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Joe Sims interview with JL

Dastardly and Muttley

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Anybody expecting a Geoff Twentyman more forensic style interview will be disappointed of course. Just like with Nige, Geoff is gone and will be missed. However Joe is a passionate fan not a Journalist and his style is to relax the person he is interviewing. Many City fans may not be in the mood for banter from Joe but the majority of his audience tune in for that. 

The interesting bits for me so far have been the unusually long breaks the players were given during the International Breaks. Had LJ done that followed by an injury crisis then there would have been pandemonium on here and rightly so.

Secondly that the list of possible candidates put out by the bookies and media are apparently very wide of the mark. Some of our IDK’s have seemingly correctly dismissed names like Lampard but unless I have missed something they don’t seem to be coming up with the names that are under consideration. That suggests their knowledge is more at the level that those IDK’s in the media have but not any more than that. I’m always glad to read their input but does anyone actually know who is under consideration ?

Finally and not surprisingly that Communication these days is hampered more than helped by a toxic Social Media. That unfortunately is not limited to football clubs but all in the public eye. I think more frequent interviews with the likes of Radio Bristol without using it just for damage limitation as appears to be the case of late and also to improve communication with our Supporters trust. Personally I am disgusted with the way things have been handled by the club but I will keep an open mind and listen to the whole interview to see if anything in any way lessons the anger that I feel as a supporter of 60 years.

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1 minute ago, Silvio Dante said:

Math Withers on now pulling the “could be Reading, could be Weds” card and saying Lansdown has “fronted up”.

I’m going to use this nonsense argument with all players that ever receive criticism.

Dont think Max is good enough? Be careful what you wish for, we could have Elliott Parish.

Cornick played badly? Think yourself lucky, we could have Bas Savage instead.

About as good an argument as it is original.

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2 minutes ago, formerly known as ivan said:

But according to the board we have at this moment in time a top 10 budget and a squad good enough for promotion. So when the new man comes in and we finish the season in say 12th place, is he fired for not delivering what the board feel is a very simple task of promotion as everything is in place to do so?

I think the board have put themselves in a dangerous position really. If they get the wrong man and we plummet down the table - which isn't beyond the realms of possibility in the Championship - then very quickly things are going to turn very toxic, moreso than it is now. If the team is a top 10 team then we the fans now expect top 10. We (the majority anyway) expected a top 10 finish under NP so this 'improved' manager has to achieve that. Playing front foot attacking football. Good luck

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3 minutes ago, Johnny Musicworks said:

Anybody expecting a Geoff Twentyman more forensic style interview will be disappointed of course. Just like with Nige, Geoff is gone and will be missed. However Joe is a passionate fan not a Journalist and his style is to relax the person he is interviewing. Many City fans may not be in the mood for banter from Joe but the majority of his audience tune in for that. 

The interesting bits for me so far have been the unusually long breaks the players were given during the International Breaks. Had LJ done that followed by an injury crisis then there would have been pandemonium on here and rightly so.

Secondly that the list of possible candidates put out by the bookies and media are apparently very wide of the mark. Some of our IDK’s have seemingly correctly dismissed names like Lampard but unless I have missed something they don’t seem to be coming up with the names that are under consideration. That suggests their knowledge is more at the level that those IDK’s in the media have but not any more than that. I’m always glad to read their input but does anyone actually know who is under consideration ?

Finally and not surprisingly that Communication these days is hampered more than helped by a toxic Social Media. That unfortunately is not limited to football clubs but all in the public eye. I think more frequent interviews with the likes of Radio Bristol without using it just for damage limitation as appears to be the case of late and also to improve communication with our Supporters trust. Personally I am disgusted with the way things have been handled by the club but I will keep an open mind and listen to the whole interview to see if anything in any way lessons the anger that I feel as a supporter of 60 years.

Just as a point of order - it’s “ITK” as in “ In the Know”. You’ve just called people “I don’t knows”

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4 minutes ago, Johnny Musicworks said:

Anybody expecting a Geoff Twentyman more forensic style interview will be disappointed of course. Just like with Nige, Geoff is gone and will be missed. However Joe is a passionate fan not a Journalist and his style is to relax the person he is interviewing. Many City fans may not be in the mood for banter from Joe but the majority of his audience tune in for that. 

The interesting bits for me so far have been the unusually long breaks the players were given during the International Breaks. Had LJ done that followed by an injury crisis then there would have been pandemonium on here and rightly so.

Secondly that the list of possible candidates put out by the bookies and media are apparently very wide of the mark. Some of our IDK’s have seemingly correctly dismissed names like Lampard but unless I have missed something they don’t seem to be coming up with the names that are under consideration. That suggests their knowledge is more at the level that those IDK’s in the media have but not any more than that. I’m always glad to read their input but does anyone actually know who is under consideration ?

Finally and not surprisingly that Communication these days is hampered more than helped by a toxic Social Media. That unfortunately is not limited to football clubs but all in the public eye. I think more frequent interviews with the likes of Radio Bristol without using it just for damage limitation as appears to be the case of late and also to improve communication with our Supporters trust. Personally I am disgusted with the way things have been handled by the club but I will keep an open mind and listen to the whole interview to see if anything in any way lessons the anger that I feel as a supporter of 60 years.

Didn’t Craig Fleming yesterday say they always have time off during the international break. Can’t really see what the problem is if they have always done it. 

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1 hour ago, tin said:

There’s nothing transparent about pre-recorded, scripted interviews, though. That is not effective communication.

All they are trying to do is shape the narrative, deflecting attention away from their ineptitude.

Most of the ‘communication’ doesn’t stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny either. It’s complete shite and they expect us all to swallow it.  

Yes and anything that was said that JL didn't like would have been edited out. I'm sure.

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4 minutes ago, Johnny Musicworks said:

The interesting bits for me so far have been the unusually long breaks the players were given during the International Breaks. Had LJ done that followed by an injury crisis then there would have been pandemonium on here and rightly so.

Perhaps Johnson should’ve done that more, we usually came back after international breaks playing abysmally. I think @Olé once wrote a thread on it. 

Like Fleming said, I don’t believe many of the injuries occurred out of games did they?

Anyone know if they played the interview in full or did they play clips throughout the show?

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1 minute ago, Betty Swallocks said:

You can’t say that Jon doesn’t pick his opponents. 

Can’t wait to see the grilling from the next interviewers on his list, Red & Robyn for the Junior Reds magazine. 

He really is a gutless and, comes across as, unpleasant individual isn’t he? What they’re actually doing in the current “PR” strategy is toxifying anyone who comes near, because they only want soft soap non questioning - so the interviewers become complicit in the charade.

Just put yourself up for one proper interview Jon. I’m sure Geoff would come out of retirement to do it. You’d actually gain some respect, possibly some self respect, and not keep coming across as a spoilt, entitled, brat.

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Just now, Silvio Dante said:

He really is a gutless and, comes across as, unpleasant individual isn’t he? What they’re actually doing in the current “PR” strategy is toxifying anyone who comes near, because they only want soft soap non questioning - so the interviewers become complicit in the charade.

Just put yourself up for one proper interview Jon. I’m sure Geoff would come out of retirement to do it. You’d actually gain some respect, possibly some self respect, and not keep coming across as a spoilt, entitled, brat.

One of the guys from subs bench would’ve been good 

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13 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

Math Withers on now pulling the “could be Reading, could be Weds” card and saying Lansdown has “fronted up”.

So, Jon’s been interviewed by a quasi club employee and now we have the podcast who are “in” with the club. Nice balance guys, nice balance.

Same bloke who is on 3PIAP sponsored by huboo!

Chocolate and fireguard spring to mind

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21 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

The truth?

I'm afraid in business it just not done to wash all of your dirty laundry in public, otherwise it would just become a public slanging match which is not good for anyone. As fans we see only a tiny proportion of what goes on behind the doors of the club, on the forum we may get tip bits from a couple who are ITK, but this may be 2nd or 3rd hand rumours or we get plenty of waffle stated as facts.

At a guess, the relationship between NP and the board (possible including Tins), had broken down, maybe to do with selling Scott and further player recruitment or player training and fitness, NP's alleged absence from training, concerns about his health or maybe just a general bust up. With any of these issues, their would be 2 sides to the argument and what had been discussed, so whilst most see NP as the good guy (as we like him and relate to him, including myself) and the board as evil, we don't know the full picture.

It would seem that there was no way NP's contract was going to be renewed, so in a way would have left us in a degree of limbo, as the board were not going to let a manager they did not see as the future spend money on players or have no money left for a new manager coming in, hence the "nest egg" comment.

Whilst I am gutted to see Nige go, as he is near the end of his contract, which was not going to be renewed, it was probable for the best and they have been looking for the opportunity however limp to out him, but at least a new head coach can come in, assess what we need and no doubt have money to spend in the next window, so in terms of progress as long as the new quy does not **** it up, we may be better off.

We know that JL is not comfortable public speaking, and to make it worse he is having to spin the narrative about results for NP's departure, whilst knowing the full true story, but that is what happens its PR spin, although may have been better advised to keep quiet, but can not comment to heard the interview.

In a funny way, I think this may have done Nige a favour, he can now concentrate on the most important thing, his health without the stress of football management or contracts.

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31 minutes ago, spudski said:

From NP this morning.

I would like to thank the incredible consultants, nurses, staff and medical students at Kings College Hospital, in London, where I am staying this week, undergoing numerous tests to help determine my future treatment, in the hope of making a full recovery...
The staff here are a shining example of the excellence of our wonderful NHS. I cannot thank them enough for their professionalism, dedication, excellence, and making me plenty of cups of tea. Thank you. Cheers, Nige. x

How many would even consider making any comment about a stay on hospital?

Yes he calls a spade a spade but is always very quick to thank and praise people for trying their best.

That is how to manage people and make them feel and perform to the best of their ability.

I hope he has a healthy remainder to his life. Thank you Nigel just for being open and straightforward with all of us.

Who do you want to win tomorrow?

City or a club you played for and have a good feeling as a supporter. Will you be moving back there or staying in yokels Somerset.

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1 hour ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

"I wanted to speak to Jon about whether him and his family get enough credit" 

Oh Joe, what an embarrassment. 

I posted the following yesterday. Satire is dead!

"Now Jon I demand a straight answer on this, no avoiding the question,the fans deserve some honesty"

"OK, I'm happy to do that"

"So, what is it that makes your Dad so great?"

" Um..."


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1 hour ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

404 people out of 18k users. 

404 out of a fanbase of 40-50k.

Like I said, small minority. 

And 11 months in football is a long time 

I admit I was one who wanted change but since the Semenyo sale and then Scott with hardly any money given for transfers on top of wage cutting I changed my mind.

This season I could see what Pearson was working with. I wanted him to stay.

With a bit of cash, I firmly believe we'd have been challenging 

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19 minutes ago, handsofclay said:

Caller has a dig at City fans for having goes at the Lansdowns. He tells us to talk to fans of Reading, Sheffield Wednesday and Cardiff before having a go at our owners. Maybe while chatting to them we can also ask them what the Premier League was like. 

Hate this sort of attitude. 

People in the world have it worse off than we do here in the UK, does that mean our feelings about certain things are not valid because it could be worse? 

Who does he think he is thinking he can dismiss our feelings about OUR situation because others have it worse? 

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24 minutes ago, handsofclay said:

Caller has a dig at City fans for having goes at the Lansdowns. He tells us to talk to fans of Reading, Sheffield Wednesday and Cardiff before having a go at our owners. Maybe while chatting to them we can also ask them what the Premier League was like. 

Jeeez.. we don’t hear from the fool for months, now he’s doing a couple of dodgy interviews and calling into radio stations..

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16 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

He really is a gutless and, comes across as, unpleasant individual isn’t he? What they’re actually doing in the current “PR” strategy is toxifying anyone who comes near, because they only want soft soap non questioning - so the interviewers become complicit in the charade.

Just put yourself up for one proper interview Jon. I’m sure Geoff would come out of retirement to do it. You’d actually gain some respect, possibly some self respect, and not keep coming across as a spoilt, entitled, brat.

You just know that Geoff has been watching all this and itching to lay into JL, so to speak. 

Such a shame GT retired as I think he would have put them in a position where they couldn’t not go on what would have been his pre-match show tomorrow. 

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To me as an unqualified person. It seems obvious that if you have such a small squad which is already depleted by injuries, then you'd give them rest when you can. 

That should have been what Joe said to Jon when Jon spoke about the excessive rest. He should then of also gone on and said the reason why we have such a small squad that needs rest is because you failed to invest any of the Alex Scott money.

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38 minutes ago, formerly known as ivan said:

But according to the board we have at this moment in time a top 10 budget and a squad good enough for promotion. So when the new man comes in and we finish the season in say 12th place, is he fired for not delivering what the board feel is a very simple task of promotion as everything is in place to do so?

Yes,,, and will tinnion be fired for not employing the correct manager to get our top 6 squad into the top 6?

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33 minutes ago, bearded_red said:

I’m going to use this nonsense argument with all players that ever receive criticism.

Dont think Max is good enough? Be careful what you wish for, we could have Elliott Parish.

Cornick played badly? Think yourself lucky, we could have Bas Savage instead.

About as good an argument as it is original.

Why did no-one go up to Jon a week ago and say "it could be worse, you could have Joey Barton!" 🤦‍♂️

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58 minutes ago, noize said:

Not sure if i have this right, i was trying to see how we stack up for our "Top 10 Budget"

I looked at transfermarkt.co.uk and came up with the below


CLUB Spend
HULL CITY € 39.53
STOKE CITY € 38.75

Spend or budget ?

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48 minutes ago, handsofclay said:

Caller has a dig at City fans for having goes at the Lansdowns. He tells us to talk to fans of Reading, Sheffield Wednesday and Cardiff before having a go at our owners. Maybe while chatting to them we can also ask them what the Premier League was like. 

Not yet listened although of those 3, Yongge at Reading and Chansiri at Sheffield Wednesday have been a general disaster.

They only went down under them...and financial issues. PL predated them. 

Tan and Cardiff is the better comparison, they did go up twice yes.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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1 hour ago, Shuffle said:

If the Lansdowns had come & said we are dismissing Nigel because he’s coming to the end of his contract that we will not  extend so best to make the change now to allow a new manager to have 32 games to build towards our ambition then I’d have more respect for them.

The fact that they are savaging men’s reputations such as Nige, Rennie & Euell is a cheap shot & frankly stinks. The top 10 budget has to be a myth but in essence the Lansdowns are cowards who hide behind results & inflicted injuries as the reason.

Just say it’s becoming untenable to work with Nige so let’s change direction. I’d have more time for them if they showed a degree of integrity but the constantly hide behind lies. Just grow a pair and tell the truth as we can deal with that !


Front up, say there was a clash of personalities & we have decided to go in a different direction.

Don’t have to agree with that, but it is a coherent argument.

Lying about budgets & questioning Rennie’s professional opinion shows them up for what they truly are.

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2 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

Spend or budget ?

Can anyone clarify from either of JL's interviews whether he was actually asked why the club didn't reinvest any of the Scott money into the playing squad?

No doubt, he could have fallen back on the "We already have a top 10 budget " nonsense, but it would have been good at least to give him the opportunity to explain what happened to the Plan A and Plan B transfer policy that NP spoke about in the summer.

Many thanks👍

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55 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

Math Withers on now pulling the “could be Reading, could be Weds” card and saying Lansdown has “fronted up”.

So, Jon’s been interviewed by a quasi club employee and now we have the podcast who are “in” with the club. Nice balance guys, nice balance.

FFS, the “it could be worse” argument trotted out yet again.

Eff off.


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40 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

I'm afraid in business it just not done to wash all of your dirty laundry in public, otherwise it would just become a public slanging match which is not good for anyone. As fans we see only a tiny proportion of what goes on behind the doors of the club, on the forum we may get tip bits from a couple who are ITK, but this may be 2nd or 3rd hand rumours or we get plenty of waffle stated as facts.

At a guess, the relationship between NP and the board (possible including Tins), had broken down, maybe to do with selling Scott and further player recruitment or player training and fitness, NP's alleged absence from training, concerns about his health or maybe just a general bust up. With any of these issues, their would be 2 sides to the argument and what had been discussed, so whilst most see NP as the good guy (as we like him and relate to him, including myself) and the board as evil, we don't know the full picture.

It would seem that there was no way NP's contract was going to be renewed, so in a way would have left us in a degree of limbo, as the board were not going to let a manager they did not see as the future spend money on players or have no money left for a new manager coming in, hence the "nest egg" comment.

Whilst I am gutted to see Nige go, as he is near the end of his contract, which was not going to be renewed, it was probable for the best and they have been looking for the opportunity however limp to out him, but at least a new head coach can come in, assess what we need and no doubt have money to spend in the next window, so in terms of progress as long as the new quy does not **** it up, we may be better off.

We know that JL is not comfortable public speaking, and to make it worse he is having to spin the narrative about results for NP's departure, whilst knowing the full true story, but that is what happens its PR spin, although may have been better advised to keep quiet, but can not comment to heard the interview.

In a funny way, I think this may have done Nige a favour, he can now concentrate on the most important thing, his health without the stress of football management or contracts.

Why not say that then, irreconcilable differences? Why besmirch Rennie's reputation as being the blame for all the injuries? Blame it all on results when it's clearly not the case? 

I get all the other stuff, I understand totally the nonsense of spin. It doesn't help their case does it?

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4 minutes ago, Pheasant plucker said:

I bet he was just talking about our "top earner" (Matty James?) A reputed 27+k a week would put us in that category I'm sure for one player. Just more manipulation of the truth.  Twisting it to suit.

Not a chance Matty James is on £27k a week.

Not saying he’s not well paid but never that much.

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3 hours ago, Nugget said:

‘We’ve got the ability to out perform that budget’ - eg there’s money available but not for Nige

I don't think that's what he's saying at all.

He's saying the players we've got are good enough to finish higher in the table than where you'd expect for what we spend on them. 


So then he blames the medics and the training regime - like he knows better than the professionals!   

If Sims had any sense he'd reply - so why didn't you sack Johnson for not out performing the budget? why are you holding Pearson to a different standard? why are you so mealy mouthed about praising the work he's done? it's personal Junior isn't it? daddy doesn't like him? come on son, stand on your own two feet for once and admit it - you're fekin useless, aren't you?  

Edited by Merrick's Marvels
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37 minutes ago, bearded_red said:

I’m going to use this nonsense argument with all players that ever receive criticism.

Dont think Max is good enough? Be careful what you wish for, we could have Elliott Parish.

Cornick played badly? Think yourself lucky, we could have Bas Savage instead.

About as good an argument as it is original.

So I guess the difference is the club-wide, existential impact that a bad player can have versus that a bad owner can have. And also the preponderance of really bad owners throughout English football in last few years. 

That said, I agree that its not really a useful argument - it's just the other side of the Lansdown is the devil argument. Maybe next owner will be awful; maybe they will be amazing; maybe at times they will be both. But there will be a different owner in the future at some point, so we will find out then. 

For my part, I think there are very clearly things that the Lansdown era has done to advance the club and put us on a firm footing and I'm sad that things have turned so toxic as we have much to be thankful for with an owner like this. I also believe he has done it for the 'right' reasons and it has cost him not insignificant fortunes, even by the standards of his own wealth. 

But clearly he has made mistakes and we have lacked a really consistent plan over years. And the leadership seem to keep shifting that plan fairly whimsically in favour of the next shiny thing (RIP the pillars) or the public communication between plan (self reliance, focus on Academy, cut our cloth, nest egg) is at odds with the public communication of targets and expectations (get promoted, dont fall into the bottom half of table even for a few weeks, outperform, top 10 budget, great squad). That, as a fan, is frustrating and requires really good, open comms to fully understand and question - and we don't get that these days, which adds to the toxicity, which then - apparently - makes leadership retreat from that toxicity even further. A vicious circle.

Most importantly, appointing his own very inexperienced and seemingly somewhat disinterested son as Chair was a catastrophic error. You need to work twice as hard to overcome nepotism, not half as hard. But, with that decision made, we need to understand that it is his son and so an almost impossible decision to roll back because obviously, picking between the club and your blood, you choose the latter. 

I think a lot of the toxicity flows from this replacement when Steve decided to take a step back and Steve's inability/understandable unwillingness to roll it back or intervene to address it. It wasn't a serious decision that you'd expect from a serious man like him. And that, I think, has always undermined some of the serious aspirations they have for this club. 

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1 minute ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

I don't think that's what he's saying at all.

He's saying the players we've got are good enough to finish higher in the table than where you'd expect for what we spend on them. 


So then he blames the medics and the training regime - like he knows better than the professionals!   

If Sims had any sense he'd reply - so why didn't you sack Johnson for not out performing the budget? why are you holding Pearson to a different standard? why are you so mealy mouthed about praising the work he's done? it's personal Junior isn't it? daddy doesn't like him? come on son, stand on your own two feet for once and admit it - you're fekin useless, aren't you?  

Sims is being interviewed on Robins TV tomorrow, in what way can he be seen as impartial here?

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50 minutes ago, Carey 6 said:

Perhaps Johnson should’ve done that more, we usually came back after international breaks playing abysmally. I think @Olé once wrote a thread on it. 

Like Fleming said, I don’t believe many of the injuries occurred out of games did they?

Anyone know if they played the interview in full or did they play clips throughout the show?

Yep, we always played like our heads were full of a load of convoluted tactical crap which would've happened with 2 weeks of Overcoaching 

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32 minutes ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

To me as an unqualified person. It seems obvious that if you have such a small squad which is already depleted by injuries, then you'd give them rest when you can. 

That should have been what Joe said to Jon when Jon spoke about the excessive rest. He should then of also gone on and said the reason why we have such a small squad that needs rest is because you failed to invest any of the Alex Scott money.

The bare faced cheek of Jon Lansdown talking about excessive rest. I guess spending months on end in Bermuda isn't an 80 hours a week work fest. 

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12 minutes ago, exAtyeoMax said:

Why not say that then, irreconcilable differences? Why besmirch Rennie's reputation as being the blame for all the injuries? Blame it all on results when it's clearly not the case? 

I get all the other stuff, I understand totally the nonsense of spin. It doesn't help their case does it?

I don't disagree they could handle things differently but thats easily said without being a fly on the wall and knowing what reality is. but in truth would not make any difference to a lot on here who just like to jump on a band wagon without giving much thought to a possible bigger picture 

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3 minutes ago, !james said:

Will listen later, can anyone summarise anything vaguely interesting or controversial that we haven't already heard before?! 

"People don't appreciate how much we've done for the club or that I'm  expert in sport science, functional anatomy and biomechanics.   Me and Brian Tinnion will decide if Frank Lampard can manage a football club. "

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1 hour ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

404 people out of 18k users. 

404 out of a fanbase of 40-50k.

Like I said, small minority. 

That’s just on here ? The voices on Twitter were far more vocal and and in large quantity … and as equally valid as the posters on here … yes there was a time … but it has improved since then …. So I’d say he’s not wrong in his comment .. 

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JL says he was surprised that the betting list and how far away it is from what they are looking it, followed by "That says to me we haven't got our message out there"

JS moves on to next question ... ffs that was a key opportunity for JL to be able to get his message out there and it is just glossed over.

This had potential but it is very frustrating 

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1 minute ago, CTIDhc said:

JL says he was surprised that the betting list and how far away it is from what they are looking it, followed by "That says to me we haven't got our message out there"

JS moves on to next question ... ffs that was a key opportunity for JL to be able to get his message out there and it is just glossed over.

This had potential but it is very frustrating 

Odd, isn’t it?

I would have thought a heavily edited, 2 minute, in house video where the questions sounded like they came from CBeebies would have made it really obvious?

Shocking that the bookies didn’t realise what they wanted from an inarticulate, bumbling fool.

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1 minute ago, GrahamC said:

Odd, isn’t it?

I would have thought a heavily edited, 2 minute, in house video where the questions sounded like they came from CBeebies would have made it really obvious?

Shocking that the bookies didn’t realise what they wanted from an inarticulate, bumbling fool.

Controlling the narrative yet still failing to control the narrative is an impressive skillset in fairness 

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1 hour ago, Carey 6 said:

Perhaps Johnson should’ve done that more, we usually came back after international breaks playing abysmally. I think @Olé once wrote a thread on it. 

Like Fleming said, I don’t believe many of the injuries occurred out of games did they?

Anyone know if they played the interview in full or did they play clips throughout the show?

In one of Nigel Pearson's interviews, he clearly said all the injuries were match related bar one. 

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22 minutes ago, !james said:

Will listen later, can anyone summarise anything vaguely interesting or controversial that we haven't already heard before?! 

The team was expected to be doing better by this stage

Players not prepared to their optimum in training and given too much time off in international breaks

List of candidates being touted in media miles off reality

Interviews being lead by JL and BT

Accepted  communication with fans should be better

Social media platforms not as useful as they used to be for communicating with fans

All efforts being made to get to Prem and then to stay there

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Haven't listened to it all, however a point was raised regarding replacing/appointing another CEO. 

The answer is that it's Tinnions new role and having Gavin Marshal insitu, we don't need one. 

I'd be interested to know if those two have experience in negotiating deals with players agents, and if so who's going to be dealing with any new perspective signing. 

Contracts these days are a minefield. 

Maybe they use outside specialist solicitors to oversee these contracts. 

Reading between the lines...Tins does the selling of club to footballer, Marshall deals with Agent!!!

JL also admits communication with fans is poor and has dropped off since Gould left. Admits it needs rectifying. Admits Club need to tell fans more information as to what they are doing. 

I wonder who will be charged with doing that job. 

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46 minutes ago, NcnsBcfc said:

Can anyone clarify from either of JL's interviews whether he was actually asked why the club didn't reinvest any of the Scott money into the playing squad?

No doubt, he could have fallen back on the "We already have a top 10 budget " nonsense, but it would have been good at least to give him the opportunity to explain what happened to the Plan A and Plan B transfer policy that NP spoke about in the summer.

Many thanks👍

Yes he does get asked the question directly by simms

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