so we need to accept those less at risk can live a more normalised life & those at higher risk need to live more cautiously for now.

Those who are low risk but have contact with high risk have the important role & decisions to make - at this time of year it might be sensible to take a rain check on attending events to keep their high risk family safe.

I don’t see the need for all the partisan sh1t on here & accept everyone is in a different place & had to manage their own risk.

The highlighted bit represents my view. I am a triple jabbed, flu jabbed , masked wearer, hand washing,  guidance follower, who is fed up to the back teeth with the current and incoming restrictions and would normally be at the match whatever. BUT, I have a partner who is vulnerable and she is my absolute priority.  Yes I will be going out doing what I have to at this time of the year,  but football is so insignificant in the greater scheme of things. Each to their own but please put things in perspective.  Season greetings and good health to all.

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2 hours ago, Dollymarie said:

I’m going partly because it’s the only thing I get to go out and do without my 1 year old attached to me for a few hours, but mainly because I think it’s the last time we’ll be allowed to go to games for a while again sadly. 

Yes I’m of a similar opinion, (not the bit about having a one year old attached to me) 

I was so glad I went to the Fulham game before the first lockdown and don’t want to miss a similar occasion this time, though I don’t think it’ll be for too long this time.

If it was a trip to a big indoor event there’s no way I’d be going but outdoors I think I’ll go as I’ve no elderly or vulnerable people to see over Christmas. 

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2 hours ago, Dollymarie said:

I’m going partly because it’s the only thing I get to go out and do without my 1 year old attached to me for a few hours, but mainly because I think it’s the last time we’ll be allowed to go to games for a while again sadly. 

Same..not including the 1 year old, think it's enevitable that football will go back to no crowds.

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3 hours ago, Lew-T said:

Appreciate your point.

I am double vaccinated and waiting for my booster jab, I wear a mask etc. I don’t want to make anybody feel uncomfortable when in public places…

But at the same time we can’t continue to live like this. The world is a depressing place as it is at times…

The media and Gov don’t help the situation either.

Aren’t you the forum clown that said Nige is a bully?

See the source image

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5 hours ago, Lew-T said:

How many deaths is it with this new variant?

While people are dying of cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Life is short, I’ll go out and enjoy it while I can. I won’t have you tell me what to do, ta.

It is not the deaths !!!!

The hospitals will be full and overflowing with COVID patients, most will recover but they will clog up the system for as you say  -

cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Truly astounding the amount of people who do not understand this.

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7 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

It is not the deaths !!!!

The hospitals will be full and overflowing with COVID patients, most will recover but they will clog up the system for as you say  -

cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Truly astounding the amount of people who do not understand this.

Exactly this.

Even if it was “just the flu” (it isn’t), if flu cases were at 90k and doubling every two days, we would STILL have a massive problem coming our way with both NHS bed capacity AND staffing levels. Likewise other key workers.

Ignoring Covid does absolutely nothing to help cancer or any other illnesses - as Whitty made abundantly clear yesterday.


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After thinking long and hard over if to attend, I have decided not to as the transmission rates are so high and the concourse / toilets etc are enclosed. Although I am triple jabbed, my father has advanced COPD and is coming for Christmas dinner, so whilst I could do a LFT before Christmas to make sure I am not carrying covid, if I test positive he then will not be able to come around and sadly I am not sure how many Christmases he may have left. As family is so much more important than football, its ultimately and easy decision to watch on TV.

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I`ve reluctantly decided to give it a miss. both I and Mrs LR have manic weeks at work next week and neither of us can afford to not go in. We`re not having anyone round for Christmas nor are we visiting so having to stay in wouldn`t be a major concern but neither of us wants to risk being laid up ill for the few days that we both get off together.

I just wish the decision had been made for me. It`s all very well being told that we should `prioritise` the things we do but that doesn`t take account the psyche of football fans. It`s not like going to the cinema or the pub or going out for a meal for most of us - it`s so ingrained that it is a major wrench to not go. I`m sure most of us have gone to ridiculous lengths to watch City over the years - I know I have. We`ve all hauled ourselves out of our sick beds sometimes just to go.

I`ve driven from Derby down to AG and back in a blizzard to watch an LDV game FFS!

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It would have been much better if the EFL had got a grip and decided to implement a winter break over Christmas and New Year. 

We now have supporters not attending and clubs being directed to play if they have 14 fit players including a keeper - that ensures a level playing field doesn't it. Not.

I understand that it would produce a fixture pile up (postponing games has the same effect), but extending the season by a month is a small price to pay.

Its not too late to implement.

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I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be attending. 
I was keen to stay at home due to my moral standpoint on covid passes, but my daughter has been desperate to come to this game and she has made me cave in. 
Everything I do, I do for my kids, so now that she wants to go, I’ve had to reluctantly agree. 
Ah well, so much for my one-man protest ? Best get that NHS app open. 

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For those of us choosing not to / unable to attend tomorrow for whatever personal reasons they see fit, is there a way we can still watch the game online / on TV? Preferably without having to take a virtual flight around Europe but failing that, what are the options (never used a VPN before)?

As others have alluded to, it’s never an easy decision to choose to not attend a game that we otherwise would have been at (even if the quality of the football over recent seasons has tried it’s best to push people away) so it would be great to still cheer the boys on even if only from the living room.

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4 minutes ago, Harry said:

I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be attending. 
I was keen to stay at home due to my moral standpoint on covid passes, but my daughter has been desperate to come to this game and she has made me cave in. 
Everything I do, I do for my kids, so now that she wants to go, I’ve had to reluctantly agree. 
Ah well, so much for my one-man protest ? Best get that NHS app open. 

This made me smile. Cheers to being a father. ? 

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13 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

It would have been much better if the EFL had got a grip and decided to implement a winter break over Christmas and New Year. 

We now have supporters not attending and clubs being directed to play if they have 14 fit players including a keeper - that ensures a level playing field doesn't it. Not.

I understand that it would produce a fixture pile up (postponing games has the same effect), but extending the season by a month is a small price to pay.

Its not too late to implement.

How would you extend the season by a month though? 
There’s an international window in June, you’d potentially have the most important games of the season being played without key players. 

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10 minutes ago, Harry said:

I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be attending. 
I was keen to stay at home due to my moral standpoint on covid passes, but my daughter has been desperate to come to this game and she has made me cave in. 
Everything I do, I do for my kids, so now that she wants to go, I’ve had to reluctantly agree. 
Ah well, so much for my one-man protest ? Best get that NHS app open. 

Ill add man of strong principles to the list

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28 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

Ill add man of strong principles to the list

Oh how quaint. You’re keeping a list of my characteristics. 
Fancy yourself as some sort of psychoanalyst? 
Strikes me as just a little bit ‘stalker-ish’ to be fair. 

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6 minutes ago, Harry said:

Oh how quaint. You’re keeping a list of my characteristics. 
Fancy yourself as some sort of psychoanalyst? 
Strikes me as just a little bit ‘stalker-ish’ to be fair. 

Its hard not to notice, saying as how Verbose you are. You write essay upon essay about not going to the game out of moral principle. Big red line. Blah blah. Doing it for the kids. Blah Blah.

All gone out the window now. Principles my arse. Absolutely full of shite ?

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26 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

Its hard not to notice, saying as how Verbose you are. You write essay upon essay about not going to the game out of moral principle. Big red line. Blah blah. Doing it for the kids. Blah Blah.

All gone out the window now. Principles my arse. Absolutely full of shite ?

Yep. I’m doing it for the kids. Going against my principles. It’s what a loving parent does. 
You’re quite a nasty piece of work aren’t you. I’m so glad I don’t know you personally. I think I’d be sick at the sight of you. Brrrrrrrr

Edited by Harry
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15 minutes ago, Harry said:

Yep. I’m doing it for the kids. Going against my principles. It’s what a loving parent does. 
You’re quite a nasty piece of work aren’t you. I’m so glad I don’t know you personally. I think I’d be sick at the sight of you. Brrrrrrrr

Not really sure what response you expected, Harry. You spent the last week arguing your case quite passionately, and now done a complete 180. 

I try to teach my kids that I follow through with my strongly held principles. 

Edited by Colombo Robin
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Remarkable number of people on this thread understandably choosing not to attend tomorrow - more than 50% I’d say. Only anecdotal evidence of course, and I tend to think of regular OTIBers as a bit more sensible and considered than your average City fan (mostly!), but it will be very interesting to see what the attendance is.

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3 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Remarkable number of people on this thread understandably choosing not to attend tomorrow - more than 50% I’d say. Only anecdotal evidence of course, and I tend to think of regular OTIBers as a bit more sensible and considered than your average City fan (mostly!), but it will be very interesting to see what the attendance is.

I would think it would be at least 14k to cover the ST sold and any POTD sold.

How many will actually be there is another matter..

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7 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

Where did I tell you what to do?

You've shown your cards, made your point (badly,) and will continue your existence, albeit one apparently devoid of intellectual or emotional empathy.

Get down from that high horse of yours, it doesn’t suit.

This is precisely why I don’t venture in threads like these, it’s political and it’s full of high horse virgins like yourself.


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1 hour ago, bcfc01 said:

It would have been much better if the EFL had got a grip and decided to implement a winter break over Christmas and New Year. 

We now have supporters not attending and clubs being directed to play if they have 14 fit players including a keeper - that ensures a level playing field doesn't it. Not.

I understand that it would produce a fixture pile up (postponing games has the same effect), but extending the season by a month is a small price to pay.

Its not too late to implement.

Trouble is extending the season causes an issue for next season with The World Cup in November.

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4 hours ago, VT05763 said:

It is not the deaths !!!!

The hospitals will be full and overflowing with COVID patients, most will recover but they will clog up the system for as you say  -

cancer, pneumonia, heart attacks, kidney failure, brain tumours, car accidents, site accidents, shark attacks…

Truly astounding the amount of people who do not understand this.

It’s a valid point which I understand (makes a change from memes eh!).

But there are talks on here, out there etc of shutting things down again. How far do you go with it? Are we going to have the same discussions every winter?


Edited by Lew-T
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32 minutes ago, Colombo Robin said:

Not really sure what response you expected, Harry. You spent the last week arguing your case quite passionately, and now done a complete 180. 

I try to teach my kids that I follow through with my strongly held principles. 

I expected EXACTLY that response from certain posters. Which is exactly why I posted this. 
I could easily have just attended the game and not announced it to all of you wonderful folks on here, but I thought I’d announce it as I knew you’d all find it intriguing and react exactly as was anticipated. 
Thanks for being predictable. 

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