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Tinnion divulges info to Ian Gay

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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

Over several seasons I’ve spent hours in his company and he’s definitely his own biggest fan.

What a true meeting of the minds those hours must’ve been. 

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10 hours ago, Corsham Alf said:

Well I don’t want it to be true either but unless my reliable source (do not ask me who) is lying then sadly it’s 150% true 

I think the issue is that unless your reliable source was in the room then the "info" is at best second or third hand.  Which means they either know Ian Gay or knows someone who knows him, which takes the information even further from the source.  Now your source may well be telling the truth as they understand it, but by the time the information has dripped down to them you're in "purple monkey dishwasher" territory.

I guess I'm in the "I highly doubt it to be true but would not be massively surprised if it was" frame of mind.


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1 hour ago, Cov 77 said:

If someone on here said Tinnion was behind the Ukraine war 25% on here would take it as gospel 

Well with the size and firepower of the army at their disposal it should have been a quick and easy win for Russia.  Instead they're no further forward more than 2 years on....I'd say the chance of Tinnion being behind it creeps well above 25%!

10 minutes ago, Bobbie said:

Jeez, some of you need to get a life. Who cares 

Well anyone who cares about the club they support and who take up an awful large part of their lives would care to be honest.  If you don't care to that extent that is completely your prerogative and absolutely not to be criticised - support of a football club is a completely emotional thing and therefore differs from one person to the next with no right or wrong way to feel about it -  but the fact is that many people do care about the image of their club to the outside world.

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9 hours ago, Fuber said:

To be fair to Corsham.

Tinns has already leaked confidential transfer information in his own car crash of a rebutted press conference.

He's invited Ian in twice before, and now Ian has potentially leaked Yu's diagnosis ahead of any announcement by the club (thereby arguably weakening us by giving Hull a clue with regards to selection info.

It's a 2+2 etc situation. Problem is, Tinns track record on said front with regards to what should be confidential is nonexistent.

I’m not for one second suggesting @Corsham Alf is lying, for all we know the OP could’ve been told something by someone who wants Tinnion to fail but it’s a very serious accusation either way.

Tinnion has revealed players we wanted and how close we are but nothing around transfer fees or contracts

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9 hours ago, The Exiled Robin said:

Well, they’re two different roles. If you had not done well at a job would you expect to be stopped from doing a totally different job? 

Yes, Tinnion has absolutely nothing to do with putting a squad of players together now, does he? No input at all. That's all left to Manning. Tinnion has absolutely nothing to do with building a culture or winning mentality at our club, does he? No input at all. That's all left to Manning.

No idea if the OP is sh1tst1rring, but let's have it right - because if we have a half decent season, you can be sure our DoF, TD or whatever he is, will surely want to bask in the reflected glory.

Edited by Merrick's Marvels
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17 minutes ago, Steve Watts said:

I think the issue is that unless your reliable source was in the room then the "info" is at best second or third hand.  Which means they either know Ian Gay or knows someone who knows him, which takes the information even further from the source.  Now your source may well be telling the truth as they understand it, but by the time the information has dripped down to them you're in "purple monkey dishwasher" territory.

I guess I'm in the "I highly doubt it to be true but would not be massively surprised if it was" frame of mind.


What if @Corsham Alfs source of the leak of this meeting is Tinnion himself and in a “Mad Frankie Fraser” style thing he’s inadvertently grassed himself up. He’d be mad as a lorry.

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11 hours ago, Corsham Alf said:

I know we’ve discussed BT in several threads but I heard earlier on that he invited Ian Gay into his office today at our HPC. Why?

He’s the main source of leaks at pretty much every opportunity. His lack of any ability to keep info within 4 walls is staggering. 
I understand today he disclosed Player contract info, transfer fees, player targets offers etc, tactics etc. 

I was always a fan of Tins as a player /academy coach  but I genuinely feel this current role is way beyond his abilities. 

Was he actually invited to meet in his office though?

A couple of people to do with podcasts etc were invited to the HPC yesterday, whenever I go somewhere for a meeting etc if I know someone there I would go over and say "Hello" and that includes sitting in someone's office.

Do you really think if there was a "secret meeting" Ian Gay would drive up from Devon and meet in such a public location? 

I am intrigued how you claim to know what was discussed between them, it reads as if you were unhappy Ian Gay was there, so who else was in that room for you to get this information about what they spoke about?

It's no secret that I am involved with people at Bristol City that share restricted information, so there is nothing special about information being shared, the question is about keeping the things quiet that shouldn't be in the public domain, but also cascading information that is not sensitive.

I don't follow Ian Gay on X to know what he posts, but has he actually written anything that is that sensitive?

To me it seems many people are just bitter that he is being spoken to and they are upset Ian Gay is getting information before them

As above I do get told things from a number of different people, not all at Bristol City, but I am also by no means the only person who receives information that is on this forum.

I know the club have been fully aware of the Tins / IG connection, they haven't taken any action, at the end of the day it is solely down to them if there is a problem or not, as Tins is not only still in his job but still liaising with Ian Gay, the club clearly do not have any problem with the situation, it is just our fanbase

At the end of the day if you don't want to read about Ian Gay BLOCK HIM !!!

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11 minutes ago, Charlie BCFC said:

Tinnion has revealed players we wanted and how close we are but nothing around transfer fees or contracts

Who were the players?

When and where was this shared?

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While this relationship seems a bit odd, I’m not overly concerned that information is flowing out from a variety of sources. Old style, the Club spokesman to Bristol Evening Post journalist has gone. Providing its consistent messages and not contradictory, I see no harm with the Club engaging directly with popular social media platforms through the coaches and management team. 

FBC broadcasts have now become a must-watch. Well-hosted by David, sensible discussion with excellent, knowledgable contributors. It’s brilliant that they are prepared to give up so much of their time and energy to the productions. aThanks to the FBC team, you’re work is greatly appreciated.

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I call BS... Ian may be getting some information from inside, but its not going to be coming from BT, unless he's being fed misinformation/information that and being used as a mouthpiece of sorts... (not that anyone can actually see his X posts as he seems to block everyone anyway). 

I very much doubt that there was a meeting in which he discussed contracts/payments/etc to a relative nobody in terms of the club. Don't believe everything people put on the internet guys... (Other than the world being flat, thats defo real........ 😜

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I can confirm 100% that there were a number of fans at the training ground yesterday. 
They had a chat with Manning and also with the COO Tom Rawcliffe. 

What was discussed is not known to me, but there were definitely a group of fans who had a private chat. Nothing major, or controversial, just a chat. 

I am aware that Ian Gay was definitely there. And he was definitely having a chat with Tinnion. 
Again, what was said in that meeting is completely unknown to me and to the other fans who were there yesterday. So we have no idea if they were talking about transfers, contracts etc unless Gay himself has come out and told someone else. 

So yes - Gay was definitely having a private chat with Tinnion yesterday. 
But what was discussed is complete speculation, unless Gay himself has shared this with someone. 

The club (or at least Tinnion) are clearly happy with him being the unofficial mouthpiece of the club. 
Whether you think that’s right or wrong is entirely everyone’s own opinion. Me personally - it doesn’t bother me. 

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23 minutes ago, Harry said:

The club (or at least Tinnion) are clearly happy with him being the unofficial mouthpiece of the club. 
Whether you think that’s right or wrong is entirely everyone’s own opinion. Me personally - it doesn’t bother me. 

It doesn’t bother me either but rest assured that Ian Gay’s ego will be even more inflated than it already is.

Allowing these ‘inside’ snippets out publicly is a new approach by the club. Previously fans relied on conjecture and rumour with the club remaining tight lipped abut pretty much everything. Maybe “being more open with the fans’ is this way of going about it………:dunno:

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4 minutes ago, Robbored said:

It doesn’t bother me either but rest assured that Ian Gay’s ego will be even more inflated than it already is.

Pardon my language. But it’s ******* tinpot and unprofessional of a Director of an English Championship Football Club to be leaking information to an average football fan of the club. This isn’t your local Conference National South Side.

We are such a shambles of a so called professional football club. I look forward to the day Tinnion and the Lansdowns are gone for good at this club.

Edited by The Coach
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I think the bottom lines around this topic are these:

- Tinnions free to have whatever conversations with whomever he pleases.

- Stuff like injury lengths, transfer offers etc aren’t really a GDPR thing, and the club may even want them leaked in order to give false information on injuries to opponents or pressurise other clubs into deals if we release (through Gay or otherwise) that we have other targets

- Offers for transfers, for avoidance of doubt, aren’t the same as disclosing undisclosed fees - which is a contractual breach

- But back to the plot. The only thing I see causing an issue here is if Tinnion has given details of contracts to Gay and then Gay, in need of Twitter validation, publicises them. For example “I understand we offered Tommy Conway £20k a week, which would have put him £2k above Knights weekly wage”. The issue there is a GDPR one as it releases (in this example) Knights contract and if he doesn’t want it to be so (again, he might for leverage) then the club have a problem there as there’s clear lineaton.

Subtotal here is this - whether you think it’s right or wrong for Tinnion to have spoken to Gay, it’s only an issue if Gay then releases information that the subject it doesn’t want in the open.

But it is also true that both of them are loose lipped seeking validation, and that’s probably not a combination you want discussing sensitive information - if indeed that was the case.


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22 minutes ago, Harry said:

The club (or at least Tinnion) are clearly happy with him being the unofficial mouthpiece of the club. 
Whether you think that’s right or wrong is entirely everyone’s own opinion.

Spot on Harr. 

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11 hours ago, 42nite said:

If so, what has Ian Gay done to be thought of so highly by Tinnion?

Has he ever been part of the Bristol City staff?


I would be very surprised if Ian drives up from Devon just for a bit of information that’s totally useless to him

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11 hours ago, Robbored said:

He used to post on here but fell out with another poster who’s no longer uses otib. He got the hump and left and took up on the now defunct Ziderheads with the modest username of TTO - the trusted one………….:cool2:

He was very active and particularly critical of Nige and I challenged him once or twice and he simply bleated on about  ‘facts’ all completely without context.

Now it seems he spends much of his time on Twitter. Thankfully I’m not on it.

Thank you for the info. I am not on Twitter either. So he is  in the past and gone

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Obviously we all want little nuggets to be leaked, and I always enjoyed hearing from @Kid in the Riot, Gary Johnson's family members and various others.

I can kind of see the logic in using a well known local podcaster as a conduit, so long as, per @Silvio Dante's point, the correct boundaries are in place.

Probably the reason this is such an emotive issue is because Tinnion chose someone that a lot of OTIB users already treated as a pantomime villain.

If Tinnion was leaking to the Supporter's Trust or a trusted local journo, there wouldn't be so much vitriol.

My only snowflakey comment is... whilst we are within our rights to critique and even poke fun at Tinnion and Gay within reason, some of the relentless derogatory stuff on OTIB is a bit much. I have no doubt that they have family members that are reading this thread. 

I'll shut up now!

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1 hour ago, the1stknowle said:

2 = tins said something in on record interview. 

2= person on internet says something pretty vague that is context and substance free, that gets picked up and imbued with a bunch of additional entirely imagined extras and worst possible interpretations. 

Yep. Seems to equal 4 to me. Case closed. 

If it was any person I'd agree, but that isn't the context in this case.

Tinns invited said person espousing what he deems his knowledge or his take on socials with no backing. Only that the latter has a 'source'.

Said person only has any credence due to having previously been taken into HPC for a one on one interview when he's not even a journalist, that didn't need to even technically be conducted in person, at minimum or at least once that we know of, and has since said interview defended the heirarchy to the hilt.

Fact of the matter is - Tinns should only conduct interviews with the press or via fan forums. If he can't even handle the interacting aspect of the role, such as the car crash interview he had where he outed undisclosed transfer information to back his point with regards to Dickie, then he rightly should be questioned with regards to suitability for the role.

The second he invited Ian for a 1-to-1 at the literal HPC with no third person, in a random office room, not even a press area; is stuff that Gould would never, ever, have entertained.

It's, others have outlined, just Amateurish.

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32 minutes ago, The Coach said:

Pardon my language. But it’s ******* tinpot and unprofessional of a Director of an English Championship Football Club to be leaking information to an average football fan of the club. This isn’t your local Conference National South Side.

We are such a shambles of a so called professional football club. I look forward to the day Tinnion and the Lansdowns are gone for good at this club.

So you have decided it's true, well that's that then.......

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36 minutes ago, The Coach said:

Pardon my language. But it’s ******* tinpot and unprofessional of a Director of an English Championship Football Club to be leaking information to an average football fan of the club. This isn’t your local Conference National South Side.

We are such a shambles of a so called professional football club. I look forward to the day Tinnion and the Lansdowns are gone for good at this club.

If you believe that bullshite, you'll believe anything.

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7 minutes ago, Fuber said:

If it was any person I'd agree, but that isn't the context in this case.

Tinns invited said person espousing what he deems his knowledge or his take on socials with no backing. Only that the latter has a 'source'.

Said person only has any credence due to having previously been taken into HPC for a one on one interview when he's not even a journalist, that didn't need to even technically be conducted in person, at minimum or at least once that we know of, and has since said interview defended the heirarchy to the hilt.

Fact of the matter is - Tinns should only conduct interviews with the press or via fan forums. If he can't even handle the interacting aspect of the role, such as the car crash interview he had where he outed undisclosed transfer information to back his point with regards to Dickie, then he rightly should be questioned with regards to suitability for the role.

The second he invited Ian for a 1-to-1 at the literal HPC with no third person, in a random office room, not even a press area; is stuff that Gould would never, ever, have entertained.

It's, others have outlined, just Amateurish.


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So yet again another "great source" at the club who shall remain nameless (to protect their inadequacy presumably) despite talking shite and exaggerating the truth. @Corsham Alf - looks like your mate is a total ******* bullshitter and about 25 people have gone with it hook, line and sinker. Seems to be a real problem atm.

Edited by Numero Uno
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12 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I’m mindful of this snowballing a bit here, and lots of accusations/assumptions being thrown about unnecessarily, so going to stick my head above the parapet for those of us who were there yesterday. 

As Harry mentioned, there was a very informal, no agenda meeting with myself, Paul B, the 3 peaps boys, Dan the Bristol live journo, Dave from FBC and Ian at the HPC yesterday afternoon. We met with Liam, Tom, and Sheridan the new head of comms. It was confirmed to us that the club are happy for it to be known publicly that this meet happened, I.e we can say we were there on the respective podcasts and it’s not some hush hush dirty secret. 

In all honesty, it was an incredibly discursive chat that had no minutes or structure, we were just allowed to chat openly about thoughts/feelings on anything club related, and ask Qs to Liam & Tom and then there were just natural builds and themes that came up. I think they’re very aware that fan & club/manager relationship & engagement needs to be improved, so how can we all collectively get to that point. They put stuff to us too, so was very much a two way thing. 

More informal chat settings is no doubt one of those, as each of our pods have had incredibly enlightening, funny, informative content we’ve been able to share with the wider fanbase with the powers that be as guests. That became (from an osib perspective, anyway) massively gatekept to the max over the last few years, to the point where it felt like not even worth doing, but the hope is with a new team and structure in place that that will ease and that becomes more accessible & frequent to the fans again. 

What was said will stay in the room largely (basically, we’re all grown ups, if stuff comes out it’ll be obvious where it came from, well a 1 in 6 chance anyway!) but tbh there wasn’t anything too mad anyway. 

Liam & Tom were very open and honest about things, as were we, and if anyone has watched any pre season content will see a real shift in Liam. I said even just from the fixture release day content, you can see that he’s almost finally feeling like it’s his club and doesn’t have the shadow of previous regime here him anymore. 

Overall, hopefully this is all pointing toward greater access to seeing the human side of Liam et al on a more regular basis, in a far more relaxed setting that isn’t on radio Bristol or on club socials that everyone will (understandably) moan isnt authentic etc.

Most important takeaway, Liam’s piercing blue eyes. Wowza. You could really swim in them!

Did you follow my advice and take Liam a box of chocs and some flowers? 

That's the only way you'll be going for a swim in those beauties! 

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12 hours ago, Corsham Alf said:

I know we’ve discussed BT in several threads but I heard earlier on that he invited Ian Gay into his office today at our HPC. Why?

He’s the main source of leaks at pretty much every opportunity. His lack of any ability to keep info within 4 walls is staggering. 
I understand today he disclosed Player contract info, transfer fees, player targets offers etc, tactics etc. 

I was always a fan of Tins as a player /academy coach  but I genuinely feel this current role is way beyond his abilities. 

You seem to be the main source of crap, half-baked leaks this summer. Has your amazing source been right on anything? 

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Just now, Mr Popodopolous said:

He does appear to have divulged the date for the Yu injury ahead of the club/ahead of time..unless that was also revealed at the General meeting.

Or that could be misinformation to find a mole who knows.

Or he has taken an educated guess based on information that is available,

a similar injury to Nakhi's last season

Estimate how long he was out for, slight adjustment for age and the kind of treatment he has probably already received. 

Jobs a good 'un.



and others have made similar judgement, their ITK status is variable to say the least.


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5 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Did you follow my advice and take Liam a box of chocs and some flowers? 

That's the only way you'll be going for a swim in those beauties! 

No need, I think we had a genuine soul to soul connection. Was quite beautiful. 

I can’t confirm if Ian did the same for Tinns tho!

Edited by petehinton
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2 minutes ago, The Coach said:

IG has previously been fed info before by BT. My opinion isn’t swayed by this topic.

Plus BT just seemingly disclosing undisclosed fees. That was a huge Red Flag in itself IMO.

(Whether he disclosed those or a third close but no cigar number is also possible).

Sometimes I feel a bit for the flak that JL and BT get on here. Then I snap back and remember why fair chunks are merited!

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1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Plus BT just seemingly disclosing undisclosed fees. That was a huge Red Flag in itself IMO.

(Whether he disclosed those or a third close but no cigar number is also possible).

Sometimes I feel a bit for the flak that JL and BT get on here. Then I snap back and remember why fair chunks are merited!

It’s all merited. Deserve everything they get.

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44 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I’m mindful of this snowballing a bit here, and lots of accusations/assumptions being thrown about unnecessarily, so going to stick my head above the parapet for those of us who were there yesterday. 

As Harry mentioned, there was a very informal, no agenda meeting with myself, Paul B, the 3 peaps boys, Dan the Bristol live journo, Dave from FBC and Ian at the HPC yesterday afternoon. We met with Liam, Tom, and Sheridan the new head of comms. It was confirmed to us that the club are happy for it to be known publicly that this meet happened, I.e we can say we were there on the respective podcasts and it’s not some hush hush dirty secret. 

In all honesty, it was an incredibly discursive chat that had no minutes or structure, we were just allowed to chat openly about thoughts/feelings on anything club related, and ask Qs to Liam & Tom and then there were just natural builds and themes that came up. I think they’re very aware that fan & club/manager relationship & engagement needs to be improved, so how can we all collectively get to that point. They put stuff to us too, so was very much a two way thing. 

More informal chat settings is no doubt one of those, as each of our pods have had incredibly enlightening, funny, informative content we’ve been able to share with the wider fanbase with the powers that be as guests. That became (from an osib perspective, anyway) massively gatekept to the max over the last few years, to the point where it felt like not even worth doing, but the hope is with a new team and structure in place that that will ease and that becomes more accessible & frequent to the fans again. 

What was said will stay in the room largely (basically, we’re all grown ups, if stuff comes out it’ll be obvious where it came from, well a 1 in 6 chance anyway!) but tbh there wasn’t anything too mad anyway. 

Liam & Tom were very open and honest about things, as were we, and if anyone has watched any pre season content will see a real shift in Liam. I said even just from the fixture release day content, you can see that he’s almost finally feeling like it’s his club and doesn’t have the shadow of previous regime here him anymore. 

Overall, hopefully this is all pointing toward greater access to seeing the human side of Liam et al on a more regular basis, in a far more relaxed setting that isn’t on radio Bristol or on club socials that everyone will (understandably) moan isnt authentic etc.

Most important takeaway, Liam’s piercing blue eyes. Wowza. You could really swim in them!

Put a fork in it, this thread is done.

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2 minutes ago, Stortz said:

Put a fork in it, this thread is done.

I can’t really confirm or deny the OP tbh. Just clearing up bits around the meeting that were starting to fizz up.

I Have no idea if those two met separately beforehand. Not really my business either! 

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51 minutes ago, petehinton said:

 I think they’re very aware that fan & club/manager relationship & engagement needs to be improved, so how can we all collectively get to that point.

Was a suggestion made to remove Ian as the unofficial club spokesman? 

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22 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I can’t really confirm or deny the OP tbh. Just clearing up bits around the meeting that were starting to fizz up.

I Have no idea if those two met separately beforehand. Not really my business either! 

Were/are the club going to put something out about this meeting? It only needs a Tweet or social media post saying "Ahead of the new season and as part of our fan engagement programme we welcomed podcasters to the HPC for an informal chat with Liam and Brian. Look out for future episodes!"

Maybe Sheridan could consider it in future to nip rumours like this thread in the bud. This kind of modern fan engagement is a positive thing, whoever is in the room.

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51 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I’m mindful of this snowballing a bit here, and lots of accusations/assumptions being thrown about unnecessarily, so going to stick my head above the parapet for those of us who were there yesterday. 

As Harry mentioned, there was a very informal, no agenda meeting with myself, Paul B, the 3 peaps boys, Dan the Bristol live journo, Dave from FBC and Ian at the HPC yesterday afternoon. We met with Liam, Tom, and Sheridan the new head of comms. It was confirmed to us that the club are happy for it to be known publicly that this meet happened, I.e we can say we were there on the respective podcasts and it’s not some hush hush dirty secret. 

In all honesty, it was an incredibly discursive chat that had no minutes or structure, we were just allowed to chat openly about thoughts/feelings on anything club related, and ask Qs to Liam & Tom and then there were just natural builds and themes that came up. I think they’re very aware that fan & club/manager relationship & engagement needs to be improved, so how can we all collectively get to that point. They put stuff to us too, so was very much a two way thing. 

More informal chat settings is no doubt one of those, as each of our pods have had incredibly enlightening, funny, informative content we’ve been able to share with the wider fanbase with the powers that be as guests. That became (from an osib perspective, anyway) massively gatekept to the max over the last few years, to the point where it felt like not even worth doing, but the hope is with a new team and structure in place that that will ease and that becomes more accessible & frequent to the fans again. 

What was said will stay in the room largely (basically, we’re all grown ups, if stuff comes out it’ll be obvious where it came from, well a 1 in 6 chance anyway!) but tbh there wasn’t anything too mad anyway. 

Liam & Tom were very open and honest about things, as were we, and if anyone has watched any pre season content will see a real shift in Liam. I said even just from the fixture release day content, you can see that he’s almost finally feeling like it’s his club and doesn’t have the shadow of previous regime here him anymore. 

Overall, hopefully this is all pointing toward greater access to seeing the human side of Liam et al on a more regular basis, in a far more relaxed setting that isn’t on radio Bristol or on club socials that everyone will (understandably) moan isnt authentic etc.

Most important takeaway, Liam’s piercing blue eyes. Wowza. You could really swim in them!

Seems like a good thing, to be honest. Only concern is the perception of meddling/influencing how these podcasts present their views/analysis. It's been a criticism aimed at both FBC and 3PIAP in the past...

I think my main view on these sorts of topics is if information is fine to be "leaked" to one then it should be widely available. If it's a secret, it should remain that way. (I had to sign the Official Secrets Act and do yearly "training" banging on about loose lips so I'm probably more suspicious than most!).

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13 hours ago, Corsham Alf said:

I know we’ve discussed BT in several threads but I heard earlier on that he invited Ian Gay into his office today at our HPC. Why?

He’s the main source of leaks at pretty much every opportunity. His lack of any ability to keep info within 4 walls is staggering. 
I understand today he disclosed Player contract info, transfer fees, player targets offers etc, tactics etc. 

I was always a fan of Tins as a player /academy coach  but I genuinely feel this current role is way beyond his abilities. 



Was he entering via the back door though?  

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2 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

Sorry, Charlie do you mean yesterday or previously?


2 hours ago, phantom said:

Who were the players?

When and where was this shared?

On one of the podcasts (probably FBC) he said we were close with a number 7 (Yu was signed a couple of weeks later), obviously stated we wanted a striker (Maylulu then Armstrong) and then we wanted Twine but Burnley didn’t want to make a decision till they sorted the managerial situation out (Parker)


I don’t think it’s anything that wasn’t known, or confidential I was just stating that he’s talked openly but what we want before

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1 hour ago, petehinton said:

I’m mindful of this snowballing a bit here, and lots of accusations/assumptions being thrown about unnecessarily, so going to stick my head above the parapet for those of us who were there yesterday. 

As Harry mentioned, there was a very informal, no agenda meeting with myself, Paul B, the 3 peaps boys, Dan the Bristol live journo, Dave from FBC and Ian at the HPC yesterday afternoon. We met with Liam, Tom, and Sheridan the new head of comms. It was confirmed to us that the club are happy for it to be known publicly that this meet happened, I.e we can say we were there on the respective podcasts and it’s not some hush hush dirty secret. 

In all honesty, it was an incredibly discursive chat that had no minutes or structure, we were just allowed to chat openly about thoughts/feelings on anything club related, and ask Qs to Liam & Tom and then there were just natural builds and themes that came up. I think they’re very aware that fan & club/manager relationship & engagement needs to be improved, so how can we all collectively get to that point. They put stuff to us too, so was very much a two way thing. 

More informal chat settings is no doubt one of those, as each of our pods have had incredibly enlightening, funny, informative content we’ve been able to share with the wider fanbase with the powers that be as guests. That became (from an osib perspective, anyway) massively gatekept to the max over the last few years, to the point where it felt like not even worth doing, but the hope is with a new team and structure in place that that will ease and that becomes more accessible & frequent to the fans again. 

What was said will stay in the room largely (basically, we’re all grown ups, if stuff comes out it’ll be obvious where it came from, well a 1 in 6 chance anyway!) but tbh there wasn’t anything too mad anyway. 

Liam & Tom were very open and honest about things, as were we, and if anyone has watched any pre season content will see a real shift in Liam. I said even just from the fixture release day content, you can see that he’s almost finally feeling like it’s his club and doesn’t have the shadow of previous regime here him anymore. 

Overall, hopefully this is all pointing toward greater access to seeing the human side of Liam et al on a more regular basis, in a far more relaxed setting that isn’t on radio Bristol or on club socials that everyone will (understandably) moan isnt authentic etc.

Most important takeaway, Liam’s piercing blue eyes. Wowza. You could really swim in them!

Thank you for clearing it up @petehinton seems a very good thing for the club to do and a good step in regards to fixing comms (which I think we can agree were pretty poor last season). Seems it was all escalated into a dangerous accusation

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2 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Some clubs have a Fans Forum in August and indeed one later in the Season.

Would this not be a better idea? Getting Podcast Hosts up to the HPC is good on one level but I wonder.

Could do that + The Fans Forum one in August and one in March or similar.

The fan engagement plan says they'll do a home fans forum in October - which is just carrying on the one they've had at the Hen & Chicken in recent seasons. Then an away one in March (so this season that's at one of Millwall, Sheff Utd or Burnley - I'd guess Sheff Utd would be the best choice). That satisfies EFL Regs.

With the other things set out on the Plan there's almost something every month through the season.

Personally I think that's a good level provided each of those things is done well and is effective.

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1 minute ago, ExiledAjax said:

The fan engagement plan says they'll do a home fans forum in October - which is just carrying on the one they've had at the Hen & Chicken in recent seasons. Then an away one in March (so this season that's at one of Millwall, Sheff Utd or Burnley - I'd guess Sheff Utd would be the best choice). That satisfies EFL Regs.

With the other things set out on the Plan there's almost something every month through the season.

Personally I think that's a good level provided each of those things is done well and is effective.

Ah yes that is satisfying of EFL Regs.

I'll read it in depth later but it sounds good..maybe I'm behind the times but I dunno good though the Podcasts are, is this the best approach? On the fence.

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1 hour ago, The Coach said:

IG has previously been fed info before by BT. My opinion isn’t swayed by this topic.

Yes we know that, but do you honestly believe everything that was mentioned in the initial post as being discussed by BT to a fan who posts pretty much everything he's told because he thinks he's so important and needs validation.

Simple yes or no will suffice.

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1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Ah yes that is satisfying of EFL Regs.

I'll read it in depth later but it sounds good..maybe I'm behind the times but I dunno good though the Podcasts are, is this the best approach? On the fence.

It's right to have a varied approach. If all they do is fans fora in Bristol pubs then that only serves one part of the fanbase. 

The podcasts have their own audiences and can potentially reach other fans, particularly those not based on Bristol.

I will always criticise the Club if I feel it is appropriate, but I'll also welcome new ideas, and give them the time to consider if they are effective.

I think the meeting that @petehinton describes sounds really positive - to the point that I think it's odd that the club aren't publicly talking about it (to my knowledge).

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14 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Sack him or Demote him if true.

Back to the Academy, he is grossly unprofessional if this is true.

Why?  Fans have been saying/moaning the club haven’t/don’t give out info on transfers etc.  This way the club can leak snippets to fans without them actually saying it.  An easily deniable source if anyone were to question anything.  The same reason they don’t mind him adding bits or making bits up.


People were crying on here about tinnion revealing dickie transfer fee on radio bristol.  QPR wouldn’t deal with us again as so unprofessional etc.  Well qpr dealt with us this summer for Armstrong transfer, so I dont think they were too worried.

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Just now, ExiledAjax said:

It's right to have a varied approach. If all they do is fans fora in Bristol pubs then that only serves one part of the fanbase. 

The podcasts have their own audiences and can potentially reach other fans, particularly those not based on Bristol.

I will always criticise the Club if I feel it is appropriate, but I'll also welcome new ideas, and give them the time to consider if they are effective.

I think the meeting that @petehinton describes sounds really positive - to the point that I think it's odd that the club aren't publicly talking about it (to my knowledge).

If the Club speak about it, that changes the game.

I agree with the underlying point, I just don't think we have the balance of Comms quite right. Perhaps it will improve although the Memoramdum of Understanding in 2021..Club led or linked to Regulations again?

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Just now, ZiderMeUp said:

Why?  Fans have been saying/moaning the club haven’t/don’t give out info on transfers etc.  This way the club can leak snippets to fans without them actually saying it.  An easily deniable source if anyone were to question anything.  The same reason they don’t mind him adding bits or making bits up.


People were crying on here about tinnion revealing dickie transfer fee on radio bristol.  QPR wouldn’t deal with us again as so unprofessional etc.  Well qpr dealt with us this summer for Armstrong transfer, so I dont think they were too worried.

I'd love to know if QPR know. It was grossly Unprofessional in any event.

Not really..these multi million pound transactions and assets we are talking about here, which other well run clubs are run in that way.

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27 minutes ago, BobBobBobbin said:

Seems like a good thing, to be honest. Only concern is the perception of meddling/influencing how these podcasts present their views/analysis. It's been a criticism aimed at both FBC and 3PIAP in the past...

I think my main view on these sorts of topics is if information is fine to be "leaked" to one then it should be widely available. If it's a secret, it should remain that way. (I had to sign the Official Secrets Act and do yearly "training" banging on about loose lips so I'm probably more suspicious than most!).

Same, I win work from some organisations and have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement when the very first thing I would like to do is announce a new project for a prestigious Client from a marketing point of view. These organisations do not faff around either, they do have people who will check your company social media content and if you've been posting their company names/projects you will not get employed in future.

Too much stuff is coming out of the club that is plain wrong or being spun (yes IG did meet Tinnion but the "so did half a dozen others" bit has been missed out 100% ON PURPOSE to create a false narrative - by either the source or the poster). The new Communications Manager needs to do her job and start looking into the origins of the leaks that have caused a number of stories to be posted on here as fact when, in truth, they are only a partial fact and lacking completely in context. Some will say "it doesn't matter" and it doesn't tbf...........until that crucial piece of information is leaked one day that costs the club dearly.

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24 minutes ago, Charlie BCFC said:

Thank you for clearing it up @petehinton seems a very good thing for the club to do and a good step in regards to fixing comms (which I think we can agree were pretty poor last season). Seems it was all escalated into a dangerous accusation

Or, the first time that most of the people on the meeting had heard this level of info, just that someone already party to it.

Only one person has deemed it necessary to put some of it straight on social media (and I don’t mean Alf on here), having been told not to / be careful with it.

Edited by Davefevs
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12 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

Same, I win work from some organisations and have to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement when the very first thing I would like to do is announce a new project for a prestigious Client from a marketing point of view. These organisations do not faff around either, they do have people who will check your company social media content and if you've been posting their company names/projects you will not get employed in future.

Too much stuff is coming out of the club that is plain wrong or being spun (yes IG did meet Tinnion but the "so did half a dozen others" bit has been missed out 100% ON PURPOSE to create a false narrative - by either the source or the poster). The new Communications Manager needs to do her job and start looking into the origins of the leaks that have caused a number of stories to be posted on here as fact when, in truth, they are only a partial fact and lacking completely in context. Some will say "it doesn't matter" and it doesn't tbf...........until that crucial piece of information is leaked one day that costs the club dearly.

I've signed NDAs at work before. Sure loads have. Surely Tinnion has in such an important position??

It just seems bizarre, I dunno what they are trying to achieve through it one thing let alone Professionalism, dysfunctional etc.

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24 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

It's right to have a varied approach. If all they do is fans fora in Bristol pubs then that only serves one part of the fanbase. 

The podcasts have their own audiences and can potentially reach other fans, particularly those not based on Bristol.

I will always criticise the Club if I feel it is appropriate, but I'll also welcome new ideas, and give them the time to consider if they are effective.

I think the meeting that @petehinton describes sounds really positive - to the point that I think it's odd that the club aren't publicly talking about it (to my knowledge).

Tbh I’d rather they didn’t. Maybe it’s just me, but publicly putting it out there creates a “why are they more of a fan than us” “super fans” “in with the club” shite that I think we could all do without!

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1 minute ago, petehinton said:

Tbh I’d rather they didn’t. Maybe it’s just me, but publicly putting it out there creates a “why are they more of a fan than us” “super fans” “in with the club” shite that I think we could all do without!

Can't fool us, Pete. 

Club stooge. 

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