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5 minutes ago, Red-Al said:

Look, you tell me who goes to a football ground that doesn't swear, I'd say at least 90%of the crowd swear at some time during the game,your talking rubbish,so you don't swear whilst inside the ground, yeh right to

True, which makes me think the person who spoke to you has either spoken to about 30 other people around them too, or you were doing something a bit more OTT.

I'd be very surprised if anyone had an issue with the "That's a f*cking joke ref" type of stuff that 90% of people do a few times a game.

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@Red-Al I'm struggling to understand what were you hoping to understand from starting this thread? It looks like you just wanted to saying this is the way you see it and that is that and try and win your opinion over on everyone else, as I have read this I get the feeling that you want to world to revolve around you and what you want to do and you don't seem to want to consider other people at all, I may have misunderstood.

Don't get me wrong I swear a lot football as much or maybe more than most but if someone asked me politely not to I would comply and then probably move somewhere else where my language wasn't deemed a problem rather than than writing about my opinion on a forum and then arguing with anyone that disagrees rather than trying to find an acceptable middle ground.

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When I took my daughters to AG the first time, I cautioned them that they'll hear adults swearing. En masse at times, several songs have fairly unnecessary c-words added to them. 

If I was uptight about this, I'd never have taken them, though I do try and moderate my language if a junior Robbo is with me. Mind you, they probably hear almost as bad when I'm driving ?

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7 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

When I took my daughters to AG the first time, I cautioned them that they'll hear adults swearing. En masse at times, several songs have fairly unnecessary c-words added to them. 

If I was uptight about this, I'd never have taken them, though I do try and moderate my language if a junior Robbo is with me. Mind you, they probably hear almost as bad when I'm driving ?

I suspect you are the type of bloke who if a steward approached you and asked you to tone it down because there’d been a complaint, you’d respect that…and tone it down.  I know I would.

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5 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

I suspect you are the type of bloke who if a steward approached you and asked you to tone it down because there’d been a complaint, you’d respect that…and tone it down.  I know I would.


I'd be embarrassed as, er, fudge, if I swore to the extent that anyone reported me. So, yes, I would do. 

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2 hours ago, Red-Al said:

So at least 90% of the crowd are going to be arrested, yeh right, 

90% of people that break the speed limit probably don't get caught. Doesn't make it right. 

Respectfully it appears that your language and behaviour has gone beyond what one would consider to be appropriate, hence why this person has made a complaint. 

Are you not ever so slightly embarrassed by the fact you've upset someone so much that they've gone to the effort to put a complaint in? 

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23 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

If the attitude of the OP throughout this thread is anything to go by, I think we can probably draw conclusions as to why someone may have been minded to put in a complaint about their behaviour, and also why they may not have wanted to approach them directly to ask them to tone it down.

Looks like the support he was looking for here isn't forthcoming

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On the rare occasions I've taken the boy to a game I've told him he might hear some naughty words and he's not to repeat them, his reply is always 'I hear worse at school Dad!'.  I always watch my language when in certain company (a family enclosure etc. would be one of those places)  but its almost impossible where City are concerned isn't it?!

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20 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

Not me personally. 

It seems from your post that your swearing has been considered a bit excessive, especially when children are in ear shot. 

I love to have a good shout at the football, however if children are near by then I feel like I have a responsibility to tone it right down. 

Surely that's why they have a family section. If you don't sit there it's probably because of a lack of atmosphere. to have atmosphere you need noise and yes sometimes there is a bit of swaering. I guess nothing worse than the avearge kid hears in the playground each day.

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20 hours ago, Red-Al said:

What your affended by it as well, yeh, 

I'm more offended by your use of the English language, to be honest. You know when you're typing something and a red squiggly line appears under words.....?  Yeah...that....

19 hours ago, Shuffle said:

I never really swear apart from the occasional f word at football when emotions get the better of me. I believe it’s ok in the heat of a game and with your mates and even if it’s in front of kids and ladies at football. However, some people use swearing in every sentence so it’s as others have said showing some common decency and respect to others around if for arguments sake your swearing constantly for 90 mins.  Some of our songs include swearing with one including the C word about whose not singing over there!! People expect to hear it but imo it crosses a line if there are children are about if used constantly. 

Some of our songs have swearwords pointlessly shoehorned into them regardless of whether or not it scans.  Case in point being HNM.  "His hair is massive" scans...."His hair is f*****g massive" doesn't!


17 hours ago, Antman said:

i took my friends kid, a young lad called Gerald Bostock. he just kept using the G**r word.



I've been wracking my brains trying to work out what the G**r word is?!?

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I take my kids to football, knowing they would hear bad language. Pretty naive, if anyone expects to take their child to football and not hear bad language.

The key is how you parent your child. I’ve taken my kids to football for 12 years now and not once have they repeated the language that they hear. And they do not swear at all. Well, not in the presence of an adult.

I don’t agree with letting your child live in a bubble. Children need to live in the real world. One day, you won’t be there. My kids are won’t be shocked when they go into the real world, without mummy or daddy.

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1 hour ago, Clutton Caveman said:

Surely that's why they have a family section. If you don't sit there it's probably because of a lack of atmosphere. to have atmosphere you need noise and yes sometimes there is a bit of swaering. I guess nothing worse than the avearge kid hears in the playground each day.

There is a huge difference between a kid saying it in a playground to a grown up man swearing excessively. 

Put yourself in the child's shoes. Maybe even a child that's had some negative life experiences. And your sat near a grown up man shouting swear words for the entire game, beyond what one may be considered to be normal at a football game. 

Do you not think the child may consider that to be quite aggressive? And rather scary? Especially in an area where vulnerable people are present? 

Thats pretty lazy to say people should just go to the family section. They have just as much right to sit wherever they like as you do. 

Everyone accepts there are swear words at football. But there is a line and it seems this person has crossed that line and caused upset, hence the complaint. 

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1 hour ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

On the rare occasions I've taken the boy to a game I've told him he might hear some naughty words and he's not to repeat them, his reply is always 'I hear worse at school Dad!'.  I always watch my language when in certain company (a family enclosure etc. would be one of those places)  but its almost impossible where City are concerned isn't it?!

The OP has tried to frame this as he's been told off for swearing at football and we all do it but he's been singled out for it.

The reality is for someone to have made a complaint, this must go far beyond what is considered to be normal swearing at a football stadium. 

This is the point a lot of people are making. 

If this person was doing this in S82, probably not even an issue. 

However they are doing it in the disabled section which is one of those places where you'd watch your language like you would in the family enclosure. 

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4 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

The reality is for someone to have made a complaint, this must go far beyond what is considered to be normal swearing at a football stadium. 

Exactly this.
The OP has been put on the naughty step and he’s still so angry he has to try and find like minded people on here. 

We all let a few swear words out at football but this must have been excessive and - this is the real issue, I’m guessing IF the OP was spoken to directly by the person who complained he would have been right in their face with even more bad language.
Were that to happen where would the disabled person go to get away from this selfish uncaring plonker?

People who aren’t disabled can move seats reasonably easy but the people in that section have to put up with it and in the end will probably stop going to matches because of it. 

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17 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

I know Downsy was asking fans to suggest music to play before games, but I might hold fire on sending him this suggestion:


????  As if that's the word that gets starred out!!!!

As others have said a lot is said down the ground and it hasn't been picked up by people, meaning that what the OP was saying must have been considered excessive.  Judging by his huffy puffy response to people disagreeing with him on this thread, I can only conclude that he's a bit of a pillock and the stewards were right to have a word. 

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It's a bit of a difficult subject really.

I have worked in Construction for the past 40 odd years so swearing is part and parcel of everyday life when on site.  My Wife is Irish so swearing is a part of everyday life from when she wakes up!!  In saying that we have both held very high-powered positions which means that bad language is not appropriate in meetings etc so it is inbuilt within us not to do so.

Let's move onto football which can be very emotive for many after a hard week's work and is their way of letting off steam. Add to that the possibility of a few bevvies prior to the game and then you have it. It is what it is.

Certainly, you will never stamp out swearing in football and anyone who thinks you can is completely off with the fairies.

I find little or no need to go off on an expletive laden rant at the football as it achieves a big fat zero.  The players need encouragement and not abuse. If there are kids in the vicinity, then to me it is out of order to go OTT anyway.

Family enclosures are excellent, but the kids can still hear the songs & chants so we really achieve nothing. 

As I say it's a difficult subject but one that can have damage limitation if we all just take in our surroundings and respect others.

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1 minute ago, OddBallJim said:

There is a guy who sits in front of me who swears a lot. I mean A LOT. Particularly at Keith Stroud (possibly he is justified in that situation).

It doesn’t bother me at all, but whenever I bring my mrs to the game she gets really fed up of it. 

Different people react to things differently I guess ??

It's what football brings out in people rightly or wrongly.

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1 minute ago, OddBallJim said:

There is a guy who sits in front of me who swears a lot. I mean A LOT. Particularly at Keith Stroud (possibly he is justified in that situation).

It doesn’t bother me at all, but whenever I bring my mrs to the game she gets really fed up of it. 

Different people react to things differently I guess ??

This is the point. When it's the crowd chanting swear words, it's not an issue that can be resolved. However, when it's a single individual doing it alone constantly. then it really needs to be toned down.

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5 minutes ago, OddBallJim said:

There is a guy who sits in front of me who swears a lot. I mean A LOT. Particularly at Keith Stroud (possibly he is justified in that situation).

It doesn’t bother me at all, but whenever I bring my mrs to the game she gets really fed up of it. 

Different people react to things differently I guess ??


I'm guessing you're behind the home dugout.  Naughty Nige. 

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4 hours ago, Steve Watts said:

I'm more offended by your use of the English language, to be honest. You know when you're typing something and a red squiggly line appears under words.....?  Yeah...that....

Some of our songs have swearwords pointlessly shoehorned into them regardless of whether or not it scans.  Case in point being HNM.  "His hair is massive" scans...."His hair is f*****g massive" doesn't!


I've been wracking my brains trying to work out what the G**r word is?!?

I'm thinking, rather than a swear word, it contains the middle letters of "inge"??! But that's my best guess!

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Was sitting with my 90-year-old Dad in the Williams when a chorus to the effect of "the referee's a manual manipulator" broke out. I was a little apprehensive, since Dad was something of a purist when it came to proper language. He leaned over and said "Yes - he is, isn't he."

Edited by Final 3 Star
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8 minutes ago, Final 3 Star said:

Was sitting with my 90-year-old Dad in the Williams when a chorus to the effect of "the referee's a manual manipulator" broke out. I was a little apprehensive, since Dad was something of a purist when it came to proper language. He leaned over and said "Yes - he is, isn't he."

My first exposure to football swearing was from my dad….home v Liverpool….in the open end with the Liverpool fans, my dad shouts “Mabbutt, you effing fairy”.  Cue applause for the Liverpool fans!

Went home and told my mum ???

A few seasons back I took him to MK Dons (a) and I’m sure he called one of their players a “pussy”!  He denies it, but Joe reckons he did too.

So that’s where I get it from (in the right time and place)!

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9 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

My first exposure to football swearing was from my dad….home v Liverpool….in the open end with the Liverpool fans, my dad shouts “Mabbutt, you effing fairy”.  Cue applause for the Liverpool fans!

Went home and told my mum ???

A few seasons back I took him to MK Dons (a) and I’m sure he called one of their players a “pussy”!  He denies it, but Joe reckons he did too.

So that’s where I get it from (in the right time and place)!


My usual swears at Ashton Gate is a muttered "Oh FFS". Said about once every 3 minutes in an average game. 

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On 02/11/2022 at 14:17, Red-Al said:

When entering the ground last night,I was confronted by a steward in A8 section (disabled), I was asked my name which I gave, she said they've had a complaint about swearing ,the person who complained was a old man with a little girl,  I was told to calm done on my swearing, which I replied,well if they're affended  by verbal language at a football ground don't take the kids to football, or go into the family stand, I phone Supporters services this morning, they totally agreed with me, 


For me it’s all about context, swearing in the appropriate context is fine by me.

What we’re you saying? 

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14 minutes ago, Jeez said:


In the spirit of this thread.

Can I ask the stewards to have a word with the fella behind me who has the words loudest clap, I swear Norris Mcwhirter will pop up with a certificate.

My ears are fukced.


What the hell is he finding to applaud?


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My view on the swearing is simple. The family stand is there entirely for the purpose of young families being able to attend the football without hearing bad language or excessive abuse, hand gestures etc, hence why if you are an adult you need to be accompanied by someone of the age 19 or below to sit there. Whenever my old man took me to the football when I was younger, we always used to sit in the old Atyeo family area at least until I reached shy of double figures and he deemed myself mature enough to hear the language. At the end of the day, its football, its happened for years and no doubt will continue for years in the same manner. People swear, it happens. I understand that excessive unnecessary swearing when younger fans are within your proximity can be deemed frustrating and annoying, but unfortunately not much can be done about it as it’s the norm at a british football game. Sitting in the family area is your best bet if your bringing young kids and feel nervous about the language.

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9 minutes ago, OliOTIB said:

 People swear, it happens. I understand that excessive unnecessary swearing when younger fans are within your proximity can be deemed frustrating and annoying, but unfortunately not much can be done about it as it’s the norm at a british football game.

Wrong. Something can be done and that's why the OP isn't happy

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49 minutes ago, OliOTIB said:

My view on the swearing is simple. The family stand is there entirely for the purpose of young families being able to attend the football without hearing bad language or excessive abuse, hand gestures etc, hence why if you are an adult you need to be accompanied by someone of the age 19 or below to sit there. Whenever my old man took me to the football when I was younger, we always used to sit in the old Atyeo family area at least until I reached shy of double figures and he deemed myself mature enough to hear the language. At the end of the day, its football, its happened for years and no doubt will continue for years in the same manner. People swear, it happens. I understand that excessive unnecessary swearing when younger fans are within your proximity can be deemed frustrating and annoying, but unfortunately not much can be done about it as it’s the norm at a british football game. Sitting in the family area is your best bet if your bringing young kids and feel nervous about the language.

I hate this argument about the family area. It's a lazy argument to make. 

Why should a child have to sit up in the gods in the family area? Just because some grown up man can't restrain himself in front of a child? Do they have a disabled section up there? Cos this happened in the disabled section. Maybe this child has vision problems so therefore can't go to the family section. Who knows. 

This has obviously gone beyond what could be considered normal, hence the complaint. Yes something can be done about this behaviour, hence the warning being issued. 

No the best bet is for fans to learn to control themselves when in the presence of children, just like I hope they do in every day life. 

Ashton Gate should be a friendly welcoming place in every part of the ground for all ages, especially our you g reds, they are our future. If we lose them young, we won't get them back. Without them our club doesn't have a future. 

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38 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

I hate this argument about the family area. It's a lazy argument to make. 

Why should a child have to sit up in the gods in the family area? Just because some grown up man can't restrain himself in front of a child? Do they have a disabled section up there? Cos this happened in the disabled section. Maybe this child has vision problems so therefore can't go to the family section. Who knows. 

This has obviously gone beyond what could be considered normal, hence the complaint. Yes something can be done about this behaviour, hence the warning being issued. 

No the best bet is for fans to learn to control themselves when in the presence of children, just like I hope they do in every day life. 

Ashton Gate should be a friendly welcoming place in every part of the ground for all ages, especially our you g reds, they are our future. If we lose them young, we won't get them back. Without them our club doesn't have a future. 


plus, how do we know it’s a child (disabled or not) that was offended and reported it to the steward?  Some adults don’t like swearing at all, a lot of people hate the c-bomb for example.

A complaint suggests the OP was OTT.

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I do believe that the OP has overstepped the mark with their actions here.

I would ask as a general observation, would it have been such a big issue 20 years ago, late 1990s etc? That said yes the OP seems to have gone beyond and things were again different in society even 10 years back, let alone 20-25.

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Times have changed. I remember back in the early 90s when a 7’ish year old boy behind the goal would shout “**** off copper” every time a police officer walked past. Always got a laugh and a cheer from those around him, including his dad. I think it was more to do with a tiny, squeaky, voice saying it rather than the actual intent.

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12 hours ago, SydneyCity said:

Times have changed. I remember back in the early 90s when a 7’ish year old boy behind the goal would shout “**** off copper” every time a police officer walked past. Always got a laugh and a cheer from those around him, including his dad. I think it was more to do with a tiny, squeaky, voice saying it rather than the actual intent.

I was 7 at some point in the early 90's. If I'd ever shouted "**** off copper" at a policeman within earshot of my dad, at the football or elsewhere, he'd have taken his hand to my arse quicker than you can snap your fingers. 

I'd have been absolutely and utterly bollocked for doing that. A laugh and a cheer would have been the last thing on earth that would have happened.

Different strokes I guess.

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