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If We Built A New Ground

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Obviously many people are opposed to severn side, for many reasons. A number of people have mentioned transport as a factor in not wanting a move to Easter Compton and the distance from bristol.

Well I know for a fact (Well word of mouth :)) that Bath City are able to build a new ground next to Saltford.

Now would this appeal to more people?

* Ring Road goes stright there

* A train station can be built (Already being planned)

* Busses go through there from bristol every 15 mins

* Closer to City's heartland than Easter Compton, and easier to get to.

What do you lot think? Most importantly, we would't be under the jurisdiction of evil Bristol City council!

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Its another possible soloution, much more suitable than severnside, in my opinion and i live in north Bristol and would find it easier to get to than Saltford. I the same as many just want the Stadium in the right place at the right time, and sad to say until City can hold there own in the 1st division i dont think its worth considering where, at the moment, more a case of when.

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All I can say is that I would travel anywhere within a 50 mile or so radius to watch City at Home. Distance for home games would not be a consideration for me personally.

That said, I would prefer Saltford as we can all get hammered by the riverside prior to kick-off. I;m thinking Sarnies, Custard Creams and Lager :)

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Well as I live in Keynsham I am with you on location! I am interested as to exactly where this Saltford site would be as we have recently had a long (and successful)argument with BaNES on other building projects.

Would it be on the Industrial estate/brownfields near the Supermarket that nobody uses?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Yeah because there's hardly any traffic on the roads of south Bristol already presumably? :)

In all fairness I don't think the traffic is that bad on weekends, although obviously it builds up coming into Brislington when there is heavy traffic.

Maybe the Park and Rides at Ashton, Brislington and Bath could be ustilised

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I am of the opinion that IF we are to relocate whenever it MUST be in SOUTH Bristol, period.

Saltford? because theres hardly any traffic on the Bath Road already presumably?

Good point, but if it was out at the Globe I think more people would use the A37/ A368 route.

But I don't like the idea of using greenfields generally and I think you tend to put the locals against you from the start.

Another point might be the size of the stadium, presumably Bath are not asking for a 30,000 all seater job, but something in a more modest mode. :);)

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Where did I say South Bristol infrastructure is perfect? I accept its far from perfect.

If all we are going to do is bring traffic chaos to another part of Bristol, then whats the point? Can you honestly say that a possible fortnightly exodus from Ashton/Bedminster/Southville/Hartcliffe etc would not cause problems on the A4?

A point in favour of Saltford or anywhere for that matter would be at least we wouldn't we wallowing in chemical effluent once a fortnight.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Calm down I'm winding you up.

Obviously there would be traffic problems, but if a proper transport arrangement was made, with Park and rides being used properly ect.

What I like about Saltford is the ring road - It makes a direct route for many people in Bristol.

I just feel that transport wise Saltford is in a much better posistion to accomadate the fans than Severnside

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Calm down I'm winding you up.

Obviously there would be traffic problems, but if a proper transport arrangement was made, with Park and rides being used properly ect.

What I like about Saltford is the ring road - It makes a direct route for many people in Bristol. 

I just feel that transport wise Saltford is in a much better posistion to accomadate the fans than Severnside

I'm Calm....nurse? my pills!! :)

Would it be fair to say what you like is about Saltford is its proximity to Willsbridge, WILLSBRIDGEred?

The ringroad is only any use from Keynsham to Hambrook/MOD, how they even call it a ringroad is beyond me. For a lot of supporters from traditional BCFC heartlands it would be nightmare.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

There is no direct route from Willsbridge to Saltford.

I appreciate the "heartlands" issue, but that is why I would hope that a decent bus service/ park and ride could be put into place on a matchday

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The most obvious question is funding it.

Now at the AGM it became clear, if City/Rovers play Sevenside right they could end up with a ground for absolutely free - I don't think they'll get that chance elsewhere really.

Personally its AG redevelopment all the way for me. BS3 is home!

Absolutely Tom, but I am not ignorant to the fact of finance. Redevelopment isn't cheap, new build is more cost effective.

Ashton Gate Redevelopment = Ideal scenario, emotional reasons, obviously.

Severnside = NO WAY EVER, rediculous proposal.

IF we have to relocate it must firstly be within Bristol AND my opionion SOUTH of the city.

An ideal location in my opinion would be next to David Lloyd on the A370.

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<br /> Good point, but if it was out at the Globe I think more people would use the A37/ A368 route.

But I don't like the idea of using greenfields generally and I think you tend to put the locals against you from the start.

Another point might be the size of the stadium, presumably Bath are not asking for a 30,000 all seater job, but something in a more modest mode. :)  ;)

Dead against the idea of using countryside for football stadiums or anything else for that matter. It can be avoided, it just costs more.

I use that road regularly and you really get a feeling you're leaving the city behind you once you've negotiated that damn camera at the bottom of Saltford Hill.

Haven't you lot got any kids? These are ancient fields, not useless land next to a new motorway or something. Are you happy to accept England being concreted over in a generation just because on this occasion its for a football stadium?

I'm not. It doesn't matter whether "Bath may be seeking something more modest than a 30,000 seater", once anything is built there the ambience of the area is gone forever.

City are fine at Ashton Gate. I don't know about Bath City but frankly they're not important enough to need a big stadium (its a Rugby city) and if they do need to move they can find a smaller brownfield site or somewhere much less environmentally damaging. :wub:

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I use that road regularly and you really get a feeling you're leaving the city behind you once you've negotiated that damn camera at the bottom of Saltford Hill.

Off the point I know but, they have taken it away!!! :)

The most pointless camera in the country, you can rush through Saltford at 70 but heaven forbid that you should negotiate the last 50metres at anything above 30. ;)

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"Now at the AGM it became clear, if City/Rovers play Sevenside right they could end up with a ground for absolutely free.."

Might I ask the blindingly obvious, in that, if the Government is presently paying John Peel a small fortune to warn in his dulcet tones, "if it looks to good to be true it probably is," why would a commercial real estate developer spend a fortune building & then giving away two thirds of two sports stadia?

Now I can think of several reasons why this might appear commercially attractive to the developer, but I'm neither a local taxpayer or stupid enough ever to wish to purchase a property on the contaminated wilderness. Redrow, for now, NEED the football clubs, but I would caution that might not always be the case. Housing, retail, & business development is comparatively cheap & provides a quick return on investment. Large scale commercial & leisure development is an entirely different ball game, with very few, if any, stadia turning a profit. They're expensive to build, in terms of space & functional requirement, with very low frequency of use.

How surprised would you be if it were discovered that once Redrow had obtained planning consents for housing, retail & business that they then were obliged to tone down their plans regards the social & leisure aspects of the scheme?



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i live fairly near the globe and i can assure you that theres no way a 30,000 capacity stadium would ever be built on land in that area, a modest non league ground would be more likely on ground used by a rugby club at the moment, but anything more than that wouldnt have a chance.

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<br /> Off the point I know but, they have taken it away!!! :)

The most pointless camera in the country, you can rush through Saltford at 70 but heaven forbid that you should negotiate the last 50metres at anything above 30. :wub:

Are you sure? or has that bush that was hacked down just grown up again.

Funny if they have taken it away, that camera was cited as catching more motorists over a 2 day period earlier in the year than any other in the country.

Are you certain it was 'removed' by the authorities or have some vigilantes been at work in the dead of night? ;)

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i live fairly near the globe and i can assure you that theres no way a 30,000 capacity stadium would ever be built on land in that area, a modest non league ground would be more likely on ground used by a rugby club at the moment, but anything more than that wouldnt have a chance.

With an area just as big tarmacced over for car parks, road widening 'improvements, dozens of traffic lights etc.

And once they'd got the 'little' ground up, how long before planning applications went in for capacity increase.

I thought that new clubhouse looked a bit big and out of place. Hopefully not the start of bigger things to come.

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Are you certain it was 'removed' by the authorities or have some vigilantes been at work in the dead of night? :)

All I know is, it's not there currently. It may return I don't know but maybe the locals have asked for it to be placed where it will effect the traffic not just motorists pockets!

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