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Fao Eyle Ball

Guest Bawno

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I would just like to congratualte you on getting your 'Goodnight Irene' CD finally out. It is absolute class. Well done. I was the lad who purchased one on Saturday with James if you remember.

But anyway, fair play. I hope all goes well and you sell some more. Cheers.

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Guest Elye_Ball

Thanks very much! I'll probably be selling some at the next few home games as I've still got a fair few left... So keep spreading the word and hopefully we can hit the number one spot by Christmas! :how funny: :how funny: :how funny:


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Guest Elye_Ball
Did you sell many on Saturday?

I sold 26 to about 10 different people. It was people from the forum mostly but I did shift one or two to some passing 'strangers' who'd never heard of it before.

I'll try a different corner of the ground next time and hopefully sell some more...

One cheeky b'tard actually had the nerve to come face to face with me and say "I would buy one mate but I've downloaded it for free..." - For crying out loud it's only two quid! One other group let their mate by one and said we'll copy his... I just can't believe some people... :)

Anyone who wants to copy this CD should be mindful of the word PIRATE! Besides, I'm hardly raking it in am I?

Thanks for buying it yourself Robbored! Nice to meet you too!

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Guest Elye_Ball
...as sad as this might be, i know EVERY SINGLE word off by heart!

That's wicked mate! I'm well chuffed... Can't wait to tell the lads... especially my Gashead mate who played Irene... Comments like that from you and others on this forum has made it all worth while... Thanks to everyone for their support! :)

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One cheeky b'tard actually had the nerve to come face to face with me and say "I would buy one mate but I've downloaded it for free..."

I wonder who that could be.... :)

To be fair though, I didn't have a penny on me and probably would have chucked £2 your way if I had it on me!

Keep up the good work Elye! ;)

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Guest Elye_Ball
Let me know where you're selling them before the next game and I'll get one

Will do mate... It'll probably be on the opposite side of the Atyeo this time... Just a bit down from the Coopers Arms... To get everyone who enters via the corner where the Dolman meets the Atyeo. Do you know where I mean?

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Guest Elye_Ball
i brought my 3 copys off you Elye hope you do well sellin the rest well done top quality.

Yeah thanks mate! It's much appreciated. I'd be lost without people like you... Nice to meet you as well!

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Guest Elye_Ball
<br /> I wonder who that could be....  :)

To be fair though, I didn't have a penny on me and probably would have chucked £2 your way if I had it on me!

Keep up the good work Elye!  ;)

Fair play for owning up you little cheapskate! At the end of the day I can't make you buy it but... I just get a bit anxious about the fact that I've put a fair bit of time, effort and money into this and it'd be nice to get at least some of the money back... 972 people have download the video, 210 the mp3 yet only 9 people have bought on-line and I've sold 26 down the Gate... Can you see where I'm coming from?

If I end up doing another project similar to Irene I wouldn't want to have to charge people for the pleasure... that would be rubbish! At only £2 a CD I'm only covering my own expenses anyway...

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I, and I'm sure many others, admire the time and effort that you've put in Elye - and I hope that you at least get your money back from this project. And as it seems that you will be selling at my entrance at the next game then I shall probably invest £2 for the cause! But you have to understand that us students have to be careful with our money - more CDs = less beer :)

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Hi Elya,

Me and my mate bought one copy of you on Saturday, we did the cheap thing and went halfs on a copy, only for the reason that neither of us had heard it before and so weren't sure what we were buying, the only reason we knew it was around was cause of the forum and then seeing you next to tom by the wedlock.

Rest assured after getting back and listening to it we both have the intention of purchasing a few more for our City and Gas associates!

We think it is excellent

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Guest Elye_Ball
I, and I'm sure many others, admire the time and effort that you've put in Elye - and I hope that you at least get your money back from this project. And as it seems that you will be selling at my entrance at the next game then I shall probably invest £2 for the cause! But you have to understand that us students have to be careful with our money - more CDs = less beer ;)

Hairy muff mate at least you're honest! But you have to understand that us rappers have to be careful with our music - less CD sales = no bling bling for Christmas! :how funny: :) :how funny:

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Guest Elye_Ball
Hi Elya,

Me and my mate bought one copy of you on Saturday, we did the cheap thing and went halfs on a copy, only for the reason that neither of us had heard it before and so weren't sure what we were buying, the only reason we knew it was around was cause of the forum and then seeing you next to tom by the wedlock.

Rest assured after getting back and listening to it we both have the intention of purchasing a few more for our City and Gas associates!

We think it is excellent

Nice one mate... again, much appreciated! Thank you very much!

People need to start getting my name right though... it's not Eyle or Eyla it's ELYE! You lot make me sound like a big girl! :)

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Guest Elye_Ball

I don't wanna do that... I want it to be available in the far corners of the Universe... Irene deserves it... That way, anyone who searches for a Goodnight Irene mp3 get's the correct version! :)

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Guest Elye_Ball
how much is it again

It's £2.50 on-line (to cover postage costs) and £2 if you catch me down the gate... a bargain price by anyones standards! :)

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I'll hopefully be seeing you at the Stockport game on the 20th, i have alrerady got my copy inderiectly though through my mate james (city_2002) I have showed this CD to my mates who sit with m at city and which do not come on the forum and they really like it and will buy it at the Stockport game.

Where exactly are you going to be? Near where the guy sells the fanzines on the entrance to the dolman ticket place are thingy? :)

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Guest Elye_Ball
I'll hopefully be seeing you at the Stockport game on the 20th, i have alrerady got my copy inderiectly though through my mate james (city_2002) I have showed this CD to my mates who sit with m at city and which do not come on the forum and they really like it and will buy it at the Stockport game.

Where exactly are you going to be? Near where the guy sells the fanzines on the entrance to the dolman ticket place are thingy? :)

Roughly yeah... I'll let you know nearer the time or you could get my number off James and give me a shout before hand.

Nice one chief!

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Guest city_2002

Yeah Elye i would like to buy a extra one to i donbt want to break my and not have a spare i would kill my slef i really would! I will get one with joe at the next home game if thats ok.

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I believe a good place to sell would be near the dolman entrance/by the away end(aka main entrance) or near the robbins. They would sell like hot cakes there. I'm sure of it.

By the way, I don't know if you remember me or not but I was the lad with James on saturday and I was wondering if I could buy a couple more for some other city friends of mine as well as this Gas Head builder doing work on my house. A great Christmas Stocking Idea I think! :)

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Calm down you too.

Wait. Did you say something about getting a spare. Damm I better get one too. What would I do if my only copy broke!!!

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