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Peacock - Miller

Guest pukka_tukka

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Guest pukka_tukka

i was just thinking...

Miller or Peacock - Who is the better player?

Tricky subject...i have no idea, they are both very similar to me! :)

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The Cock no doubt he has more goals than Miller and you know every time he steps onto the Ashton Gate turf he will give 100% and no less and when you need a special goal Lee P scores it prime examples Hartlepool and Swansea matches, I also find him a good role model as well as he proves that people can change as last season I came on here and his off field activities were talked about more than his on pitch but this year I haven't seen 1 thread on him being over intoxicated (I would use another word but I don't know if it is allowed :Confused13: Lee Miller I think still has his best to show us but Lee Peacock has proved himself as being a prolific scorer of goals, At the end of the season if you were to ask me this question I might think different but that is my opinion at the moment. Why are people continually sla**ing the guy off as well I don't think Lee P deserves this criticism he is getting on here I only hope he does do what he does best Saturday and score some goals and show you what he can really do a hatrick would shut you lot up wouldn't it :P

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Miller is enthusiastic, keen to learn and plays well with his team mates, admirable traits.

When he came the Management team were keen to stress that he was still raw and not the finished article, Lee P should be worried that even allowing for that he doesn't appear to be far behind him.

I think that by the end of the season this won't even be in question.

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The Cock no doubt he has more goals than Miller and you know every time he steps onto the Ashton Gate turf he will give 100% and no less and when you need a special goal Lee P scores it prime examples Hartlepool and Swansea matches, I also find him a good role model as well as he proves that people can change as last season I came on here and his off field activities were talked about more than his on pitch but this year I haven't seen 1 thread on him being over intoxicated (I would use another word but I don't know if it is allowed :Confused13: Lee Miller I think still has his best to show us but Lee Peacock has proved himself as being a prolific scorer of goals, At the end of the season if you were to ask me this question I might think different but that is my opinion at the moment. Why are people continually sla**ing the guy off as well I don't think Lee P deserves this criticism he is getting on here I only hope he does do what he does best Saturday and score some goals and show you what he can really do a hatrick would shut you lot up wouldn't it  :P
Oh god, sorry to say but you would never ever shut some people up on here from slagging him off even if he scored 40 goals and helped us into Divsion one I'm afraid!!!
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Guest redcard
Lee Miller I think still has his best to show us but Lee Peacock has proved himself as being a prolific scorer of goals,

Wouldn't actually call it 'prolific', Miller every time for me. He heads the ball as though he means it, his control is good and he can beat a man with skill. All this beats running around crazy for short periods of the game!!

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No he was talking about Lee Peacock and he's right aswell. 100% is given by him as soon as that City shirt goes on!!!!

In that case - Oh dear. I was rather hoping what we were seeing wasn't his maximum effort, and that maybe we could hope for more from him. If that isn't the case, then that's more worrying, not less so.

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<br /> In that case - Oh dear. I was rather hoping what we were seeing wasn't his maximum effort, and that maybe we could hope for more from him. If that isn't the case, then that's more worrying, not less so.
I guess so, if you look at it that way Edson.... Its a tradegy isnt it really?! Danny Wilson wont let Peacock rest and all that potential going to waste.... dear oh dear.

I say we put that little bit more faith in Wilson and respect his choice of players. And i think we will see more great things from the Peacock/Miller partnership as we did before Robbo stepped in. Id much rather see Roberts on the right, but who knows what the 11 will be on Saturday :Confused13:

I do believe there are some more Peacock 'supporters' here. Infact i think all of you 'loved' him after his cracking start at the beginning. But i guess no-one's ever happy until the blame is pointing at someone or another :Sleep12:

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I think Lee Peacock is a good player and whilst he's on the pitch I do have a level of confidence that he might get us a goal if a good chance or two comes along; more confidence than I have with Christian at the mo and certainly more than if Lita was on the pitch.

That said, I prefer to see the strike partnership of Miller and Roberts as they appear to work well together and also create more space for the team mates.

So I guess my answer has to be Miller, however, I would always have Peacock on the bench and he would often get a run out as he is very good at coming on for the last 20/25 and really chasing down the ball; and it wouldn't always be for Roberts!

I actually think the kind of "super-sub" role might be where he fits best in to our current squad?

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I do believe there are some more Peacock 'supporters' here. Infact i think all of you 'loved' him after his cracking start at the beginning. But i guess no-one's ever happy until the blame is pointing at someone or another  :Sleep12:

Of course we were all pleased when he was doing the business at the start of the season. He's a City player and we want him to do well for as long as that is the case.

However, since then he has regressed to being the overpaid coaster he has been for far too long at this club, content to cruise along in the comfort zone. Come the summer, when his contract expires, we will see just how much Danny Wilson and the board value him. I hope he isn't too shocked when his chickens come home to roost.

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<br /> Of course we were all pleased when he was doing the business at the start of the season. He's a City player and we want him to do well for as long as that is the case.

However, since then he has regressed to being the overpaid coaster he has been for far too long at this club, content to cruise along in the comfort zone. Come the summer, when his contract expires, we will see just how much Danny Wilson and the board value him. I hope he isn't too shocked when his chickens come home to roost.

Oh i know all about that. There are many players out of contract at the end of the season and if the club continue to to lose money at the rate that they are and we dont win promotion, we will more than likely be saying "bye bye" to Matthews and Peacock.

Never fear however, you can have you Robberts and Miller partnership afterall :)

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Guest pukka_tukka
There are many players out of contract at the end of the season and if the club continue to to lose money at the rate that they are and we dont win promotion, we will more than likely be saying "bye bye" to Matthews and Peacock.

......to your heartbreak lucy! :)

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Miller, every time. He's put more effort in since he's been here than LeeP did in his first 2 seasons. We've only seen 'glimpses' of what £600k should buy you in three years, not enough I'm affraid.

Incidently - I don't fancy either of the players and my views are therefore 100% unbiased :wub:

No actually Mr @rse my views are not biased. Well... not totally :wub: I happen to think Miller is a cracker and we have many more things to come from this boy but i want to see Peacock and Miller in a partnership, rather than Roberts and Miller....

The fact that i fancy the pants off him doesnt mean anything and does not influence my views..... much ;):)

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if the club continue to to lose money at the rate that they are and we dont win promotion, we will more than likely be saying "bye bye" to Matthews and Peacock.

Well, there are two outcomes:

1. We don't win promotion, so Lee Peacock leaves for a Tony Thorpe style 'bigger' club or he stays and is paid a fraction of his current wages (or 'what he's worth', to put it another way).

2. We win promotion, which would leave the club pondering if Peacock could cut it in the First Division, which he couldn't, so he'd be allowed to go anyway.

Neither outcome looks particularly rosy for Mr. Peacock, so he might like to consider pulling his finger out in the meantime.

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Guest pukka_tukka
I happen to think Miller is a cracker and we have many more things to come from this boy but i want to see Peacock and Miller in a partnership, rather than Roberts and Miller....

Miller and Peacock....now i don't think that works personally but view's are taken! :)

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<br /> Well, there are two outcomes:

1. We don't win promotion, so Lee Peacock leaves for a Tony Thorpe style 'bigger' club or he stays and is paid a fraction of his current wages (or 'what he's worth', to put it another way).

2. We win promotion, which would leave the club pondering if Peacock could cut it in the First Division, which he couldn't, so he'd be allowed to go anyway.

Neither outcome looks particularly rosy for Mr. Peacock, so he might like to consider pulling his finger out in the meantime.

Why would he leave Tony Thorpe style? I think the club would be wanting to get shot of him so they can cut another big wage out of the book instead of him saying "I'm bigger and better blah blah blady blah" :Sleep12:

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Guest Bootylicious

Miller, no doubt.

His overall play is of a higher standard than Peacock.

His workrate is of a higher standard than Peacock.

He is more confident with the ball at his feet than Peacock.

He is more effficient in the air than Peacock.

He has more potential than Peacock.


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I'm going to go against the flow and say that Peacock is the more naturally talented player.

For all his off-the-field "antics", when he turns it on on the pitch there are few who can live with him. How about the demolition of Reading at the Madjedski in his first season? Set up Thorpe with superb strength, scored a magnificent header and set up Matthews with a sublime back-heel.

If only he had the application or motivation to produce this sort of form on a consistent basis he'd be a top, top player - certainly capable of cutting it in the first division. His form at the start of this season was electric; there was only one man who looked like scoring at all back then.

Since then Miller has come to the fore and unfortunately I haven't seen enough of him to form a judgement but from the games I have seen he looks like a good player but still a bit rough round the edges.

Both are equally capable of bad misses and cracking strikes - and the two of them would be my first choice strike pairing.

Miller's more desirable attitude mean he is the "better" player at the moment but I still believe Peacock is the more naturally talented.

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