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RIP Tinners


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Well I didn't know him personally but I can tell by your reaction what he meant to you and he sounded a good and loyal city fan and friend to you and for that I'm sorry he has gone and hope if their is an afterlife he is up their with like minded people and one day we all meet again like on here and have a good chat about city and life in general. RIP Martin. 

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35 minutes ago, Olé said:

Martin was beyond all of us. He followed City home and away for more than 50 years while living in South London. He was so positive and brought City fans together at away games all over the country. I spent hours with him on trains and night buses. He loved his friends and family and was chatting to me during 99% of my abysmal match reports. The best City fan ever.




The best of us. A gentleman. A beautiful soul, City to his core. God bless dear friend.

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Martin is one of a kind and I feel privileged to have known him. His knowledge and passion for our club is beyond anything I have experienced. Legends are frequently spoken about on the pitch. Today we respect and honour the memory of a true legend off the pitch and a friend to so many of us. ❤️

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Rest in Peace. What a hero, and a fascinating man to spend time with. I met him just once, at an away game and he was interesting, accommodating, and incredibly generous with both his time and his knowledge. Plus he was so clearly City to his core.

My thoughts are with those who knew him better than I.

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I never knew him well or even by name but just from that photo I can remember chatting to him on don’t know how many occasions over the years at away games. Always just a really nice guy. And I think I must have known him forty-ish years ago when I was involved with the London branch. RIP. Condolences to family and friends, not least Rob who clearly knew him well. 

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7 hours ago, Olé said:

Martin was beyond all of us. He followed City home and away for more than 50 years while living in South London. He was so positive and brought City fans together at away games all over the country. I spent hours with him on trains and night buses. He loved his friends and family and was chatting to me during 99% of my abysmal match reports. The best City fan ever.




A genuinely smashing bloke and City through and through! Really sad.

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As RoystonFoote'sNephew so eloquently writes, since the early 80s come Tuesday or Saturday and wherever City were playing you'd find Martin (aka 'Double Ex') in the best 'proper' boozer in town and other side of the turnstile as soon as entering the ground. Forget where City were in the league, forget recent performances, forget distance, weather or any other variables - Martin was a standing fixture. If there were only 50 men and a dog in attendance Martin was one of them. Too many London Branch jaunts to recall,  none bettered than in his company - who else might recall the buying and selling club for that nameless full back City signed in late 63 (or was it 64,) balding, played twice, one-footed? Martin, the ubiquitous settler of mysteries and arguments.

As the years pass it'll be strange next season that yet another of the perennial stalwarts won't be there to bump into for a chat, reminisce and 'glass half full' halftime assessment as to how City were going to turn round that dire first half performance. Ever the optimist Martin, always saw the best when sometimes best there was none. That was his nature, his enthusiasm. 

Condolences to Carole & the boys.

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Genuinely gutted to hear the news yesterday, was one of the nicest blokes you could ever meet. Hardly missed a game and that was seriously impressive considering he lived in Wimbledon.

Must’ve went to half the grounds in the UK along with him & Chimo who you’d usually see him at every ground with. 

I said to a friend he knew every town and city in the UK like the back of his hand, to which he replied ‘and a good pub in each of them’ 

RIP my friend. 

I know his brother Sean reads this forum, and although I know he realises how much of a top man Tinners was, he will see the love a lot of others have for him even if they’ve only met him once or twice. 

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Just remembered @Olé @Shtanley @petehinton, Tinners was once an exceptional guest on OSIB. I cannot for the life of me remember the episode, but I'd love to listen again in his memory. A few others might like to listen as well maybe?

Could you kindly post the link or episode number if you have it? 

Edit: found it!

Episode 87 "Double-Dipping Disappointment".

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This is so sad, what struck me about him was his relentless positivity, both for the club but also the experience of being a supporter.

I knew the face but having stopped going away years ago my major interaction with him was on Twitter where his views were as you would suspect, well thought through & always constructive.


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9 hours ago, Olé said:

Martin was beyond all of us. He followed City home and away for more than 50 years while living in South London. He was so positive and brought City fans together at away games all over the country. I spent hours with him on trains and night buses. He loved his friends and family and was chatting to me during 99% of my abysmal match reports. The best City fan ever.




Any news on funeral date Rob?

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40 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

Just remembered @Olé @Shtanley @petehinton, Tinners was once an exceptional guest on OSIB. I cannot for the life of me remember the episode, but I'd love to listen again in his memory. A few others might like to listen as well maybe?

Could you kindly post the link or episode number if you have it? 

Edit: found it!

Episode 87 "Double-Dipping Disappointment".

Episode 87, thankful to the podcast for being able to hear his voice and sense of humour. Lovely last minute of him signing off sums up how he felt about our club.

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39 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

Just remembered @Olé @Shtanley @petehinton, Tinners was once an exceptional guest on OSIB. I cannot for the life of me remember the episode, but I'd love to listen again in his memory. A few others might like to listen as well maybe?

Could you kindly post the link or episode number if you have it? 


Here it is. Was the best osib ep before, and definitely is now! Hopefully those closer to him than I was will be able to find comfort in being able to dip into this and hear his voice whenever they need to. 

Only had the pleasure of meeting him a handful of times, namely at some random away game or in the concourse for a quick chat, can only echo what has been said above. Always so much more interested in how things were going in your life, than ever ‘troubling’ you by speaking about himself.

 I never thought anyone would be interested to hear about the times I used to do circuit training with Glyn Riley as teen. How wrong I was. RIP mate ❤️

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One of the best things about being a proper football fan is on away days you see the same familiar faces over the decades that make following your club feel like a 2nd family. In some cases a first family.

Tinners was one of those faces that when you saw him in some grim northern town, you immediately felt good because you were amongst family.

It’s sad when those longstanding familiar faces reduce over the years.


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5 minutes ago, Olé said:

@ExiledAjax I remember the Blackburn game where we drank together in the Old Vic in Preston afterwards. As is his way with all the people he meets and engages along the way, once you'd gone your separate way he spoke with a genuine warmth about you as he does many people "what a smart guy he was".

I like him even more then! When a man of Martin's calibre likes you then you know you're doing something right.

That was my last City game before moving abroad 3 years ago. I was nervous about the move, and honestly Tinners (and yourself) had no need to take me under your wings for the day. But you did, and you both did so in good grace. Even cramming into the back of that taxi from The Vic to Ewood Park. One of my very favourite City games, and I suspect it always will be.

I'm back in the UK now, and look forward to toasting Martin's memory at a game some time soon.

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Can’t say I ‘knew’ Martin , recall passing conversation with him , or a nod across a bar or terrace , at many games over the years, especially back in the Div 4 and 3 days 

RIP Martin , from the warm comments it’s clear the World is a worse place without you


Keep the Red Flag Flying High

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Can't say I knew him but I have seen him quite often at home and away games, never caused any trouble, always had people around him. Obviously City through and through which was the main thing, sad to hear he has passed. CTID

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Guest Chimo

Amazing to see the comments and tributes on this thread.  Tinners was one of kind and forged so many great friendships through City.   He loved the club and following home and away.  He will be sorely missed. 

As mentioned above, I know his brother Sean has seen this thread and its provided the family with some comfort during this hard time.  There will be plans to have a proper city send off at the start of next season to raise a pint to such a great man - and in true Tinners fashion share past stories.

RIP my mate.

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Regrettably, I never knew or met Martin but, from the eulogies in this thread, I very much wish that I had. It seems that the world will be worse of for his passing. 

Sincere condolences to his wife, sons, family and friends.  

City ‘til you died, Martin. CTID. 

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Such sad news to hear this. 

One of the kindest people I’ve ever met, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things city. Always stopped to chat whenever you saw him, such a lovely bloke. 

Rest in peace Tinners, keep that red flag flying high 


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Truly shocked to hear the news about Martin. I had a text from him a fortnight ago when after exchanging news on City he wished me a happy summer and also expressed his good wishes to my son who had been ill. Typical Martin. I had no idea he was ill. Very proud man. I first met him on the train back to Paddington after an evening game at Ashton Gate. When we met up subsequently at other evening matches at the Gate he didn't trust me to keep up with him on the jog back to Temple Meads to catch the last train back to London and would disappear into the distance!

I had a call from Mike in Brighton just now. Martin, Mike, Ellie, another Martin and I travelled to Away matches together regularly for some years. The away experience was truly the best way to appreciate Martin's many qualities as others have already said. I also was touched by the way he would strike up conversations with passengers on any train in which he was travelling while simultaneously revealing his encyclopaedic knowledge of passing historic landmarks as well as his beloved Bristol City. There can't be many who knew more about City than him, as well as being aware of players, past and present, throughout the League. BCFC was his life. We were of similiar age and it was great for me to be able to talk about City players we had seen in a very bygone era including the great John Atyeo. Martin knew the lot of them. Like Atyeo, Martin was fiercely loyal to City and that included loyalty to the Lansdowns. He didn't take kindly to any criticisms. Couldn't stand people moaning about City. Like the truest of fans he was grateful to be able to support the Club he loved.

R.I.P my friend. My deepest condolences to the family.


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What a fantastic thread in truly awful circumstances. A tremendous City fan, and a tremendous human being.

As others have said, his knowledge was immense and he’d often be the person I’d turn to if I had a query about any game, player or random fact - he’d know the lot.

Very sad loss to everyone who knew him ?

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I’m another who never had the pleasure of knowing Martin, but recognise him from grounds and pubs the length and breadth of the country, and if I’m not mistaken in The Fleece a time or two. 

Rest In Peace fellow red. 

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Bit of shock to suddenly read this like many have said knew him but didn't know him, sat behind me in the Williams for numerous seasons and always took time if I bumped into him around the country, very knowledgeable. passionate and logical about his club, we always admired how he travelled from London for home midweek matches ...thank you Martin for saying hello its a poorer ground without you.

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10 hours ago, Wealwayseatcheese said:


Martin and the FODBA outside the Orchard on Spike a couple of years ago. Great photo.

Oh, my word, stunned ! I saw the Ole posted picture, and didn't recognize him, but I thought I must know him ,he was at all the games I went to ( and back in the 80's and 90's used to hang around with the London lot), but just seeing THIS photo......of course I knew him, a great, lovely guy, so sad . RIP mate 

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Like many of you, I met Martin through the London branch of the supporters club back in the halcyon days of the (old) first Division in late 70s.  Travelled on many trips with him and the likes of Brian Monument, Tony Harling (aka Easter Egg), Cliff Rhodes  and many others with fond memories.  For the next 40 years I bumped into Martin at all sorts of obscure grounds and divisions.  Chatted with him at AG only a couple of months ago and he was the same friendly and nice guy.  He was often critical of the current team (particularly during some of the dark days)  but he was a proper supporter.

We will miss him. 

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9 minutes ago, Nongazeuse said:

Like many of you, I met Martin through the London branch of the supporters club back in the halcyon days of the (old) first Division in late 70s.  Travelled on many trips with him and the likes of Brian Monument, Tony Harling (aka Easter Egg), Cliff Rhodes  and many others with fond memories.  For the next 40 years I bumped into Martin at all sorts of obscure grounds and divisions.  Chatted with him at AG only a couple of months ago and he was the same friendly and nice guy.  He was often critical of the current team (particularly during some of the dark days)  but he was a proper supporter.

We will miss him. 

Now there are some blasts from the past! 'Sheep' sadly passed long since, as one imagines did 'The King Of Haringshire' and the legendary Fraser Deans passed but last year. All bring smiles & fond City memories to the fore for their like will never, ever, be replicated. They just don't make them like that any more, as they won't 'Double Ex'.

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Rest in peace Tinners

He was the first City fan I met when travelling alone the first time to an away game and made me feel so welcome with his fascinating stories, universal knowledge of everything Bristol City and beyond. I told other city fans about this lovely bloke I’d met and they knew him, he had the same impact on everyone.

As others have said, he was always genuinely interested in everyone but himself - such a knowledgeable and personable man.

It always felt like he was looking out for everyone & even the most of frustrating away days was a good day out if you bumped into Tinners.

Raising a glass to a top city fan and a great bloke

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Sorry to hear this. Didn’t know Tinners but from the picture - unless I’m very much mistaken - I recognise him from S21 and he was always very helpful in aiding my Dad (who has trouble walking) get down the aisle. I just showed this post to my Dad and he was quite shaken by the news as they had shared a chat. Thoughts with his family and friends. 

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Thank you for posting this. We met Martin at the Orchard pub in Spike Island about 5-6 years ago. Luckily the Cottage was being refurbished. We soon got to know the brothers Martin and Sean and looked forward to seeing them before every game. Recently enjoyed a bit of a sing along after the game ( again at the Orchard) after the good win v Cardiff. Three small choirs joined to hammer out , Cardiff get battered………everywhere they goooooooo ! Enjoyed Martins stories and tales of tiny pubs up ‘t, north. A great bloke.

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Such sad news. A real gent. 

There was a spell around 8/9 years ago where I was going to the gate on my own and I'd usually go into what's now the Rising Sun for a drink beforehand. Without knowing the man personally beforehand, Tinners would always come over and have a 5/10 minute chat as I propped up at a table somewhere. I was going through such a tough patch at the time and i'd go as far as saying that without those little chats, I wouldn't be sure that I'd have continued to take myself down to the football. 

RIP Tinners 

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Having been away this weekend. I arrived into Portugal on friday evening to find out the news of this. Safe to say it hit hard very quickly, Martin was like an uncle to myself. He showed me compassion, care and kindness at a very hard period in my life , on not one but two occasions of mental health issues. He would often share a beer and a chat with myself. In which he would tell me stories about shadow williams , the late 60's . His trips down from Filton as a youngster . How he had family back home on the other side of the Rhonda and how he had a soft spot for "the taffs" as he would refer to me personally jokingly. However he also would state that he really wanted Wales to qualify for a world cup which made me smile!

Memories such as visiting the midland pub in Derby ( the railway tavern) stopping off at a boozer in Beeston on two occasions. Visiting Hull on a friday night when we were already relegated followed by a random hunt for a "golden postbox" at 11 o clock at night will always be a personal favourite.

Every year we would try and get together in the off season in Covent Garden for a beer to just see how each other were doing and i knew that he was only ever one phone call or text away. 

I may seem like i'm rambling but for me personally. He was truly the best of all of us, a stalwart of our football club and a true privilege and honour to know him as close as i did and without exaggerating, I'm not sure i would've made it to the point in my life i have today without him playing a part. 

you'll always be loved Tinners. Thank you for touching my life in a positive way.

following City i genuinely feel will never be the same without you.

Gone too soon. x

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Truly gutted to hear about Martin. Having lived in Australia for the past 24 years haven’t had the opportunity to see many people but in the few return visits always seem to bump into Martin at away games and we carried on where we last left it. Very fond memories of spending quality time with the London branch boys back in the late 80’s on away trips to the capital. You will be missed. RIP Martin. 

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On 27/05/2022 at 09:59, Sean Henneberry said:

Hi Everyone.

Firstly I just want to introduce myself. I'm Sean Henneberry the brother of Martin, (Tinners) as he was often known. Although I read the forum I have never joined as a contributor until now. I have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tributes that have appeared both here and on other social media platforms. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all of those who have payed Tinners such amazing tributes since hearing of his passing. I am truly humbled by the many kind and often touching stories about how he was such a valued friend and City stalwart. As you can imagine this has hit me and the family very hard and we are still trying to come to terms with it, however reading all of the love and kindness both from people who knew him well and even those who didn't has really helped me personally through this last difficult week. We were extremely close and shared many happy and not so happy occasions following the club we all love. He truly was  C.T.I.D to the core and will leave a huge gap in my life and those of many others. I suspect some of you on here know me already so I'm sure we'll meet up and drink a toast to my wonderful brother next season. Things will never be quite the same for me again but Martin's legacy remains and he'll always be there for me at the Gate and in so many other ways.

Love to All.


So sorry for your loss Sean. A lovely message and tribute. 

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On 27/05/2022 at 09:59, Sean Henneberry said:

Hi Everyone.

Firstly I just want to introduce myself. I'm Sean Henneberry the brother of Martin, (Tinners) as he was often known. Although I read the forum I have never joined as a contributor until now. I have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tributes that have appeared both here and on other social media platforms. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all of those who have payed Tinners such amazing tributes since hearing of his passing. I am truly humbled by the many kind and often touching stories about how he was such a valued friend and City stalwart. As you can imagine this has hit me and the family very hard and we are still trying to come to terms with it, however reading all of the love and kindness both from people who knew him well and even those who didn't has really helped me personally through this last difficult week. We were extremely close and shared many happy and not so happy occasions following the club we all love. He truly was  C.T.I.D to the core and will leave a huge gap in my life and those of many others. I suspect some of you on here know me already so I'm sure we'll meet up and drink a toast to my wonderful brother next season. Things will never be quite the same for me again but Martin's legacy remains and he'll always be there for me at the Gate and in so many other ways.

Love to All.


Hi Sean, so sorry to hear about Martin and for you and your family's loss.  We have met a couple of times in the Orchard although it would be unfair of me to expect you to remember.

Would it be possible to let us know when/where the funeral is as I would like to pay my respects.


Many thanks


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One of the familiar friendly faces over the decades home and away, that you’d acknowledge as being another of those who had been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

Just seemed one of those people who you felt an instant bond with. 

Sad news indeed, but some delightful tributes. 

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