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Frank Lampard


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20 minutes ago, George Rs said:

Obviously don’t know have the connections you do, but in GM’s interview when asked about Lampard, his response was “I can’t talk about individual candidates, we’re still going through a process..”

Doesn’t that suggest he’s a candidate for the position, or at least interested in the job. If there was no truth to it why not just say that, doesn’t affect the other potential suitors for the role or the club? 

Might just be trying to fit square pegs in circular holes but see no reason why he or Jon wouldn’t have just squashed false rumours. 

The body language of Jon when asked the question was interesting as was the grin by GM. 

Their body language suggests there is something in it, If he gets the job, who knows.

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Just now, Superjack said:

As I have said, I really couldn't give a rat's arse who comes in now. They have just binned the right man for this football club. 

But at least with Lampard we would be on the telly a lot. Which would be good for me, because I ain't buying a ticket again under the Lansdowns.

Despite what many think early on on this forum, I’m not anti NP or pro SL.

But can I ask you what makes you so certain NP was the right man going forward, and that no one else out there can also do the job? 

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1 minute ago, UncleRed said:

Despite what many think early on on this forum, I’m not anti NP or pro SL.

But can I ask you what makes you so certain NP was the right man going forward, and that no one else out there can also do the job? 

1.2 points per game, how did he survive so long?

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I never understand why people use the bookies as some kind of guide to who will get a job, I mean most people who bet tend to go with the outside chance so they get better odds which in turn causes that bet to rise up the odds, essentially pushing the unlikely candidates higher up.
About the only time the bookies are worth looking at is when the bookies stop taking bets and by that point the fanbase will already know it's pretty much a done deal. 

Lampard is one that concerned me purely because I could see the club seeing him as a way to get more eyes on the club and potentially improve it's chances of being sold to a buyer with the whole "big name" angle but I don't think any intelligent investor would be swayed by that so I just never saw it being likely, but I also didn't see us signing David James in the past and football has a funny way of surprising the fans.

I can't see us signing anyone who is in the top 10 of the bookies at the moment being the next manager, I think the club will go with someone who isn't a big name as that would probably mean a more costly contract, I think they'll go up and coming and so far the only name that I think may have any legs is the Liam Manning rumour. I know the club would have to pay more because he's at a club but I still think they'd be more milling to pay a little more in that respect and get someone who will tow the line than getting someone for the same money who is uncontracted but would be more likely to rock the boat with the board.

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3 minutes ago, Ziderarmy said:

With what he inherited and had to play with I think he did an outstanding job 

Really? Most season ticket holders would do as well…it’s not just him but very few managers/coaches are worth half of what they are paid and most just talk complete bollacks to the media and fans lap it up as they watch their clubs fail. Collectively these guys are the greatest con artists of all time.

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26 minutes ago, Fatknacker said:

I wonder why anyone bothers with football club ownership when halfwitted idiots like you make up a significant proportion of the supporters . Why don’t you and a few of the rest of the millionaire morons pool your life savings and buy the club and then you can run it, invest in it, write off its annual losses and ship the s**t the Lansdown do. 
if not, shut TF up and show a bit more gratitude to the best owners this club has had since Harry Dolman.

Nice job!


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13 minutes ago, Fatknacker said:

1.2 points per game, how did he survive so long?

Prior to the injury crisis reaching it's peak he was 1.5 points per game this season, 1.5 points per game would be 69 points over the 46 games which is how many points Sunderland had to get into the play offs last season. When you consider the injuries started a lot sooner than it's peak and that after 12 games we were 1 point off the play offs I think it's fair to say that the last two games with an injury ravaged squad was his real undoing.

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6 minutes ago, Fatknacker said:

Really? Most season ticket holders would do as well…it’s not just him but very few managers/coaches are worth half of what they are paid and most just talk complete bollacks to the media and fans lap it up as they watch their clubs fail. Collectively these guys are the greatest con artists of all time.


6 minutes ago, Fatknacker said:

Really? Most season ticket holders would do as well…it’s not just him but very few managers/coaches are worth half of what they are paid and most just talk complete bollacks to the media and fans lap it up as they watch their clubs fail. Collectively these guys are the greatest con artists of all time.

I am all for debate and opposing opinions (unlike the Lansdowns), but you really do talk such utter shite. 

If anyone on here works for Bristol Sport (and they do), I would bet my house it's you.

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@Superjack although we don’t share the same opinion overall, I think it’s good to have an open mind.

I agree he shouldn’t have been sacked in this current situation. The likelihood is they’re not going to hire someone we all agree on is right for the job. But let’s hope they hire someone who takes us to the promise land…For once.

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1 hour ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Can't quite believe this thread.

People seriously thought Lampard was  nearly done, or that he was ever even in the running? Laughable.

Have to say if this rumour did come from Shags then it appears he's lost his ITK crown, as he was wrong about talks with Rowett, and wrong about when Scott would leave this summer.

So much BS being spouted at the moment.

Apologies if you responded to my previous post on this point... but didn't you say that Ciry had been touting candidates for 3 weeks prior to Nige being sacked? The board has denied this?

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I've gone back and watched this again this evening

I don't know if there is anything in these rumours. But watching that you can see why he may be of interest to us. 

He speaks a lot about culture and his culture aligns with the culture Nige has set here. He wouldn't need to come in and change anything like he had to at Chelsea and Everton. That culture is already here. 

He says things like outperforming ability, players driving standards, prefers to coach and improve younger players, signing players to fit the system etc etc etc.

Watching that you can see that he fits in with what we are looking for. 


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5 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

I've DM'd him. I think he's fine and isn't on some weird fantasy- so many people have fragility but that does not mean they have mental health issues omo.  John Eustace was already appointed according to others.... we had 17 pages discussing it.


In the meantime- I'm ready for some serious chat 🙂 (nothing good on TV)

1)I think LJ was an ok Manager

2)Mark Ashton is a shrewd operator and is why Ipswich are getting to the Premiership

3)Steve Lansdown is the best owner in BCFC history.

Bring it on girls.



You DMed someone who just opened up about their mental health issues, saying they are likely just fragile and dont have mental health issues? Give your head a wobble please

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3 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

I've gone back and watched this again this evening

I don't know if there is anything in these rumours. But watching that you can see why he may be of interest to us. 

He speaks a lot about culture and his culture aligns with the culture Nige has set here. He wouldn't need to come in and change anything like he had to at Chelsea and Everton. That culture is already here. 

He says things like outperforming ability, players driving standards, prefers to coach and improve younger players, signing players to fit the system etc etc etc.

Watching that you can see that he fits in with what we are looking for. 


Talks the talk -

Maybe we soon see if he can walk the walk - Christ knows with the Lansdownes he will need to enjoy a challenge!

Ultimately he should have a bit of a read here to know quite how awkward the owner & his son are!

If he comes here he'll need eyes in the back of his head & the patience of a saint - I genuinely wish him all the best 😆

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8 hours ago, robinforlife2 said:

Appreciated mate. I've never made any secrets about my health issues. I posted on the "I'm not very well thread and nowhere else to go" thread in August, and openly said how I have tried to kill myself on numerous occasions. At the time, it was two, it's now three. I'm naturally always very lonely, unhappy and feel useless. Don't get me wrong, I have a nice house, lots of pets, a growing business, but I'm always depressed and constantly wish I was dead. It's not a nice way to feel, but when you feel useless, and worthless, it eats at you, and sometimes you read stuff, and it may be banter, it may be forum comments, but it's hard not to take things personally, when that's the way your head works. I try to do all I can for others and be kind, but it's landed me in an all manner of problems in life. Anyway, thank you for your concerns, I know you meant well and it's fine. One day, I'm 100% sure, I'll take my own life, but it won't be today and given I've failed three times, you could say I am to suicide what Lansdown is to picking mangers! Absolutely useless at it!

Bless you mate. I hope you find a way to live in this world and find the joy. Others have handed out advice so there's no need for me to add anything other than to say: humans help each other if they're asked.

On the Frank stuff - I believe your story. I know how quickly these things can change. It's absolutely possible that everything you say is true, but that Lampard doesn't get appointed. 

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6 hours ago, mozo said:

Apologies if you responded to my previous post on this point... but didn't you say that Ciry had been touting candidates for 3 weeks prior to Nige being sacked? The board has denied this?

Correct. It was obvious BS from Jon. I mean he admitted they always have a list of potential head coaches to hand. For example, Rob Edwards was on the list before he joined Watford. 

Obviously he isn't going to admit they spoke to anyone before Nige went, but given they effectively made the decision to dispose of his services early last month, it's fairly obvious they began conversations before Nige left, which is an entirely sensible thing to do tbh.

When he spoke about morals, I suspect he meant they didn't formally interview anyone until Nige departed. 

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Well, the odds have stayed strong overnight so…
Happy Frank Lampard day! 🎉 

Frank announced at midday, Christine to be doing pre-match buildup, Harry Redknapp to be dishing out the jam roly poly at half time, followed by a presentation with Frank Lampard senior presenting our new signings Marco Boogers & Peter Crouch. 

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11 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Correct. It was obvious BS from Jon. I mean he admitted they always have a list of potential head coaches to hand. For example, Rob Edwards was on the list before he joined Watford. 

Obviously he isn't going to admit they spoke to anyone before Nige went, but given they effectively made the decision to dispose of his services early last month, it's fairly obvious they began conversations before Nige left, which is an entirely sensible thing to do tbh.

When he spoke about morals, I suspect he meant they didn't formally interview anyone until Nige departed. 

Having watched his FGR team about a dozen times, I was always hoping that Rob Edwards was going to be the man who succeeded Pearson. 
I figured he’d probably do another year at FGR and then maybe we’d approach him in Summer 23, but Watford’s little scoundrels got him early! 
Shame really, as he would have been my preferred candidate. 

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9 hours ago, robinforlife2 said:

Appreciated mate. I've never made any secrets about my health issues. I posted on the "I'm not very well thread and nowhere else to go" thread in August, and openly said how I have tried to kill myself on numerous occasions. At the time, it was two, it's now three. I'm naturally always very lonely, unhappy and feel useless. Don't get me wrong, I have a nice house, lots of pets, a growing business, but I'm always depressed and constantly wish I was dead. It's not a nice way to feel, but when you feel useless, and worthless, it eats at you, and sometimes you read stuff, and it may be banter, it may be forum comments, but it's hard not to take things personally, when that's the way your head works. I try to do all I can for others and be kind, but it's landed me in an all manner of problems in life. Anyway, thank you for your concerns, I know you meant well and it's fine. One day, I'm 100% sure, I'll take my own life, but it won't be today and given I've failed three times, you could say I am to suicide what Lansdown is to picking mangers! Absolutely useless at it!

Sorry to hear of your struggles-

I understand it can be hard to clearly see the way forwards..there is so much noise in the world of today.


There are plenty on here, including myself who would be happy for you to DM should you wish to do so.

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17 minutes ago, Harry said:

Having watched his FGR team about a dozen times, I was always hoping that Rob Edwards was going to be the man who succeeded Pearson. 
I figured he’d probably do another year at FGR and then maybe we’d approach him in Summer 23, but Watford’s little scoundrels got him early! 
Shame really, as he would have been my preferred candidate. 

Naturally- there would’ve been uproar tho if we got “the cheap option from FGR, to replace the messiah Nige” 

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7 hours ago, Spike said:

Prior to the injury crisis reaching it's peak he was 1.5 points per game this season, 1.5 points per game would be 69 points over the 46 games which is how many points Sunderland had to get into the play offs last season. When you consider the injuries started a lot sooner than it's peak and that after 12 games we were 1 point off the play offs I think it's fair to say that the last two games with an injury ravaged squad was his real undoing.

And that’s having away games v Leeds and Leicester. Still can’t believe what the Lansdowns have done 

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15 hours ago, Spud21 said:

Did he not actually do an incredible job with Cheltenham last season? And how shit they are now is just them performing at about their actual level? Seen nothing other then highlights so not going to stake anything on this other then he seemed to do really well last season with a pretty terrible squad and now they are just pretty terrible. 

I think they lost every match under him this season.  

It's a definite no from me. 

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9 minutes ago, Taunton_BCFC said:

Been told FL and his agent were between AG and HPC throughout yesterday so the twitter spot rumours add up. Keep on eye on the Lansdown stand today people ;)

You and several others it appears.

Not having a go at you (or others) but it appears that this is very likely a fake rumour that has grown and grown.

When something like this happens, there should be a photo, even if it’s a blacked out window on a car, etc.

The itv caneras we’re at HPC yesterday, that was my first sanity-check that this might be BS.

Fair play to whoever put it out as a true thought.  I don’t mind admitting being sucked in initially.

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32 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

I think they lost every match under him this season.  

It's a definite no from me. 

Yea, and didn't score, I'm not advocating for him to come here at all, but you can't say he was just crap at Cheltenham, he did an exceptional job last year with a crap team and this year he started very crap with a crap team. 

I was just pointing out its massively un fair to judge his time at Cheltenham purely on this season. 

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2 hours ago, Nugget said:

Well, the odds have stayed strong overnight so…
Happy Frank Lampard day! 🎉 

Frank announced at midday, Christine to be doing pre-match buildup, Harry Redknapp to be dishing out the jam roly poly at half time, followed by a presentation with Frank Lampard senior presenting our new signings Marco Boogers & Peter Crouch. 

love it 🤣👍😂  jam roly poly, got me wanting some now, for breakfast🤣 

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9 hours ago, Fatknacker said:

I wonder why anyone bothers with football club ownership when halfwitted idiots like you make up a significant proportion of the supporters . Why don’t you and a few of the rest of the millionaire morons pool your life savings and buy the club and then you can run it, invest in it, write off its annual losses and ship the s**t the Lansdown do. 
if not, shut TF up and show a bit more gratitude to the best owners this club has had since Harry Dolman.


35 minutes ago, CliftonCliff said:

Read this on waking this morning. I trust you felt better after posting this quite unnecessarily abusive rant. I doubtless have many faults, but being a halfwitted idiot isn’t one of them.

For the record, and for a bit of balance, I have on a fair few occasions in the past posted in defence of Lansdown when he’s been the subject of disproportionate or unwarranted criticism and, like the vast majority of supporters, I remain enormously grateful for what he’s contributed to the club, not least the stadium rebuild and the hugely improved training facilities.

None of which renders him immune to negative comment if and when he gets things wrong, which he plainly has, numerous times. There is a pretty stark contrast between his business acumen and his ability to judge and manage people, as has been pointed out countless times by many others besides me.

It isn’t just a question of money. Anyone who hasn’t detected a decline in the stewardship of the club over the last few years simply hasn’t been paying attention. What’s happened this week is fundamentally wrongheaded on so many levels it’s hard to know where to start. There’s a reason why there’s such an overwhelming consensus on a forum that is usually deeply divided on such issues. You are very much in a tiny minority in trying to defend the indefensible and your arguments are not made any more credible by personal attacks on individual posters.

This club now has a serious problem with a deeply dysfunctional ownership and you appear to be one of a very small number of people who don’t recognise that. 


Great reply to a moronic rant.

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@Davefevs was quite nice reading your post until you decided to say that I like to weaken other peoples opinions and try to validate my own.

The fact you don’t see why I’ve used the phrase “cult” says to me, that you read the posts that people have put that you agree with, through rose tinted glasses. Doesn’t quite fit but couldn’t think of a better term.

People that I know and speak to have shared there opinion on here, only to be shot down, and been called “stupid”, “idiot” and other words along those lines. Rather than just having a debate. Go back through this thread and I’ve been replied to with a “utter bullshit” rather than a more educated and friendlier reply. Football is a game of opinions, never going to have anyone all agree on something. But I’ve never gone at anyone aggressively on here. Yes I’ve said there is a cult, but at times you have to fight fire with fire.

To say I’m pretty much shitting on other peoples opinions is rather ironic. Especially when I give mine and the assumption straight away is I’m a plant from BS 😂

edit: justify my own stance? No one knows my stance, appears they’ve just assumed my stance and gone from there.

And you don’t have to go quote jack, don’t know if you realised but it was me and him who was reply to each other. Despite having slightly different opinions, in a friendly manner

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@UncleRed I have seen your posts, some are of the ilk of neither SL or NP are messiah nor naughty boy….so why then say that posters think Nige is god.  Because I see very few posts like that.  So it’s just an easy way to undermine anyone who thinks Nige did a decent job.

As for Jack, I can quote who I like to form the basis of my posts.

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@Davefevs sorry but I don’t know how no one understands.

The reason I use that word is not undermine anyone who thinks NP did a decent job. But a rebuttal to the way that the clear NP fans are interacting with not only me but the others that don’t share the exact same opinion. I’m always of the idea, treat others how they treat you, and speak to others how they speak to you. So fight fire with fire when needed.

Didn’t say you couldn’t quote Jack, was just mentioning that it was futile to the point you was trying to make.

Your resident BS employee


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34 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Short answer to a shit question: because we were in a huge mess and needed to rebuild.  You don’t deserve a full answer.

Love your responses, knowledge and passion but this is harsh. Our 1.2 (1.3 rounded) is this year ie year 3 of the “project”. And it does justify consideration. Haven’t checked but suspect home points per game this season is worse than the average - no club progresses without a home baseline.

Of course there were injuries/ no replacements etc but you are dismissing the fundamental issue - we simply weren’t getting the results our investment warrants.

Fwiw I didn’t want him sacked, but aside from a few games, we have been poor this season (more often than not) mostly in whole halves - see our stats about the number of times we score in both relative to others.

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2 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Correct. It was obvious BS from Jon. I mean he admitted they always have a list of potential head coaches to hand. For example, Rob Edwards was on the list before he joined Watford. 

Obviously he isn't going to admit they spoke to anyone before Nige went, but given they effectively made the decision to dispose of his services early last month, it's fairly obvious they began conversations before Nige left, which is an entirely sensible thing to do tbh.

When he spoke about morals, I suspect he meant they didn't formally interview anyone until Nige departed. 

Or speaking to agents rather than direct to managers. 

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2 minutes ago, Dullmoan Tone said:

Love your responses, knowledge and passion but this is harsh. Our 1.2 (1.3 rounded) is this year ie year 3 of the “project”. And it does justify consideration. Haven’t checked but suspect home points per game this season is worse than the average - no club progresses without a home baseline.

Of course there were injuries/ no replacements etc but you are dismissing the fundamental issue - we simply weren’t getting the results our investment warrants.

Fwiw I didn’t want him sacked, but aside from a few games, we have been poor this season (more often than not) mostly in whole halves - see our stats about the number of times we score in both relative to others.

“Yeah but he had no investment and his hand were tied”

if you’ve watched the games the last few years, even with no investment our squad has been competitive to most of the others in the league.

Dropping points late on was a killer, and the terrible home record has no excuse I don’t think.

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10 hours ago, CliftonCliff said:

Would fit with a toxic ownership, look what they did to Pearson, who in his right mind would want to work for them narrative. 

I remember years ago, when SOD was appointed, he remarked that BCFC was respected as a club, within the football industry. I wonder how many people on the inside would say that today?



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7 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

I've gone back and watched this again this evening

I don't know if there is anything in these rumours. But watching that you can see why he may be of interest to us. 

He speaks a lot about culture and his culture aligns with the culture Nige has set here. He wouldn't need to come in and change anything like he had to at Chelsea and Everton. That culture is already here. 

He says things like outperforming ability, players driving standards, prefers to coach and improve younger players, signing players to fit the system etc etc etc.

Watching that you can see that he fits in with what we are looking for. 


Apart from the fact he doesn’t get results 

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26 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Just to confirm: the rumour is not true. City aren't even interested in Lampard. 

Weirdly, the rumours plays into the hands of the board. All the chat at the Gate today will be about Lampard and not Pearson.

Edited by mozo
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12 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:


If someone is struggling then no need to let them know in this way.

However have you checked out @robinforlife2 's other posts? Take a look.

Do you think it is ok to suggest he has mental health issues? Mate.

You clearly need to read back through properly before attacking me,for using that description. RobinforLife stated he/she had mental health problems and I was sincere in my compassion about it. 

Always best to actually read thoroughly before attacking someone. 

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12 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

OK Fordy- I apologise if this is the case.

Please point me to the exact bit where @robinforlife2 stated he had mental health issues please as I clearly missed that bit.

Let’s just say having two people in my life with serious mental health issues one of whom is my own daughter, I’m hardly likely to go causing offence. 

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24 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Stop it!!

Kid, you best wear earplugs this afternoon then. This could be one of those days when a wildfire of a fake rumour engulfs the entire ground inside 60 seconds. You can almost guarantee "X", "Y" or "Z" (or all three) will have been spotted in the Lansdown or Dolman or at the HPC or with Jon or Steve (if he's there) in the exec boxes.

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49 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Just to confirm: the rumour is not true. City aren't even interested in Lampard. 

True I am sure. I am half tempted to think even if we were, he would not be when he heard what was on offer.

Tins “right, this is how I want us to play and you to coach us…”

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