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N P's One Liners


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1 hour ago, firstdivision said:

I'd say it's pretty tedious. He knows exactly what's behind the question - just decides to play the smart a**e.

He forgets he's really talking to the fans. Plays the man (the journalist) rather than the ball (the supporters, who just like a bit of info).



Your entitled to your opinion/interpretation. Personally it doesn't concern me, I just found it very funny.

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1 hour ago, firstdivision said:

I'd say it's pretty tedious. He knows exactly what's behind the question - just decides to play the smart a**e.

He forgets he's really talking to the fans. Plays the man (the journalist) rather than the ball (the supporters, who just like a bit of info).



Agree. Tries to be the smart arse all the time, yeah the question is weak sometimes but just answer it. Thanks he's hard and it's actually quite boring. 

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1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

Or perhaps the journo could prepare a differently worded question, or have a secondary more open question ready if he gets the type of response above.

You ask the right question, Nige will talk the hind legs off a donkey.

He’s laid out the ground rules enough times, e.g. don’t ask me about individual transfers, you’ll know when there’s something to announce.  Don’t ask me about my tactics for the upcoming game.

You can either try to work with him, build rapport, even ask him to perhaps not be so closed on certain things, or you can set yourself up for an interview where you glean nothing insightful.  How you then “sell” that back to your readers is your problem, not Nige’s.

You can see the ones who’ve built a good rapport with him, they get away with more than others.  Also be prepared that your killer question might’ve been asked by an earlier person.

I suspect Nige sees the Dave Barton media interview as his way of talking to the fans.

Whys he always do defensive? Comes across as a right dick sometimes 

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2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Or perhaps the journo could prepare a differently worded question, or have a secondary more open question ready if he gets the type of response above.

You ask the right question, Nige will talk the hind legs off a donkey.

He’s laid out the ground rules enough times, e.g. don’t ask me about individual transfers, you’ll know when there’s something to announce.  Don’t ask me about my tactics for the upcoming game.

You can either try to work with him, build rapport, even ask him to perhaps not be so closed on certain things, or you can set yourself up for an interview where you glean nothing insightful.  How you then “sell” that back to your readers is your problem, not Nige’s.

You can see the ones who’ve built a good rapport with him, they get away with more than others.  Also be prepared that your killer question might’ve been asked by an earlier person.

I suspect Nige sees the Dave Barton media interview as his way of talking to the fans.

There's some truth in what you say - some questions could be framed better - but come on, Dave, it's pretty clear his regular default position is a patronising, slightly sneering one.

Perhaps it's just me, but I prefer people who are not always looking to make a point. Just answer the question/deal with the issue in a straightforward, respectful way. It makes me cringe to see a grown man acting like he does sometimes.

Dave Barton's questions are much worse - general waffle - but he doesn't put him away (because they are colleagues).

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2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Or perhaps the journo could prepare a differently worded question, or have a secondary more open question ready if he gets the type of response above.

You ask the right question, Nige will talk the hind legs off a donkey.

He’s laid out the ground rules enough times, e.g. don’t ask me about individual transfers, you’ll know when there’s something to announce.  Don’t ask me about my tactics for the upcoming game.

You can either try to work with him, build rapport, even ask him to perhaps not be so closed on certain things, or you can set yourself up for an interview where you glean nothing insightful.  How you then “sell” that back to your readers is your problem, not Nige’s.

You can see the ones who’ve built a good rapport with him, they get away with more than others.  Also be prepared that your killer question might’ve been asked by an earlier person.

I suspect Nige sees the Dave Barton media interview as his way of talking to the fans.

Is Dave Barton the club’s media guy? Says it all then, really. 
Fans want a bit more information than what the club has orchestrated.

Some of the questions are a bit mundane from certain media outlets, that’s where GmcG used to be good, he’d ask a really pertinent question that appeared to be blunt/risky because the others were so tame.

I do find Nige’s reluctance to engage with a simple/straight question a bit tedious 

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1 hour ago, exAtyeoMax said:

do find Nige’s reluctance to engage with a simple/straight question a bit tedious

I think he’s just fed up with having his time wasted by journalists who ask questions that he has already stated he won’t answer.

‘Tactics ‘ ‘transfer news’ and ‘player availability ‘ to name but three. We need to have every advantage possible to compete in this division and I used to cringe when other coaches here wanted to show how clever they were in front of the public by giving out this information which the opposition could use against us.

I agree he is ill at ease during press conferences and comes across as ‘ prickly’ it is up to the journalists to ask interesting questions that won’t compromise our position.


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He’s meant to be dealing with professional journalists, not 8 year old kids doing a school project. He keeps getting asked questions he clearly can’t answer in a way that is insightful, unless he gives away things he shouldn’t, eg   transfer speculation and match tactics.

Think he gives a lot of thoughtful and interesting answers across the full range of his interviews (meaning the ‘talking to the fans’ point gets dealt with), doesn’t bother me that he gets frustrated with lazy/incompetent journalists (those that are, some are great).

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6 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Or perhaps the journo could prepare a differently worded question, or have a secondary more open question ready if he gets the type of response above.

You ask the right question, Nige will talk the hind legs off a donkey.

He’s laid out the ground rules enough times, e.g. don’t ask me about individual transfers, you’ll know when there’s something to announce.  Don’t ask me about my tactics for the upcoming game.

You can either try to work with him, build rapport, even ask him to perhaps not be so closed on certain things, or you can set yourself up for an interview where you glean nothing insightful.  How you then “sell” that back to your readers is your problem, not Nige’s.

You can see the ones who’ve built a good rapport with him, they get away with more than others.  Also be prepared that your killer question might’ve been asked by an earlier person.

I suspect Nige sees the Dave Barton media interview as his way of talking to the fans.

Some of the questions are bordering on ridiculous sometimes and it’s cringe worthy how like you say a question has been asked and another journalist will repeat exactly the same question but word it slightly different.  When he’s asked a sensible question he gives a sensible answer. There was an interview I listened to a while back with Andi Wiemann and the interviewer must have asked him about four or five times the same question and you start to doubt their journalistic professionalism. 

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7 hours ago, firstdivision said:

I'd say it's pretty tedious. He knows exactly what's behind the question - just decides to play the smart a**e.

He forgets he's really talking to the fans. Plays the man (the journalist) rather than the ball (the supporters, who just like a bit of info).



You’d obviously prefer the look at me interviews of LJ who basically looked down his nose at us fans & trying to be too clever. Pearson says it how it is with no bluster. Doesn’t happen enough in todays world. Most of the press ask stupid bloody questions . The decent journalists he does actually engage with . 

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4 hours ago, exAtyeoMax said:

Is Dave Barton the club’s media guy? Says it all then, really. 
Fans want a bit more information than what the club has orchestrated.

Some of the questions are a bit mundane from certain media outlets, that’s where GmcG used to be good, he’d ask a really pertinent question that appeared to be blunt/risky because the others were so tame.

I do find Nige’s reluctance to engage with a simple/straight question a bit tedious 

What do you want him to say ? Do you want him to open up about tactics 48 hrs before a game just so you can understand it better . Not going to happen is it 

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We have the choice of listening or ignoring these "pressers", Nige doesn't.

Now 2 games a week, pre and post match interviews, if you separate Club & Press you can probably double that. Now add in the same questions, every single time. I'm surprised he doesn't snap more. TBF he's never snapped, might get tetchy or playful , but it's understandable IMO.
It can be difficult for the reporters, I do get that, but it's their job to ask questions and they have plenty of time to phrase it properly. He's not going to tell you who's we are about to buy, what our team shop will be and our starting XI will be, so don't ask.
The Taylor Moore situation, unlikely they want to discuss it too much so ask a bit of a leading question, or at least in a way it won't be shut down. Having 3 or more reporters in different rooms to ask questions isn't ideal, you can lose your main thread as it has been asked. But prepare for that , don't just ask again. He can be open and sharing, but some things he won't want to give too much info about. Even those occasions, he will talk openly to a point , as much as he wants to, if the question is asked in the right way.

As it stands, I watch about 10% of the Pressers, mainly to catch updates on injuries. These are done for the broadcasters/League, under obligation. Must be unwanted by both sides, to do that up to 8 times a week. 

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Some of this week's press interview was like a stereotypical press interview on football manager.

Asking if he has spoken to a player about a specific internal thing, I don't know what the interviewer expected other than that being a private conversation.

Let's face it they are all looking for click bait headlines and Nige isn't going to give it to them.

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Some of the questions (not the Taylor Moore one, to be fair) are incredibly inane & as someone who listens to his press conferences, I have no idea why there are so many journalists at them.

A couple of them (especially the Welsh bloke from Bristol World) are terrible, he asks stupid questions repeatedly & so gets these sort of answers. Radio Bristol have a few shockers, too.

I do think NP enjoys playing up to his self styled grumpy bugger image but you can also tell with James Piercy & Dan Carter (who asked by far the best questions for me) he answers differently.

Edited by GrahamC
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41 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

You’d obviously prefer the look at me interviews of LJ who basically looked down his nose at us fans & trying to be too clever. Pearson says it how it is with no bluster. Doesn’t happen enough in todays world. Most of the press ask stupid bloody questions . The decent journalists he does actually engage with . 

How did you make that leap to me liking LJ’s interviews. Flawed logic.
I just prefer less sneering, a bit of tolerance (for the odd daft question) and a realisation that you can cut through to the supporters who are quite interested in most information about the club. It’s not that difficult. 


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46 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

You’d obviously prefer the look at me interviews of LJ who basically looked down his nose at us fans & trying to be too clever. Pearson says it how it is with no bluster. Doesn’t happen enough in todays world. Most of the press ask stupid bloody questions . The decent journalists he does actually engage with . 

Everybody has different styles I guess, maybe Johnson tried to be clever in his interviews but I don’t think you could ever accuse him of looking down his nose at fans. 

I only ever saw someone who really loved this club as a player and manager, did lots for the community and genuinely tried to have a close relationship with the fans despite being on the back foot with a good majority from the outset.

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50 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

What do you want him to say ? Do you want him to open up about tactics 48 hrs before a game just so you can understand it better . Not going to happen is it 

No not at all, but I’d expect an update on a player’s injury or availability, or even a loan. Not too much to ask!

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Think NP finds the pressers a necessary evil of the job. When asked an intelligent well thought out open question which does not go over the boundaries he keeps having to repeat, he tends to give a very considered and articulate answer. But he certainly does not suffer fools gladly, and some of the journalist get what they deserve for the inept questions they ask or asking a question they then proceed to answer themselves.

I enjoy NP's pressers, find them insightful and honest, but message for journalist is to plan decent questions that you think he may answer and don't waste his time.

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Really can’t get my head around people saying that the questions should be more open, better worded etc etc. One of the worst of the lot, is the official City guy ‘ Dave ‘. Yet he gets a pass does he? Just say it as it is, Nige can be a bit of d**k when it comes to the press. It’s the same questions for all managers up & down the country, yet they seem to manage it. Good news is that we are hopefully starting to see some progress on the pitch, keep up the good work Nige & be polite! COYR 

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17 minutes ago, Simon79 said:

Really can’t get my head around people saying that the questions should be more open, better worded etc etc. One of the worst of the lot, is the official City guy ‘ Dave ‘. Yet he gets a pass does he? Just say it as it is, Nige can be a bit of d**k when it comes to the press. It’s the same questions for all managers up & down the country, yet they seem to manage it. Good news is that we are hopefully starting to see some progress on the pitch, keep up the good work Nige & be polite! COYR 

He can certainly come across as abrupt bordering on rude.

Equally let’s say he gave a standard answer to that one. Something like ‘It’s important for Taylor at this stage of his career to be getting as much first team football as possible, and his loan gives him the best opportunity to continue his development. He is a sensible lad and we know he will be working hard to make an impact. We are getting regular reports and I am keeping a close eye on how he is getting on’.

Its a more polished answer and less dismissive, but says nothing other than ‘he is on loan’.

You pays your money and takes your choice.

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52 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

No not at all, but I’d expect an update on a player’s injury or availability, or even a loan. Not too much to ask!

He did that. He spoke at length about joe williams. Probably can’t say much about baker we have a loans manager called Brian tinnion for that. Pearson’s job is concentrating on our first team . Why would he waste time talking about our players out on loan 

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13 minutes ago, cityexile said:

He can certainly come across as abrupt bordering on rude.

Equally let’s say he gave a standard answer to that one. Something like ‘It’s important for Taylor at this stage of his career to be getting as much first team football as possible, and his loan gives him the best opportunity to continue his development. He is a sensible lad and we know he will be working hard to make an impact. We are getting regular reports and I am keeping a close eye on how he is getting on’.

Its a more polished answer and less dismissive, but says nothing other than ‘he is on loan’.

You pays your money and takes your choice.

That’s fair.

I also think in this particular case, a question that is teed up along the lines of “with Nathan Baker’s situation uncertain & funds clearly limited due to the losses recently announced, so have you given any thought to recalling him? Is far less likely to allow him to give such a dismissive answer.

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9 hours ago, firstdivision said:

I'd say it's pretty tedious. He knows exactly what's behind the question - just decides to play the smart a**e.

He forgets he's really talking to the fans. Plays the man (the journalist) rather than the ball (the supporters, who just like a bit of info).



I reckon NP is very candid. He has a fantastic technique in answering difficult questions. His answers all though some times a bit slow are positive and professional. Unlike previous managers before him.

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21 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

The quality of journalism is poor. The lack of research and question framing terrible . Sure he could be easier with them but he is being asked nonsense . For example , this week someone coujd have looked at out improved possession stats over the last week and asked him to detail what changes they have worked on etc . 
as an example of the type of poor questions , he gets told player x played well or opponent x is great . Dead end questions . We are in the middle of a transfer window , he won’t talk targets but you can ask about the process . Then what are the attributes he is looking for when you are shopping lower leagues and trying to work out if they can jump up a level or two . But all you get is something general about any outgoings to which he says he cannot discuss .,

the club could help the better journalists by giving them 1 to 1 access a few times a year . 

james Piercy is the only one who writes with any semblance of professional training . 

The problem is, I can see Nige being just as belligerent with those kinds of questions. 
Yes the majority of the questions are dull and mundane, I just expect him to be civil. 

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1 hour ago, MC RISK77 said:

Everybody has different styles I guess, maybe Johnson tried to be clever in his interviews but I don’t think you could ever accuse him of looking down his nose at fans. 

I only ever saw someone who really loved this club as a player and manager, did lots for the community and genuinely tried to have a close relationship with the fans despite being on the back foot with a good majority from the outset.

He didn’t look down his nose, but just as one of the posters above said Nige should be answering more fully because the fans are the ones the answers are for, LJ would use terminology that was alien to the casual fan, and that was him being aloof, “I’m better than you”.

49 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

He did that. He spoke at length about joe williams. Probably can’t say much about baker we have a loans manager called Brian tinnion for that. Pearson’s job is concentrating on our first team . Why would he waste time talking about our players out on loan 

And he’s again laid the ground rules that he is only really interested in talking about those players at his disposal.

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1 hour ago, MC RISK77 said:

Everybody has different styles I guess, maybe Johnson tried to be clever in his interviews but I don’t think you could ever accuse him of looking down his nose at fans. 

I only ever saw someone who really loved this club as a player and manager, did lots for the community and genuinely tried to have a close relationship with the fans despite being on the back foot with a good majority from the outset.

Agreed. Johnson wasn’t perfect but I get the impression he was desperate to be a success here. It was probably a job or two too early really. Would’ve been interesting to see how he’d have got on without Ashton, he’s doing well at Sunderland.

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10 hours ago, Davefevs said:

Or perhaps the journo could prepare a differently worded question, or have a secondary more open question ready if he gets the type of response above.

You ask the right question, Nige will talk the hind legs off a donkey.

He’s laid out the ground rules enough times, e.g. don’t ask me about individual transfers, you’ll know when there’s something to announce.  Don’t ask me about my tactics for the upcoming game.

You can either try to work with him, build rapport, even ask him to perhaps not be so closed on certain things, or you can set yourself up for an interview where you glean nothing insightful.  How you then “sell” that back to your readers is your problem, not Nige’s.

You can see the ones who’ve built a good rapport with him, they get away with more than others.  Also be prepared that your killer question might’ve been asked by an earlier person.

I suspect Nige sees the Dave Barton media interview as his way of talking to the fans.

Think the press try to hard to get on side,Often pretty much the same question but worded differently. Gregor has had the same problem nige certainly makes you earn your money ?

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1 hour ago, exAtyeoMax said:

No not at all, but I’d expect an update on a player’s injury or availability, or even a loan. Not too much to ask!

I honestly can't remember when he's been less than straight about injuries, quite often he's said X,Y or Z won't be available at the weekend, well in advance.  The loan thing is different, he won't be watching players loaned out, week to week. Unless they are being called back because we are short in a certain position, I don't see him being involved past regular reports from our scouts. The Taylor Moore question was asked, in such a way it deserved a  short answer. 

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6 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Agreed. Johnson wasn’t perfect but I get the impression he was desperate to be a success here. It was probably a job or two too early really. Would’ve been interesting to see how he’d have got on without Ashton, he’s doing well at Sunderland.

Think some of that is his own insecurity.

Despite doing pretty well here, I still think he was fortunate to land a club like Sunderland, even though they are a division below.  They are going well, fair play to him.  He will be desperate to go up in the top 2…playoffs could be really tough…25% chance.

He is likeable in lots of ways, but has that self-destruct button every now and again, that makes all the bad things come flooding back.

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Pearson's one of those managers who doesn't enjoy the media part of his job, whereas LJ did.

Some people are naturally guarded and are under the impression that you, as a reporter, are just trying to trip them up all the time. I think that is how Nigel reacts., and in his defence he's been in the game long enough that he probably does have some grievances.

FWIW I never bought into this idea that Lee J waffled and talked bollocks in his interviews. He was perfectly lucid in my view. The problems arose because what he said often did not reflect what we saw on the field. 


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6 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

He will talk if you ask him decent questions . The young lad from Gloucester uni asked about the position Jay DS played last week and got info about that position and about Jay .  He had opened a line of discussion  that was interesting . Some people like the media , crave it almost ,others don’t . It’s different sometimes difficult with Nige but if you get it right you will get your headline or content . He has been the same for decades so you deal with it . Get it right and you can have fun with him . But you need to put some effort and professionalism in .  I find him civil enough he’s just direct . If you going to make it as a journalist you need to get some tough skin . I do t have time to go through question by question to explain what is wrong g with the majority that were asked , but the lack of preparation and professionalism is evident . There are so many recorded interviews from all levels these days you have access to much learning material to improve  . These are accredited journalists asking questions not joe public . 

Hes not a journalists delight but there are far worse and it is part of the gig . 

A little while ago I asked James Piercy about why the Bristol Post were never first to ask their Qs.  His reply was that sometimes it helped because the some of the ones on before asked the banal questions that meant he could get onto the better stuff.

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1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

A little while ago I asked James Piercy about why the Bristol Post were never first to ask their Qs.  His reply was that sometimes it helped because the some of the ones on before asked the banal questions that meant he could get onto the better stuff.

I am surprised by the banality of some of the questions. Those media outlets are doing their readers/listeners a disservice. I'm not a football expert as much as a lot on here but I expect a certain level of questioning. 

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12 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

He will talk if you ask him decent questions . The young lad from Gloucester uni asked about the position Jay DS played last week and got info about that position and about Jay .  He had opened a line of discussion  that was interesting . Some people like the media , crave it almost ,others don’t . It’s different sometimes difficult with Nige but if you get it right you will get your headline or content . He has been the same for decades so you deal with it . Get it right and you can have fun with him . But you need to put some effort and professionalism in .  I find him civil enough he’s just direct . If you going to make it as a journalist you need to get some tough skin . I do t have time to go through question by question to explain what is wrong g with the majority that were asked , but the lack of preparation and professionalism is evident . There are so many recorded interviews from all levels these days you have access to much learning material to improve  . These are accredited journalists asking questions not joe public . 

Hes not a journalists delight but there are far worse and it is part of the gig . 

I guess as well, he will talk if he wants to (or is able to) share information. 

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22 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


FWIW I never bought into this idea that Lee J waffled and talked bollocks in his interviews. He was perfectly lucid in my view. The problems arose because what he said often did not reflect what we saw on the field. 


So talking bollocks then. 

Edited by cityloyal473
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2 hours ago, Simon79 said:

It’s the same questions for all managers up & down the country, yet they seem to manage it.

And managing to say nothing even vaguely interesting or insightful if asked these types of questions. Lots of better journalists out there as well, who, given they’re better, are more likely to be asking Klopp et al questions, which results in better answers. None of us think it’s acceptable for footballers to be terrible at the job and show no signs of trying to improve, don’t see why journalists should get a free pass. As has been mentioned, James Piercy asks better questions and gets better answers. 

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10 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


Not bollocks as in incomprehensible jargon (which is the usual charge), but I guess in the sense that what he said was not reflected in how we played. 

If I said one thing in a meeting at work and did something completely different in practice I’d be accused of talking bollocks. I can tell my board that I will make them a million pounds a day but bring in five pence. They’d say I talked bollocks  

LJ talked a lot of bollocks. And some of it was bordering on incomprehensible. It was waffle, deflection, management speak and general all round bollocks  

Having said that, he will get it right at a club one day and will be pretty successful IMHO.  We were right club wrong time  



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1 minute ago, cityloyal473 said:

If I said one thing in a meeting at work and did something completely different in practice I’d be accused of talking bollocks. I can tell my board that will make them a million pounds a day but bring in five pence. They’d say I talked bollocks  

LJ talked a lot of bollocks. 

Having said that, he will get it right at a club one day and will be pretty successful IMHO.  We were right club wrong time 


I'd say he was pretty successful here, but just didn't have what it takes to sustain success throughout the season and get us over the line.  The advantages he had to help that success is a topic that's been done to death on here. 

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1 minute ago, billywedlock said:

Indeed . But as I said earlier why not ask him about our change to higher possession , what did he and the coaches do to change that , what are the roles of Curtis and Ball , what have they changed . He has talked about being brave with the ball . What does that mean and how do you achieve it . He says a lot of things that don’t get picked up .  It looks pretty obvious from the videos at the training ground that Curtis has a style that is very positive and encouraging. In the end it’s just football and there is little to say outside of the 90 mins but imho the change in approach these last months should have given them lots to ask him . 

After the release of accounts a 1-1 with RG and Piercy would have  been sensible . Club need to grant exclusive access  sometimes 

Yes, those kinds of questions are far more interesting, even for someone like me who doesn't know a lot about football. It's a learning curve for me.

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it was reported a while back that his son said he had to change his way with interviews as he tended to spout everything he knew without thinking first.  i think that is why he seems very reined in during pressers.  i know from personal experience that this could be very true because when i met him,he didnt hold back at all in his answers about out transfer targets last summer or a couple of other ongoing issues behind the scenes. absolute diamond of a bloke,no fibs or red herrings,everything he said was going to happen did happen.  


to be perfectly honest, i dont give a hoot about pre match interviews,they might aswell be the beano or dandy,just a weekly comic for the fans to read or watch something.


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11 hours ago, firstdivision said:

How did you make that leap to me liking LJ’s interviews. Flawed logic.
I just prefer less sneering, a bit of tolerance (for the odd many daft questions) and a realisation that you can cut through to the supporters who are quite interested in most information about the club. It’s not that difficult. 


I have no doubt in my mind that he would talk about the club if the questions were not so dumb or stereotyped, imo he's merely answering the questions in the manner they are asked.

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