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I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


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1 minute ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


Yes. Putin loves sport, so he shouldnt get any benefit from seeing his National play anywhere. We should definitely follow Polands lead and refuse to play the game. FIFA havent got a spine, but the likes of Poland and I'd hope England could help them develop one

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Why?. It is Putin that is the issue and not the majority of Russians or there football clubs. My opinion is if the Russian football teams are willing to travel then lets play.

Why should the world wide greatest sport be a pawn in a chess game with an idiot like Putin.


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1 minute ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

It’s tough on the Russian people, but it has to happen.  South Africa was excluded from international sport and it was absolutely the right thing to do, and played its part in ending apartheid.

Some what agree. This though is a bit different so jury out on why this is similar to apartheid. Putin is out of control and there is a threat to Europe if he is not contained. Football still needs to go ahead. It is the world sporting favourite to all around the world. The Russians are great at football and we need to encourage them if they do manage to play in other countries over the next few months. Most importantly we need to support them which will shove two fingers up Putins A%"e

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1 minute ago, City oz said:

Some what agree. This though is a bit different so jury out on why this is similar to apartheid. Putin is out of control and there is a threat to Europe if he is not contained. Football still needs to go ahead. It is the world sporting favourite to all around the world. The Russians are great at football and we need to encourage them if they do manage to play in other countries over the next few months. Most importantly we need to support them which will shove two fingers up Putins A%"e

Unfortunately it will do quite the opposite as he will just delight in the lack of action being taken against him and his regime.  Understand it’s not ‘fair’ on the sports people themselves but sanctions of all sorts need to be taken against this regime, including sporting. 

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17 minutes ago, City oz said:

Why?. It is Putin that is the issue and not the majority of Russians or there football clubs. My opinion is if the Russian football teams are willing to travel then lets play.

Why should the world wide greatest sport be a pawn in a chess game with an idiot like Putin.


If Russia are suspended from all sporting events then it’s the Russian people that miss out and that might help for them to rebel against his regime - who knows?       :dunno:

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If there is to be any chance of a revolution from below, i.e. from the people, then yet another sporting frustration after losing the Champions League Final, the Grand Prix and now, potentially, the possibility of competing in the World Cup can only help.

And, for goodness sake, whilst recognising their may be some Russian athletes who don’t use PEDs, let’s bring an end to this farce of letting Russia compete as ROC.

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40 minutes ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


The Czech Republic and Sweden,  the winners of whom will now play Russia in the playoff final, are also apparently in talks to agree to refuse to play them as well.

Let’s hope that common sense will prevail and Russia are expelled from the tournament by UEFA who are responsible for running the playoffs.

Edited by Malago
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6 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

With all due respect, this is a touch naive.

Should Russia play international football, and win, it will be spun as a victory for the might of the Russian nation. In effect, by letting them compete, it allows them to release propaganda off the back of it. It would be the same for any Russian based teams in things like the Europa League.

I feel for the players, it isn’t their doing, but you have to not let Russia compete for the above reason.

Not naive. I understand your point though but if the Russian football team want to play in Europe then surely this will be a negative impact on Putin. The issue is Putin and not Russia

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3 minutes ago, Robbored said:

If Russia are suspended from all sporting events then it’s the Russian people that miss out and that might help for them to rebel against his regime - who knows?       :dunno:

They are rebeling  now with over 5,000 arrested today.

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32 minutes ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


Absofreakinlutely. Russia is already a plague on sport with it’s organised doping programmes now the madman invades a brother country. How can anybody possibly condone playing a sport with them? 

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1 minute ago, Robbored said:

That’s a good start but 5m arrests would make more of an impact.

Those five thousand face fifteen years in prison just for the protest. These people are extremely brave and have no desire to send their sons, husbands or fathers to war to satisfy the megalomaniac in the Kremlin. 
Will Putin risk his life for mother Russia ? 
will he **** as like. 

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I do hope that clubs don't do anything. It'll just lead down a path that I don't want it to go down. 

We supply weapons to the Saudis who are bombing the hell out of Yemen....

We've bombed the middle east over the last 20 years....

Then you have players who have shown support for Palestine in their own time. They may want to do that on an official basis, then there may be players who show support for Israel.

And still none of them will boycott Qatar. 

Leave it be. 

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The only way this will end is for Putin to be overthrown.

Never agreed with mixing politics and sport. This, however, is an exception. The Russian people are fed a narrative by their Government. The Government can’t ‘spin’ being thrown out of sporting competitions by a united world. This can help build opposition to Putin.

While we too are fed a view of the world by our own Governments and there is corruption throughout the West too (just look at our bunch of wasters with their snouts on the trough) - Putin and his cronies has over-stepped the mark. He could have played this differently. I’m sure there were atrocities against Russian speakers by Ukrainians ‘ultras’ but he could have dealt with that in a way that would have garnered support rather than using his usual ‘go to’ iron fist. All about bravado though with him. 

Maybe, just maybe, this could be the end for Putin and all politicians throughout the world - many part of the UK Government - who work in their own interests rather than serve the best interests of humanity. Here’s hoping. 


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56 minutes ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?



Personally I would’ve pulled out of Qatar WC too.  I also think FIFA is corrupt too, and I’d like to see a general breakaway from them too.

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20 minutes ago, City oz said:

They are rebeling  now with over 5,000 arrested today.

I have tremendous respect for any of the protesting Russian citizens, it is an extremely brave action.  Getting arrested in Russia is not like being arrested in the West, they are putting their lives and futures in jeopardy by standing up to a Fascist Dictator.   I don' t know if i i would have the courage to do the same?        

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1 hour ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


F up Qatar, yes why not. I know, it won't stop it going ahead but it might spoil their party a bit.

Kill two birds etc.

I don't know what the repercussions with Russia will be obviously but I can't see playing a football match against them at the moment is somehow appropriate

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Mike Scott of The Waterboys is one of the finest songwriters around. The current awful situation in The Ukraine just reminded me of this song which is one of his best ones from the early days ('A Pagan Place' - 1984). Quite poignant lyrics really.

The Red Army Blues

Red Army blues :: Waterboys
When I left my home and my family
my mother said to me
"Son, it's not how many Germans you kill that counts
it's how many people you set free"
So I packed my bags
brushed my cap
Walked out into the world
seventeen years old
Never kissed a girl
Took the train to Voronezh
that was as far as it would go
Changed my sacks for a uniform
bit my lip against the snow
I prayed for mother Russia
in the summer of '43
And as we drove the Germans back
I really believed
That God was listening to me
We howled into Berlin
tore the smoking buildings down
Raised the red flag high
burnt the reichstag brown
I saw my first American
and he looked a lot like me
He had the same kinda farmer's face
said he'd come from some place called Hazzard, Tennessee
Then the war was over
my discharge papers came
Me and twenty hundred others
went to Stettiner for the train
Kiev! said the commissar
from there your own way home
But I never got to Kiev
we never came by home
Train went north to the Taiga
we were stripped and marched in file
Up the great siberian road
for miles and miles and miles and miles
Dressed in stripes and tatters
in a gulag left to die
All because Comrade Stalin was scared that
we'd become too westernized!
Used to love my country
used to be so young
Used to believe that life was
the best song ever sung
I would have died for my country
in 1945
But now only one thing remains
but now only one thing remains
But now only one thing remains
but now only one thing remains
The brute will to survive!
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22 minutes ago, RedRock said:

The only way this will end is for Putin to be overthrown.

Never agreed with mixing politics and sport. This, however, is an exception. The Russian people are fed a narrative by their Government. The Government can’t ‘spin’ being thrown out of sporting competitions by a united world. This can help build opposition to Putin.

While we too are fed a view of the world by our own Governments and there is corruption throughout the West too (just look at our bunch of wasters with their snouts on the trough) - Putin and his cronies has over-stepped the mark. He could have played this differently. I’m sure there were atrocities against Russian speakers by Ukrainians ‘ultras’ but he could have dealt with that in a way that would have garnered support rather than using his usual ‘go to’ iron fist. All about bravado though with him. 

Maybe, just maybe, this could be the end for Putin and all politicians throughout the world - many part of the UK Government - who work in their own interests rather than serve the best interests of humanity. Here’s hoping. 


Agreed. Putin is ex KGB, he is closely entwined with crooks such as Abramavich and many others. If anyone wonders what Putin is all about, Catherine Belton has written a compelling, fact based book called Putins People.
It is brilliant!

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1 hour ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


Yes.... no question.

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1 hour ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


While Putin wages war annex the country in all its activitys 

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1 hour ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


%100 YES

Russia needs to be made a complete pariah state , in every single way, frozen out from the civilised world

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How will Ukranian sportsmen and women feel if they have to compete against russian teams or competitors? I think we should be banning Russia from all sports in solidarity but it would be interesting to hear their views. I saw a tennis player saying today he will be going back home and joining the militia. If that is any indication we should be 100% behind a ban. Allowing them into the olympics as ROC was a joke. 

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12 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

How will Ukranian sportsmen and women feel if they have to compete against russian teams or competitors? I think we should be banning Russia from all sports in solidarity but it would be interesting to hear their views. I saw a tennis player saying today he will be going back home and joining the militia. If that is any indication we should be 100% behind a ban. Allowing them into the olympics as ROC was a joke. 

 He is not on his own:


It has to be said at least one Russian international footballer has spoken out against the war. Massive respect to him and any other Russian player brave enough to do so but it just sends out the wrong signal to willingly play competitive sport against a country trying to invade a country and overthrow a democratically elected government.

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2 hours ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?



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2 hours ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?



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All far too little too late isn't it?

2018 World Cup, GazProm sponsoring Champions League.  Numerous of Putin's criminal friends buying and controlling clubs.  

Sport has served its purpose as far as Putin is concerned.

We've also been useful.  The Russian elite refer to London as their Laundry.  To our Prime Minister as 'Comrade Alexander'  (Alexander is his real name).  Brexit directly benefitted Russian strategic aims as did Trump's concerted undermining of NATO.  



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3 hours ago, HitchinRed said:

I see that Poland has confirmed that it will refuse to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier. 

We all know that FIFA will be weighing up the $s before they consider what action to take, so the question is should England also boycott any match with Russia, even if this means disqualification from the World Cup?


fifa will probably kick out  poland from the world cup.

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1 hour ago, Sheltons Army said:

%100 YES

Russia needs to be made a complete pariah state , in every single way, frozen out from the civilised world

It will be Europe that will be frozen if they stop buying Russian gas so there has to be a measured response to this.

Staying on football I thought Russia were pretty awful in the euros and doubt they would have even qualified anyway. For me they should still play (there are other bad countries out there who still play) but it's going to look awful for FIFA if they insist that Poland play them or get kicked out. Maybe just get the winners of Sweden vs Czech Republic to qualify.

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3 hours ago, City oz said:

Why?. It is Putin that is the issue and not the majority of Russians or there football clubs. My opinion is if the Russian football teams are willing to travel then lets play.

Why should the world wide greatest sport be a pawn in a chess game with an idiot like Putin.


Because by alienating Russia in its entirety will help in turning the Russian population against putin . 

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Going to play Devil's Advocate for a moment. I don't disagree in principle btw.

A Devil's Advocate position though, would ask should UK and US have had similar action during the Iraq invasion? I guess a key difference is that we are democratic states however.

2 hours ago, Tin Soldier said:

Agreed. Putin is ex KGB, he is closely entwined with crooks such as Abramavich and many others. If anyone wonders what Putin is all about, Catherine Belton has written a compelling, fact based book called Putins People.
It is brilliant!

Reasonable number of oligarchs, although not Abramovich AFAIK, donate to the Tories too I believe. I know bits about the oligarchs and it seems on the face of it although PR can help, that Abramovich is one of the less objectionable although he also seems to have some of the best PR strategies too.

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Many Russians adore Putin. He is the strong man who has bought respect back to their country.They are a world force again after the ‘ humiliation ‘ of the breakdown of the USSR.

In fairness they need to appear strong against the Chinese and other potentially hostile nations but invading other neighbouring states is not big and it’s not clever. 
Putin is a danger to world stability and needs to be stopped. 

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34 minutes ago, Oh Louie louie said:

I read a book years ago on roman.

I think it was called the billionaire from nowhere. sorry if wrong.

Many think he put himself in the public eye for good reason.

I've heard of that book too, his backstory sounds interesting to say the least...interesting can be taken one of many ways.

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I'm not against it and I generally oppose the idea that sport is set apart from politics, however it does pose an awkward question on how many other countries compete despite the awful crimes committed against their own people and also other countries. 

FIFA and other sporting bodies have made it hard to apply these sort of rules due to their own indifference and corruption in the race for money in recent years. 

Definitely think the players and individual nations can make their own choices so it's good to see solidarity.  It's probably that which will force the authorities hands. 

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A couple of random thoughts.

Yugoslavia at the time of those wars were not only banned from Euro 92, but this also remained in play during World Cup 94 and Euro 96.

Blatter, yeah him and Platini were corrupt in a range of ways but I think his stance here was basically:

"Football and politics separate wherever possible".

Therefore, horrible Government at home and possibly also at times foreign policy ah not that bothered so long as they don't interfere with their FA!

However intervention with the FA was a big red flag for Sepp, whether democracy or dictatorship. Think Greece and Spain- both democracies albeit flawed ones- tried Government intervention with their FA and he threatened to suspend them!!

Corrupt or amoral, perhaps both in this example.


Oligarchs very much existed between his election in 2000 and indeed an important reason for his election win in 2000, was the excesses of the oligarchs and Russia's economic chaos in the 1990s.

Initially he did quite a good job in this regard I'd say, in restoring a bit of dignity and stability to Russia and taming the oligarchs as they were, but sadly he himself directly or otherwise seems to have become the top or sole oligarch. Something changed or maybe that was his plan all along?

Had he done what he did until the mid 2000s and then taken a different course, things would look quite different now I believe.

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35 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Going to play Devil's Advocate for a moment. I don't disagree in principle btw.

A Devil's Advocate position though, would ask should UK and US have had similar action during the Iraq invasion? I guess a key difference is that we are democratic states however.

I think the difference was that the UK/USA invasion of Iraq was only after a UN resolution being passed, on the basis of Iraq s possession of WMD.

Yes, we now know that there were no WMDs and that this was achieved in no small measure because of Blairs dodgy dossier, but no military action was taken until endorsement by the UN.

Putin is sole judge and jury of the decision to invade Ukraine. As far I can tell he has the support of absolutely no one else.

How Blair escaped punishment for his actions in the Iraq war is a mystery.


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1 hour ago, Oh Louie louie said:

I read a book years ago on roman.

I think it was called the billionaire from nowhere. sorry if wrong.

Many think he put himself in the public eye for good reason.

Pretty sure you are correct.

Abramavich was “placed” in to the UK public eye via Putin according to book Putins People. Abramavich has had plenty of “dirty £££” from Putin. One of the schemes Putin help set up, was to sell Russias core commodities (oil, wheat, gas, etc) to a “middle man/broker” at a vastly reduced price into the world market. And the middle man then sold at top dollar to the customer. The profit made then went to Putin and his oligarchs. The Russian state got very little.

Think it’s called corruption!

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2 hours ago, downendcity said:

I think the difference was that the UK/USA invasion of Iraq was only after a UN resolution being passed, on the basis of Iraq s possession of WMD.

Yes, we now know that there were no WMDs and that this was achieved in no small measure because of Blairs dodgy dossier, but no military action was taken until endorsement by the UN.

Putin is sole judge and jury of the decision to invade Ukraine. As far I can tell he has the support of absolutely no one else.

How Blair escaped punishment for his actions in the Iraq war is a mystery.


I respect your views.....however it is far from a mystery that Blair and other similar politicians avoid punishment for their various crimes?   Due to them all covering each others backs with favours and deals, and in so doing, manage to squirm their way out of any possible punishment or repercussion ?   I cannot think of one UK politician I could trust?

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1 hour ago, maxjak said:

I respect your views.....however it is far from a mystery that Blair and other similar politicians avoid punishment for their various crimes?   Due to them all covering each others backs with favours and deals, and in so doing, manage to squirm their way out of any possible punishment or repercussion ?   I cannot think of one UK politician I could trust?

I should have put mystery inside quotation marks, as it was said somewhat sarcastically and with tongue firmly in cheek.

I agree with all you say.

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7 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

Abramovich has announced that he's temporarily handed over control of Chelsea to the trustees of the club.

Essentially a legal move to ensure the club can't be touched in the event of sanctions or an asset freeze against him.

Chelsea's "charitable foundation", does that mean that they don't pay any tax?

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My initial reaction would be yes, we should refuse to play them (though as far as I’m aware there’s no game with them? It’s hypothetical) and they should be banned from the World Cup and removed from European competition.

However, as others have pointed out, where do you draw the line?

WC in Qatar where thousands have died building the stadiums? Not to mention questionable human rights laws - though you could argue their country, their rules.

Isreal still play despite the atrocities against Palestine.

There’s genocide taking place in China, still taking part in sport.

We and the US saw no sanctions whilst bombing hospitals and schools in the Middle East. It’s “collateral damage” when we do it.

that’s just the well known ones, probably loads more conflicts and concerns going on in the world.

So where would people draw the line? Who can play sport and who can’t?

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14 hours ago, Northern Red said:

Abramovich has announced that he's temporarily handed over control of Chelsea to the trustees of the club.

Essentially a legal move to ensure the club can't be touched in the event of sanctions or an asset freeze against him.

It's lip service, and means nothing legally - Abramovich remains the ultimate beneficial owner of Chelsea. What's surprising is that this was stated as breaking news on sky sports last night. I think most organisations are realising this today.

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5 hours ago, Sleepy1968 said:

It's lip service, and means nothing legally - Abramovich remains the ultimate beneficial owner of Chelsea. What's surprising is that this was stated as breaking news on sky sports last night. I think most organisations are realising this today.

What is interesting is Chelsea’s statement.

”The situation in Ukraine is horrific and devastating. Chelsea FC’s thoughts are with everyone in Ukraine. Everyone at the club is praying for peace.”

Assuming Abramovich still has control into messaging the club puts out - and I would assume that - it contains a tacit criticism of Putin and rejection of Putin’s narrative that you would not expect from a Putin-supporting oligarch.

I do wonder if Abramovich and other wealthy Russians are going to continue to support Putin after this - a war that leads to sanctions and bad PR really doesn’t seem to be in their interests.

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3 hours ago, LondonBristolian said:

What is interesting is Chelsea’s statement.

”The situation in Ukraine is horrific and devastating. Chelsea FC’s thoughts are with everyone in Ukraine. Everyone at the club is praying for peace.”

Assuming Abramovich still has control into messaging the club puts out - and I would assume that - it contains a tacit criticism of Putin and rejection of Putin’s narrative that you would not expect from a Putin-supporting oligarch.

I do wonder if Abramovich and other wealthy Russians are going to continue to support Putin after this - a war that leads to sanctions and bad PR really doesn’t seem to be in their interests.

Lets hope thats the case.

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7 hours ago, LondonBristolian said:

What is interesting is Chelsea’s statement.

”The situation in Ukraine is horrific and devastating. Chelsea FC’s thoughts are with everyone in Ukraine. Everyone at the club is praying for peace.”

Assuming Abramovich still has control into messaging the club puts out - and I would assume that - it contains a tacit criticism of Putin and rejection of Putin’s narrative that you would not expect from a Putin-supporting oligarch.

I do wonder if Abramovich and other wealthy Russians are going to continue to support Putin after this - a war that leads to sanctions and bad PR really doesn’t seem to be in their interests.

Abramovich is an Israeli citizen..

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