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Stewarding Isn't So Bad...............

Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

I decided to take the trip up to Northampton on Saturday and desert City. Call me part time unloyal etc but thats for another thread.

The match was obviously a big big occation for the loyal Weston Supporters and there are a fair few and speaking to them they are very passionate and firendly people it was a great day and a great occation. However the whole day tarnished by very very very poor and OTT stewarding.

So to cut a long story short there were a few fans stood ar the front just infront of the stand amd a steward came along and told him to go sit down, the bloke didn't and carried on singing, the steward then ask him again to which the bloke turned around and sang a stand up song. To which someone else turned around and said to him come on mate sit down now your pushing it too far. Next thing we know a big "macho" steward comes along and him and 3 other stewards physically threw him to the ground rather hard and were all over him some say they saw kicks put in at the man but too be honest you don't know but they were all around him on him and it was bang out of order.

Anyway another bloke goes running down saying hey come on look he was having a good time was about to come back up it doesn't take 4 of you thats assult almost what you did then. Whilst doing so he tried getting on of the steards off of this man to which about 5 police came running down to physically amn handle this other man, to which his wife comes down and start shouting oi he didn't do anything thats bang out all them on those two to which the coppers dragged these two men out with this lady in the middle of the whole confusion being phisically knocked about while the other two were being ejected, to which then another copper noticed her and decided to grab her also and drag her out too.

To top it all off a kiddy was coming back from the toilet or from getting some food waving balloons about dancing and singing to which a copper grabbed him and threw him out!!!

Thats the whole story and its just to let you know our stewards are not so bad afterall and its when you go to places like that and see how badly they deal with minor incidents is when you relise your stewards are not as bad as first thought.

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a steward came along and told him to go sit down, the bloke didn't and carried on singing, the steward then ask him again to which the bloke turned around and sang a stand up song.

Will people ever learn?

Whilst I agree that a large number of stewards and policeman are completely over the top, is there any wonder when this sort of foolishness happens so often?

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