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Not going Saturday


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There is just going to be a lot more fear around not getting covid over Xmas. Pressure from other family members maybe not interested in the football not wanting there planned Christmases ruined by having to isolate.

If it wasn’t for those kinds of things you’d see a lot more people just go and not care about the risks so much

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3 minutes ago, Show Me The Money! said:

There is just going to be a lot more fear around not getting covid over Xmas. Pressure from other family members maybe not interested in the football not wanting there planned Christmases ruined by having to isolate.

If it wasn’t for those kinds of things you’d see a lot more people just go and not care about the risks so much

I also wonder how many people who might contract covid and balls up Christmas, will look back and think it ‘ah well, it was still worth it to go to a football match’.

It’s not a fear of covid stopping me going today, it’s the fear of possibility of ruining Christmas for the rest of my family.

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1 minute ago, phantom said:

Hearing from friends who got to the ground early as per request, none of them were asked to show any vaccination proof. What an absolute farce 

I came in at the park end and everyone had to show a pass to stewards. No queues  with everything moving quickly. Most people had their pass on their phone, so it was easy to display. I’m still outside in the fans village but the concourse looks packed. Being in the concourse could be the biggest risk so I’m going through as quickly as possible wearing a mask 


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38 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

If you lockdown hard and put the right support packages into place (rather that shitly-conceived stuff they introduced), follow your own rules, then you bring compliance and trust….and nobody’s business goes up the swanny.

But not this scheming bunch of grifters. Always on the make for them and their mates.

So do you still expect my Wife who is a carer to still work, and my Son who is an essential worker to go into lockdown aswell. 

These lockdown lunatics are by far the most selfish people I have ever experienced. On one hand they say its "for the greater good". But then they expect others to do their dirty work and carry on working. 

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4 minutes ago, big p said:

So do you still expect my Wife who is a carer to still work, and my Son who is an essential worker to go into lockdown aswell. 

These lockdown lunatics are by far the most selfish people I have ever experienced. On one hand they say its "for the greater good". But then they expect others to do their dirty work and carry on working. 

I'm not sure how you arrived at that based on what Fevs has posted.

Lockdown, as we all know doesn't means everyone has to stay at home; it means that those who don't need to be out spreading and catching Covid aren't, whilst those who do need to travel for work do so under less risk.


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2 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I'm not sure how you arrived at that based on what Fevs has posted.

Lockdown, as we all know doesn't means everyone has to stay at home; it means that those who don't need to be out spreading and catching Covid aren't, whilst those who do need to travel for work do so under less risk.


Of course you are right on a rational basis but I understand @big p's righteous anger.

It reflects the long standing problem that we badly under value those who provide truly essential services, often "rewarding" them with poor pay and conditions. I don't expect that to change in what's left of my lifetime.

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3 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I'm not sure how you arrived at that based on what Fevs has posted.

Lockdown, as we all know doesn't means everyone has to stay at home; it means that those who don't need to be out spreading and catching Covid aren't, whilst those who do need to travel for work do so under less risk.


Yet others are expected to go out and catch it, so some people can sit at home in their pajamas, shouting at the TV at how selfish some people are for breaking the rules..Pathetic!

I totally understand what lockdown means, as does 3 of my good friends of whom have lost their businesses due to absolutely no fault of their own. One is on the verge of losing his house and has 3 kids. 

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3 minutes ago, big p said:

Yet others are expected to go out and catch it, so some people can sit at home in their pajamas, shouting at the TV at how selfish some people are for breaking the rules..Pathetic!

I totally understand what lockdown means, as does 3 of my good friends of whom have lost their businesses due to absolutely no fault of their own. One is on the verge of losing his house and has 3 kids. 

...and some of that is down to a government not supporting the people / businesses properly.  Very sad, nobody should've lost their livelihood through covid directly.  Happy to be fact checked, but circa 3m self employed couldn't claim any of the support packages.  Effing disgrace.  And I see why some felt they had no choice but to work.  You've got to be pretty cold to think otherwise.

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14 minutes ago, jimross2005 said:

Never got asked for covid pass after being sports bar from 12pm

If you’d been in the Sports Bar from 12.00 the stewards probably decided that the cider fumes would kill any virus 

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6 minutes ago, big p said:

Yet others are expected to go out and catch it, so some people can sit at home in their pajamas, shouting at the TV at how selfish some people are for breaking the rules..Pathetic!

I totally understand what lockdown means, as does 3 of my good friends of whom have lost their businesses due to absolutely no fault of their own. One is on the verge of losing his house and has 3 kids. 

Different people do different jobs, some need to be in their place of employment in person, some don't.

With less sociability, in theory the spread of covid will reduce meaning those who have to actually go to work will hopefully be at a vastly reduced risk of infection.

As for sitting around at home in PJ's, there might be some people who have a complete doss working remotely, but that hasn't been my experience.

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1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

...and some of that is down to a government not supporting the people / businesses properly.  Very sad, nobody should've lost their livelihood through covid directly.  Happy to be fact checked, but circa 3m self employed couldn't claim any of the support packages.  Effing disgrace.  And I see why some felt they had no choice but to work.  You've got to be pretty cold to think otherwise.

That's the point I think. Our Prime Minister is on record as saying "**** business" after all.

Meanwhile we have a network of local public health experts around the country who were sidelined in favour of giving £37b to the private sector to run a "world beating" test and trace system that was anything but run by a woman who happened to be a Tory life peer married to a Tory MP and who screwed up at TalkTalk.

Imagine how even a fraction of that money could have helped small businesses.

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1 hour ago, BrizzleRed said:

It’s a balancing act and if businesses all go down the toilet along with the assiciated jobs, that doesn’t help the population either, does it?

They’ve had all the accusations of being too authoritarian and trying to control all aspects of our lives in the past, so this seems like the obvious alternative.

It looks to me that this time, they’ve decided to vaccinate everyone who’lll agree to have it and then relying on the level of vaccine in the populace minimising serious illness and deaths and letting us start to build up some herd immunity.

This had to happen at some point, as lockdowns couldn’t continue for evermore and seemed to be of very limited benefit anyway.

Need 85% (minimum) of the World vaccinated for herd immunity to work.

Lockdowns will be essential until this is done. Penny needs to drop soon.

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22 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

Need 85% (minimum) of the World vaccinated for herd immunity to work.

Lockdowns will be essential until this is done. Penny needs to drop soon.

At the rate this is multiplying, most people in the UK will be carrying antbodies within the next couple of months anyway, if predictions sre to be believed  The main hope surely has to be that people are vaxinated and the effects of the virus is lessened.  

Given the delay between you getting infected, becoming contageous and then producing a positve test, there must be tens of thousands who are already carrying and contageous, who are out there spreading and don’t even know they’re infected yet.

What’s the point in locking down yet again for a couple of weeks, only to go out and get clobbered by it anyway, when the restrictions ars lifted again?

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9 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

At the rate this is multiplying, most people in the UK will be carrying antbodies within the next couple of months anyway, if predictions sre to be believed  The main hope surely has to be that people are vaxinated and the effects of the virus is lessened.  

Given the delay between you getting infected, becoming contageous and then producing a positve test, there must be tens of thousands who are already carrying and contageous, who are out there spreading and don’t even know they’re infected yet.

What’s the point in locking down yet again for a couple of weeks, only to go out and get clobbered by it anyway, when the restrictions ars lifted again?

Carrying antibodies for this variant !

Unless 85% of the world is vaccinated giving us herd immunity then these variants will keep appearing and often evade vaccines and antibodies from before.

Fully vaccinating our little Island will not protect us from further variants unless we close all borders permanently.

Sadly looks like we are heading for at least a month lock down in January.

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1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

...and some of that is down to a government not supporting the people / businesses properly.  Very sad, nobody should've lost their livelihood through covid directly.  Happy to be fact checked, but circa 3m self employed couldn't claim any of the support packages.  Effing disgrace.  And I see why some felt they had no choice but to work.  You've got to be pretty cold to think otherwise.

They literally printed billions to save the bankers, no thoughts of paying that back.

Funny how that's not an option now.

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17 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

Carrying antibodies for this variant !

Unless 85% of the world is vaccinated giving us herd immunity then these variants will keep appearing and often evade vaccines and antibodies from before.

Fully vaccinating our little Island will not protect us from further variants unless we close all borders permanently.

Sadly looks like we are heading for at least a month lock down in January.

Carrying antibodies for one variant is surely going to at least help reduce the effects of future variants, especially in combination with vaccines.

Locking down again now definitely won’t help get the rest of the world vaccinated, so I’m really struggling to see how that’ll help our current situation.

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2 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

Carrying antibodies for one variant is surely going to at least help reduce the effects of future variants, especially in combination with vaccines.

Locking down again now definitely won’t help get the rest of the world vaccinated, so I’m really struggling to see how that’ll help our current situation.

Stopping the NHS getting overwhelmed. It will have to be done  and no guarantees on antibodies and future variants.

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48 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

Stopping the NHS getting overwhelmed. It will have to be done  and no guarantees on antibodies and future variants.

Totally depends on how many get hospitalised with this variant.  It’s not hard to imagine the public response if they lock down and there isn’t a big rise in hospitalisations after all and it turns out to have been unecessary..

A big call, that’s for sure.

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23 hours ago, spudski said:

Tell me if I've misunderstood this...but this is bollox. We built at the beginning of covid temporary covid hospitals throughout the country.

They all got dismantled and never used, as we were told there wasn't enough drs and nurses ' specialised' to deal with covid.

During the height of covid this year, my father was in Southmead with Brain cancer. The hospital and wards were empty when I visited. Empty... literally.

So it's not beds that are a problem...it's staff. 

Surely we should be building more hospitals and educating staff, and paying them a decent wage. That should be the foremost action, especially as it's been two bloody years now and not expected to stop.

Two friggin years...that we've just accepted to live with and not change.

How long do you think it takes to train nurses and medical staff?

”during the height of covid” there was probably social distancing, keeping patients isolated etc so not surprised if it appeared empty.

I agree with your sentiment but it’s not as easy as just recruit staff. We’ve got record levels of job vacancies in this country, so there’s as many if not more jobs than people looking for work. A pandemic at the same time as Brexit was a recipe for disaster. I know we didn’t see it coming, but we probably should have postponed some of the settlement changes

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4 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

How long do you think it takes to train nurses and medical staff?

”during the height of covid” there was probably social distancing, keeping patients isolated etc so not surprised if it appeared empty.

I agree with your sentiment but it’s not as easy as just recruit staff. We’ve got record levels of job vacancies in this country, so there’s as many if not more jobs than people looking for work. A pandemic at the same time as Brexit was a recipe for disaster. I know we didn’t see it coming, but we probably should have postponed some of the settlement changes

30 minutes apparently... https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/196933/online-tool-quickly-trains-doctors-nurses/

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18 hours ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

That figure has been debated long and hard elsewhere - so I’d refer you to that discussion, although I’d highlight once again that someone I know died from being electrocuted at work and his death was put down as a Covid death because he’d tested positive a month before his untimely death.

Don’t you think there is now hysteria over this omicron variant? Do you think it is warranted? Reports today suggested there were 16 people in hospital in the UK with omicron and there has been one death - a guy in his seventies who was unvaccinated and died ‘with’ not ‘from’ omicron - South Africa (from where the omicron variant apparently originated) has now reported they are ‘over the peak’ and the number of deaths from omicron over there? Zero ... 

A guy I work with, and his wife, are both isolating at home with omicron right now - they both have underlying health issues, however, he sent me a text saying he ‘feels a bit under the weather but he’s had worse colds’ - I would never underestimate or belittle anyone’s experiences during this pandemic, but I can only draw my own conclusions from the personal experiences I go through and to which I am exposed ... and in many ways, ‘hysteria’ is an appropriate word to sum up some things right now ... I totally get, and respect, that you may feel different and that’s obviously perfectly fine - have a great weekend ?

Once again, the “with not of” argument is nonsense unless you are a medical expert and dealt with the patient.

it’s not all about deaths or even hospitalisations. If we just let people get ill what happens to essential services?

London fire service reported a similar problem this week.


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2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

...and some of that is down to a government not supporting the people / businesses properly.  Very sad, nobody should've lost their livelihood through covid directly.  Happy to be fact checked, but circa 3m self employed couldn't claim any of the support packages.  Effing disgrace.  And I see why some felt they had no choice but to work.  You've got to be pretty cold to think otherwise.

Not sure what more could have been done, particularly put in place at very short notice.

According to the national audit office

Government expects to spend £370 billion on COVID-19 measures as at the September 2021 update, comprising of £153.7 billion for support for businesses, £84.3 billion for health and social care, £67.2 billion for public services and emergency responses, £59.8 billion for support for individuals, 

if you were self employed it was very generous and easy to claim as long as you had previously put in a tax return.

of course some new businesses could not do this, 

the amount of fraud from people / busineses taking advantage is massive, although they are going to be employing thoussnds on new fraud investigaters to start getting some of this back.

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20 minutes ago, spudski said:

Already qualified clinicians… I’ll assume you knew that and were just being funny ?

The new online tool, developed by Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Fundamental VR, allows these redeployed clinicians to gain the key knowledge they need for ventilating patients in just 30 minutes. The training consists of a short how-to video that teaches the essentials of operating ventilators.

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40 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

Totally depends on how many get hospitalised with this variant.  It’s not hard to imagine the public response if they lock down and there isn’t a big rise in hospitalisations after all and it turns out to have been unecessary..

A big call, that’s for sure.

Yep you are right there. 

With the rate of infection being so high there is a decent chance that this wave will not last as long. 

Could well be they go for a short 2 week lockdown straight after Xmas.

The big problem is schools, full of unvaccinated humans taking it home to the family.

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Clearly there were quite a lot who didn’t attend today. 
Not sure what the Lansdown looked like, nor did I hear the attendance, but this looks like a lot less than 10k to me. 
This was 10 minutes in. So likely the most populated it would be before drinks/toilet breaks etc  




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18 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

Already qualified clinicians… I’ll assume you knew that and were just being funny ?

The new online tool, developed by Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Fundamental VR, allows these redeployed clinicians to gain the key knowledge they need for ventilating patients in just 30 minutes. The training consists of a short how-to video that teaches the essentials of operating ventilators.

Read it again...redeployed clinicians from other aspects of health care. 

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4 minutes ago, spudski said:

Read it again...redeployed clinicians from other aspects of health care. 

Yes so presumably to be in healthcare in the first place they’ve had some level of qualification and training unless I’m mistaken?

If you’re wanting more staff you’re talking about getting people from outside the industry surely? As moving people around health care doesn’t solve the problem, that’s a Tory way of adding staff like the “new” hospitals.

You can’t just take joe blogs of the street, show him a 30 minute video and let him look after a patient 

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4 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

Official attendance of 18k which included season tickets was obviously misleading. I guess maybe 14k

Looked more like 10k to me.

COVID passport only merited a cursary glance on the way in - I was temped to show my Lidl QR code, I'm sure no one would have noticed.

If you didn't have a COVID pass, I'm sure you would get in if you gave the bloke a tenner.

All that trouble just to watch another Saturday afternoon pantomime at the gate.

Roll on the January window.

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13 minutes ago, Harry said:

Clearly there were quite a lot who didn’t attend today. 
Not sure what the Lansdown looked like, nor did I hear the attendance, but this looks like a lot less than 10k to me. 
This was 10 minutes in. So likely the most populated it would be before drinks/toilet breaks etc  




Good atmosphere then ? 

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10 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

Yes so presumably to be in healthcare in the first place they’ve had some level of qualification and training unless I’m mistaken?

If you’re wanting more staff you’re talking about getting people from outside the industry surely? As moving people around health care doesn’t solve the problem, that’s a Tory way of adding staff like the “new” hospitals.

You can’t just take joe blogs of the street, show him a 30 minute video and let him look after a patient 

My company has over 1000 medical professionals we had a request from Government last week for our staff to volunteer and help with vaccinations

It isn't the training for giving an injection but more to do with what to do if anyone has a reaction to a vaccination 

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12 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

Yes so presumably to be in healthcare in the first place they’ve had some level of qualification and training unless I’m mistaken?

If you’re wanting more staff you’re talking about getting people from outside the industry surely? As moving people around health care doesn’t solve the problem, that’s a Tory way of adding staff like the “new” hospitals.

You can’t just take joe blogs of the street, show him a 30 minute video and let him look after a patient 

No...but you can deploy these people if there was an overload in beds due to covid spikes

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The steward who checked my pass gave it a cursory glance. He was more interested in searching my bag for “cans”, when it was quite clear that I had 2 young children with me and the bag contained their gloves, scarves, iPads and a couple of snacks. 
He seemed more afraid of me trying to sneak some “cans” in with my young kids than he did of covid. 

And I assume the fact I wasn’t subject to a wanded search today means that the terrorist threat level has been reduced? Must have missed that news this week, what with everything else. 

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Just now, LoyalRed said:

How long is that number sustainable as s championship club I wonder 

As the official number given was 18,000 wasn’t it I doubt the club is thatvworried as the majority of the missingbwereclikely to be ST holders and the club already has that money banked. Yes they may have lost a bit on food and drink sales, but they discounted that today so possibly people that were there spent more anyway?

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Getting in was a breeze, easiest for ages now the terrorist threat seems to have gone

Crowd, as others have said was about 10/12k 

With a constant breeze it all felt very safe I though I didn’t go into the Sports bar today.

Lets see what if anything happens before the next game. If it’s the same rules etc I expect a much bigger crowd.

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6 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

Getting in was a breeze, easiest for ages now the terrorist threat seems to have gone

Crowd, as others have said was about 10/12k 

With a constant breeze it all felt very safe I though I didn’t go into the Sports bar today.

Lets see what if anything happens before the next game. If it’s the same rules etc I expect a much bigger crowd.

I only didn't go due to the proximity of the game to Christmas, assuming we aren't in lock down, I expect loads to return for the next home game.

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24 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I only didn't go due to the proximity of the game to Christmas, assuming we aren't in lock down, I expect loads to return for the next home game.

Weather should be better in April/May also.

Just now, Moments of Pleasure said:

Ask Blackburn. 


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2 hours ago, Harry said:

The steward who checked my pass gave it a cursory glance. He was more interested in searching my bag for “cans”, when it was quite clear that I had 2 young children with me and the bag contained their gloves, scarves, iPads and a couple of snacks. 
He seemed more afraid of me trying to sneak some “cans” in with my young kids than he did of covid. 

And I assume the fact I wasn’t subject to a wanded search today means that the terrorist threat level has been reduced? Must have missed that news this week, what with everything else. 

Welcome to the Bristol City Entrance Lottery. Which will it be next time?

1 - “Open your coats please”

2 - “Can I check your bag please”

3 - “Show us your tickets please”

4 - “Arms up for the scanner please”

5 - “Have your Covid pass ready please”

….or, none of the above?


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9 hours ago, RedLionLad said:

Has the security threat ended?

No ticket checking and not one scanner in sight.

It's literally identical to what it was 2 weeks ago, it's just that the media narrative has moved on a bit and Piri Patel's attempts to scare everyone have taken a backward step.

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6 hours ago, Harry said:

The steward who checked my pass gave it a cursory glance. He was more interested in searching my bag for “cans”, when it was quite clear that I had 2 young children with me and the bag contained their gloves, scarves, iPads and a couple of snacks. 
He seemed more afraid of me trying to sneak some “cans” in with my young kids than he did of covid. 

And I assume the fact I wasn’t subject to a wanded search today means that the terrorist threat level has been reduced? Must have missed that news this week, what with everything else. 

I thought you weren’t going to attend, anything change your mind?

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12 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

You can’t interpret a graph then. I give up.

No need to give up - you could explain how the graph you posted shows omicron deaths in South Africa when it clearly states it is displaying data stretching back over the last year - from November 2020 to 4th December 2021, yet the omicron variant wasn’t identified in South Africa until the end of November / start of December 2021 

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7 hours ago, phantom said:

My company has over 1000 medical professionals we had a request from Government last week for our staff to volunteer and help with vaccinations

It isn't the training for giving an injection but more to do with what to do if anyone has a reaction to a vaccination 

I might be mistaken but I thought we were talking about finding staff to work in hospitals so we could open new wards, more beds etc, not for the vaccine roll out?

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