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2 minutes ago, Loosey Boy said:

Was suggested on OS that 1,900 was an initial allocation and so would assume we’ll be getting some more. Having said that, probably only a few hundred more - Coventry had 2,200 for their game on Saturday.

Yeah, Birmingham got 16k on Saturday and the capacity is 19k (in a 29k stadium) so when you take empty seats in the home end 2.2k max away support sounds about right.

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11 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Impressive I would say very annoying as very few of us get a chance to travel to an away game these days, the first come first serve based on the fact you have the spare time and finances to travel to more than 3 away games up north a season is extremely flawed imo, had the same struggles getting a ticket for Bournemouth last season after months of planning hotels and train tickets for friends  found myself completely restricted from getting a ticket would have qued at the ground given the opportunity, completely unfair 

But surely the fact that loyalty is being awarded is the only fair way?

Imagine if you had been to 22 away games, came to the last game and didn't get a seat

19 hours ago, Loosey Boy said:

Impressive, bearing in mind its nearly three weeks until the game ?

Fingers crossed for another allocation ?

It clearly stated 1900 was an INITIAL allocation and Coventry had extra when they sold out their first batch recently

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22 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

You have to give people the opportunity to get a ticket. Announcing the release date and time of tickets and selling them at the ground the old fashioned way allows a chance for all, my experience last year and this season trying to get a ticket for Birmingham and Bournemouth in the away end was frustrating to say the least!

Despite spending £600 on a season ticket I have 0 chance of getting a ticket to certain away games that’s not right 

Adding to that the current system allows for people to buy up to 10 tickets per season ticket.

Some one with a Bristol Sport online account can add up to 20 season tickets on their online profile and mop up tickets in seconds

If someone is able to at work they can be given season tickets from multiple season card holders and clean up the tickets for them and their well organised group of City supporters 

This happened with the Bournemouth game 100 tickets were left I got 3 by the time I entered my card info they were sold out ! I took the day off work to buy tickets and was completely shafted never had a chance 

Sell away tickets at the ground if you can’t get there to buy one or if can’t get a family member to the ground to buy one better luck next time at least EVERYONE gets an opportunity to see an away game.

Its a classism of I get more time to watch City I’m entitled to get a ticket 1st BS


Birmingham tickets sold out yesterday afternoon, they went on general sale at 2pm on Friday. You had ample time to get one.

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27 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

You have to give people the opportunity to get a ticket. Announcing the release date and time of tickets and selling them at the ground the old fashioned way allows a chance for all, my experience last year and this season trying to get a ticket for Birmingham and Bournemouth in the away end was frustrating to say the least!

Despite spending £600 on a season ticket I have 0 chance of getting a ticket to certain away games that’s not right 

Adding to that the current system allows for people to buy up to 10 tickets per season ticket.

Some one with a Bristol Sport online account can add up to 20 season tickets on their online profile and mop up tickets in seconds

If someone is able to at work they can be given season tickets from multiple season card holders and clean up the tickets for them and their well organised group of City supporters 

This happened with the Bournemouth game 100 tickets were left I got 3 by the time I entered my card info they were sold out ! I took the day off work to buy tickets and was completely shafted never had a chance 

Sell away tickets at the ground if you can’t get there to buy one or if can’t get a family member to the ground to buy one better luck next time at least EVERYONE gets an opportunity to see an away game.

Its a classism of I get more time to watch City I’m entitled to get a ticket 1st BS


You are making out like city tickets snapped up by touts in seconds. 


As others have said giving loyalty to those that travel more often is the fairest way. 

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

I don’t agree but it is the way it is and the powers that be agree,

My point is a lot of us want to watch City away but can’t afford to every week so when there is a close away game I at least want an opportunity currently their is little to 0 chance

And no touts are not getting the tickets but City fans do band together in large numbers passing details on to aquantinces with Bristol Sport accounts to get their tickets all you need is login details season card info and a spare hour one person can mop up a lot of tickets and do for popular fixtures 

This rules out chances for large parts of the fan base who used to go to the ground and que up to ensure they got to see a game 

But doesn't being able to get the ground and queue place you at an unfair advantage over people who live further afield/work during opening hours?!

I completely take your point, but if I went to near enough every away game but then missed out on tickets to this one - one of the plumb away games - because I couldn't get to the ground to get a ticket in person or they decided to share them around I'd be equally miffed.

I realise it's annoying but I think you're looking at it from a very specific point of view.

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5 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

I don’t agree but it is the way it is and the powers that be agree,

My point is a lot of us want to watch City away but can’t afford to every week so when there is a close away game I at least want an opportunity currently their is little to 0 chance

And no touts are not getting the tickets but City fans do band together in large numbers passing details on to aquantinces with Bristol Sport accounts to get their tickets all you need is login details season card info and a spare hour one person can mop up a lot of tickets and do for popular fixtures 

This rules out chances for large parts of the fan base who used to go to the ground and que up to ensure they got to see a game 

It’s a flaw of the modern online ticket model if you are an older supporter who is IT illiterate you are not allowed a chance to see your club at a big away game. That’s not fair a significant amount of tickets should be made available for at the ground sale not on the phone or online where club employees can take advantage which also happens so many young supporters at away matches no doubt being give tickets by mates in the know 

There was no priority sale beyond season ticket holders and then members. You have stated that you have a season ticket, all tickets went on sale to season ticket holders as 10am on Thursday. Tickets only sold out yesterday. 

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

No because it evens out one week I won’t be able to get to the ground and que for a ticket where you might be able to then you get that ticket on that occasion I live in Weston-Super-Mare but I’d travel to the ground to que I did in the 00s many times 

Todays system allows you an hour to get a ticket some just buy them and don’t go just because they can and decide on the day make them travel to buy that dosent happen 

As I said before the current system does not give many ANY opportunity to have a chance to see a popular away fixture opportunity for all is what is fair 

How many people do you really think are buying tickets without planning to go? You genuinely think that is the thing costing you a chance to get to that game?!

Nonetheless, I get that you're annoyed and hope somehow a ticket lands your way and you're able to get to the match.

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4 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

No because it evens out one week I won’t be able to get to the ground and que for a ticket where you might be able to then you get that ticket on that occasion I live in Weston-Super-Mare but I’d travel to the ground to que I did in the 00s many times 

Todays system allows you an hour to get a ticket some just buy them and don’t go just because they can and decide on the day make them travel to buy that dosent happen 

As I said before the current system does not give many ANY opportunity to have a chance to see a popular away fixture opportunity for all is what is fair 

What is fair is that for all those who make the effort to get up at the crack of dawn every other week, regardless of where we’re playing, get first dibs on the closer or more important games. That’s why they’re called loyalty points. 

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I could be wrong here as I don't go to away games half as much as I used to but isn't it also quite rare for us to sell out an away end? Especially before general sale? 


I know there are exceptions like FGR in the cup etc with smaller allocations but most of the time they certainly don't sell out within the hour. 


I went to Burnley Saturday and I got a ticket fine and I haven't even got a membership this season yet. 


Really think your argument is flawed and I believe those that travel the most/ST holders should get 1st dibs

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1 hour ago, Logical-City said:

Impressive I would say very annoying as very few of us get a chance to travel to an away game these days, the first come first serve based on the fact you have the spare time and finances to travel to more than 3 away games up north a season is extremely flawed imo, had the same struggles getting a ticket for Bournemouth last season after months of planning hotels and train tickets for friends  found myself completely restricted from getting a ticket would have qued at the ground given the opportunity, completely unfair 

It's not first come first served.

There is a priority period for people with Season Tickets. Which you said you have?

So assuming you missed this priority period?

Your username is quite ironic...

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Yes have you tried buying tickets online or does someone do this for you ? Priority is not first for season cards its based on away game attendance then a season card

Following that what is left is mopped up in around 20minutes where systems will crash people will buy 20 in one go and chances of getting one are less than a lottery win

This is for again popular fixtures 

Talking nonsense here.

For Birmingham next month, it was purely for season ticket holders. Everyone who wanted to go had opportunity to get one before they sold out. There was no away points scheme in place for that.

On the very odd occasion that previous away game history is used (like Bournemouth) then I’m afraid it’s tough. Priority should always go to those who put in the most effort. 

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31 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

I don’t agree but it is the way it is and the powers that be agree,

My point is a lot of us want to watch City away but can’t afford to every week so when there is a close away game I at least want an opportunity currently their is little to 0 chance

And no touts are not getting the tickets but City fans do band together in large numbers passing details on to aquantinces with Bristol Sport accounts to get their tickets all you need is login details season card info and a spare hour one person can mop up a lot of tickets and do for popular fixtures 

This rules out chances for large parts of the fan base who used to go to the ground and que up to ensure they got to see a game 

Its a flaw of the modern online ticket model if you are an older supporter who is IT illiterate you are not allowed a chance to see your club at a big away game. That’s not fair a significant amount of tickets should be made available for at the ground sale not on the phone or online where club employees can take advantage which also happens so many young supporters at away matches no doubt being given tickets by mates in the know not a conspiracy it’s a fact take a look around at Birmingham away at the demographic 

That's utter nonsense. There were 1900 tickets available. Being a season ticket holder you had priority. Just because you were slow off the mark isn't anyones fault but your own.

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It’s much fairer than a free for all by queuing at the ground. Why shouldn’t those who go to all away games get more of a chance of a ticket? There is never a perfect system but this is pretty good. 

If they brought back in person at sales at the ground there would be 99.9% unhappiness. I think you need to move into the 21st century.

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6 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Yes have you tried buying tickets online or does someone do this for you ? Priority is not first for season cards its based on away game attendance then a season card

Following that what is left is mopped up in around 20minutes where systems will crash people will buy 20 in one go and chances of getting one are less than a lottery win

This is for again popular fixtures 

No it isn't. First priority is to season card holders. There is NO points system.

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Yes have you tried buying tickets online or does someone do this for you ? Priority is not first for season cards its based on away game attendance then a season card

Following that what is left is mopped up in around 20minutes where systems will crash people will buy 20 in one go and chances of getting one are less than a lottery win

This is for again popular fixtures 

But surely the popular fixtures are the ones that those that go to many away games deserve the opportunity to get tickets for?  This isn't the 90's anymore .  Most things are done online now and most people know someone that could help them out.

I'm still unsure what your argument is? 

I went to 2 away games last season and the Cov game this.  I don't think I would get any priority with a record like that, but was able to book up easily.  

You're swapping those that can only get them online with those that can get to the ground on a working day...?  You're on here, so you're clearly not one of the IT illiterate you refer to, so I'm confused as to why you have an issue?  With the greatest of respect, Logical, your argument is illogical.

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1 hour ago, Logical-City said:

Impressive I would say very annoying as very few of us get a chance to travel to an away game these days, the first come first serve based on the fact you have the spare time and finances to travel to more than 3 away games up north a season is extremely flawed imo, had the same struggles getting a ticket for Bournemouth last season after months of planning hotels and train tickets for friends  found myself completely restricted from getting a ticket would have qued at the ground given the opportunity, completely unfair 

So it's alright for all the London , Devon, Cornwall, South Wales, Norwich based season ticket holders to give up a day's work to drive to Ashton Gate to buy a ticket for a match that they then have to travel hundred's of miles to attend. You really haven't thought this through have you ?


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@Logical-City I'd like to know how you being a season ticket holder, has somehow made it to make you (and only you) have zero chance of getting a ticket for Birmingham away? You then mention they should go on general sale? Why should anyone who hasn't been all season be able to snap one up in front of a more loyal supporter who has gone to more games?

The tickets weren't sold out in seconds, it wasn't some superstar concert. If you cannot get online for a few minutes to easily secure your away ticket, then how can you manage to travel from Weston to queue up for hours?

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1 minute ago, Logical-City said:

My experience trying to get a ticket for Bournemouth last season announced at 10am 100 tickets would go on sale

Logged in at 9:50 ready to buy took time off work refreshed at 10:05 10 tickets left still couldn’t get in got 3 tried to buy “there is a problem” refreshed again 0 tickets available 

We were 17th in the Championship nothing to play for how do 100 tickets go in 10 minutes at 10am on a weekday?

An organised effort that’s how and that shouldn’t be allowed not the fans fault but the opportunity to do that shouldn’t be available 

Maybe you should have refreshed at 10:00 when the tickets became available, like a 100 other people did. 

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

My experience trying to get a ticket for Bournemouth last season announced at 10am 100 tickets would go on sale

Logged in at 9:50 ready to buy took time off work refreshed at 10:05 10 tickets left still couldn’t get in got 3 tried to buy “there is a problem” refreshed again 0 tickets available 

We were 17th in the Championship nothing to play for how do 100 tickets go in 10 minutes at 10am on a weekday?

An organised effort that’s how and that shouldn’t be allowed not the fans fault but the opportunity to do that shouldn’t be available 

100 tickets in 10 minutes? Oh the horror ?

Can’t wait untill you find out what Glastonbury ticket sales are like.

Basically you dont want to go away very often, but want a guarenteed ticket when you fancy it.

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6 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

My experience trying to get a ticket for Bournemouth last season announced at 10am 100 tickets would go on sale

Logged in at 9:50 ready to buy took time off work refreshed at 10:05 10 tickets left still couldn’t get in got 3 tried to buy “there is a problem” refreshed again 0 tickets available 

We were 17th in the Championship nothing to play for how do 100 tickets go in 10 minutes at 10am on a weekday?

An organised effort that’s how and that shouldn’t be allowed not the fans fault but the opportunity to do that shouldn’t be available 

So you've made it up then? You are saying 1 season ticket holder can buy 10 tickets during the season ticket holder priority period but have zero evidence to back that up.

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Just now, Logical-City said:

I was logged in at 9:50 the tickets appeared at 10 was trying to purchase for the whole 10 mins they were up believe me a very infuriating experience as I seen no reason how I could not get at least 2 of those 100 but I never had a chance 


I’d say the reason would be that there were plenty of people quicker off the mark than you were.

Those tickets were always going to have been sold out by 10:01.

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1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

I can no longer attend so if anyone would like a ticket please DM me and we can chat.


45 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

No because it evens out one week I won’t be able to get to the ground and que for a ticket where you might be able to then you get that ticket on that occasion I live in Weston-Super-Mare but I’d travel to the ground to que I did in the 00s many times 

Todays system allows you an hour to get a ticket some just buy them and don’t go just because they can and decide on the day make them travel to buy that dosent happen 

As I said before the current system does not give many ANY opportunity to have a chance to see a popular away fixture opportunity for all is what is fair 

Exiled, meet Logical.

Logical, meet Exiled.

Problem solved.

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2 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

I may be wrong I think you can add 10 season cards on each Bristol Sport profile and buy 3 tickets on each season card on that profile 

So assuming you have access to to multiple profiles for example and have 10 cards added on each of those profiles with multiple browsers open you can get a lot of tickets purchased for people that is possible yes so silly people like me are waiting by the PC at 9:50 ready to buy when I never had a chance. Also staff will have ways of securing tickets 

You’re wrong. 

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Does feel a bit like 

Just now, Logical-City said:

I may be wrong I think you can add 10 season cards on each Bristol Sport profile and buy 3 tickets on each season card on that profile 

So assuming you have access to to multiple profiles for example and have 10 cards added on each of those profiles with multiple browsers open you can get a lot of tickets purchased for people that is possible yes so silly people like me are waiting by the PC at 9:50 ready to buy when I never had a chance. Also staff will have ways of securing tickets 

It is starting to feel a bit like a lone man shouting at the rain hoping it'll stop, at this point.

As I say, hope you get something sorted, but it feels to me like you've had one bad ticket experience, missed out on tickets for this fixture because of your own fault and now you're trying to come up with a solution for a problem that doesn't really exist.

Hope you have a better afternoon.

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11 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

My experience trying to get a ticket for Bournemouth last season announced at 10am 100 tickets would go on sale

Logged in at 9:50 ready to buy took time off work refreshed at 10:05 10 tickets left still couldn’t get in got 3 tried to buy “there is a problem” refreshed again 0 tickets available 

We were 17th in the Championship nothing to play for how do 100 tickets go in 10 minutes at 10am on a weekday?

An organised effort that’s how and that shouldn’t be allowed not the fans fault but the opportunity to do that shouldn’t be available 

How many season ticket holders do we have?

How many of them do you think wanted to go to a nice trip to Bournemouth? There would have been loads of people who didn't get Bournemouth tickets who wanted them, unsure why you seem to think it's some sort of conspiracy against you.

Whenever me or a friend book away tickets you have to be organised to a degree. Are you actually having a go at people for organising themselves to get tickets, on the basis you cannot organise yourself? If we go away there are usually 4 of us, so of course you want to get 4 tickets together. Or do you expect families and/or friends to be split up in the ground?

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3 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

I may be wrong I think you can add 10 season cards on each Bristol Sport profile and buy 3 tickets on each season card on that profile 

So assuming you have access to to multiple profiles for example and have 10 cards added on each of those profiles with multiple browsers open you can get a lot of tickets purchased for people that is possible yes so silly people like me are waiting by the PC at 9:50 ready to buy when I never had a chance. Also staff will have ways of securing tickets 

You are wrong. Correct. 

Just spouting made up nonsense now. Good to see the pubs doing a good early trade though.

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Just now, Taunton_BCFC said:

People moaning hahaha they were on sale to ST holders before anyone else. Not many sold tbf! I was expecting to sell out! General sale was Friday 10am and they only sold out yesterday! So plenty of time for anyone who wanted one to get one 

This really should be the end of any argument of not securing a Birmingham away ticket. Nobody to blame bar himself on this game whatsoever.

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4 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Ok I hold my hands up if so, I just preferred getting my away tickets at the ground was an easier life and no concerns of foul play within the system 

There is no foul play within the system, you’ve just made that up in your head.

Logical ?

Edited by Betty Swallocks
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17 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

No I want the OPPORTUNITY not a 0 chance because of who I know and if I can get to Hull or Or Sunderland 

You had the same opportunity as lots of other fans that morning, some who were lucky to get the 100 that were available, and undoubtedly there were lots like you who missed out.

Unfortunately sometimes demand will outstrip supply.  Fact of life.  There will have been times when queuing up in person results in someone closing the queue before you get your chance.  

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15 minutes ago, glynriley said:

Exiled, meet Logical.

Logical, meet Exiled.

Problem solved.

Thanks, although unfortunately Mr. Logical has again acted too slowly and it's gone already (subject to contract).

8 minutes ago, TheReds said:

How many season ticket holders do we have?

We have just over 13,300 ST holders.

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7 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Ok I hold my hands up if so, I just preferred getting my away tickets at the ground was an easier life and no concerns of foul play within the system 

Did you go the ground during the sales period to try and buy a (Birmingham) ticket ? as people have collected them already. I doubt that you would have been turned away.

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59 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

Yes have you tried buying tickets online or does someone do this for you ? Priority is not first for season cards its based on away game attendance then a season card

Following that what is left is mopped up in around 20minutes where systems will crash people will buy 20 in one go and chances of getting one are less than a lottery win

This is for again popular fixtures 

If I wanted to go to this game I would login during the season ticket priority period and buy one myself.

As others did.

But this game didn't sell out until well into general sale.

So you waited for all 3 sales periods and still missed out on a ticket.

The rest of your post you are talking absolute bo**ocks. 

Wrong about the priority, wrong about the amount of tickets ST holders can buy.

You missed out on a ticket for a game that didn't sell out until well into general sale, that's no one else's fault other than yours.

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1 hour ago, Littlesh*t said:

I could be wrong here as I don't go to away games half as much as I used to but isn't it also quite rare for us to sell out an away end? Especially before general sale? 


I know there are exceptions like FGR in the cup etc with smaller allocations but most of the time they certainly don't sell out within the hour. 

Not particularly rare.

Despite a largely poor season on the road last year we sold out Bournemouth, West Brom, Cardiff, Swansea, Coventry, Fulham and I’m pretty sure Reading?

Not sure about QPR? Close to sell out if not.

I think that maybe the reason this one has sold out so quick is due the the fact that, so far this season, it’s BY FAR the closest away game we’ve had/will have.

Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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There will (hopefully) be far more sell outs towards the end of the season if we are still in with a shout of the play offs. It wouldn't surprise me if the club then introduce a points system based on Season card holders with the most points getting priority. I can't remember the details but Logical-City may be correct that Bournemouth last year was on a points system. I suspect Season card holders would have had next priority though.

The club did actually announce a points based system at some time last season or the season before but not sure if it was ever implemented.

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7 minutes ago, Out of his pie crust said:

Trying to get to a few away games, Birmingham included, to clock up some points for our three wembley appearances later in the season, and the bernabeu season after next. 

Me too. Wigan, Blackburn done. Birmingham, WBA, Reading next month.

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2 hours ago, Sir Geoff said:

That's utter nonsense. There were 1900 tickets available. Being a season ticket holder you had priority. Just because you were slow off the mark isn't anyones fault but your own.

This. Dont complain when you were given the opportunity to get one, be quicker next time.

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3 hours ago, Sir Geoff said:

So it's alright for all the London , Devon, Cornwall, South Wales, Norwich based season ticket holders to give up a day's work to drive to Ashton Gate to buy a ticket for a match that they then have to travel hundred's of miles to attend. You really haven't thought this through have you ?


You could negate that by selling the away tickets only from a pop up , in Kensington , Truro , Swansea and Norwich , and Ashton Gate , on a rotating basis



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8 hours ago, Logical-City said:

Impressive I would say very annoying as very few of us get a chance to travel to an away game these days, the first come first serve based on the fact you have the spare time and finances to travel to more than 3 away games up north a season is extremely flawed imo, had the same struggles getting a ticket for Bournemouth last season after months of planning hotels and train tickets for friends  found myself completely restricted from getting a ticket would have qued at the ground given the opportunity, completely unfair 

You are a Season Ticket holder yes?

Tickets went on sale to ST holders last Thursday and only sold out yesterday…..you had plenty of opportunity to get a ticket.

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:


Yes we have history there , long time ago but as the saying goes think we caught the zulus with there pants down 

if you went you would know . 
Tbf when ever they come to the gate they don’t seem to bad a set of fans to be honest , not far to travel from Weston & brean mind

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2 hours ago, redkev said:

Yes we have history there , long time ago but as the saying goes think we caught the zulus with there pants down 

if you went you would know . 
Tbf when ever they come to the gate they don’t seem to bad a set of fans to be honest , not far to travel from Weston & brean mind

we have tighter immigration laws/border control in Weston now 

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On 20/09/2022 at 13:56, Logical-City said:

No I want the OPPORTUNITY not a 0 chance because of who I know and if I can get to Hull or Or Sunderland 

I haven't been to an away game all season and despite being abroad got a Brum ticket a day after they went on sale.

Bournemouth was quite a unique circumstance, I've rarely struggled for away tickets including Cardiff, Swansea, Luton, QPR etc which often sell out.

As for buying from the ground only...... its 2022. A load of fans live outside Bristol like myself, its a mad idea. 

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