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Demonstration Saturday

Rocking Red Cyril

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I think the fans are equally responsible for our problems on the field. Of course I'm not excusing Nigel or the players as they are just as responsible but you can sense the angst within the crowd at most home games now.

I do understand this is due our poor performances at home but I think it has a massive impact on the confidence of the players. We need to be more proactive with supporting the players through this tough period rather than get on their backs. We need to accept where we are this season, secure our place in this league for next season and build on it whether that's with Nigel or not going forward. 

Edited by RedRoss
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1 minute ago, RedRoss said:

I think the fans are equally responsible for our problems on the field. Of course I'm not excusing Nigel or the players as they just as responsible but you can sense the angst within the crowd on most home games now.

I do understand this is due our poor performances at home but I think it has a massive impact on the confidence of the players. We need to be more proactive with supporting the players through this tough period rather than get on their backs. We need to accept where we are this season, secure our place in this league for next season and build on it whether that's with Nigel or not going forward. 

Not a chance are the fans responsible, until the club  pays me 10k a week for not concentrating on set pieces from the south stand will it be my responsibility ?

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7 minutes ago, johnheadbcfc said:

Not a chance are the fans responsible, until the club  pays me 10k a week for not concentrating on set pieces from the south stand will it be my responsibility ?

So win, lose or draw in football. You think fans have no affect on results at all?

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12 minutes ago, Percy Pig said:

If the players had given up I'd sort of get it, but they are all, to a man, putting in the effort for the shirt. The goalposts always move. It's "just want a team that tries" or "just want a team that's entertaining" or "just want us to be solid and hard to beat" or "just want us to have a team of academy players we can love and relate to" or "just want us to invest and give it a go". Well we've done all those things in the last decade, and every version of City is met with the same people moaning about different things. In the end, maybe they're the problem? 

Boom ? 

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The thing for me is I can certainly understand why fans are annoyed about performances and I can understand why people want Pearson out. I feel on balance there's more to be gained with sticking with the particular manager and seeing through a culture change at the club but results have not been good enough and I've certainly waivered on Pearson at points in recent weeks. I can also understand why people think the owner and the board have made poor decisions in recent years. The reality is we had a strong platform to build from in 2018 and 2019 and we've squandered that with a series of poor decisions, even before the impact of COVID on our financial situation.

BUT I don't really understand the "we want our club back" mantra. Obviously football ownership models are massively flawed and I'd love to see more scope for fan-owned models and fan input within football clubs but we're no different to every club in the league in that regard and, bad decisions or not, Steve Lansdown is a far less toxic owner than the kind of owners who usually inspire these protests. You could certainly say he's made poor decisions and failed to seek out and take on good advice but I certainly get the impression he's tried to succeed, rather than simply profiteer out the club. Meanwhile I think our community, fan and player engagement is considerably better now than a decade ago and I think, whatever Pearson's faults, I struggle to think of another manager whose so clearly and transparently been trying to put the long-term future of the club ahead of quick results to boost his ego and reputation.

I also think a demonstration only makes sense if you have good reason to believe the majority of fans want a change of owner or management - otherwise you're a small group of people trying to shout loud and pressure the club to act against what the majority of fans want - and I just don't see any evidence base on here, at games or anywhere else to suggest the majority of fans share the sentiment. So I just don't get the point or logic behind this protest. 

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15 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

I'd love to see more scope for fan-owned models and fan input within football clubs but we're no different to every club in the league in that regard

I agree with almost all of your very good post, and certainly support the sentiment behind it. However, I will pull you up on this point. We are different to a few other clubs in the 92.

Brentford, Portsmouth, Lincoln, Wimbledon, Exeter, Newport, Stevenage, and a few others all have some element of (common, ie not millionaire/billionaire) fan ownership or governance, or are currently looking to establish it. Many of these arrangements were established as a result of severe financial distress, but established they are. There is another way, and some clubs are already doing it.

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43 minutes ago, Percy Pig said:

Yes, but "supporter not customer" should be a mindset. I understand voicing displeasure, but I cannot understand doing it during a game. Surely you concede that getting on the players backs will make things worse? In your profession would you improve your productivity and performance if you were encouraged? Or would your performance suffer if every mistake, however small, was met with the sound of groans, boos and sarcastic chanting from thousands watching? 

I just don't understand it. Home advantage is a thing but that comes from the idea that 10-30k people are in attendance wanting the players to play well. Sometimes I feel like sections of our fans enjoy venting and moaning more than they do us winning. As if the club is a facility to express their real life personal frustrations. 

I don't view myself as a customer. I pay a contribution to the players wages and see that as an investment. If I invest in the stock market I'm not then going to sit in the offices of whatever company I've invested in and abuse and belittle the staff there as they try to improve said company and therefore increase the value of my investment. The difference is the increased value of my investment in City is joy rather than pounds or pence.

I'll never get it. I'm not old enough to remember 82 or the Cooper rebuild, but everything I hear about the 4-10k who stuck around was that they were loyal, positive and backed up a club that almost died. 

There's precisely nothing to be gained from airing the frustrations we all feel at times. So why do it? 

If the players had given up I'd sort of get it, but they are all, to a man, putting in the effort for the shirt. The goalposts always move. It's "just want a team that tries" or "just want a team that's entertaining" or "just want us to be solid and hard to beat" or "just want us to have a team of academy players we can love and relate to" or "just want us to invest and give it a go". Well we've done all those things in the last decade, and every version of City is met with the same people moaning about different things. In the end, maybe they're the problem? 

When I look around the ground on match day, I see a small reflection of society as it is today. I don't think football fans in general are any different to the general public. It covers pretty much every base. It changes as society does. 

And as we see in society today, it's often the minority that are most vocal and get their views magnified. Magnified to a point where the media and social media pick up on it, share it numerous times, to a point where people outside the bubble, think that's how the majority think. 

The fans at Ashton Gate are a right mix of society. From the grumpy old men who've endured for years,  couples, families, groups of lads, lads, lads etc etc. It's a proper microcosm.

We are customers...no doubt about that. We ' support' the club with our hard earned. 

There is of course vocal support, that we can give the team. Which as we know, when all together, can create a fantastic atmosphere. And it will uplift the team on the pitch. Which will benefit everyone. I agree giving abuse and demonstrating at the ground will only have a negative affect. 

Sadly it's a reflection on a minority of society. We are struggling for various reasons. In a relegation dog fight. Whatever happened to getting behind your team when your backs against the wall? It just looks like throwing the dummy out and sulking by demonstrating at this exact moment.

But then I'm not surprised. We live in a society that is expectant. And if they don't get what they want they sulk and moan loudly. 

 I do think football clubs in general have created a dull support and atmosphere. Let's face it...visiting Ashton Gate these days, is really not much different to visiting Cribs Causeway or the Galleries. There is just too much to sidetrack you away from the actual football.  It's all about, food, drink, music, retail and entertaining the kids. Pretty much a ' shopping' experience with 90 mins of football the detract you. The fact the concourses and outside the ground during a game proves that point. And the amount of people on their phones during a game is astonishing. You don't see that at the cinema or theatre. 

I understand clubs want to make extra money...but it does make us more customers than supporters. 

Take away all those elements...and all you have left is the game and team to focus on. 

I also find playing loud music before a game to create an atmosphere, actually does the opposite. It kills the atmosphere. When there is no music and outside distractions, crowds get in the ground earlier and start to generate a buzz and atmosphere. 

Football has created the dull knumb  environment. 

Just for nostalgia...how it should and could be. Just listen to that crowd.



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12 minutes ago, spudski said:

When I look around the ground on match day, I see a small reflection of society as it is today. I don't think football fans in general are any different to the general public. It covers pretty much every base. It changes as society does. 

And as we see in society today, it's often the minority that are most vocal and get their views magnified. Magnified to a point where the media and social media pick up on it, share it numerous times, to a point where people outside the bubble, think that's how the majority think. 

The fans at Ashton Gate are a right mix of society. From the grumpy old men who've endured for years,  couples, families, groups of lads, lads, lads etc etc. It's a proper microcosm.

We are customers...no doubt about that. We ' support' the club with our hard earned. 

There is of course vocal support, that we can give the team. Which as we know, when all together, can create a fantastic atmosphere. And it will uplift the team on the pitch. Which will benefit everyone. I agree giving abuse and demonstrating at the ground will only have a negative affect. 

Sadly it's a reflection on a minority of society. We are struggling for various reasons. In a relegation dog fight. Whatever happened to getting behind your team when your backs against the wall? It just looks like throwing the dummy out and sulking by demonstrating at this exact moment.

But then I'm not surprised. We live in a society that is expectant. And if they don't get what they want they sulk and moan loudly. 

 I do think football clubs in general have created a dull support and atmosphere. Let's face it...visiting Ashton Gate these days, is really not much different to visiting Cribs Causeway or the Galleries. There is just too much to sidetrack you away from the actual football.  It's all about, food, drink, music, retail and entertaining the kids. Pretty much a ' shopping' experience with 90 mins of football the detract you. The fact the concourses and outside the ground during a game proves that point. And the amount of people on their phones during a game is astonishing. You don't see that at the cinema or theatre. 

I understand clubs want to make extra money...but it does make us more customers than supporters. 

Take away all those elements...and all you have left is the game and team to focus on. 

I also find playing loud music before a game to create an atmosphere, actually does the opposite. It kills the atmosphere. When there is no music and outside distractions, crowds get in the ground earlier and start to generate a buzz and atmosphere. 

Football has created the dull knumb  environment. 

Just for nostalgia...how it should and could be. Just listen to that crowd.



Like you said about phones, it's a vastly different time and there are alot more things to preoccupy the fans these days. Fan placement also kills atmosphere but that's an entirely different topic that's already covered in here ?

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2 hours ago, Selred said:

It’s crazy the lack of publication about this protest. One post on Instagram, and zero posts on here (City’s biggest fan platform). 
Terribly organised. I’ll be impressed if it gets into double figures.

Numbers or age ?

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It’s frustration, simple as. We all feel it I think.

No problem with people protesting but as others have said, while there are lots of things that seem to have gone wrong with the club and certainly flaws at board level, we are pretty much like the majority of clubs and fans up and down the country. Believe me, I’ve lived up and down the country and the supporters are no different. I don’t think the need to protest is that strong and is misplaced in the context of football and all of the shady crap that has gone on at loads of other clubs compared to our club’s current situation. However fair play to any of those protesters that go home and away in all weathers to stomach some of the poor showings we’ve consistently endured over the last few (and more) years. I get the frustration and it’s their right to do this if they want. All I can say is that I hope we can see some constructive ideas and proposals from them apart from the Pearson Out chant. If he goes, he goes. We might strike lucky for another 12 months till things start to get mediocre again. But to me it’s the structures involved in making the managerial appointments that needs putting right. And maybe that is going on behind the scenes now. Who knows...  

We are not a successful club, we don’t have bulging trophy cabinets. I was thinking the other day that the only team in the west country to have actually got to the Prem and won a recognised major trophy is Swindon Town, 1969 League Cup and 1993(?) Prem. We might not like that fact, but that’s it. Granted we had some early years in Div 1 and a Cup Final, four years in Div 1 in the late 70’s and a few league cup semi finals.

Yes, after supporting this club for 57 years, I’m sick of this fact. The last time I really had a sense of local pride in the club (apart from the good community stuff the people from that department do) is when we played Utd and City in the league cup, 2017/18. I’ve enjoyed some of the games since, even on occasions when we’ve lost if it’s been a good match. But sadly, most games have been generally very mediocre, glimpses of occasional promise then disappointing badly. Rinse and repeat is the current popular term I believe. We have always been that area and that club with untapped potential.

However, I can’t give up on the club, as much as I often would like to. It’s ingrained in me now and has been since 1966.  

Pearson knows all this. Like him or loathe him but he’s not dumb or at least unaware. I think we’ve got him 6 or 7 years too late to be honest, but I do think he’s shining a light and trying to address the issues to put in place the foundations to build a more competitive club. I don’t think he will see it all through, time and results will catch up. But I do think an opportunity* will arise from this period of change to make managing this club an attractive proposition for talented coaches or managers again in the near future. We can only hope that the new CEO and structures being put in place will at last see the club in a growing, progressive place again and with the nous to appoint the right coaches. We might then attract the right type of investors to buy the club either outright or bring fresh ideas to the Lansdown boardroom table.

*We’ve not been good at doing this, time we need to grasp things when we get moving on an upward curve again.

At the moment all I can do is get behind the team when I go down the Gate like the many times we’ve been in this type of situation over the years and hope we stay to rebuild in the Championship. And then moan if it doesn’t happen...rinse and repeat!



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On the basis that this whole thread and discussion was based on one person creating an advert that nobody else seemed to know anything about I'm pretty sure that nothing will be happening today 

Though it did create a few pages of interesting discussions on here 

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2 minutes ago, phantom said:

On the basis that this whole thread and discussion was based on one person creating an advert that nobody else seemed to know anything about I'm pretty sure that nothing will be happening today 

Though it did create a few pages of interesting discussions on here 

And that account has actually deleted that original post.

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2 hours ago, Club and Country said:

Whatever happens, it will be embarrassing 

It *should* be embarassing for anyone taking part  over the age of about 14 (I was that age when  I last protested for the manager to be sacked - after the game BTW, never during), but they'll be too entitled to think they aren't right ('change, change'), and will consider themselves the only 'real' fans.

Maybe today's the day we get our bellend.

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13 minutes ago, BigTone said:

Good to hear it was a success.

It's a disgrace that the club has not responded to the legitimate demands of so many thousands hundreds tens two of fans.

Hang on, what were those demands again?

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On 12/01/2023 at 10:04, Percy Pig said:

Yes, but "supporter not customer" should be a mindset. I understand voicing displeasure, but I cannot understand doing it during a game. Surely you concede that getting on the players backs will make things worse? In your profession would you improve your productivity and performance if you were encouraged? Or would your performance suffer if every mistake, however small, was met with the sound of groans, boos and sarcastic chanting from thousands watching? 

I just don't understand it. Home advantage is a thing but that comes from the idea that 10-30k people are in attendance wanting the players to play well. Sometimes I feel like sections of our fans enjoy venting and moaning more than they do us winning. As if the club is a facility to express their real life personal frustrations. 

I don't view myself as a customer. I pay a contribution to the players wages and see that as an investment. If I invest in the stock market I'm not then going to sit in the offices of whatever company I've invested in and abuse and belittle the staff there as they try to improve said company and therefore increase the value of my investment. The difference is the increased value of my investment in City is joy rather than pounds or pence.

I'll never get it. I'm not old enough to remember 82 or the Cooper rebuild, but everything I hear about the 4-10k who stuck around was that they were loyal, positive and backed up a club that almost died. 

There's precisely nothing to be gained from airing the frustrations we all feel at times. So why do it? 

If the players had given up I'd sort of get it, but they are all, to a man, putting in the effort for the shirt. The goalposts always move. It's "just want a team that tries" or "just want a team that's entertaining" or "just want us to be solid and hard to beat" or "just want us to have a team of academy players we can love and relate to" or "just want us to invest and give it a go". Well we've done all those things in the last decade, and every version of City is met with the same people moaning about different things. In the end, maybe they're the problem? 

Superb. Both making excellent points and absolutely delicious.

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12 minutes ago, The Journalist said:

Superb. Both making excellent points and absolutely delicious.

Glad to hear they achieved their goals. Along with the "Ultras" it has been a great weekend showing exactly what the fans / customers are all about and the club should beware. The bell ends are revolting!!!

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9 minutes ago, BigTone said:

Glad to hear they achieved their goals. Along with the "Ultras" it has been a great weekend showing exactly what the fans / customers are all about and the club should beware. The bell ends are revolting!!!

Would you go for the sugary ones or plain? So many variations to choose from now.

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I agree with a lot of that china, your right about the damage,losing promising youngsters to pay off bad rubbish is frustrating, your also correct about there being no other solution, hand on heart after all his time here this is where we are, I'm finding it hard to say hes done a good job. Hey port scouts forwards manager's they all pick the bones out of schoolyard errors mate thats football, 

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29 minutes ago, Oh Louie louie said:

Yep its the thatcher'voter's of the 80s that got us in this mess, Cyril well spotted mate I can clearly see the connection, I wasn't even old enough to vote in the 80s, Id be more worried about somebody giving footballs equivalent of nick leeson my cheque book tbh,

Yes, hated Thatcher with a passion.

Unfortunately though Labour did its self no favours voting Michael Foot and then Neil Kinnock as their leaders!!

Simple really, vote for Foot/Kinnock and get Thatcher.

Vote Corbyn and get Johnson.

When will they ever learn......

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1 hour ago, Galley is our king said:

Yes, hated Thatcher with a passion.

Unfortunately though Labour did its self no favours voting Michael Foot and then Neil Kinnock as their leaders!!

Simple really, vote for Foot/Kinnock and get Thatcher.

Vote Corbyn and get Johnson.

When will they ever learn......

So we just elect right wing governments instead... thats working ?‍♂️

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21 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

No, just not put up candidates that are extreme left wing with bonkers ideas like leaving NATO.

People in this country just will not vote for it. 

Now a socialist left of centre one, they will.

left of centre and socialism? Not possible.

Socialism and centrist politics dont go together.

Missed a massive opportunity with corbyn and his policies would have avoided many of our current problems

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