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Have People Had Enough

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

It is becoming clear that the majority of fans that would be classed as "regular" suporters in terms of attendance are becoming increasingly disilusioned by the Football club. I think the turnout in the cup shows this.

People saying things like "customer service" did make me chuckle when it is involving a football club, but I'm starting to realise that Bristol City isn't a Football CLUB it is a football BUSINESS and I don't really like it.

I've never been one to care about what my food at football is like, I've not gone expecting a 5 star meal served to me within 2 seconds of wanting it and I certainly don't expect the most friendly and customer focused staff in the world to be serving me.

But lately people have been complaining about the food, the ques and the service. To my knowledge and limited memory it has always beem like this, but storys of food being cold and sold out is disturbing. This clearly isn't good enough, but the BUSINESS say that it can't be helped and things will change. They havn't because so much food is being sold it wouldn't make financial sense to change this.

Then we have the standing issue. Alot of fans like to stand when the game is being played, mainly I would have though 14-25 year old lads. These fans like to sing and create an atmosphere, because to them that is part of football and it a way of expressing themselves and expressing their love for Bristol City Football CLUB. Unfortuantly the BUSINESS doesn't see it this way. Instead of accomodating these fans in an area of the ground where these people can all congeregate, the BUSINESS sends the green jacketed top fella to babysit them for the entire 90 mins, sending in snatch squads for the dreaded "quite chat", meaning ban. Of course to accomodate these 1000 or so lads it would involve the dreaded extra cost. A couple of thousand pound a year at a guess. But the hidden reason? The BUSINESS doesn't want anything though threaten the family face of its image, even though hooligans attached to it still have a reputation as one of the worst of the country. The seemingly harmless sight of thousands in red and white shirts singing songs spells nothing but aggro for the suits.

Then we have the Severnside issue. It's surely obvious now that City fans are opposed to Severnside, but no statement has been made pledging the future to Ashton gate, why? Because the BUSINESS doesn't value the oinks that follow a football club. Only paper money makes sense to it - The promise of massive crowds that will follow the success of playing in a barely populated stadium. Never mind the history and the local community - Projected profits and computer drawings on a shiney new platic stadium are the way forward.

Oh how I wish football was a sporting game again,

Thanks for reading this all the way through if you have. I'll await people ripping in to me, and I know there's no overall point to this post - This is my comment on the feelings of City fans at the moment. I could be wrong, could be on a different planet. But this has given me something to do for the last 20 mins :)

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I have some sympathy with your point Willsbridge, you and I both started watching this club in different times.

I am realistic though and I have to say that at time's I think the club are not ENOUGH of a business.

The reason I say this is that thing's have changed, like it or not this is not the same world we grew up in. The club has to compete with many more distractions for the "leisure Pound", for the amount of money that we spend on going to football now people expect much more than just a game of football.

They have to make rules that seem ridiculous to the normal fan, because they have to broaden the fanbase by keeping as many people happy as possible.

They feel they have to consider moving to a new stadium to try to move forward, it may upset 3000 of their current 8000 hardcore but it may earn them 10-15K new fans.

People have come to expect these things elsewhere, why not football? My wife daughter and I could go to the local cinema for less than the cost of one ticket at the gate, that's the reality that the board are working against.

I don't think this board is realistic enough at time's and if they have a fault they do let their hearts (our hearts :) ) rule their heads.

I don't think it's as black as you paint it, we haven't reached the level of the "prawn sandwich brigade" just yet.

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