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Alex Scott…..Wow


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I assume, being from Guernsey, he qualifies as a home-grown player with regards Premier League team quotas?

If for this reason alone he carries a premium, what is a genuine asking price for him this summer? Webster was £20m, Kelly £13m....

Are we looking in excess of those?

And for what price would City just have to stand aside and let him go?

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18 minutes ago, deadredfred said:

I assume, being from Guernsey, he qualifies as a home-grown player with regards Premier League team quotas?

If for this reason alone he carries a premium, what is a genuine asking price for him this summer? Webster was £20m, Kelly £13m....

Are we looking in excess of those?

And for what price would City just have to stand aside and let him go?

We won't know how much Covid might have impacted fees until the summer window.

My guess is that Prem clubs will try to drive prices down compared to the past, knowing the financial damage EFL clubs have suffered. We shall see.

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58 minutes ago, deadredfred said:

I assume, being from Guernsey, he qualifies as a home-grown player with regards Premier League team quotas?

If for this reason alone he carries a premium, what is a genuine asking price for him this summer? Webster was £20m, Kelly £13m....

Are we looking in excess of those?

And for what price would City just have to stand aside and let him go?

I'd expect something like 10-12m up front with performance based add-ons to take it up to 18-20m as an absolute maximum. Certainly more like Kelly money than Webster money imo.

We might love him and rave about him, but objectively he's a talented 18 year-old playing well (in a variety of positions) in comparison to some pretty average/standard Championship players. He's on a long contract, but that won't be worth much as it's going to be low wages. Is that a good return on someone who was essentially a free signing? Absolutely.

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22 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Think we need to be clear here, he was in City's Academy for a little over a year before signing his first pro contract in March 2021. 

He came though Guernsey's system. 

And don't forget Ben Acey who looks to be signing for us. I wonder how much SL living in Guernsey has to do with us getting these players as opposed to them signing elsewhere.

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1 minute ago, E.G.Red said:

And don't forget Ben Acey who looks to be signing for us. I wonder how much SL living in Guernsey has to do with us getting these players as opposed to them signing elsewhere.

With Scott the coach over there cited the relationship with Tinnion as a factor 

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4 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

Don't you remember when he first came into the team, quite frankly he was useless, fans didn't like him, he was Kellards replacement (and not a very good one), but gradually, over a few months we could see what a player he was going to become .

BTW, Kellard being the replacement for fans favorite Johnny Quigley , had to run the same gauntlet with the fans , before (through performances) he won them over !

3 hours ago, chinapig said:

Yes, he was basically a clogger when he started. In fact in our fights against relegation in those days we were a pretty dirty side!

But he transformed himself from that into one of the best we have ever had of course.

It's funny how memories differ, although age does play tricks with the best of us.

My first recollection of Gerry Gow was in that wonderful John Sillett youth side that reached the semi-finals of the 1970 Youth Cup.

I was a mere schoolboy back then, and I honestly can't remember whether I actually saw GG make his First Team debut, although I certainly did see him in his early games. My recollection is not that he was a 'clogger', although I do remember some boos at some of his passes. Again, I don't remember them as 'bad passes', rather that his teammates were unable to read them.

Incidentally, whilst I never had the pleasure of meeting Gerry Gow, I did meet both Johnny Quigley (we actually played in the same team for a few months) and Bobby Kellard.

My recollection of Bobby Kellard is that he was a very warm, down to earth man, whereas the less said about JQ, the better.

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