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Season Tickets 2022/23 (12,000 sold as at 10th May)


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One thing the club could do - and I hope they are already working on it - is to try and work with First to increase the transport available to games.

Marvin is going to get his clean air zone at some point which will likely mean increased traffic in the areas not in the zone (which from memory includes BS3), so if there were more options for travel that meant people could leave their cars at home I would imagine that would prove popular.

And, if you haven't got your car, you can drink more booze!

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48 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

Crikey, do you think so?

They're the games I struggle to get to because of work and motorways forever closing after 10pm.

What with that and the now ridiculous traffic on the M5 for the majority of months nowadays, it’s getting hard work.

I have similar challenges re midweek matches. As I understand it, the World Cup break for the Championship is three weeks so there will be a few matches to squeeze in elsewhere albeit I know we are starting a week early next season (30 July). 

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Before I go any further, I won't be getting one purely because of not living in Bristol. If I did live in, or around the area, I probably would due to not having one since 2008/9.

Now that's out of the way, the increase is actually not bad at all. Yes it's an increase and people are struggling etc, but as a club we're facing another difficult year due to the finances, so with that in mind it would have been easy to hike the prices up even more!!

However, I think the club may have missed a trick here. What they could have done is said that as a thanks to all existing season ticket holders, the price will be frozen for 1 week. After that, the prices will increase to this, and then after that they will increase slightly again once they go on general sale. 

That way they are giving people the chance to renew at no extra cost, but would probably still make more by increasing the prices at the other times as well.

That being said though, I can't really fault them for the pricing that they have gone for. To be honest, that small increase will probably see a large majority of current ticket holders to still renew. For the ones that don't, it will probably be because they can't renew. 

I really want to pick holes in what they're doing, but there's not a lot to pick at to be fair.

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15 minutes ago, Dredd said:

I’m happy to swallow the extra tenner on ticket price, but it’s the inevitable food and drink increases that will make it a more expensive day out

chicken tenders and chips are already £7.00 and it's a must for my boy !!!


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53 minutes ago, tommy_b said:


Season starts in July (it’s like we’re in Scotland!) and then EFL only postpone during the group stage of the WC, still means a month off. 
It’ll cover what was an international break this season but it’s 5 games to be scheduled elsewhere vs this season. 

Weirdly, the Championship restarts at the end of the group stage, as you say....there will presumably be lots of postponements with teams still missing players on duty.

Edited by Steve Watts
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I’ll be renewing, but probably would have come what may, as I’m lucky enough for it to be something I can afford and adds real value as a family for myself and the kids. However, I totally respect anyone who chooses not to renew in view of the current economic circumstances.

I’d imagine the club have made the calculation that those who feel in view of the economy have to sacrifice a ST would do so in any event. I don’t think the increase is unreasonable (for me and the two kids, it’s £16 extra), and the club have probably come to a view that the modest increase won’t turn renewals off.

Bottom line - if you were going to not renew due to the economy, you likely wouldn’t renew even if we’d dropped 2%. If you weren’t going to renew due to the entertainment, you weren’t renewing whatever. If you intended to renew, the increase is small enough it won’t move that dial.

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30 minutes ago, Dredd said:

I’m happy to swallow the extra tenner on ticket price, but it’s the inevitable food and drink increases that will make it a more expensive day out

At least we have a choice of where to buy our food and drink in order to keep the costs down.

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29 minutes ago, Dredd said:

I’m happy to swallow the extra tenner on ticket price, but it’s the inevitable food and drink increases that will make it a more expensive day out

Anyone who buys food and drink in the ground or fan village is mad when there is far better quality and cheeper stuff all around outside the ground so many good places to eat and drink that are a max of 5 mins walk away,

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27 minutes ago, Dredd said:

I’m happy to swallow the extra tenner on ticket price, but it’s the inevitable food and drink increases that will make it a more expensive day out

There's a B&M Bargains and KFC over the road... if you're THAT lazy to not walk two minutes before the game, that's on you.

47 minutes ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

hiding behind the "good news" of the frozen children's ticket.

As somebody with no kids and who never bloody wants them. I just don't wanna be contributing to kid's seats and shirts. Yeah, only £55 - great! But the cost is made up somewhere.

50 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

It's an awful video though…they could have got some better music…it's a bit morose…I suppose it could be apt for the season ahead ????

Seriously? That's your complaint? The music in a video you'll only ever watch once. It's fine. What do you want it to be? Wurzels wouldn't exactly fit.

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53 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

Agree with what you say but I just get the feeling a lot of people have been in two minds lately whether to renew. Partly because of the football but mainly because of the cost of living, which has affected thousands more recently.

Its easy to say -yeah of course I’ll renew- when you can afford it but loads are really struggling and just seeing a slight increase may sway them.

I’m in the fortunate situation where I can afford it and might be worrying on others behalf unnecessarily. I don’t really know!

I wonder how many of the current SC holders planning to renew won’t renew because of £10-20 rise?  If you weren’t gonna renew anyway, for whatever reason, the rise becomes irrelevant.  There will be a small number (???) who were hoping for a slight reduction to justify buying again, who now won’t buy.

My guess is that there will be a reduction of SC sales, and that reduction will predominantly be for other factors, not a price rise per se.

But we shall see.


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1 minute ago, TBW said:

There's a B&M Bargains and KFC over the road... if you're THAT lazy to not walk two minutes before the game, that's on you.

As somebody with no kids and who never bloody wants them. I just don't wanna be contributing to kid's seats and shirts. Yeah, only £55 - great! But the cost is made up somewhere.

Seriously? That's your complaint? The music in a video you'll only ever watch once. It's fine. What do you want it to be? Wurzels wouldn't exactly fit.

Perhaps you're taking my comment too seriously?! ???

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1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

I wonder how many of the current SC holders planning to renew won’t renew because of £10-20 rise?  If you weren’t gonna renew anyway, for whatever reason, the rise becomes irrelevant.  There will be a small number (???) who were hoping for a slight reduction to justify buying again, who now won’t buy.

My guess is that there will be a reduction of SC sales, and that reduction will predominantly be for other factors, not a price rise per se.

But we shall see.


That’s what I said!

There are, and I mean this in the nicest way, some bloody daft comments on here. The price rise won’t stop those who were renewing anyway doing so, and anyone expecting a marked reduction just isn’t paying attention. We’re failing FFP. Money from season tickets helps that situation. We may want lower paid players, but that scenario can’t occur until contracts work out. 

My question for anyone bemoaning the cost is “What did you expect, and what would it have taken for you to renew?”

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6 minutes ago, Welcome To The Jungle said:

So one adult in the South Stand is roughly the same price as a season ticket at both Real Madrid and Barcelona combined. It's a complete rip off. How about spending less on players and being a community club, rather than wannabe plastics?

100%, my point earlier on the thread was that the meagre financial gains in increasing season ticket prices could easily be off set by not wasting money on players wages.  

15,000 season tickets increasing by £10 brings in an extra £150,000, a tiny drop in the ocean when compared to outgoings on players salaries.  How anyone can justify any increase blows my mind when looking at the bigger picture.

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1 minute ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

15,000 season tickets increasing by £10 brings in an extra £150,000, a tiny drop in the ocean when compared to outgoings on players salaries.  How anyone can justify any increase blows my mind when looking at the bigger picture.



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8 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

That’s what I said!

There are, and I mean this in the nicest way, some bloody daft comments on here. The price rise won’t stop those who were renewing anyway doing so, and anyone expecting a marked reduction just isn’t paying attention. We’re failing FFP. Money from season tickets helps that situation. We may want lower paid players, but that scenario can’t occur until contracts work out. 

My question for anyone bemoaning the cost is “What did you expect, and what would it have taken for you to renew?”

You think an extra £150k will help with FFP when we lost £37m or whatever it was?  Do the maths, it won’t touch it

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12 hours ago, eardun said:

I presume there may be even more midweek matches next season given the break for the World Cup 

I am thinking the same, with the championship shutting down for a month when the world cup is on that must mean an extra 3-4 mid week games , 

Add the fact when it starts back up the first couple of rounds after the break could see a lot of cancellation due to clubs still having players in the knock out stages meaning rearranged games and if unlucky maybe an extra 6 mid week games next season,

As someone who can't get to mid week games due to work that will really push up the per match cost of the season ticket, it's making me think this time if a season ticket is the best option for me 

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1 minute ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

You think an extra £150k will help with FFP when we lost £37m or whatever it was?  Do the maths, it won’t touch it

No, it won’t, but there are comments on here comparing our cost to Bayern and Real Madrid….and to get there would mean we’d have to markedly reduce which was never going to happen. 

Would I like us to get to the Hoeness quote of £104? Yes, absolutely. But unlike Bayern, £2m is a lot to us…

I was expecting static in view of the economic position. An increase of 75p a game is in the same ballpark there - my point is that it’s fine to moan about the cost, but this renewal hasn’t really moved that dial in any way shape or form. And in terms of FFP, it’d be hard to argue in any appeal that we had special circumstances if we’d put prices down at all….



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Clearly everyone’s circumstances will differ & with everything costing more then there are certain things that will need to be sacrificed.  Football is the only entertainment business whereby people accept a shoddy performance time after time but also it’s the only one that brings you an emotional involvement that gives you highs and lows like no other. The club know that a core will continue to stump up irrespective of product but everyone has a choice. 

It’s a nominal increase that won’t touch the sides of our debt but in a very small way, I look at a renewal as my small investment in my club. 


Edited by Shuffle
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1 hour ago, tommy_b said:


Season starts in July (it’s like we’re in Scotland!) and then EFL only postpone during the group stage of the WC, still means a month off. 
It’ll cover what was an international break this season but it’s 5 games to be scheduled elsewhere vs this season. 

Not really.  There are 3 missing Saturdays -19th November, 26th November, 3rd December.  Add to that the September International window.  A total of 4 weekends without games in the autumn when there is normally 3, which explains why they have moved the start of the season forward a week.

In the equivalent period this season we had one midweek league game, which is also accounted for by having an extra midweek by moving the season forward a week.

Arguably it's less disruptive as there is less coming and going. However, people will moan because it's a change and people don't like the idea of change.  

If any of our players get past the qualification phase it will cause issues though.  Weekend of 10th December will probably see games kick off early or be played on Sunday to avoid clashing with quarter finals which kick off at 3pm and 6pm.





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17 minutes ago, winsaw said:

I am thinking the same, with the championship shutting down for a month when the world cup is on that must mean an extra 3-4 mid week games , 

Add the fact when it starts back up the first couple of rounds after the break could see a lot of cancellation due to clubs still having players in the knock out stages meaning rearranged games and if unlucky maybe an extra 6 mid week games next season,

As someone who can't get to mid week games due to work that will really push up the per match cost of the season ticket, it's making me think this time if a season ticket is the best option for me 

As per my post above,  4 weekends without games in Autumn compared to 3 this season which is why they've moved the start forward a week.  

There will be the same number of midweek games scheduled.  May be a few postponements due to players still being involved but really not that much.  Nowhere near as many as for Covid this season put it that way.


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36 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

Take your £200 government fuel loan, add in your £150 Council tax rebate and BINGO! South Stand season ticket is just twenty five quid.

And under the bright lights of Ashton Gate you could read a book using SLs 'leccy and keep yourself warm using a hand dryer.

What a ridiculous thing to say..............................everyone knows the hand dryers aren't warm !!

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2 minutes ago, beaverface said:

What a ridiculous thing to say..............................everyone knows the hand dryers aren't warm !!

Whilst my comment was clearly quite flippant, the cost of staging games is likely to be a lot higher with the rise in fuel costs, especially with more midweek games.

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1 hour ago, GrahamC said:

Respect your view, but I don’t.

I just can’t see anyone else buying one who doesn’t already if they were the same price. On that basis why didn’t they do so for 21/22? After a year plus without anyone being able to actually go?

We know we are in a very difficult place financially thanks to Ashton & that Pearson is being asked to rebuild without any significant funds.

Next season is highly likely to see more of the same, plenty of youngsters & a few free transfers or lower league buys.

Sadly their best chance of keeping their income is to ask those already committed to pay a bit more.

I agree @GrahamCthat I think most people will either renew, or they won't. It's not going to be dependant on a 3% price rise or not.

A real challenge for a lot of people to justify it at all in the face of the massive cost of living rise across the board.

My three tickets will cost me £845(S32). I already have to work 1 weekend in 4(unless I take annual leave), and the midweek game scenario will likely thrown more spanners my way, as of course I work in the reactive side of things.

Bearing that in mind, I suppose I'll be paying an average of around £50-60 per match (as will miss a few). An interesting conversation to be had over priorities with Dr Sutton (my wife), in light of Gas going up 66%, Elec 44%, food, petrol, NI Contributions etc.

I get that the club is probably speculating that the walk up POTD crowd will be absolute minimal for the above reasons. So why try and balance prices to encourage more to come along? It's likely we'll see more of the sort of mates rates promotions over the season to boost crowds.

To be fair when you look at the income of match day crowds now in the general income side of things, it's not massive is it (about 10-15% of total income). Even if we got 24k average attendance we'd still be losing money hand over foot due to our ridiculous operating costs, that mean we lose money even before factoring in the playing budget.

Some really painful decisions ahead this summer i think over the playing side of things. The people we want to go, will generally be the ones least attractive to any potential suitors. We may have to be pragmatic over our future finances.


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28 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

No, it won’t, but there are comments on here comparing our cost to Bayern and Real Madrid….and to get there would mean we’d have to markedly reduce which was never going to happen. 

Would I like us to get to the Hoeness quote of £104? Yes, absolutely. But unlike Bayern, £2m is a lot to us…

I was expecting static in view of the economic position. An increase of 75p a game is in the same ballpark there - my point is that it’s fine to moan about the cost, but this renewal hasn’t really moved that dial in any way shape or form. And in terms of FFP, it’d be hard to argue in any appeal that we had special circumstances if we’d put prices down at all….



I probably shouldn’t bother to even reply but comments from people (who probably aren’t buying a ST anyway) trying to compare our situation to Bayern Munich & Barcelona are just mental.

Firstly everything about the business model for football in Germany is completely different, so short of us applying to play in 2. Bundesliga I struggle with the relevance.

Secondly the comment about spending obscene amounts on fees & wages is about 2 years out of date, Holden & Pearson couldn’t fail to honour deals made before their time but as last summer’s signings showed, bringing in free transfers & George Tanner is a completely different world from the LJ/Mark Ashton era.

Still as usual it gives some an opportunity to moan, even though this pricing looks sensible & realistic.

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38 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

No, it won’t, but there are comments on here comparing our cost to Bayern and Real Madrid….and to get there would mean we’d have to markedly reduce which was never going to happen. 

Would I like us to get to the Hoeness quote of £104? Yes, absolutely. But unlike Bayern, £2m is a lot to us…

I was expecting static in view of the economic position. An increase of 75p a game is in the same ballpark there - my point is that it’s fine to moan about the cost, but this renewal hasn’t really moved that dial in any way shape or form. And in terms of FFP, it’d be hard to argue in any appeal that we had special circumstances if we’d put prices down at all….



@Silvio Dante 100%

As i've put in my earlier post. Attendances, and subsequent ground income only count for 10-15% of total income nowadays. Even with completely full houses we would still lose 8 figure sums each year due to the ludicrous business model that was allowed to develop over the years.

The filling of the stadiums now is more about the public relations side of things, and I think they're try to do that through mates rates type promotions. The solid 13-14k ST holders will buy regardless of the small increase.

I'm sure that if they ever released a breakdown of the average age of the ST holder now. We would have seen the number of full adult holders dropping dramatically over the years,  with the numbers being supplemented by U12 & U19 tickets at a much cheaper cost.

The economics of STs isn't really as relevant as it once was for the financial future of the club.

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8 minutes ago, NcnsBcfc said:

I agree @GrahamCthat I think most people will either renew, or they won't. It's not going to be dependant on a 3% price rise or not.

A real challenge for a lot of people to justify it at all in the face of the massive cost of living rise across the board.

My three tickets will cost me £845(S32). I already have to work 1 weekend in 4(unless I take annual leave), and the midweek game scenario will likely thrown more spanners my way, as of course I work in the reactive side of things.

Bearing that in mind, I suppose I'll be paying an average of around £50-60 per match (as will miss a few). An interesting conversation to be had over priorities with Dr Sutton (my wife), in light of Gas going up 66%, Elec 44%, food, petrol, NI Contributions etc.

I get that the club is probably speculating that the walk up POTD crowd will be absolute minimal for the above reasons. So why try and balance prices to encourage more to come along? It's likely we'll see more of the sort of mates rates promotions over the season to boost crowds.

To be fair when you look at the income of match day crowds now in the general income side of things, it's not massive is it (about 10-15% of total income). Even if we got 24k average attendance we'd still be losing money hand over foot due to our ridiculous operating costs, that mean we lose money even before factoring in the playing budget.

Some really painful decisions ahead this summer i think over the playing side of things. The people we want to go, will generally be the ones least attractive to any potential suitors. We may have to be pragmatic over our future finances.


Great post Neil.  Highlighting the real reasons why people may not renew.

Just to reiterate the midweek game thing is a complete misnomer.  There won't be any difference at all to this season - same number of games on weekends.  There are too many midweek games already IMO, but that's really a discussion about there being too many teams in a league that has 4 weekends a season and 8 midweeks when it can't play any games.  

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On 28/03/2022 at 22:00, 1960maaan said:

Ain't that the truth. 

I know the Club need money, but it feels like the right time to try and price the ST at a level to tempt more new buyers. It has felt a little like trying to squeeze the most out of those that already commit . 


Phoned this morning to ask price for pensioner disabled as nothing mentioned on website as such waited in a que of eight people to speak to someone when the guy answered he said its what it states on website :laugh: i said thanks for your help. Your about as much help as  a chocolate teapot nice to know they treat fans with the respect they always do ??

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A good point, last season the ‘lose your seat’ deadline was much later than the previous year, I thought because of Covid uncertainties but they’ve kept it the similar, early May which is good.

A couple seasons ago it was March 16th which seemed a tad early to say the least.

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On 29/03/2022 at 11:06, ralphindevon said:

I’m pretty sure it’ll be a price freeze. Any increase would be daft at the moment.

Stoke have frozen theirs for the 15th consecutive season. My seat, main stand lower tier, at Stoke would be £100 cheaper than I pay. Swansea about £200 cheaper.

Think youl find there is a rise what a surprise.

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1 hour ago, Real Red said:

Fulham just announced Season Tickets in their new stand in the lower tier are £1,000 and likely to be for 19 games (subject to promotion). 
Anyone still want Premier League football?


The club would make so much money from being in the prem it wouldn’t need to increase season ticket prices . That’s just pure greed from Fulham and if city ever raised ours that high I’d have no problem walking away from the club and not watching again.

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2 hours ago, And Its Smith said:

About a 2% increase when inflation is well over that. Anyone moaning doesn’t live in the real world. Everything is going up including the cost of running Bristol City

Or they could be very much living in the real world and struggling like hell, knowing full well that things will get even worse for them.

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For me it's not the size of the increase. It does not really matter to me.

For me it's the missed opportunity for some much needed decent PR.

The additional 150k is a drop in the ocean (probably Palmer and Wells wages for a few weeks), by freezing prices the club can reset the tone and its image within the fan base.

A freeze they could advertise as a good news story showing the clubs actually cares, that is worth far more than the additional money. City will likely spend more money on a single advertising campaign.

Very much a missed opportunity as always. I just don't think my club cares about it's fanbase, and that image is far more likely to stop people renewing. 

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22 minutes ago, Kingswood Robin said:

Or they could be very much living in the real world and struggling like hell, knowing full well that things will get even worse for them.

No doubt lots are struggling like hell. I am and I won’t be buying one.  But nobody can moan about a 2% increase, in my opinion. If someone can’t afford it then I’d suggest not buying one. 

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11 minutes ago, Dynamite Red said:

For me it's not the size of the increase. It does not really matter to me.

For me it's the missed opportunity for some much needed decent PR.

The additional 150k is a drop in the ocean (probably Palmer and Wells wages for a few weeks), by freezing prices the club can reset the tone and its image within the fan base.

A freeze they could advertise as a good news story showing the clubs actually cares, that is worth far more than the additional money. City will likely spend more money on a single advertising campaign.

Very much a missed opportunity as always. I just don't think my club cares about it's fanbase, and that image is far more likely to stop people renewing. 

Bit given that PR is usually little more than a sales process or a damage limitation exercise, who is/would be the audience for any price freeze message? Most of us will probably renew because 'that's what we do'.

The small increase we are paying is unlikely to pay for the increased cost in electricity for having the floodlights on next season.

Would like to see more 'mates rates' promotions next season.

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1 hour ago, RobintheRed Red said:

Phoned this morning to ask price for pensioner disabled as nothing mentioned on website

I mean... you can probably work it out. Disabled Pensioner is just 65+.

If you need a wheelchair/carer spot that's another story and you should've stated that more clearly.


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2 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

Would I like us to get to the Hoeness quote of £104? Yes, absolutely. But unlike Bayern, £2m is a lot to us…


£2m, that's what? 1 Gustav Engall? Half a Nakhi Wells? An 8th of a Kalas? 

That's £38.5k per week. That's probably Wells + Palmers wages per week.

Is that really a lot to us? Debatable. 

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15 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

Bit given that PR is usually little more than a sales process or a damage limitation exercise, who is/would be the audience for any price freeze message? Most of us will probably renew because 'that's what we do'.

The small increase we are paying is unlikely to pay for the increased cost in electricity for having the floodlights on next season.

Would like to see more 'mates rates' promotions next season.

Don't be so certain people will blindly renew, I will as I have for the past 3 decades. There are plenty around me who are a little disillusioned with the club and the quality of what's being served up. For me this was a small chance to advertise a positive image and feel good factor which maybe a boost in the arm. I think we will see quite a lot of people not renewing this is just another straw. 

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18 minutes ago, Dynamite Red said:

Don't be so certain people will blindly renew, I will as I have for the past 3 decades. There are plenty around me who are a little disillusioned with the club and the quality of what's being served up. For me this was a small chance to advertise a positive image and feel good factor which maybe a boost in the arm. I think we will see quite a lot of people not renewing this is just another straw. 

Season ticket sales will be the lowest since we got the rebuilt stadium, surely.  The club must know that. 

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42 minutes ago, TBW said:

I mean... you can probably work it out. Disabled Pensioner is just 65+.

If you need a wheelchair/carer spot that's another story and you should've stated that more clearly.


For info.

There is no longer any “disabled person discount”, the discount percentage was phased out equally over the past 3 years.  Some EU rule that I never quite understood was the reason given.

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Inflation is at about about 7% overall and much higher on fuel, energy and food so I think the rise is fair enough. If you don't want to get one then don't get one, if you can't afford one but would like one, that's different and unfortunate. I see people complaining about costs, "can't afford it blah blah blah" but what I see at the ground on the concourses doesn't seem to reflect that. People buying lots of drinks and food at both football and even more so at rugby. So is money that tight for most people? Is this cost of living squeeze really hitting the average person? If it is, then it's not the people I see at Ashton Gate. 

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39 minutes ago, Selred said:

£2m, that's what? 1 Gustav Engall? Half a Nakhi Wells? An 8th of a Kalas? 

That's £38.5k per week. That's probably Wells + Palmers wages per week.

Is that really a lot to us? Debatable. 

It’s not really debatable.

You’re quoting players wages who we want rid of as they’re above where we want to pay, and transfers that were made when Ashton was spending like a sailor on shore leave.

Not aimed at you, but I’m not sure people understand the game has changed. £2m represents £6m over a 3 year cycle. From an FFP loss allowable perspective, that £6m not coming in would mean we’d have about 15% less wriggle room, in a period when we know it’s going to be tight. I’d argue that the loss of the figures quoted would be the difference between a possible and actual breach of ffp - so no, it’s not debatable that it’s a lot to us currently.

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59 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

Bit given that PR is usually little more than a sales process or a damage limitation exercise, who is/would be the audience for any price freeze message? Most of us will probably renew because 'that's what we do'.

The small increase we are paying is unlikely to pay for the increased cost in electricity for having the floodlights on next season.

Would like to see more 'mates rates' promotions next season.

I would prefer to see more reasonable match prices for most of the games.

I often get a mate say they’d like to come along, they never seem to coincide with a mates rates promotion, so I tell them it’ll be £39 to sit near me and they don’t bother.

The problem with mates rates is it’s hard to get the same person to pay triple the price for their next game.

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Based on where I live, the cost of fuel is the biggest issue for me.

A 200 mile round trip for every game is taking it's toll.

But to ensure that my son and daughter wear the red of BCFC with pride around Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey = priceless (providing I don't look at the Esso receipt every Saturday evening). 

All 3 of us will renew through blind faith/love/hope/stupidity. 


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4 minutes ago, Sandhurst Red said:

Based on where I live, the cost of fuel is the biggest issue for me.

A 200 mile round trip for every game is taking it's toll.

But to ensure that my son and daughter wear the red of BCFC with pride around Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey = priceless (providing I don't look at the Esso receipt every Saturday evening). 

All 3 of us will renew through blind faith/love/hope/stupidity. 



It's why I've started using the bus. Bit of a fag. I have to drive to get to a suitable bus stop, and First Group aren't the most reliable, nor do they seem to think us country dwellers deserve the live-time information boards you get in Bristol, HOWEVER the petrol saving and lack of parking hassles are the clincher.

Oh plus I'm being "green", getting a bit of a walk and can enjoy more post-match drinks if I want to 

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23 hours ago, ralphindevon said:
23 hours ago, ralphindevon said:
23 hours ago, ralphindevon said:

The lack of betting sponsorship won’t worry them too much. A, they’ll easy get a new sponsor which means they won’t have to pay for it and b, they’re even richer than Lansdown, so not short of a Bob or two

Aren’t the sponsors and owners one and the same?

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Just now, ralphindevon said:

Yes, which is why they won’t have to shell out to sponsor themselves anymore. They’ve made so much money I won’t be worrying too much about the ban.

With all the money they have, they still closed my account just because my betting  with them regularly successful. So I’d love it if ownership as well a sponsorship by gambling businesses was banned (which I know it won’t be)!

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2 minutes ago, East End Old Boy said:

With all the money they have, they still closed my account just because my betting  with them regularly successful. So I’d love it if ownership as well a sponsorship by gambling businesses was banned (which I know it won’t be)!

I’ve heard that happening with a few online companies, that really is crap. Sadly I’ve never been considered a threat. 

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2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

For info.

There is no longer any “disabled person discount”, the discount percentage was phased out equally over the past 3 years.  Some EU rule that I never quite understood was the reason given.

Wasn’t it some disability act thing where a disabled person couldn’t be discriminated against (which is right) so they had to be treated the same as everyone else which everyone rightly agrees. This then meant that they couldn’t ‘gain’ from their disability and therefore had to pay the same as everyone else. Everybody equal. To soften the blow of any price difference as you say it has been phased out over three years until everyone pays the same.

This was my understanding anyway. I might be miles out and I’m hoping I haven’t offended anyone with the simplicity of my explanation.

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3 hours ago, Darth Vader said:

Inflation is at about about 7% overall and much higher on fuel, energy and food so I think the rise is fair enough. If you don't want to get one then don't get one, if you can't afford one but would like one, that's different and unfortunate. I see people complaining about costs, "can't afford it blah blah blah" but what I see at the ground on the concourses doesn't seem to reflect that. People buying lots of drinks and food at both football and even more so at rugby. So is money that tight for most people? Is this cost of living squeeze really hitting the average person? If it is, then it's not the people I see at Ashton Gate. 

Not sure what life's like on the Death Star, but if you think there isn't a cost of living crisis, you must truly be on a different planet.

People you see spending lots of money, probably aren't the ones hardest hit. 

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2 hours ago, RedM said:

Wasn’t it some disability act thing where a disabled person couldn’t be discriminated against (which is right) so they had to be treated the same as everyone else which everyone rightly agrees. This then meant that they couldn’t ‘gain’ from their disability and therefore had to pay the same as everyone else. Everybody equal. To soften the blow of any price difference as you say it has been phased out over three years until everyone pays the same.

This was my understanding anyway. I might be miles out and I’m hoping I haven’t offended anyone with the simplicity of my explanation.

Yes. Disabled supporters now pay the same price as per adult/OAP/child ticket but are entitled to a free carer’s ticket if needed. Evidence of disability and carer’s duties must be provided.


Edited by RedLionLad
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18 minutes ago, Roger Red Hat said:

We've got those at my bus stop in Redland. The times bear no relation to what actually occurs, nor does the online written schedule!

It might at least indicate that the bus exists.  In Street, you have nothing to let you know if the service has been cancelled so you end up standing there like a nondy. 

Edited by Red-Robbo
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1 hour ago, RedM said:

Wasn’t it some disability act thing where a disabled person couldn’t be discriminated against (which is right) so they had to be treated the same as everyone else which everyone rightly agrees. This then meant that they couldn’t ‘gain’ from their disability and therefore had to pay the same as everyone else. Everybody equal. To soften the blow of any price difference as you say it has been phased out over three years until everyone pays the same.

This was my understanding anyway. I might be miles out and I’m hoping I haven’t offended anyone with the simplicity of my explanation.

Yes, that sounds like the gist of it.

As it stands with Joe in u19 category and me getting a free carers ticket I’m not one to moan at the price of a SC for both of us.

I do like a moan at the price of my parking season ticket which I’ve heard might go up considerably this season.  Watch this space.

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