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Not being horrible, but .......

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I do tend to agree.

However; should we find out a bit later, or after the game had finished, that the poor soul had passed, then I would personally feel a sense of guilt. Having seen the game continue, while we cheer / curse / sing  at a football game, while a fellow fan (ours / opposition) loses their life would seem somewhat callous.

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15 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

Totally agree . There’s stewards there to imform the paramedics . Why is the game stopped. 
I can remember years ago as a kid being stood in the east end . There was the obligatory marching band walking up & down the pitch . One of them collapsed & died. He got stretchered off , the players came out & played.
obviously it’s sad if someone died at the game at Bolton but , life goes on . Apologies if I come across as insensitive  

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3 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

Totally agree . There’s stewards there to imform the paramedics . Why is the game stopped. 
I can remember years ago as a kid being stood in the east end . There was the obligatory marching band walking up & down the pitch . One of them collapsed & died. He got stretchered off , the players came out & played.
obviously it’s sad if someone died at the game at Bolton but , life goes on . Apologies if I come across as insensitive  

I was going to mention that incident. If that weee to happen today, that game wouldn’t start let alone finish.

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20 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

Was mentioned a bit in the MDT. 

I agree with you, but the game should only restart if the person has been treated and in medical care. Of course the referee is right to stop the game so that person gets the assistance they need as quickly as possible.

But the game should carry on.

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9 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

Totally agree . There’s stewards there to imform the paramedics . Why is the game stopped. 
I can remember years ago as a kid being stood in the east end . There was the obligatory marching band walking up & down the pitch . One of them collapsed & died. He got stretchered off , the players came out & played.
obviously it’s sad if someone died at the game at Bolton but , life goes on . Apologies if I come across as insensitive  

Home game v Nottingham Forest for the return leg of the 1988/89 League Cup. It was surreal. The band kept marching while the poor guy was lead on the pitch.

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7 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

Was mentioned a bit in the MDT. 

I agree with you, but the game should only restart if the person has been treated and in medical care. Of course the referee is right to stop the game so that person gets the assistance they need as quickly as possible.

But the game should carry on.

Yes, it's ironic it happened at Bolton, the scene of one of the biggest tradgedys in football history, scores of dead and the game continued ! Now, THAT was unbelievable !

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It’s probably dealt with on a case by case basis, how much attention from the paramedics in attendance do they need etc. I was at a game earlier this season where there was a medical emergency at the start of half time, the second half was delayed by a good 25 minutes, todays game seemed to have a similar time after players taken off the pitch before announcement of the abandonment 

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41 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

If someone is taken out at a game then probably best to make a quick exit 

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5 minutes ago, Lrrr said:

It’s probably dealt with on a case by case basis, how much attention from the paramedics in attendance do they need etc. I was at a game earlier this season where there was a medical emergency at the start of half time, the second half was delayed by a good 25 minutes, todays game seemed to have a similar time after players taken off the pitch before announcement of the abandonment 

I believe Leyton Orient v Lincoln was abandoned in the Autumn?

My suspicion is safety concerns was the overriding factor v Swansea but EFL guidance states matches shouldn't halt, as of summer 2022.

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6 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I believe Leyton Orient v Lincoln was abandoned in the Autumn?

It was and that fan passed away which is why I believe it comes down to how serious the paramedics say the health issue is, regardless of EFL guidance. 

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It's a tough call either way. Much like the police closing a road if they think the injured could possibly die they close the road to collect evidence. I am guessing the person today was so ill they may not have survived. The announcement would be delayed until the next of kin have been contacted.

I don't think there is an answer to this, each case will be different and the rights and wrongs will be judged with the benefit of hindsight, a wonderful thing.

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39 minutes ago, Frenchay Red said:

Home game v Nottingham Forest for the return leg of the 1988/89 League Cup. It was surreal. The band kept marching while the poor guy was lead on the pitch.

I remember that as clear as day. It was some Scottish marching band. It had been raining heavily and as they matched one of them appeared to slip. As he was in full Scots dress, kilt etc the whole crowd gave a ,,,'whoa hey' type laugh and it was only when he led on the floor and his fellow marchers stepped over him we realised all wasn't good. Think we had a collection and everything for him at the next match 

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31 minutes ago, Lrrr said:

It was and that fan passed away which is why I believe it comes down to how serious the paramedics say the health issue is, regardless of EFL guidance. 

Yes, thanks..was his passing known in real time though? Clearly highly serious.

I suspect a joint decision between Safety Officer and ref, weighing up safety, Proportionality etc.

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3 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Yes, thanks..was his passing known in real time though? Clearly highly serious.

I suspect a joint decision between Safety Officer and ref, weighing up safety, Proportionality etc.

I'm not sure if it was in ground or en route to hospital or in hospital but its the point that there's a level of seriousness about the situation regardless of EFL guidance. What happens if they continue the game while tending to the crowd incident and something like a Lockyer situation happens on the pitch? I get each club has a doctor whose usually pitch side as well its better to avoid the risk. 

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1 hour ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

I think the reason may be that if a person is getting some life saving attention and a team scores, there is bedlam around that person which could affect getting the person moved when time could be of the essence. 

I'm not sure that abandonment is appropriate if said person is on the way to hospital, but it just may be an act of respect for the person and those that witnessed the event ?


Edited by bcfc01
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I'm sure if any of us witnessed someone getting CPR and all the treatment that goes with trying to save a life we'd all be pretty traumatised. 

The amount of medical paraphernalia that would be all around where they would have been working would need sorting. 

For those asking why now, it's because the protocol of dealing with a category one incident requires immediate medical support, saving the life of someone is much more important than a football match. 

The impact on those surrounding the incident would have been very unpleasant 

I just hope nobody on here has to witness someone trying to be resuscitated as it's a very upsetting and traumatic thing to witness 

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Many years ago, my wife and I were on holiday in north Italy. She wanted to go to the opera in Verona, an open air Coliseum place. Not my type of thing but hey, when in Rome, or in this case, when in Verona.

Anyway, heading into town by taxi it was still 36degC in early evening, this was July.

Whilst queueing to go in I noticed a long line of ambulances parked up, thought it a bit strange.

Inside, it was roasting despite being open air. The posh guests were in posh gear, men in suits, some attending as part of corporate hostility. Basically all day the sun had cooked the stone that made up the Coliseum and that heat was still radiating under the seats.

As the show went on, a steady number of guests were passing out and were rescued from the audience by ambulance crews with stretchers who, judging by the number parked outside knew exactly what was going to happen. The show went on, 10 mins later someone else would pass out and so it continued.

It was a bizarre experience and I sometimes wonder if they just fainted or if some had something a lot more serious.

Anyway, I hope what happened today has a good outcome and you all stay well through the season.

I would recommend attending a 1st aid course if you are thinking how you would cope with such an incident. It might just give you some confidence to help out. I did it through work and it was very good.

Sorry for the long post!

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2 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

You are correct but in this day and age you have people protesting about the price of a loaf of bread so we reap what we sow 

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I will catch up with all comments on this later. But after today’s game (debacle) I’ve just had a huge family debate where I said EXACTLY the same but was outnumbered… being a sensitive person I still think like you it’s OTT. Whilst it will affect those directly involved the vast majority won’t have a clue what’s happening. Strange world we now live in 🤷‍♂️

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27 minutes ago, phantom said:



Perhaps I just have a warped sense of humour, but I couldn’t help noticing the name of Bolton’s stadium.

How awful when a spectator collapsed and themself in a possibly life threatening situation.

Toughsheet Stadium.

How unfortunate.

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Not exactly the same but I had experience of an incident at the National League Football final at Wembley earlier this year. There was a person sat with his mate before the match very near where I was. Suddenly his mate was gesturing to stewards who arrived in numbers, then loads of medical staff, then paramedics. The man had consumed too much alcohol. He was vomiting and totally unresponsive to them trying to wake him. He was a very, very large man in his mid 50's I would guess. He also had no control of other bodily fluids and had to be moved. 

The point I really want to make is that in the middle of a football stand there is very little room for medical teams to assess and work. Lighting isn't great either. At Wembley they did a great job in helping this man. They had to carry him out. They couldn't get a stretcher in the row, he couldn't fit in the chair lift thing  so they physically had to carry him. We all had to be moved to other seats and there was a lot to organise to get him out safely.

So after seeing what the stewards and medics had to deal with that day I have nothing but admiration for them and the difficulties a big crowd in a stadium poses for them.

Edit: The paramedics were all saying it was excess alcohol consumption, I wasn't jumping to conclusions.

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2 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Yet wasn't our medical emergency Swansea game last season played on throughout??


And we had a couple too a few seasons back .

Was this very close to the pitch like in the Orient v Lincoln game a few months back ?

Hope the fan is ok obviously.

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3 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

I don't understand how a game  (Bolton, in this case) can be abandoned because someone is taken ill ? In acrow of 20k the chances are someone is going to be "not very well". It just seems a bit 

OTT and Nanny state these days. Of course nobody wants the guy to be ill, but stuff happens.   I'v had the misfortune over the years to see a couple of people die in the ground nearish to me. Yes, it's not nice, but it just seems over reactionary to abandon the game because someone is taken out , perhaps it's just me, but it never used to happen .

Completely agree.

Am sure it happened at AG about 10-15 years, someone had a funny turn, medics looked after them until ambulance came and carted them off to hospital, without any stoppages.

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50 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

Perhaps I just have a warped sense of humour, but I couldn’t help noticing the name of Bolton’s stadium.

How awful when a spectator collapsed and themself in a possibly life threatening situation.

Toughsheet Stadium.

How unfortunate.

My sense of humour is also warped but im not sympathetic . I’ve suffered the loss of my parents as have a lot of us . I was especially close to my dad who introduced me to the city in the mid 70’s . It’s a very numbing time & 13 years on I still feel his loss. However , I do try to see the funny side in anything . The reason is , well we’re all going to die so have a laugh while you’re here. Unless your a bloody city fan 

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3 hours ago, Frenchay Red said:

Home game v Nottingham Forest for the return leg of the 1988/89 League Cup. It was surreal. The band kept marching while the poor guy was lead on the pitch.

It was right in front of me. His daughter was in the band- she knelt down beside him as the rest of the band kept marching up and down. Completely horrific in retrospect but at the time it didn’t seem so. Terribly sad, obviously, but it just seemed like an incident to be overcome. Certainly no suggestion that the match be abandoned. Surprised it was as late as 1988 incidentally- I thought it was during our Div 1 period. 

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4 hours ago, phantom said:

I'm sure if any of us witnessed someone getting CPR and all the treatment that goes with trying to save a life we'd all be pretty traumatised. 

The amount of medical paraphernalia that would be all around where they would have been working would need sorting. 

For those asking why now, it's because the protocol of dealing with a category one incident requires immediate medical support, saving the life of someone is much more important than a football match. 

The impact on those surrounding the incident would have been very unpleasant 

I just hope nobody on here has to witness someone trying to be resuscitated as it's a very upsetting and traumatic thing to witness 

I'm very pleased that we now live in a more compassionate society. However, clearly reading some of these comments on this thread there is still a way to go. Some things are bigger than football. If anyone thinks a football game takes priority over a life then they need to give their heads a wobble and hope that they never end up in that situation at a football match. 

I still have bad dreams 20 years after seeing someone become unwell. Its not a nice thing to see. 

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8 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Life defo far more important than a football match..just trying to unpick why our one played through, or did the guidance change again from the 2022 guidance.

See my comment above, regs have changed 

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8 hours ago, Lavington Robin said:

I will catch up with all comments on this later. But after today’s game (debacle) I’ve just had a huge family debate where I said EXACTLY the same but was outnumbered… being a sensitive person I still think like you it’s OTT. Whilst it will affect those directly involved the vast majority won’t have a clue what’s happening. Strange world we now live in 🤷‍♂️

Perhaps next time they just ask those around the incident to leave, that way the rest of the ground can carry on 

You're clearly commenting on someone who has never experienced this or witnessed it 

Additionally I can assure you that it will emotionally impact a lot more people than you realise 

Perhaps have a watch of this posted by a Bolton fan at the game yesterday 


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I guess it all depends on whether the fan died at the match or how long the game was held up for.  Ive read that the match was stopped for approx 30 mins which seems long enough to postpone the game.  Sadly though with all the excess deaths related to heart and circulatory problems it’s becoming a lot more common. 

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14 hours ago, steviestevieneville said:

There was the obligatory marching band walking up & down the pitch . One of them collapsed & died. He got stretchered off , the players came out & played.

That was the league Cup semi final 2nd leg home to Forest. As it was televised, "the show had to go on".

Over 100 years ago a young girl on her way to the game fell in a stream and drowned. The crowd had a whip round for her parents.

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I remember the bandsman before the semi final in 1988, but wasn't there also a member of a band (a guitarist?), performing on the pitch as pre match entertainment in the mid-1970s (just prior to the top flight days?) who died from an electric shock at Ashton Gate? Once again the match went ahead.

I'm assuming that as has been stated by others, that back then anybody suffering cardiac arrest or whatever was mainly stretchered off to hospital where equipment was then used to assist them in the recovery process if possible. Whereas now paramedics are working in the serious instances on the spot rather than wasting valuable time by waiting until the patient arrives in hospital. Thus, it is a far more involved procedure. But, despite that, I am surprised games get postponed unless it's very clear that to take this action will help save the life of the person experiencing the trauma. Maybe it's a mixture of that and the prevailing attitude now for organisations etc not to seem insensitive to situations involving life and death. Bill Shankly wouldn't have agreed with that.


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5 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

So sad. At least he/she went doing something they loved - small consolation I know.

That’s always my sentiment , if I go I want to be either led in the sun abroad  , have a bottle of beer in my hand or watching city , knowing my luck we would have just conceded  in the 91st minute 

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1 hour ago, Super said:

Sadly the fan passed away. So was correct decision 


I really don’t understand the argument here. If your relative was fighting for their life at a game & the emergency services wanted it abandoned, why on earth not?

This person died, a game of football is really not important in the scheme of things & how someone can even question the decision to stop it totally baffles me.

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5 minutes ago, GrahamC said:


I really don’t understand the argument here. If your relative was fighting for their life at a game & the emergency services wanted it abandoned, why on earth not?

This person died, a game of football is really not important in the scheme of things & how someone can even question the decision to stop it totally baffles me.

Swansea at home in October 2022 and pitch invaders to draw attention even ejected iirc? Albeit one let back in. Probably wasn't a life and death 

I agree though football game is nothing vs that.

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1 hour ago, GrahamC said:


I really don’t understand the argument here. If your relative was fighting for their life at a game & the emergency services wanted it abandoned, why on earth not?

This person died, a game of football is really not important in the scheme of things & how someone can even question the decision to stop it totally baffles me.

If I had a heart attack while at a City match, I wouldn’t want the match abandoned.  I’d want people to be able to enjoy something I loved.  Personally I hope my death will inconvenience as few people as possible (unless they’re Tories of course).

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I would think this was all distressing for those involved in trying to save the person and the right decision was made as their role at the game was not possible to fulfil afterwards.

Re the photo, if I was the deceased persons family, I think I would be touched by the number of people who attended to try to help.

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1 hour ago, Iron Acton Red said:

I remember going down the gate against Stoke in our 1st season back in championship under GJ, which we won 1 nil, a screamer from Marv. We were sat near top of Dolman and a poor guy had a heart attack, got taken away and unfortunately died.

Yes, good point.

Very sad as you say poor guy, but it wasn't abandoned?

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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1 hour ago, Iron Acton Red said:

I remember going down the gate against Stoke in our 1st season back in championship under GJ, which we won 1 nil, a screamer from Marv. We were sat near top of Dolman and a poor guy had a heart attack, got taken away and unfortunately died.

Yeah I remember that, pretty sure it was the game that Pulis marched across the pitch at the start lapping up the hate. The poor bloke who passed away wasn’t even that old.

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1 minute ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

Yeah I remember that, pretty sure it was the game that Pulis marched across the pitch at the start lapping up the hate. The poor bloke who passed away wasn’t even that old.

Was he the big lad , and I mean big as in tall and circumference ( no slur meant or intended ) was only about 30 if I got the right chap / game 

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23 hours ago, Frenchay Red said:

Home game v Nottingham Forest for the return leg of the 1988/89 League Cup. It was surreal. The band kept marching while the poor guy was lead on the pitch.

I was just about to mention this very game. I remember it so vividly. One of the band members collapsed and the fans started shouting ‘Bruno Bruno’ as he had been knocked out by Mike Tyson around that time.

They announced at half time that the poor chap had passed away and I saw the body being brought out of the first aid post at the end of the match. It was so sad and has been etched in my mind ever since.

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1 hour ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

If I had a heart attack while at a City match, I wouldn’t want the match abandoned.  I’d want people to be able to enjoy something I loved.  Personally I hope my death will inconvenience as few people as possible (unless they’re Tories of course).

I get what you are saying but a football match isn't important and be replayed. A life can't.

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42 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Yes, good point.

Very sad as you say poor guy, but it wasn't abandoned?

Come on mate you have constantly brought this incident up multiple times since, remember the protocols have changed since 

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1 hour ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

If I had a heart attack while at a City match, I wouldn’t want the match abandoned.  I’d want people to be able to enjoy something I loved.  Personally I hope my death will inconvenience as few people as possible (unless they’re Tories of course).

Does that apply if you were do drop in a busy shopping centre? 

You'd like people just to carry on with their day around you? 

39 minutes ago, redkev said:

Was he the big lad , and I mean big as in tall and circumference ( no slur meant or intended ) was only about 30 if I got the right chap / game 

I was trying to remember the game, I was at the bottom of the Dolman stand as he went past. Very sad day 



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What I'd say here is none of us know the exact circumstances - which won't be the same in all cases. I'm not going to speculate on what the circumstances might have been but I can imagine there might be circumstances where someone is taken ill and can easily be treated unimpeded by a medical team in a way that enables the game to continue and circumstances where someone is taken ill and the medical team not feel they can safely and effectively treat that person to the highest possible standard due to the amount of space available, location of the person, impact on the crowd etc.

Even if people have seen an incident at a football match before - and I feel deeply sorry for anyone who has as it must have been a very traumatic experience - the circumstances may not have been the exact same circumstances of this incident. Without being there, without knowing the exact circumstances and without being a medical professional making an assessment on the ground. I think it is utterly impossible to have an informed view that it was inappropriate or unnecessary to stop the game. 

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16 minutes ago, phantom said:

Does that apply if you were do drop in a busy shopping centre? 

You'd like people just to carry on with their day around you? 

I was trying to remember the game, I was at the bottom of the Dolman stand as he went past. Very sad day 






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31 minutes ago, phantom said:

Come on mate you have constantly brought this incident up multiple times since, remember the protocols have changed since 

Right fair enough, it just seemed a bit off not to stop it in 2022 in the context of fans clearly being unhappy as they were.

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23 hours ago, phantom said:

Does that apply if you were do drop in a busy shopping centre? 

You'd like people just to carry on with their day around you? 

If I was taken ill in a busy shopping centre I’d hope that people would facilitate my treatment, but I wouldn’t expect the shopping centre to be closed after I’d been taken away.

Death is sad, and sometimes tragic, but inevitable for all of us.  However, life goes on…

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I saw an older chap have a heart attack at Twerton, we were shouting for the paramedics while the game went on, he survived and became a good friend who became part of our little home gang when we moved to the Mem, he lived to a ripe old age and we regularly gave stick to about making us miss a part of a game when he had his heart attack. We loved him dearly and I never thought I would be so upset over the death of an 89 year  old man I wasn't related to. Yes, it wasn't good to see a man have a heart attack, but it happens. If I died at a game , there is no way on earth I would want it stopped, unless we were losing of course :) 

In fact I've just changed my mind, I want to die at Ashton Gate while we are losing to you with 5 minutes left, ideally just after I hear the 'match abandoned' announcement over the PA system  :) 


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