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Abuse after the game

Feral Williams

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Witnessed something completely out of order yesterday straight after the game. Waiting for mates outside gents by the entrance to S13 I clocked some guy probably about 6ft, early-mid 60’s and big verbally tearing into a boy and girl no older than 6 or 7 the pair of them telling them how they’d ruined the game for him and calling them ******* retards repeatedly over and over. I clocked this and asked him wtf he’s doing at which point their dad came out of the toilets while I was berating the old guy so I told the dad what was going on by which point a crowd had gathered and the old guy started tearing into the dad too calling him and his kids the same thing and anybody else that gave it back by which time there were quite a few of us. At one point he went chin to chin with some guy then bolted off back to his mates still shouting abuse. 
I don’t care what the kids had done or how bad the game was but nothing warrants shouting the sort of abuse he was dishing out to kids. Proper nasty piece of work.

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44 minutes ago, Superjack said:

Maybe email the club. They might be able to publish a CCTV image of him.


39 minutes ago, Feral Williams said:

Good shout, I’ll do that tomorrow 

Thanks both. I emailed the club on Saturday night after I'd calmed down a tad! Hopefully will get a response.

Edited by RedEd73
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4 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


Jesus ******* Christ that's awful. Are the kids ok? 

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4 minutes ago, BasSavage88 said:

Jesus ******* Christ that's awful. Are the kids ok? 

Thanks Bas. They were quite shaken up at the time but are fairly "robust" thankfully. 

Not sure what got into the bloke. As I mentioned we had spoken before the match and during the first half and no hint of any animosity until right before half time. I'd venture that it was the millwall goal that set him off.

Interestingly he had been sitting with a lady who went to leave just as Millwall got the penalty. I had a chat with her as she left and it was all very friendly with no hint of what was to follow. 


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1 minute ago, RedEd73 said:

Thanks Bas. They were quite shaken up at the time but are fairly "robust" thankfully. 

Not sure what got into the bloke. As I mentioned we had spoken before the match and during the first half and no hint of trouble.

Interestingly he had been sitting with a lady who went to leave just as Millwall got the penalty. I had a chat with her as she left and it was all very friendly with no hint of what was to follow. 


Even if he was pissed off at them you don't do that to kids especially when you're not there which he would have known, that's utter cowardice and the worst type of bullying. 

Hopefully he gets banned

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16 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


As you may know, we use CHSW so to hear this happened on a day where they’ve given you tickets is crap, hope the kids are ok and hope the knobhead who had a go at your kids is identified.

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12 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

What the **** is wrong with some people?

We all get disappointed but it’s a game, for goodness sake.

@RedEd73 your life is clearly tough enough reading this without having to deal with plankton like you had to on Saturday.

My lad has it tougher than me mate! He's life limited but doesn't present as such  and doesn't appear to have any serious medical conditions. But I couldn't help but wonder about his use of certain language. The seats I occupied are most likely to be occupied by families of life limited children, or people who care for them. 

I've given the club the seat numbers he was in during the first half. Hopefully they'll investigate 

Edited by RedEd73
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3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

As you may know, we use CHSW so to hear this happened on a day where they’ve given you tickets is crap, hope the kids are ok and hope the knobhead who had a go at your kids is identified.

Thanks Fevs, much appreciated

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25 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


That’s absolutely rotten to hear, all the best to you and yours. 

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35 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


I had no idea re CHSW which only makes it all the worse, glad to hear your kids are ok considering mate.

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38 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


Wow, that is absolutely outrageous.

I read your initial post earlier this morning and remember thinking something along the lines that it was just an unfortunate incident with a fan, disgruntled at yet another disappointing performance, and didn’t really give it another thought.

Now I have read through more details, I really don’t know what to think.

I hope the individual concerned is traced and receives suitable punishment.

Finally, I hope this awful incident has no long term effects on your children.


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Sometimes you read things in football that can be simultaneously depressing and uplifting.

I mean why, talk about striking terror into children for no reason. It's nothing short of a disgrace. What on earth was going through the man's head.


However, the fact enough people stood up and said , no this is not right. Just shows there are many decent people everywhere.

I hope the kids aren't put off going, nor you taking them. 

I really hope the club look into this matter further , much much further.

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46 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

@Feral Williamsthank you so much for stepping in. The kids involved were both 10, I had accompanied my 8 year old to the loo at the end of the match

Don't get me wrong my kids can be buggers but weren't on Saturday. The bloke in question was sat behind us in the first half and had been quite amiable until Millwall scored at which point he flipped. 

It was the end of the half and the kids were getting a bit restless and he got annoyed and asked them to stop distracting him. Fair enough. I apologized to him and thought it was dealt with.

About 5 or 10 minutes into the second half he moved to different seats, so we didn't interact with him again until the incident in the concourse.

We were actually guests of CHSW (my youngest is life limited) and occupying their season ticket spaces. I wondered if his use of the word ****** was intentional (it's not a word that is particularly common these days thank goodness).

I've reported to the club and CHSW because I don't want their guests to be potentially in the vicinity of someone so volatile.

Thanks again to all who stepped in to help the to protect the kids whilst I was in the loo with my youngest.


Really sorry to hear this @RedEd73

I hope you and the kids are well. Lost for words as to how someone could behave in such a vile way. Well done to all that got involved and I hope this Neanderthal is identified by the club.

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"Football is not a matter of life and death. It's more important than that."

The famous comment by Bill Shankly. I would guess that 99% understand that as a bit of fun.

Then there are the morons of this world like this person who just cannot see any further than their nose. And who actually believe that they are right and the rest of us are stupid idiots.

My best wishes and love to everyone concerned and especially the children.

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19 minutes ago, BigAl&Toby said:

@RedEd73 we’ve got 3 season tickets in the South Stand. I know others around us who have season tickets too.

We rarely use all 3. In the past I’ve offered them up in return for a donation to CHSW.

If you and your kids ever fancy them then get in touch. You’d be welcome to use them. 

Alistair and Toby. 

Thank you so much.

In fact thank you to everyone who has replied with messages of support. You're all bloody wonderful. 

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Can you keep us updated if/when you get a response @RedEd73? Pretty sure that something like this will be dealt with fairly quickly.

I get that people get annoyed when we play badly/lose/drop points, but to stand there in front of two children and have a go like that is totally uncalled for and just cowardly. I hope that the bloke woke up this morning, realised what he had done, and is absolutely disgusted with himself. 

I'd also suggest that if he's not banned, then anybody who recognises him next time points him out to the stewards and let's them know what happened yesterday.

Glad to hear the kids are fine, but that could quite easily have gone in a  completely different direction with 2 different kids. That could have scarred, and scared them to the point where they not only never want to go to the football again, but could also end up playing on their minds.

@JerrySLO, any chance of the club sorting some hospitality tickets/merchandise/something for the family? Hopefully the kids wont think that this is something that happens all the time and is "normal".


Edited by Taz
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7 minutes ago, Taz said:

Can you keep us updated if/when you get a response @RedEd73? Pretty sure that something like this will be dealt with fairly quickly.

I get that people get annoyed when we play badly/lose/drop points, but to stand there in front of two children and have a go like that is totally uncalled for and just cowardly. I hope that the bloke woke up this morning, realised what he had done, and is absolutely disgusted with himself. 

I'd also suggest that if he's not banned, then anybody who recognises him next time points him out to the stewards and let's them know what happened yesterday.

Glad to hear the kids are fine, but that could quite easily have gone in a  completely different direction with 2 different kids. That could have scarred, and scared them to the point where they not only never want to go to the football again, but could also end up playing on their minds.

@JerrySLO, any chance of the club sorting some hospitality tickets/merchandise/something for the family? Hopefully the kids wont think that this is something that happens all the time and is "normal".


Thank you for your kind words but no hospitality needed. @JerrySLO this isn't the club's fault whatsoever and no kind of compensation is required.

The kids have been a few times and they've never had a bad experience. I don't think it will put them off. In fact my eldest son mentioned it this morning and said that the man who had a go at him just have an awful life if that's how he behaves! 

I've been going for 35 years and if some of the stuff I've watched during that time hasn't put me off, this bloke won't!

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1 hour ago, RedEd73 said:

My lad has it tougher than me mate! He's life limited but doesn't present as such  and doesn't appear to have any serious medical conditions. But I couldn't help but wonder about his use of certain language. The seats I occupied are most likely to be occupied by families of life limited children, or people who care for them. 

I've given the club the seat numbers he was in during the first half. Hopefully they'll investigate 

@RedEd73 No one should have to put up with that sort of behaviour.  So glad some people stepped in to help as I'm probably not brave enough.  Very best wishes to you and the children who were involved or witnessed the incident.

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@RedEd73 As someone said above, please keep us updated with any response from the club.

I hope that this piece of pond life gets punished, and I hope that you show this thread to your kids so that they know that we know they have done nothing wrong and what we think of him.

(At times like this, the swear filter is a good thing. ??)

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3 hours ago, RedEd73 said:


Not sure what got into the bloke.


A gallon of scrumpy and a bag of Colombian marching powder, I’d wager.

Young kids sometimes get a bit restless at games and most of us have been there, either as parents or sat in front of a bored child who decides to make their own entertainment.

His behaviour sounds utterly irrational and completely unacceptable. Hopefully he is identified and the club tell him any repeat and he’s Barred of Avonmouth.

Edited by WessexPest
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5 hours ago, RedEd73 said:

Not sure what got into the bloke. As I mentioned we had spoken before the match and during the first half and no hint of any animosity until right before half time. I'd venture that it was the millwall goal that set him off.


Quite frankly I don't care what the reason was for setting him off, he needs serious help if an opposition team scoring a goal makes him want to verbally abuse a child.

No adult should be verbally abusing any child at Ashton Gate under any circumstances. 

What he did were his own actions and he has to be responsible for those actions. I hope he is dealt with in the strongest possible way by the club. 

We don't want 'fans' like him at our club. Our young fans are the future of this club. 

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7 hours ago, WessexPest said:

A gallon of scrumpy and a bag of Colombian marching powder, I’d wager.

Young kids sometimes get a bit restless at games and most of us have been there, either as parents or sat in front of a bored child who decides to make their own entertainment.

His behaviour sounds utterly irrational and completely unacceptable. Hopefully he is identified and the club tell him any repeat and he’s Barred of Avonmouth.

He didn't appear to be intoxicated at any stage. Just enraged. 

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12 hours ago, Feral Williams said:

Witnessed something completely out of order yesterday straight after the game. Waiting for mates outside gents by the entrance to S13 I clocked some guy probably about 6ft, early-mid 60’s and big verbally tearing into a boy and girl no older than 6 or 7 the pair of them telling them how they’d ruined the game for him and calling them ******* retards repeatedly over and over. I clocked this and asked him wtf he’s doing at which point their dad came out of the toilets while I was berating the old guy so I told the dad what was going on by which point a crowd had gathered and the old guy started tearing into the dad too calling him and his kids the same thing and anybody else that gave it back by which time there were quite a few of us. At one point he went chin to chin with some guy then bolted off back to his mates still shouting abuse. 
I don’t care what the kids had done or how bad the game was but nothing warrants shouting the sort of abuse he was dishing out to kids. Proper nasty piece of work.

Well done for stepping in, not enough would ?

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Sounds like the bloke has serious anger issues - and if he reads this thread he'll have serious fear issues too, as there are a bunch of supporters who'd happily burst his mouth for bullying children in that way.

@RedEd73all I can say is your City supporter friends (ie: all of us, bar the idiot involved) stand with you. We hope your kids continue to enjoy games, and you have my admiration giving your youngest their best possible life.   All the best, mate. 

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16 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

Sounds like the bloke has serious anger issues - and if he reads this thread he'll have serious fear issues too, as there are a bunch of supporters who'd happily burst his mouth for bullying children in that way.

@RedEd73all I can say is your City supporter friends (ie: all of us, bar the idiot involved) stand with you. We hope your kids continue to enjoy games, and you have my admiration giving your youngest their best possible life.   All the best, mate. 

Thanks RR.

I have tried not to be too critical of this man as I know nothing about him, and he may have his own mental health issues, which caused him to behave the way he did on Saturday.

I'm hoping it was an isolated incident and that he now feels thoroughly ashamed.

Wishful thinking perhaps.

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25 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

I have tried not to be too critical of this man as I know nothing about him, and he may have his own mental health issues, which caused him to behave the way he did on Saturday.

No matter what anyone may be dealing with in their life, there’s no excuse for abusing 2 kids. 

What the **** is wrong with some people? 

Hope your kids are fine and this hasn’t permanently put them off coming back.

Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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6 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

No matter what anyone may be dealing with in their life, there’s no excuse for abusing 2 kids. 

What the **** is wrong with some people? 

Hope your kids are fine and this hasn’t permanently put them off coming back.

Completely agree.

To be clear I'm not trying to make any excuse for him (his actions were inexcusable). Would just like to understand why!

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24 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

To be clear I'm not trying to make any excuse for him (his actions were inexcusable). Would just like to understand why!

Oh I know mate.

Just things like this make me angry. 

My sons first ever game was the final match in the old East End. As we got to the turnstiles a guy who’d heard me ask him if he was looking forward to his first match turned around and said “first game mate? You’re part of our family now, we’ll look after you”.

I thought that was great.

If my son had been confronted by some dick head screaming abuse at him for no reason he’d have never gone back.

Edited by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan
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1 hour ago, RedEd73 said:

I have tried not to be too critical of this man as I know nothing about him, and he may have his own mental health issues, which caused him to behave the way he did on Saturday.

That says a huge amount about the type of person you are sir. Huge respect to you.

Like many I’m lost for words that a grown man could behave like that under ANY circumstances 

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4 hours ago, RedEd73 said:

Thanks RR.

I have tried not to be too critical of this man as I know nothing about him, and he may have his own mental health issues, which caused him to behave the way he did on Saturday.

I'm hoping it was an isolated incident and that he now feels thoroughly ashamed.

Wishful thinking perhaps.

What an incredibly gracious, patient and lovely thing to say. Not many of us would be so potentially forgiving in the face of such behaviour.

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On 17/10/2022 at 11:31, RedEd73 said:

Completely agree.

To be clear I'm not trying to make any excuse for him (his actions were inexcusable). Would just like to understand why!

HI REDEd73 , i was one of the guys who stopped to witness his outburst and to my embarrassment called him by exactly the same outdated and inappropriate name (apologies)....in my defense i did come a bit late to his outburst and all i could see was a quite intimidating (Tim from the office lookalike ) man  shouting at you and your children . Although im a bit disappointed with myself for my misjudged retort i came away thinking how amazing it was that so many of us stepped in to point out just how out of order he was .At the time  he came across to me as a man who gets his own way no matter what ,and didn't seem inebriated in any way . As you have pointed out we dont know his story ..but yes it was inexcusable behavior and lets hope he gets someone to officially warn him so .

regards to you and the kids 

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26 minutes ago, RED LAND MAN said:

HI REDEd73 , i was one of the guys who stopped to witness his outburst and to my embarrassment called him by exactly the same outdated and inappropriate name (apologies)....in my defense i did come a bit late to his outburst and all i could see was a quite intimidating (Tim from the office lookalike ) man  shouting at you and your children . Although im a bit disappointed with myself for my misjudged retort i came away thinking how amazing it was that so many of us stepped in to point out just how out of order he was .At the time  he came across to me as a man who gets his own way no matter what ,and didn't seem inebriated in any way . As you have pointed out we dont know his story ..but yes it was inexcusable behavior and lets hope he gets someone to officially warn him so .

regards to you and the kids 

Thank you so much for stepping in. I'm really grateful to you and everyone who did. 

No apology necessary mate, we're only human. He chose his words as far as I'm concerned anyone repeating then to him was just challenging him in a like manner. 

The kids aren't wholly innocent, they're familiar with the best and worst the English language can offer - usually to their amusement - it's just not usually directed at them!

Thanks again. 

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2 hours ago, RED LAND MAN said:

HI REDEd73 , i was one of the guys who stopped to witness his outburst and to my embarrassment called him by exactly the same outdated and inappropriate name (apologies)....in my defense i did come a bit late to his outburst and all i could see was a quite intimidating (Tim from the office lookalike ) man  shouting at you and your children . Although im a bit disappointed with myself for my misjudged retort i came away thinking how amazing it was that so many of us stepped in to point out just how out of order he was .At the time  he came across to me as a man who gets his own way no matter what ,and didn't seem inebriated in any way . As you have pointed out we dont know his story ..but yes it was inexcusable behavior and lets hope he gets someone to officially warn him so .

regards to you and the kids 

Bit older and bigger than Tim from The Office i’d say, more like a very angry Selwyn Froggitt which anyone younger than 50 or so will have no idea what I’m talking about! The other thing I can’t shake is I wonder if this guy is a dad and if so whether he used to dish out this sort of abuse at home.

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9 minutes ago, RedEd73 said:

Hello all. A brief update on this. 

The Club has identified the individual who shouted at the children after the Millwall match.  My understanding is that this individual has voluntarily taken a decision not to attend future matches at Ashton Gate.

Thanks again to everyone for their very kind words of support.

Finally thanks again to @Feral Williams and @RED LAND MAN for stepping in after the match, and others who have not been identified. Means a lot that you would place yourselves potentially in harm's way to protect a stranger's kids.

See you all at the Gate soon. 

That's good of him.....

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36 minutes ago, Super said:

That's good of him.....

Jumped before being pushed ? Or just embarrassed by his own behaviour maybe/hopefully.

Its inconceiveable that a bloke in his 60's could verbally abuse children like that, especially when they are standing alone waiting for their Dad. Well done to those who intervened and also well done for not lowering yourselves to his level and giving him a thump in front of the kids.

At least the kids won't be seeing him again and they can see that if adults act in that way to them or any other kids, that there are consequences that will come into play, which is a small chink of light in this particular cloud.

Hope they and @RedEd73keep attending.

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49 minutes ago, phantom said:

Good of him but I am intrigued to know whether the club are still going to take action?

It would be nice if they could offer an apology to those involved, verbally or a worst written

I think that as the individual has voluntarily agreed to stay away, there's not much the club could or should do (I agree). My understanding is that if the position changed, and he wanted to attend in the future, the club would take further appropriate action. 

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The right outcome has been reached, whether through the right method I don't know.

Hopefully @RedEd73 and his children continue to attend, not that it should be needed but hopefully this sends a message that it isn't acceptable- although bawling out children like that isn't acceptable verbatim in any case!

Jumped before pushed is a good shout too.

1 minute ago, RedEd73 said:

I think that as the individual has voluntarily agreed to stay away, there's not much the club could or should do (I agree). My understanding is that if the position changed, and he wanted to attend in the future, the club would take further appropriate action. 

A ban or appropriate disciplinary measures held over in effect.

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3 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

The right outcome has been reached, whether through the right method I don't know.

Hopefully @RedEd73 and his children continue to attend, not that it should be needed but hopefully this sends a message that it isn't acceptable- although bawling out children like that isn't acceptable verbatim in any case!

Jumped before pushed is a good shout too.

A ban or appropriate disciplinary measures held over in effect.

I must say the Club has been absolutely fantastic throughout 

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@RedEd73 Thanks for the update.

The cynic in me wonders if the club have given him a warning and he has kicked off and told them he's never coming back.

Hopefully the case is rather that he is suitably embarrassed by his own behaviour.

Either way, a good result and I hope that you and the kids can continue to enjoy being part of the Ashton Gate family. 

All the best. ?

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3 minutes ago, Superjack said:

@RedEd73 Thanks for the update.

The cynic in me wonders if the club have given him a warning and he has kicked off and told them he's never coming back.

Hopefully the case is rather that he is suitably embarrassed by his own behaviour.

Either way, a good result and I hope that you and the kids can continue to enjoy being part of the Ashton Gate family. 

All the best. ?

Thanks mate.


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