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A9 entrance disturbance

AG City

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2 minutes ago, Tom said:

You heard that? Lots of people had a clear view of it (me included). If you're talking about the second kid in the camo green top, he was not being held around the throat. 

People will make up anything to avoid taking accountability for their actions .

Yes I heard that in the pub . I don’t sit near there so wouldn’t of seen it. As I said, if it’s true it’s bang out of order . However , if the kid hadn’t gone on the pitch in the first place it wouldn’t of happened . So yes the steward needs to be accountable but so does the parents of the kid.

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27 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

I heard the steward had the kid around the throat which is out of order 100% . However the dad of the kid should be banned . We all know it’s criminal offence to be on the pitch in the first place . He probably thought oh they won’t do anything because it’s a kid . It’s pathetic , stay off the pitch.

I watched the whole thing and that was certainly not what I saw. He was holding onto the kid mostly abound the shoulders/top of his arms and holding/guiding him. The kid was wrigging and trying to pull away, he cerainly wasn't anywhere near the throat area and at no time did the kid look distressed. The whole ground has cctc and no way would a steward risk their job, the clubs reputation etc.

I did see a steward get a kick in the head from the baying angry mob though. I hope that person is also dealt with. I don't care what the problem is, kicking someone in the head is never the answer, and is especially worse when that person is just doing their job.

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1 minute ago, RedM said:

I watched the whole thing and that was certainly not what I saw. He was holding onto the kid mostly abound the shoulders/top of his arms and holding/guiding him. The kid was wrigging and trying to pull away, he cerainly wasn't anywhere near the throat area and at no time did the kid look distressed. The whole ground has cctc and no way would a steward risk their job, the clubs reputation etc.

I did see a steward get a kick in the head from the baying angry mob though. I hope that person is also dealt with. I don't care what the problem is, kicking someone in the head is never the answer, and is especially worse when that person is just doing their job.

Thanks for the clarity. Rumours can get out of hand . As I said he shouldn’t be on the pitch , ban  the parents 

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20 minutes ago, sticks 1969 said:

I watched then whole thing unfold 

the lad didn’t hang around long to ask for a shirt he just seemed to walk up to a player quick exchange of words then ran back 

what I found amusing was his reaction when walking back fist pumping the air and clapping like he was a player 

it then seemed to get out of hand when he hopped back over the fence and the steward grabbed him .

now this is where hindsight is a wonderful thing , really the steward should have asked where his parents where or maybe just said what he did was wrong and not to do it again . 
instead he held him and not let him go back into the stands cu where other people got involved and it all got a little heated 

he did seem to get back into the seats and looked like was going to make a quick exit when he then seemed to pop back up at the bottom and more chaos resumed 

somthing so simple wherever Wright or wrong took a very slight edge off a good and hopefully all is ok for all parties 

That was the second kid, he didn't get as far as the centre circle which the fist one did and was taken towards the tunnel as i said

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I'm disapionted that some on here seem to be defending the kid/s from running on the pitch.

The rules are very, very clear and cannot be confused. The club and authorities have made it as simple as possible for everyone - don't do it - the line is there, no need to cross it and no one can say they didn't know. End of.

Now, if as a parent, you think your little prince or princess is exempt and this very simple, easy to follow rule doesn't apply to you or yours, then you accept the consequences of your selfishness (ban, fine, manhandling, whatever it is).

You should be the ones apologising and disciplining your kid/s and yourself for allowing it.  Perhaps, even educate them a little.

Also consider the impact of your action of allowing your kid/s to do this potentally contributing to the club being fined.  Why would any fan want to risk this?

Really does suprise me that this issue causes a debate which some think it's ok to do.

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57 minutes ago, RedM said:

You got this wrong. 

Dad "Look son, you got your free shirt with your cheap season ticket, now run on and get me Scott's so I can wack it on eBay and get a few quid"

You got this wrong.

Dad "Look son, go get me a shirt off Scott, I will see you in the car park. Gunna get me a Merc off Nakhi..."

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10 hours ago, Betty Swallocks said:

It wasn’t debatable, it was way over the top. I hope the parents take action against the individuals involved. 

It seems pretty self evident that it IS debateable: there’s three pages of it.

I just find it odd that after a series of events involving an illegal encroachment onto the pitch, encouraged (or at least allowed) by a parent, followed by what sounds like quite viscous assaults on at least one steward, after all that your only concern is that the parents take action against the stewards.

Personally, I’m with @Gasbuster in feeling that if the parents take any further action it should focus on making sure their children know how to behave in future.

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58 minutes ago, E.J.Thribb said:

If you don’t want your child manhandled off the pitch by stewards it’s quite simple: don’t let them run on the damn pitch to beg for a shirt. 



Fine or ban the parents,look on CCTV, then they'll start crying they're innocents, no steward deserves to be beaten up because some parents cant control their kids or ask them to break the law, 

Edited by Red-Al
Spelling error,
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5 minutes ago, Red-Al said:

Fine or ban the parents,look on CCTV, then they'll start crying they're innocents, no steward deserves to be beaten up because some parents cant control their kids or ask them to break the law, 

Exactly. Probably start crying on social media how their poor, innocent child only wanted to chat to the players or some other confected guff to detract from their inability to control their child’s behaviour. 

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3 hours ago, The Gasbuster said:

My late father would have taken some action against me back in the 70’s if we had been at the football, and I had run on to the pitch.

I wouldn’t do it again, that’s for sure !

And he would have made me apologise to the steward as well !

Same here. So sad over the years, society is now about blaming others for your own actions. It's such a blame culture.

Sadly...we are dealing with not just the kids, but their parents.

There are always consequences from your own actions. 

From a parent who's allowed/ encouraged their kid, to run onto the pitch...the consequence is a steward made a decision, rightly or wrongly, and gets abused/ man handled by other fans. 

Nothing happens to the kid or the parent. 

Perhaps in future...instead of fans having a go at the Stewards, we should start policing our own. Have a go at the parent, not the Steward. Call them out. 

It could have ended much worse...fans turning more violent on the steward. Just because parents can't control their kids or themselves in some instances. 

Society hasn't helped in letting this blame culture and no consequence culture develop. 




Edited by spudski
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3 hours ago, RedM said:

To celebrate a 1-0 win and beg for a shirt, really?

I saw I kid run to ask for a shirt. The club has done well to stamp this out over the past few months after the joke it had become earlier this season. If we win I want to acknowledge the players not have them surrounded by 50 kids and dealing with them.

Anyway the kid then decided to try return to the stand, empty handed when another kid ran on. The steward decided to take him to the tunnel and the kid was trying to wriggle away. I thought the steward did well, I would have scooped the little git up and carried him off.

No doubt they needed to speak to the parent/parents and took the kid to the tunnel to be 'claimed'. This made the parent (?) irate/angry (I won't say concerned as if they were that concerned they would not have put their offspring in that situation in the first place).

Anyway it all kicked off with the stewards as the their parent was trying to get to their kid, who had broken the law, I don't care what age he is.

I don't think anyone wants to see the return of kids running on and demanding shirts. I don't want our celebrations when we beat ManC to be ruined by 100 idiots surrounding the ManC players for shirts and TicToc crap.

So, if it were up to me I would ban both kids and parents, possibly for the rest of the season and certainly for the ManC game. But I guess they might be lucky and get a slap on the wrist.

The club gets a fine and are reported for any incident like this, someone has to pay.

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

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7 minutes ago, The Bard said:

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

I’d be interested too, but not sure that’s quite the right question. Encroaching on the pitch is an offence under the Football Offences Act, I believe. That’s a bit different from just ‘being difficult’. 

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19 minutes ago, The Bard said:

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

Or is it that 1) is actually someone doing their job and stopping a child from breaking the rules. The word "manhandling" is doing a lot of work here in these apologist messages. 

Again it's just obscuring what the actual issue is: people not controlling their children outside or inside the stadium and a blame culture in which people have main-character syndrome and refuse to take any accountability.

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24 minutes ago, The Bard said:

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

And this is what society has created.

How do you control people, if they disobey rules, and refuse to listen to words? 

Parents these days are frightened to touch their kids when they are kicking off. Seen it many a time in supermarkets. They just let them scream and have a full on hissy fit often kicking out.

Teachers aren't allowed to do anything. 

So how does a Steward have any chance?

Kids can pretty much run riot these days with little or no consequence. And they know it. 

I've stepped in when 3 kids started abusing an OAP in my local town. Abusing him, pushing him. I stepped in...two kids got phones out and started filming, the other started pushing me, saying ' come on then Mr, what you gonna do about it, you can't, we're kids'... probably 14/15 yo.

I walked the OAP away...whilst both of us took abuse, goading us. 

My initial instinct was to slap the kid into next week, take their phones, and contact the parents. No chance these days. 



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4 hours ago, RedM said:

So, if it were up to me I would ban both kids and parents, possibly for the rest of the season and certainly for the ManC game.

Took me a while after reading this bit to figure out that you weren’t actually calling for a full ban of all kids and their parents ?

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7 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

Took me a while after reading this bit to figure out that you weren’t actually calling for a full ban of all kids and their parents ?

Not everyone is a parent but I think everyone is someones kid. Sounds to me like you'd need to be a clone or an andriod to gain entrance on that criteria.

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Parents should be given a short ban and a reminder of their responsibilities, anyone who wrestled with the stewards should also be banned.

Can we also ban cardboard placards requesting players shirts. Can't wait to see all the kids with Kevin or Alfie can I have your shirt notices vs Man City. Just find it embarrassing.

Edited by Dynamite Red
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10 minutes ago, Dynamite Red said:


Can we also ban cardboard placards requesting players shirts. Can't wait to see all the kids with Kevin or Alfie can I have your shirt notices vs Man City. Just find it embarrassing.

i rather like the idea  for the england game coming soon

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3 hours ago, The Bard said:

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

Any particular thoughts on this incident?


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6 hours ago, Monkeh said:

i hope the parents and kid is banned for life, entering the field of play is a criminal offence, we have been warned about this from the FA and EFL and most likely will be fined again as a result, whether the steward over stepped the mark isn't the problem, beaking the ******* law is the actual problem

A child banned for life for running on the pitch?  Surely he should be whipped through the streets of Bristol too?

Perhaps motorists should be banned from driving for life if they exceed the speed limit.  I’m sure you’ve never ******* done that though.

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2 hours ago, Dynamite Red said:

Can we also ban cardboard placards requesting players shirts. Can't wait to see all the kids with Kevin or Alfie can I have your shirt notices vs Man City. Just find it embarrassing.

I think you may be accused of getting shirty over nothing.

Cardboard placards are tacky.

But I still treasure the "Johnson Out !" one that I made.




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1 hour ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

Apprehended in connection with a recent crime, swore and shouted racial slurs before spitting on the officer. No problem at all with what she did - especially if it prevents him spitting again. 

Alternative link for those not wanting to give the Mail any clicks



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I hope the person who hit the steward is reading this ,You should be Ashamed of yourself,I for one hope you get Banned, it was your fault for letting your child on the pitch, the steward is their to do a job,and that's what he's doing, if you can't control your child don't take him to football, or if he wants a shirt that bad, buy him one and have the players name put on it,

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5 minutes ago, Red-Al said:

I hope the person who hit the steward is reading this ,You should be Ashamed of yourself,I for one hope you get Banned, it was your fault for letting your child on the pitch, the steward is their to do a job,and that's what he's doing, if you can't control your child don't take him to football, or if he wants a shirt that bad, buy him one and have the players name put on it,

Vikings Yes GIF by Vinnie Camilleri

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6 hours ago, The Bard said:

As usual the relatively unimportant part (people running on the pitch) has put the 2 main issues in the dark.  1 A grown adult manhandling a child with zero right to do so.. 2.  A clear assault against 1 that should be a matter for the Police. 

I'd be interested in the view of anyone who works with kids.  Do you just manhandle a child if they're being difficult?

It's not quite a straightforward as that, but yes. There are occasions that I have had to restrain (or remove from the vicinity). It is not pleasant. There are particular ways to do it and you must be fully trained. It is a last resort, generally it is done to keep the child or others safe. 

I did not see the incident in question so I cannot comment as to whether the decision to restrain or type of restraint was appropriate. 


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38 minutes ago, sinenomine said:

It's not quite a straightforward as that, but yes. There are occasions that I have had to restrain (or remove from the vicinity). It is not pleasant. There are particular ways to do it and you must be fully trained. It is a last resort, generally it is done to keep the child or others safe. 

I did not see the incident in question so I cannot comment as to whether the decision to restrain or type of restraint was appropriate. 


Trust me it was completely inappropriate.  No person was in danger. A kid ran on a football pitch to ask for a player's shirt and it was treated like he'd assaulted someone.

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3 hours ago, E.J.Thribb said:

Kid spat at her and was trying to resist arrest. Serves him right. 

In general terms, that is my overall view as well.

2 hours ago, italian dave said:

Apprehended in connection with a recent crime, swore and shouted racial slurs before spitting on the officer. No problem at all with what she did - especially if it prevents him spitting again. 

Alternative link for those not wanting to give the Mail any clicks


As above, I have no particular problem with her actions in these particular circumstances.

As an aside, the DM link does actually show the video of the incident, which may help to put things in to context.

54 minutes ago, sinenomine said:

It's not quite a straightforward as that, but yes. There are occasions that I have had to restrain (or remove from the vicinity). It is not pleasant. There are particular ways to do it and you must be fully trained. It is a last resort, generally it is done to keep the child or others safe. 

Firstly, I did not witness the incident in question, so am unable to comment as to whether I consider the steward's reaction reasonable or not.

What I would say, however, is that it is my understanding these stewards are employed on minimum wage only, so, by extension, it is unlikely they will have received the appropriate professional training required to deal with such situations 'professionally'.

My view on the AG pitch invasion incident, however, is that the young lad probably deserved all he got and, should he have any complaints, he should direct these towards his parent(s).

Re. the Australian Police incident, my view, as a private individual, is that I would probably have reacted in a similar manner, just a simple reflex reaction to somebody spitting at me.

I have no professional training, however, and there are no doubt some on here who are trained professionally, and who might be able to add their educated and perhaps contradictory views.

For the record, I have always been amazed when I see news clips showing arrested suspects being guided gently to a Police car, with the arresting Officer placing his hand softly on the suspect's head to ensure he doesn't hurt himself getting in to the Police car.  

Personally, I suspect that were I to be in a similar position, i.e. arresting a suspected rapist/paedophile, especially if I believed him/her to be guilty, I would slam his head against the door, offering a perfunctory 'Whoops, Sorry about that mate', but then, of course, I have not received the professional training afforded to our Police force - and don't even get me started on those idiots who attack Fire and Ambulance personnel when attending emergencies.

Yep, I suppose I belong to that old fashioned faction who believe in giving such characters a fair Trial and then hanging them ?.


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Simple announcement pre-match that the parents (or guardian) of any child running onto the pitch will be banned for the rest of this season and all of next, would end this trend immediately.

You don’t need to ban kids who are just behaving in a manner they have been taught is acceptable. The liability is with the parents.

If my son ever did it (he wouldn’t) I wouldn’t need the club to ban him anyway, I’d be banning him myself.

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15 hours ago, Dynamite Red said:

Parents should be given a short ban and a reminder of their responsibilities, anyone who wrestled with the stewards should also be banned.

Can we also ban cardboard placards requesting players shirts. Can't wait to see all the kids with Kevin or Alfie can I have your shirt notices vs Man City. Just find it embarrassing.

This is one of my biggest gripes here in Oz when 12/13yr olds steal cars & are caught driving around in the early hours of the morning. Where are their ****ing parents, punish the parents

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I’m always amazed that a lot of people can’t understand that all parties are potentially in the wrong, in this case the child should not have gone on the pitch, the parents should have had more control and potentially the steward should have handled the situation a bit differently 

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11 hours ago, REDOXO said:

Was I the only one alive in the 70s? Being charged at West Ham and being hit by debris at Aldershot etc etc etc etc.

This kids on the pitch stuff all seems a bit 21st and a 1/4 century. 


I was and its much better now than it was then

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