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Tinns Speaks


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14 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

I’ve got a horrible feeling based on his comments about the U21 coach that we might end up appointing a very green ‘head coach’ working in combination with Tinnion who will provide a more hands on role with the playing side.

Ironically, it’s the sort of arrangement that may have worked well when we first appointed Lee Johnson. 

It’s so frustratingly obvious that Pearson needed full autonomy and the ability to bring in his own people. Watch us do a 180 on our strategy yet again in an attempt to give ourselves some sort of ‘identity’.

Worrying talk of Ali Hinds. It would be a terrible choice and I would question whether i'd go to AG for a while.

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3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

(Catching up, not read the responses, so apologies if covered by others)

Exactly that, just be honest….a simple “we didn’t think Nige was the man to deliver with this squad”.  I’d respect that, instead they’ve skirted around it.

Some other digs in there too.


To digress away from the actual interview for a minute…I’ve read a lot about Tins over the past week or so, suggesting shit-stirring, etc.

I can obviously comment on that (I have!), whether I think it has legs or not, etc, etc.  But I don’t know.  The message I saw forwarded from him by someone I know suggested shit-stirring, but I never saw the rest of the conversation so context is everything isn’t it?

FWIW, what is done is done, there’s been a huge backlash.  The hierarchy need to deal with it and do better with the fans than they are.

But, going forward this is now Tinnion’s “set-up”, it will be his appointment ultimately, he was the conduit on recruitment in the summer too.  I’m not gonna sit here and revise my view, I thought summer recruitment was good, it just lacked 2 more players to give that bit of depth required.  That’s why we’ve suffered imho.


Back to the interview.

The new manager (Head-Coach) should not have to majorly change the squad, it was recruited for in the way Tinnion describes, aggressive, pace, etc.  This is not a change.  This was the recruitment profile in March 2022 when @Harry and I (and two others) met the club and were presented to by RG and SG.  So, there should not be a case of the new manager saying the wrong players are here, they don’t meet the profile.  That’s three windows of exactly that have passed (at least - I’m sure that player profile want dreamed up last Spring), this winter being the fourth.  And in fairness I think they’ve tried to recruit to it, and it’s generally been better than before Nige came in.

So it is more about getting the current players back on the pitch asap.

Some “digs” in the interview re injuries / fitness.

Despite my disappointment / anger at Nige being sacked, the expectations are clear of the new appointment.  Importantly there is clarity of what the manager will be expected to do.  That will rule-out some, rule-in others.

From this point onwards accountability / responsibility is 100% clear.  Through SL / JL to GM / TR and into Tinnion and his new head-coach and staff, there can no longer be “division” at any level or between levels, there can no longer be scapegoats.


I hope it’s a success, I’m a City fan first and foremost.

I don't know enough about football but is Tins the one to be in charge of it all? If the new coach has to adhere to their way of thinking/playing or its the highway does that mean that Tins will be implementing the style of play etc? Picking the team...

Re injuries it's all very well talking about them from an abstract point of view but you are talking about physical bodies, they don't just magically get better. 

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36 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:


You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that there was a big bust up and disagreements behind the scenes and from comments made in that interview probable to do with training and player injuries, anyone who thought the reasons given are the full story are naive and equally those who think the club will come out and explain and give details of whats gone on are even more naive, businesses rightly do not wash there laundry in public.



You don't have to be Poirot to work out that the crux of the disagreement is the Alex Scott money. 

Person had a plan for when Scott departed yet when he made the amount the club was looking for, his plan had the rug pulled out from undèr it by the club refusing to release any of the cash. 

He was told he should be able to mansge with what he's got - with Tins in particular,  pushing hard for more academy kids to be introduced.

An injury crisis among senior plsyers and the expected poor results gave them the opportunity to sack the blstantly irritated manager and bring in someone more pliant. 

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Reading from a script? 

It doesn't sound like Mr new head coach is going to be recruiting in January then. 😞

In the summer 'we had a good squad', yes we DID, then sold Antione and Scott without replacing them or giving the Manager any scope to do so yet we expect promotion?

Utter waffle.

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23 minutes ago, Atticus said:

That's fine but they weren't really improving our squad, just replacing players that left. 

We needed that and to enhance our squad. 

Dickie is an improvement on what he had, obviously jury out on McCrorie but in terms of the level he was playing at he looks an improvement on Wilson. Knight and Roberts I get but don’t think they’d be far off who they came in for (that’s a huge credit to Knight btw)

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4 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

You of course get, that was a paraphrase of the videos where the Board have been quite clear about getting to the Prem. They've have taken action about wanting more by sacking Nige and both videos suggest they wanted) expected more.

We're not starting from square one and haven't been for sometime. Reckon it started after LJ left and then we've been building this way for ages . It's basically a return to the five pillars loosely after massive over spends with LJ .








As I said. You, they and anyone can talk about wanting to get to the Prem. Talk is cheap. Very cheap in the case of the Board, JL and Tinns. They haven't been clear about it, they have just talked about it. The action you speak of has nothing to to do with action to get in to the Prem. The action was taken because they didn't find NP to their liking because he knew and knows that this lot are clueless.

5 Pillars !!!

I think I need to log off for a while before I start posting stuff that I will regret!

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8 minutes ago, mozo said:

One telling phrase that Tins kept repeating is that "we were all happy with the squad". Meaning that Nige was happy with the squad so stop complaining about transfers/spending.

Of course no context either - perhaps Pearson was ‘happy’ considering the constraints he was under financially.. but in an ideal world knew it wasn’t good enough.

It’s clear why they didn’t want to put someone up on SOTC.. even in absence of twentyman they’d have got ripped to shreds.

Amusingly, lickspittle Mark Kelly has posted some irrelevant propaganda about this time X years ago the Williams stand was demolished. 

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1 minute ago, Bristol Rob said:

Are you suggesting that Tins and JL WON'T be replacing Holly and Phil on daytime-telly?

I knew the price the bookies offered was too good to be true. 

that would be perfect, if not they'd fit in well with Madeley 

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It's going to be the same old story of some half decent managers interviewing for the role, seeing all of the restrictions Nige was under being continued and them saying no thanks just like the applicants before Holden got given the job.

The manager (sorry, head-coach) will have to answer to BT who answers to JL/SL and we're just gunna take two steps back again.

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2.10 on and he’s stating we had two players for each position and they’re the best group of players we’ve had in a long time, so he sees no fault with the recruitment, or the existing players or it sends in the way they’re playing!!

Yet, for some unfathomable reason they can’t hear what they’re actually saying. 
Who brought those players in, who’s been working and supporting that squad in an effort to galvanise them to play attacking football. 
Pretty much everything they want, they had. The injuries therefore and a small squad, who consequently get over played, are responsible for the lack of wins in recent times. 
That has nothing to do with NP’s management. 
Very let down by this whole shambles. 

Out of interest did BT send a public message to NP?

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1 hour ago, LondonBristolian said:

What I would say is the club have at least realised people are angry and they need to get a comms message out.

At the same time, they've potentially set a rod up for their own backs here as the new manager has to

a) play front foot, attacking, pressing football (i.e probably not Gary Rowett or Nathan Jones)

b) reduce the number of injuries

c) get the team up the league

d) keep bringing young players through.


To be honest, if they did all that, I'd be delighted and I might even hold my hands up and say maybe the club got it right and we got it wrong. But there are a lot of "ifs" there and, now they've set out the terms the new manager has to succeed on, they don't have a lot of room to justify themselves if those four things don't happen 

Exactly what I was thinking. The next man has no room for error. They are setting him up to fail with these comments. 

If we had a history of getting at least a couple of these decisions right you could back them a little…. but we have been treading water for years now and will be for the rest of my life it seems 😂. Let us have one spell in the top flight I beg. 

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2 minutes ago, supercidered said:


As I said. You, they and anyone can talk about wanting to get to the Prem. Talk is cheap. Very cheap in the case of the Board, JL and Tinns. They haven't been clear about it, they have just talked about it. The action you speak of has nothing to to do with action to get in to the Prem. The action was taken because they didn't find NP to their liking because he knew and knows that this lot are clueless.

5 Pillars !!!

I think I need to log off for a while before I start posting stuff that I will regret!

Spot on!

This reminds me of the methane snorters, say something false often enough and people will believe it and suck it up.

Bollocks do we believe it. We're weaker than we've been in a while, sold £35M of attacking players and not replaced them nor given the Manager a pot to piss in.

Doesn't sound like a promotion ideology to me.

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I can’t watch it🤣 I was no NP fan but the technical director is daft thinking this is a squad for top 6. The recruitment has been hit or miss. Pace in the squad is laughable. I actually can’t listen to him lie to our faces. Further proof we go nowhere under Lansdown

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12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

(Catching up, not read the responses, so apologies if covered by others)

Exactly that, just be honest….a simple “we didn’t think Nige was the man to deliver with this squad”.  I’d respect that, instead they’ve skirted around it.

Some other digs in there too.


To digress away from the actual interview for a minute…I’ve read a lot about Tins over the past week or so, suggesting shit-stirring, etc.

I can obviously comment on that (I have!), whether I think it has legs or not, etc, etc.  But I don’t know.  The message I saw forwarded from him by someone I know suggested shit-stirring, but I never saw the rest of the conversation so context is everything isn’t it?

FWIW, what is done is done, there’s been a huge backlash.  The hierarchy need to deal with it and do better with the fans than they are.

But, going forward this is now Tinnion’s “set-up”, it will be his appointment ultimately, he was the conduit on recruitment in the summer too.  I’m not gonna sit here and revise my view, I thought summer recruitment was good, it just lacked 2 more players to give that bit of depth required.  That’s why we’ve suffered imho.


Back to the interview.

The new manager (Head-Coach) should not have to majorly change the squad, it was recruited for in the way Tinnion describes, aggressive, pace, etc.  This is not a change.  This was the recruitment profile in March 2022 when @Harry and I (and two others) met the club and were presented to by RG and SG.  So, there should not be a case of the new manager saying the wrong players are here, they don’t meet the profile.  That’s three windows of exactly that have passed (at least - I’m sure that player profile want dreamed up last Spring), this winter being the fourth.  And in fairness I think they’ve tried to recruit to it, and it’s generally been better than before Nige came in.

So it is more about getting the current players back on the pitch asap.

Some “digs” in the interview re injuries / fitness.

Despite my disappointment / anger at Nige being sacked, the expectations are clear of the new appointment.  Importantly there is clarity of what the manager will be expected to do.  That will rule-out some, rule-in others.

From this point onwards accountability / responsibility is 100% clear.  Through SL / JL to GM / TR and into Tinnion and his new head-coach and staff, there can no longer be “division” at any level or between levels, there can no longer be scapegoats.


I hope it’s a success, I’m a City fan first and foremost.

Good post - as far as they are concerned it's all clearer than ever - 


  • Challenging the top 6 is expected.
  • They believe this squad is good enough for that.
  • Tinnion is leading the football side, our DOF in all but name and therefore ultimately responsible.
  • Ethos/style is clear, high energy and press/buy cheap and develop - manager will work to that.

So over to you then gents...

But all joking aside, we all want this to work, don't **** it up Tinnion.

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I think we all know the main reason nige is gone is that he and the owner dont get along and there was only going to be 1 winner with that… i could quite understand that nige might be a pain to deal with too, but the other stuff is just bullshit.

i would say though that some of the replies about instilling a philosophy on a playing style to a new head coach,,, good luck with that,,, thats what they should have been doing for the last 25 years,,, for jl to now come out and say this is the style they are recruiting for is embarrassing…. Instilling a style has worked for luton and swansea, and plenty of other clubs, so to recruit for that now is common sense.

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Just now, Simon bristol said:

I think we all know the main reason nige is gone is that he and the owner dont get along and there was only going to be 1 winner with that… i could quite understand that nige might be a pain to deal with too, but the other stuff is just bullshit.

i would say though that some of the replies about instilling a philosophy on a playing style to a new head coach,,, good luck with that,,, thats what they should have been doing for the last 25 years,,, for jl to now come out and say this is the style they are recruiting for is embarrassing…. Instilling a style has worked for luton and swansea, and plenty of other clubs, so to recruit for that now is common sense.

City were supposedly doing that when LJ was give four years and tens of millions. 

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3 minutes ago, Ian M said:

Well those two interviews went down like a sack of shit.


Who else wants a try?

Just said nothing at all really. In lots of words.

Only two take outs are it'll be a head coach, not manager, suggesting other people will have input and possibly total control of recruitment; secondly, the implicit criticism of David Rennie. 

The enire enterprise suggests Brian is propagating the myth that the fact we're 15th is domehow down to poor management.  Whether he actually believes that is another matter. 

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21 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

(Catching up, not read the responses, so apologies if covered by others)

Exactly that, just be honest….a simple “we didn’t think Nige was the man to deliver with this squad”.  I’d respect that, instead they’ve skirted around it.

Some other digs in there too.


To digress away from the actual interview for a minute…I’ve read a lot about Tins over the past week or so, suggesting shit-stirring, etc.

I can obviously comment on that (I have!), whether I think it has legs or not, etc, etc.  But I don’t know.  The message I saw forwarded from him by someone I know suggested shit-stirring, but I never saw the rest of the conversation so context is everything isn’t it?

FWIW, what is done is done, there’s been a huge backlash.  The hierarchy need to deal with it and do better with the fans than they are.

But, going forward this is now Tinnion’s “set-up”, it will be his appointment ultimately, he was the conduit on recruitment in the summer too.  I’m not gonna sit here and revise my view, I thought summer recruitment was good, it just lacked 2 more players to give that bit of depth required.  That’s why we’ve suffered imho.


Back to the interview.

The new manager (Head-Coach) should not have to majorly change the squad, it was recruited for in the way Tinnion describes, aggressive, pace, etc.  This is not a change.  This was the recruitment profile in March 2022 when @Harry and I (and two others) met the club and were presented to by RG and SG.  So, there should not be a case of the new manager saying the wrong players are here, they don’t meet the profile.  That’s three windows of exactly that have passed (at least - I’m sure that player profile want dreamed up last Spring), this winter being the fourth.  And in fairness I think they’ve tried to recruit to it, and it’s generally been better than before Nige came in.

So it is more about getting the current players back on the pitch asap.

Some “digs” in the interview re injuries / fitness.

Despite my disappointment / anger at Nige being sacked, the expectations are clear of the new appointment.  Importantly there is clarity of what the manager will be expected to do.  That will rule-out some, rule-in others.

From this point onwards accountability / responsibility is 100% clear.  Through SL / JL to GM / TR and into Tinnion and his new head-coach and staff, there can no longer be “division” at any level or between levels, there can no longer be scapegoats.


I hope it’s a success, I’m a City fan first and foremost.

This is actually a really great post and you do make a very good point in that the expectation is clear. Our squad is good enough, we have the right players, the manager should be able to achieve a promotion push with essentially what we have.

That's exciting if it was to come off, which it just won't. But as @Harry said, they've set that bar now. That's what we can demand of the ownership.

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I think @Davefevs has absolutely nailed it. Going forward this is all on Tins.

Tinnion was employed initially as loans manager and later as academy manager with the specific brief of preparing the youth to play in the first team. That meant ensuring he worked closely with the manager to understand what the first team were doing. 

Now, on his latest promotion he has become defacto first team director of football and has dictated the style of play from top to bottom. Both Tinnion and Junior have spoken about a single style of play throughout the club. It's clear to me that is "their" style and not the first team managers choice. 

I fully agree with the comments regarding the next appointment. It will be a young coach who will do as they're told and stick purely to coaching matters. He'll get what he's given in the transfer market and have to work with that. 

We are set for LJ mark 2. 

No doubt the board have looked across to Suffolk and seen Ashton do exactly what he did at City and bring in a coach with no managerial experience, flood the team with Ashton signings and see the team win promotion and go on to sit in second place. 

Who wants to bet that defeat at home to Ipswich was the final straw. 

If this plan fails which I'm terrified it will, we are truly ******. 

Edited by Midlands Robin
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6 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

(Catching up, not read the responses, so apologies if covered by others)

Exactly that, just be honest….a simple “we didn’t think Nige was the man to deliver with this squad”.  I’d respect that, instead they’ve skirted around it.

Some other digs in there too.


To digress away from the actual interview for a minute…I’ve read a lot about Tins over the past week or so, suggesting shit-stirring, etc.

I can obviously comment on that (I have!), whether I think it has legs or not, etc, etc.  But I don’t know.  The message I saw forwarded from him by someone I know suggested shit-stirring, but I never saw the rest of the conversation so context is everything isn’t it?

FWIW, what is done is done, there’s been a huge backlash.  The hierarchy need to deal with it and do better with the fans than they are.

But, going forward this is now Tinnion’s “set-up”, it will be his appointment ultimately, he was the conduit on recruitment in the summer too.  I’m not gonna sit here and revise my view, I thought summer recruitment was good, it just lacked 2 more players to give that bit of depth required.  That’s why we’ve suffered imho.


Back to the interview.

The new manager (Head-Coach) should not have to majorly change the squad, it was recruited for in the way Tinnion describes, aggressive, pace, etc.  This is not a change.  This was the recruitment profile in March 2022 when @Harry and I (and two others) met the club and were presented to by RG and SG.  So, there should not be a case of the new manager saying the wrong players are here, they don’t meet the profile.  That’s three windows of exactly that have passed (at least - I’m sure that player profile want dreamed up last Spring), this winter being the fourth.  And in fairness I think they’ve tried to recruit to it, and it’s generally been better than before Nige came in.

So it is more about getting the current players back on the pitch asap.

Some “digs” in the interview re injuries / fitness.

Despite my disappointment / anger at Nige being sacked, the expectations are clear of the new appointment.  Importantly there is clarity of what the manager will be expected to do.  That will rule-out some, rule-in others.

From this point onwards accountability / responsibility is 100% clear.  Through SL / JL to GM / TR and into Tinnion and his new head-coach and staff, there can no longer be “division” at any level or between levels, there can no longer be scapegoats.


I hope it’s a success, I’m a City fan first and foremost.

Brilliant post! I also think the recruitment has been good overall although very light, most fans could of said that and we're saying that at the time. Too much reliance on youth to supplement the squad however I think that pot is running drier than previous seasons in terms of quality. 

The biggest issue's in my opinion are light recruitment (too much cost cutting when not necessary and not bringing in more players) unfair treatment of Nigel in terms of contract or honesty if they considered he wasn't doing his job properly on or off the field, culling our CEO after a short period and the worst part.. Absolutely terrible communication from the actual decision makers (always hiding behind other staff) no ownership and sly comments when they do. 

However, just because there is ill feeling especially regarding Nigel's recent (and in my eyes very unfair) departure we shouldn't shoot down every remaining staff i.e Tins for fronting up and reiterating our apparent strategy. We can't moan we don't have any club identity and then moan when the club is apparently trying to do this. Although time will very much tell with this! I will also say Tins has slyly said the recently departed regime could of been the issue in terms of injuries and this could actually be true (who knows!) but I don't think its appropriate to say so especially now. Again regardless of injuries and who's fault it is, there has to be ownership away from Nigel because we didn't sign enough players. 

I have my criticism of the way they've implemented this nonetheless we do have to support our team because time will ultimately tell if a new coach or if this strategy will become successful. I'm very much hoping that will be the case!!

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26 minutes ago, Zuni said:

I am more convinced they are looking at Luke Williams now.

The fact they are looking for a Head Coach does not disappoint me.

It would make more sense than Rowett et al.

It looks to me that SL is reverting back to the Ashton/LJ type structure with Tinnion in the MA role now that NP has steadied the ship and given them a solid platform.

Play the same football throughout the youth system, assimilate the kids through to the first team group and sell the best, recruit potential for future gain etc. along with some experienced players.

SLs nest egg strategy.

They aint going to get an established manager to go along with that, so it has to be an up and coming youngish head coach who has had success at a lower level or assisted at a higher level.

Well, it worked well last time...


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53 minutes ago, Randy Marsh II said:

Imagine the likes of Rowett, Eustace, Smith et al all sitting their nodding in agreement with Tins thoughts on managing a football club.

The videos are damaging to their recruitment campaign but they're all too thick to realise this.

They’ll tell the interviewee that the videos were all necessary bullshit to try and appease the fan base which is exactly what they are. 

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3 minutes ago, Midlands Robin said:

I think @Davefevs has absolutely nailed it. Going forward this is all on Tins.

Tinnion was employed initially as loans manager and later as academy manager with the specific brief of preparing the youth to play in the first team. That meant ensuring he worked closely with the manager to understand what the first team write doing. 

Now, on his latest promotion he has become defacto first team director of football and has dictated the style of play from top to bottom. Both Tinnion and Junior have spoken about a single style of play throughout the club. It's clear to me that is "their" style and not the first team managers choice. 

I fully agree with the comments regarding the next appointment. It will be a young coach who will do as they're told and stick purely to coaching matters. He'll get what he's given in the transfer market and have to work with that. 

We are set for LJ mark 2. 

No doubt the board have looked across to Suffolk and seen Ashton do exactly what he did at City and bring in a coach with no managerial experience, flood the team with Ashton signings and see the team win promotion and go on to sit in second place. 

Who wants to bet that defeat at home to Ipswich was the final straw. 

If this plan fails which I'm terrified it will, we are truly ******. 

Spot on. 

And it will fail. It has failed every single time they've tried it. Because the ones dictating what we want to the head coach are completely incompetent. 

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17 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


You don't have to be Poirot to work out that the crux of the disagreement is the Alex Scott money. 

Person had a plan for when Scott departed yet when he made the amount the club was looking for, his plan had the rug pulled out from undèr it by the club refusing to release any of the cash. 

He was told he should be able to mansge with what he's got - with Tins in particular,  pushing hard for more academy kids to be introduced.

An injury crisis among senior plsyers and the expected poor results gave them the opportunity to sack the blstantly irritated manager and bring in someone more pliant. 

Don't disagree, I said on another thread the trouble seemed to start around or before we sold Alex, and I am disappointed that we did not bring in a couple more players. NP always said we like to get our business done early and in fairness we brought in some good players, only a few people within the club know the truth of what was agreed or not agreed about the sale of Alex and any replacement, but NP would have known he was likely to be off well before he was sold as Alex has said since he was keen to get a move done.

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Tinnion is 100% Steve Lansdown’s poodle. I know for a fact that NP was asked by BT to ‘Stand aside’ two weeks ago, but NP told him where to shove it. Since then it was just a matter of when.

I’d love any journalist out there to challenge them on this. It’s utter Bull to say it’s all about results.



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24 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

Reading from a script? 

It doesn't sound like Mr new head coach is going to be recruiting in January then. 😞

In the summer 'we had a good squad', yes we DID, then sold Antione and Scott without replacing them or giving the Manager any scope to do so yet we expect promotion?

Utter waffle.

Nope, we've got the perfect squad, and once we get the correct head coach in, we'll storm to promotion without any recruitment being required !!

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It definitely looks as though tinion has been given a role to effectively grass on the manager and there coaches and  report back to the board with his stupid options! He has been given alot of power over the footballing side of things, and although the lansdowns pulled the trigger tinion DEFINITELY loaded the gun! Good player yes but what an earth qualifies tinion for this role? He is effectively the director of football just under another title! Must have been doing some serious brown nosing to effectively become nigel pearsons boss. Also i can't believe job has said this is the first time they will be looking to recruit a manager into a certain philosophy 😳  surely this the first prerequisite when holding interviews it's taken them 20 years to work that out it's so amateur down there it's beyond belief.

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Ok so the question from me here is based off this line that Tinns repeats. The head coach who comes in needs to be able to play the way WE want as a football club. 


No. Bring in a head coach with their own philosophy to how to compete at the top end of the table and be successful with that group of players. Why? Because they are head coaches and none of you lot on the board are. What happens if they come in and look at the squad and realise they can't extract that brand of football from them?  I'd bet my house that if we got promoted purely by playing long ball, horrible Warnock-esq football nobody at the top is going to give two flying ****s and they'll take all the congratulations and plaudits on their way to Anfield/Old Trafford etc next season. 
If you want pretty, fast flowing, silky football maybe you shouldn't have sold Scott Semenyo and co. 

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Who would actually want this “head coaches” job.

Already we have -

You've for the squad in essence.

This is the way we will play.

What can a “head coach” actually do it change or add if it appears all the decisions have already been made. The next coach once again will be on a hiding to nothing and I assume if they fail to make the play offs (which let’s be fair we have no chance of) are they then out the door? 

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Bloke is just a massive snake.

He’s also a really inarticulate speaker who uses the same phrases over & over again.

Saw through him when he tried to slag off Joe Jordan at one of his testimonial events.

Not fit to lace his boots, decent League One player, that’s all.

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53 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

I'd have a lot more time for these noises if someone from the club came out and said...

"We got Nigel in after the mess made by Ashton, LJ and Holden, financially, we were in danger of suffering a points deduction, so we needed someone who would take zero nonsense and would make difficult decisions. Nigel provided that, he also managed to successfully introduce a number of young players in to the first team, for which the academy staff share the credit. After a few high-value sales, the club is back on an even keel and whilst results have been fair, we a looking to move to the next phase, which will see the club play a consistent style of football across all sides, under the direction of Tins."

But rather than thanking him, acknowledging what he did, it's almost as if they've decided that his prickly nature, the fact that the difficult work has been done in terms of balancing the books, moving on the high earners and promoting the academy, they've ignored all of that.  Can't help but think that JL and Tins were in fear of Nigel. 

Exactly that, a bit of gratitude, a bit of humility about mistakes of the past.

52 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

I’ve got a horrible feeling based on his comments about the U21 coach that we might end up appointing a very green ‘head coach’ working in combination with Tinnion who will provide a more hands on role with the playing side.

Ironically, it’s the sort of arrangement that may have worked well when we first appointed Lee Johnson. 

It’s so frustratingly obvious that Pearson needed full autonomy and the ability to bring in his own people. Watch us do a 180 on our strategy yet again in an attempt to give ourselves some sort of ‘identity’.

Yep, and following on from my earlier post about this is now the Club’s to own, we now get to see Tinnion operate without Pearson.  And I don’t think it’s wrong to say that  I’ve directed traffic from the first day he set foot in the club.  I hope Tinnion has picked up some learnings.

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26 minutes ago, ProfitInMyPocket said:

It's going to be the same old story of some half decent managers interviewing for the role, seeing all of the restrictions Nige was under being continued and them saying no thanks just like the applicants before Holden got given the job.

The manager (sorry, head-coach) will have to answer to BT who answers to JL/SL and we're just gunna take two steps back again.

The first person they will phone up will be Nige won't it?  

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So from what I understand Tinnion says….

”The next Puppet (Head Coach) has got to develop this team into the way the Lansdown’s want without questioning them at all. And then you’ll see a lot of young players coming through the academy into the team because we’re not prepared to spend any money in the transfer market when we’ve invested in the academy instead to make this club sustainable. And the coach has got to do exactly as they are dictated to by the Lansdown’s. TOUGH! That’s what the Lansdown’s are doing and if you don’t like it as fans you can **** off because we don’t care what you want. 
The next puppet (Head Coach) will do exactly as they are told and will be scapegoated if promotion isn’t achieved despite having no input of their own. Shut up and do as you are told or you’ll be sacked. Oh, and you’ll get sacked anyway when this cuckoo idea fails”

Edited by Gert Mare
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1 hour ago, Riaz said:

I Love tinman - And he has his qualities. He can certainly spot talent.

But judging how a good a team is and the running of a team - he's proven to be not very good at that. He's a failed manager.

I would trust Nigel Pearson far more than Tinman. Club making a massive mistake.

Sadly there is a whiff of this

The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.

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As a kid I idolised BT, what a legend of a player, and am more than happy to forget his managerial travails. However, he has gone down massively in my estimations to the point of spoiling his legacy 😕 so sad when he was an absolute hero of mine and as close to being a player-fan as I thought we could get, adopted as one of our own!!!

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51 minutes ago, mozo said:

One telling phrase that Tins kept repeating is that "we were all happy with the squad". Meaning that Nige was happy with the squad so stop complaining about transfers/spending.

That's an outright lie. Pearson mentioned in numerous interviews he'd like more bodies in the door but that the budget had been spent etc.

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Its becoming increasingly clear to me that NP was sacked due to a fundemental disagreement on the way forward.

As I alluded to just a few posts back on this thread, now that NP has delivered a stable environment both from a financial perspective and a common football identity throughout the club, we are now seeing a reversion to the structure that got us into the mess prior to NPs appointment.

Instead of MA/LJ it looks like it could be BT/youngish up and coming head coach. Probably with a bit more oversight on the expenditure rather than MA splashing the cash.

NP would never have accepted that working arrangement, he is a manager not a head coach.




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2 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

Its becoming increasingly clear to me that NP was sacked due to a fundemental disagreement on the way forward.

As I alluded to just a few posts back on this thread, now that NP has delivered a stable environment both from a financial perspective and a common football identity throughout the club, we are now seeing a reversion to the structure that got us into the mess prior to NPs appointment.

Instead of MA/LJ it looks like it could be BT/youngish up and coming head coach. Probably with a bit more oversight on the expenditure rather than MA splashing the cash.

NP would never have accepted that working arrangement, he is a manager not a head coach.




he could've done the BT role though. 

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