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Thank you Nige…


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NP overall leaves the club very much in credit for me.

I echo sentiments from the OP that NP has built a squad that overall are hard working and professional in their application.

Its fair to say the squad lacks that cutting edge quality to push for promotion, but that’s not down to NP - it’s down to ridiculous slashing of the transfer budget despite record sales.

NP’s assessment of some players has been a little wayward also (see goalkeeping department), and he did tend to throw some players “under the Bus” - but this approach has delivered season on season improvement in playing style and league position.

He’s also been very much active in creating a “one club” culture - I recall he was very vocal about the women’s team being integrated into the HPC and has been described by those ITK as being very active in reviewing our academy set up and options.

So overall Nige - a big thanks for the last few seasons. I hope your current health issue is resolved as swiftly and smoothly as possible and hope you stay living down in god’s country (aka the South West!)

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Top Man, Top Manager. 

Poor Decision...

I wish you all the very best of health and if you decide to retire Nige, enjoy that valuable time with your friends and family...

It's very much 'what could have been' and I still can't understand the decision.





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Thank you Nigel. Particularly if you are reading this. Against all odds had turned the club around. You were setting the standards across the board.  You have been the only face of the club over the last couple of months. Be in no doubt how we'll you were appreciated by the fans. Best manager at City since Terry Cooper for me.  Hope you are able to say what you really think at some point. 

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Cheers Nige. It was good to have someone at the club who knew what he was doing. We’re left with people who don’t know what they’re doing.

You were unfairly treated. Hopefully you can go somewhere where your abilities are appreciated. Please don’t think badly of the fanbase, most of us disagree with this decision.

best of luck for the future!

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Gutted would be the word. Nige you have been a blessing to our club. It is infuriating that your work has not been recognised by those who make the decisions. You have done an incredible job and will be hugely missed. Honestly think we may have been in league 1 without you. Thank you for all you did and best wishes for the future, your departure is unjust. 

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Thank you Nige Your appointment was the lift I needed supporting this club after what's been a frustrating time, The first season I've committed to a season ticket for a long while You gave us hope and with a decent backing I believe you would of got us promotion but your hands where tied and I honestly can't believe you've been treated like this. Lansdowns I hope you read these comments pathetic decision!! A big thank you to David Rennie for all his hard work.

100% appreciated 

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Cheers Nige.

We were fortunate to have had you for the time that we did. I just wish it could have been for several more seasons for you to have fulfilled your long term goals which I'm sure you had.

What you were able to accomplish within the restraints you were put under is admirable.

Best of luck with your health and life. You deserve so much more.


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Thank you for all your work turning our club around.  No mean feat with you hands tied behind your back.  Sadly, the spineless bastards can't give you the real reason you have to go because you'd wipe the floor with them in court. 

You inherited a poisoned Challice and had it filled with poisoned drink during each transfer window.

We all expected you to get some financial backing after sorting the horrific mess out.... alas,  no..

..genuinely wondered what might have been had you been given the free reign that Lee Johnson had. Hope you get well soon. 

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He is the best manager we have had in the 40 years I have been a fan. I am absolutely gutted that the club have treated him like this, because as you say he has done a fantastic job in very difficult conditions. He has changed the culture of the playing squad which was in a tailspin when he took over from Holden. I have really enjoyed watching the team develop. Cheers Nige we are going to miss you. 

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I think Pearson did a great job here. One of the best measures of a manager's reign is whether they left the club in a better state than they inherited it - Nige undoubtedly did.

Many people forget how poor we were before Pearson arrived. On the pitch, we weren't competitive. Statistically, we were pretty much the worst side in the Championship. Off the pitch, we were a points deduction waiting to happen.

Pearson managed to achieve a number of important objectives to take us away from that situation:

✅ Avoid relegation
✅ Address the awful club culture and instead create a hardworking & energetic team
✅ Lower the wage bill (massively) and make the club FFP compliant
✅ Develop young players and integrate academy players into the first team
✅ Turn the club around such that we were ready to start "looking up the league" again

I was still slightly unsure about whether Pearson was the right manager to take us into the top 6. He had successfully turned the ship around, and for me, this was the season in which he could prove that he was now able to progress us up the table. Unfortunately, a lack of investment in the summer combined with the current injury crisis made that assessment much harder to make. Alas, we will never know how things might have turned out.

Ultimately, Pearson's greatest contribution might have been his impact on the club culture. We finally had a manager that knew what a successful club looked like and wasn't afraid to call out issues as he identified them. Ironically, this is likely to have been what the Lansdowns disliked about him most, and perhaps that tells you all you need to know about the ownership of our football club.

Thanks for your efforts in incredibly testing circumstances, Nige.

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Did what he was asked to do and improved the fitness of the team noticeably. Changed the mentality and made us competitive in every game despite injuries to many key players.

Expectations by the board to achieve promotion under those circumstances is delusional to say the least.

Thanks for committing to a project that many managers would have point blank refused to even consider seriously.

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Thank you Nige. Best manager we have had I'm my lifetime. Done a fantastic job, saved the club financially whilst keeping us in this division.

Was falling out of love with my club before you arrived.

Hope your health gets better soon.

Our owners are rats for how they treated you.

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Absolutely a big thanks for the dedication of trying to turn our club around. Especially when you have the owners against you doing all they can to make it impossible. 


I hope he gets a job soon. One where he is respected alot more then the clowns running our club gave. 

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Late to this news but its been a very revealing half an hour in my household.

Since having my teenage heart broken 20 years ago, I have cried on two occassions. When the Queen died and when Pearson was sacked.

People work for money, Nigel worked because he wanted to make our dreams come true.

Over the last few months its clear I dont support Bristol City but Lansdown FC and my life’s passion seems like a complete and utter waste.

Thank you, Nige 


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19 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

I’m so bloody angry right now!

I sent an email with thanks to Dean

I know exactly what you mean by angry, and to think I actually stuck up for these muppets in the past when I thought some of the criticism was unfair.

Now I believe they deserve every bit of shit they're getting thrown at them.

I truly hope there are songs and chants (and lots of them) about the Lansdowns, and chants in support of Nigel.

It needs to be done.

PS I don't care if it upsets them, or Steve gets stroppy again with all his it's my money/club bullshit,

They need to know that they haven't got a bloody clue and we want them out.


Edited by AppyDAZE
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10 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

I’m so bloody angry right now!

I sent an email with thanks to Dean

Good call, just done the same. Never felt the need before but this is a shocker of a decision IMO. 

Lansdowns out. 

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This is another in a long line of inept decisions made by the Lansdown family. Presumably, Jon, who only employs his mates and yes men. Phil A went after a few months and now Nige. The only 2 at the club that have a clue about leadership or football. and may have raised questions. Tinnion the schemer has dirty hands on this too. He has previous for that behaviour.

Nige, you were not backed despite saving the club from L1, creating a huge transfer profit and finally getting some professionalism into the playing set up. You needed backing not sacking, it is disgraceful. The Lansdowns have a long history of ineptitude in sport, Jon L would never have any position of authority in any business without his father funding it. It is nepotism at its very worst. Nige you got stuck in the middle of it. 

Thanks for making us a proper team, where there was pride and application, in the most difficult of times. You deserved far more respect than you were given, that is a reflection of the Lansdown family's ethics and ability.

Thanks for everything Nige. 


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Proper manager. Long-termist in his approach. Communicated well. Strategic. Thoughtful. All this and he sounds like the sort of fella you'd like to have a pint with.

Nigel Pearson, I'm sorry you had to come to a club run by idiots, but you've been in the game long enough that I'm sure you've seen it many times before.

I wish you a healthy and happy future. 

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4 hours ago, Shauntaylor85 said:

Thank you Nige. Best manager in my lifetime who actually had a clue what was wrong with this club. Such a shame. 

An 8 year old should always be allowed a point of view.


Following Bristol City's promotion to the Championship, Cotterill was named LMA League One Manager of the Year, having already earned Sky Bet League One Manager of the Month in September 2014 and March 2015.On 18 April 2015, Bristol City were crowned League One champions following a 0–0 draw at home to Coventry City. This made them the first club to win both the Football League Trophy and League One in the same season.

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I reckon Nigel has now worked out why the sleeping giant Bristol City has not managed to reach the Premier League.

He deserves better than this club under this ownership.

Hope his health improves and he enjoys his time off.

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3 hours ago, Jerseybean said:

Fellow- Reds, I have sent this to his agent and asked he shares it with NP, if anybody else wants to do the same the email you need is: dean@oportosports.com

He is Dean Eldridge and has been first class on the few occasions I have contacted him.


Thank you Nige

You have IMO done a truly superb job during your (far too short) tenure. I’m bitterly disappointed to learn of your departure.

Despite having the best players sold for FFP reasons, seemingly getting little support from the hierarchy and inheriting a complete mess, you have….

Cleared out the deadwood and high earners

Enabled young players to step-up to the first team squad

Built a squad that clearly plays for you and the shirt

Created an emerging footballing identity which fans are getting behind

Built a collective mindset and reset the culture

Managed and conducted matters in a professional, sensible, informed and experienced manner

Recruited a competent staff team

Bought in capable players, with excellent personal qualities, without spending much money

I wish you a swift return to good health and hope that you will look back on your time at Bristol City with pride.

Sincere thanks from a life-long (60+ years) City fan.

The way you have been treated by Bristol City FC is an utter disgrace. You were the solution not the problem.







 Thank you for your messages of support over Nige’s time at the club. We’ve received lots, but I always recognise your name.

 I’ll ensure he gets to read this and I know he will appreciate it.

 All the best to you and the club for the future,


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1 hour ago, Out of his pie crust said:

Mind you and I’m just throwing it out there , you’re u know as well as I do that if the next ****** takes us up no one here will give a ****

With the Lansdown’s track record there is absolutely **** all chance of that happening.

They are more likely to appoint Holden again than find the right person.

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Not sure if this has already been said but if I could speak to him face to face I would say you are leaving with your head held high and the support and respect of the fan base still fully behind you.  We acknowledge the difficulties you faced during your time with the club and the job you have done with no support from those above you is fantastic. You leave the club in a hell of a lot better place than when you arrived.

Not often a manager leaves and a majority of fans are in uproar about it.

Cheers Nige, hopefully will see you back in management once you have sorted your health issues.

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I really didn’t think Lansdown could be this clueless.

What a despicable way to treat the man who has pulled this club back from the jaws of FFP, whilst still keeping us in the Championship.

Just in case you come onto this thread, a heartfelt thank you Nige for shaking up this total shambles of a club.  We’ve suffered years of bullshit and waffle from people running this club and it’s been so refreshing to have someone with your honest, straight talking style, who tells it as it is.

Us supporters will always be grateful to you for your efforts and giving us a group of whole-hearted players who played for the shirt, rather than just the pay packet.  It’s a very long time since I’ve been so proud of our players for giving everything on the pitch and that’s down to you.

That pride definitely doesn’t extend to our pathetic board and clueless owner though, who clearly don’t have the football intelligence to recognise a top manager when they have one.  Instead of giving you the backing you’ve earned and deserved, they clearly froze you out and they should be totally embarassed and ashamed.  I’ve never been so gutted at the unjustified sacking of a manager and I’m sure there are many more fans feeling the same.

Best of luck for the future and hopefully the next club gives you the respect you deserve.  The fans appreciate your worth though and you can be assured of the warmest of welcomes from the people who really matter at BCFC, if you ever return to the Gate in any capacity.

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Thanks Nige, especially wishing you good health and best wishes for retirement or whatever you decide to do in the future. The best manager this club as ever had… it’ll be interesting who the comedy duo think that they can now bring in to do a better job.

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I've been thinking all day about what I'd like to say to Nige if I could.

What I'd say to Nige is, firstly, I wish you well in sorting out your health issues. I hope a quick resolution can be found for you and that you are soon back to full health. 

Secondly I really hope that you continue to feel at home in Somerset. You are clearly very passionate about the area and I hope you will continue to enjoy it here.

I've never personally met you (unfortunately) but everyone that I know that has met you speaks extremely highly of you. 

For the first time in my time of being a City fan I genuinely felt as if under you, this club could go on to achieve things it has never achieved before and I'll forever wonder, what if? 

I feel like we were on the cusp of something special with you, despite the significant unnecessary restrictions put in place. 

Once again for the 1st time, I felt as if you had made us feel like a proper football club and not some billionaires sons toy. 

You have so much respect for the fans and the history of the club, one of the first things I remember you doing is encouraging the club to embrace its history because that history is the fabric of the club. One thing that sticks in my mind is that you were very passionate about the Ashton Gate 8 stuff and you spent time to understand the history of it all. 

Your very close friendship with Marina Dolman was lovely to see. 

You gave us a football team to be proud of. So many talented local lads came through under your guidance. I'm sure they will forever show gratitude towards you like so many of your previous players have done so. 

The pride I feel as a fan watching the likes of Bell, Conway, Pring etc pulling on that shirt is incredible. 

You created a squad mentality where the players gave it their all, despite whatever circumstance and as a fan, that's all I could ever want. 

I have friends that support other teams, they have ridiculed me over the past few months because I've described you as a legend to them. I don't care what they think, you saved this club from relegation and ffp sanctions and stopped us from being another Reading. 

You've put this club in a fantastic position to move forward. Unfortunately Lansdown is trying his hardest to undo all of that good work. 

But I have no doubt that without you, we'd now be in league one.

Thank you for everything you've done, Dave x

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Thank you Nige, you are a better man(ager) than the Lansdown's ever deserved. You pretty much saved singlehandedly saved the club from FFP points deduction and built a fantastic squad, who play for the shirt and with a bit of luck with injuries would have challenged the playoffs. All of this with no support from the SL or JL who just don't have a clue. 

Good luck in the future your always welcome in Brizzle #legend

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10 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

I've been thinking all day about what I'd like to say to Nige if I could.

What I'd say to Nige is, firstly, I wish you well in sorting out your health issues. I hope a quick resolution can be found for you and that you are soon back to full health. 

Secondly I really hope that you continue to feel at home in Somerset. You are clearly very passionate about the area and I hope you will continue to enjoy it here.

I've never personally met you (unfortunately) but everyone that I know that has met you speaks extremely highly of you. 

For the first time in my time of being a City fan I genuinely felt as if under you, this club could go on to achieve things it has never achieved before and I'll forever wonder, what if? 

I feel like we were on the cusp of something special with you, despite the significant unnecessary restrictions put in place. 

Once again for the 1st time, I felt as if you had made us feel like a proper football club and not some billionaires sons toy. 

You have so much respect for the fans and the history of the club, one of the first things I remember you doing is encouraging the club to embrace its history because that history is the fabric of the club. One thing that sticks in my mind is that you were very passionate about the Ashton Gate 8 stuff and you spent time to understand the history of it all. 

Your very close friendship with Marina Dolman was lovely to see. 

You gave us a football team to be proud of. So many talented local lads came through under your guidance. I'm sure they will forever show gratitude towards you like so many of your previous players have done so. 

The pride I feel as a fan watching the likes of Bell, Conway, Pring etc pulling on that shirt is incredible. 

You created a squad mentality where the players gave it their all, despite whatever circumstance and as a fan, that's all I could ever want. 

I have friends that support other teams, they have ridiculed me over the past few months because I've described you as a legend to them. I don't care what they think, you saved this club from relegation and ffp sanctions and stopped us from being another Reading. 

You've put this club in a fantastic position to move forward. Unfortunately Lansdown is trying his hardest to undo all of that good work. 

But I have no doubt that without you, we'd now be in league one.

Thank you for everything you've done, Dave x

Really good post, my thoughts exactly, but much more eloquently put than I could have done. 

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Thanks Nige, best manager this club has had in over 40 years. Diabolically treated by owners that haven't got a clue. The large majority of fans were behind you and could see the progress being made. What a shambles of a club. All the best and enjoy your time on the Mendips.

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I have supported City for 50 years and have seen a lot of mediocre, unmotivated sides at Ashton Gate. 
I now live abroad so don’t get to see many live games but this season I took my son away to Millwall and then also got the change to see the City home game against Stoke. Millwall was a fantastic last minute win - but even in the defeat against Stoke you could see a team that was playing for each other, highly motivated, proactive with and without the ball and playing with a really positive identity. I walked out of that defeat thinking this is a real team we have here and despite the loss the future is bright and I’m proud to be a city fan.

So thank you Mr Nigel Pearson for building that identity, that spirit that sense of purpose and endeavour and building a team that clearly desperately wanted to do their very best for themselves, for each other, for you and for the supporters. 

It’s truly shameful that the powers that be have pushed you out the door before you and we got the chance to see the full return on your investment in our club. I hope whoever follows you does justice to the foundations you have laid and the course you have set.  We will remember what you did and if somehow we do achieve any success in the coming years we will know that much of it was down to the hard work and the principles and the standards that you brought to our club.


Thank you.



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Sad to see you go Nigel

I speak for my whole family of Cidered fans ( a lot too many to count )

You have done your best with the resources you have available to you and we are proud you have been truthful | honest

I personally think it's down to your health issues that the BCFC management won't back you anymore

Refocus on your health enjoy life and relax

I know personally myself health is the main priority in life 

Be healthy and happy | enjoy family life 

You deserve it x

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On 29/10/2023 at 16:56, W-S-M Seagull said:

I've never been this upset/angry about a manager leaving. 

Bizarrely I was in Asda when Gary Johnson was sacked and also in Asda today when Pearson was sacked.

 I was upset when Joe Jordan left the first time, but that was for the Scotland job. This is just so stupid and the more we hear the worse it seems.

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I heard from NPs agent today, so sharing it for those who are interested,

‘I know Nige will appreciate it. He’s said to me on many occasions since Sunday’s news, that he was very proud to lead your team/club, and he knows the fanbase will get behind the players and staff and support them on Saturday and in future games, as you always do.

Whilst we are obviously disappointed with the way things have ended, Nige can look back fondly on his time at the club, the contribution he has made and the warmth he’s received during that period. He has been overwhelmed at the reaction from the supporters, which has meant a great deal to him.

 Hopefully one day he’ll get to meet some of the fans in person, or return in the opposition dugout and express his thanks again.’



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1 hour ago, Jerseybean said:

I heard from NPs agent today, so sharing it for those who are interested,

‘I know Nige will appreciate it. He’s said to me on many occasions since Sunday’s news, that he was very proud to lead your team/club, and he knows the fanbase will get behind the players and staff and support them on Saturday and in future games, as you always do.

Whilst we are obviously disappointed with the way things have ended, Nige can look back fondly on his time at the club, the contribution he has made and the warmth he’s received during that period. He has been overwhelmed at the reaction from the supporters, which has meant a great deal to him.

 Hopefully one day he’ll get to meet some of the fans in person, or return in the opposition dugout and express his thanks again.’



Makes me sad, such a superb guy and leader. I really hope we sing his name on Saturday. 

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