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Nigel Pearson - Explaining the firing.


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I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

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11 minutes ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

Pathetic and sad.

FFS let it go 

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Thanks for sharing. Nicely put and very compelling. [Genuinely]

Having said that, I still believe the theory that Steve L is a shape-shifting lizard, and that Nige is a wolf-whisperer, and that these creatures are incompatible [not really]

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7 minutes ago, east sussex red said:

FFS let it go 

Yep. It was time to move on as soon as Manning was appointed.

Nige wasn’t the first manager to be sacked without an honest explanation from the hierarchy, nor will he be the last.

We fans just need to get behind Manning as we do with any new manager.

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10 minutes ago, RedRoss said:

Can't wait to see how many posts before.. 

'Crayon boy' is used or

'Teknical director'

Or discussion turns to 'we should just move on from Twine' and 'need to sell Conway ASAP' 

By your comment, I make it about 7.

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5 hours ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.


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4 hours ago, Robbored said:

Yep. It was time to move on as soon as Manning was appointed.

Nige wasn’t the first manager to be sacked without an honest explanation from the hierarchy, nor will he be the last.

We fans just need to get behind Manning as we do with any new manager.

The supporters have got behind Mr Manning. Season ticket sales underpin that. 

The bloke himself must think. If I get an offer I’m off. Dave P implied that the other day, with the Manning could be in the premier league before Bristol City and he was asked up to the HPC allegedly!

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4 hours ago, Robbored said:

Yep. It was time to move on as soon as Manning was appointed.

Nige wasn’t the first manager to be sacked without an honest explanation from the hierarchy, nor will he be the last.

We fans just need to get behind Manning as we do with any new manager.

I get what you're saying but I've done that my whole life and now have adult children and I'm yet to see us play in the Premier League whilst teams that looked more likely to fall out of the league system have been there and done it. 

At some point you have to stop accepting mediocrity and stand up to the board if you want actual change. We'll never do that because our fan base is about as cohesive as oil and water and for that reason I've come to accept we're probably never going to go much higher than where we are now. 

I'm sure Liam is a nice guy, he certainly likes to talk and comes across as convincing but I don't see him being the man to really push us forward. If anything I see him like an enthusiastic Football Manager player who writes down loads of notes, spends endless time coming up with new and better ways to do things but at the end of the day he ends midtable whilst a more experienced player who is tried and tested and just gets on with what he knows best goes on to get promotion. 

If we're honest with ourselves we're no better off than we were last season, we may have more depth but the quality has not improved and we're most likely going to finish mid table. Lansdown and Co have done amazing things for this club, but they're also the very thing holding this club back. 


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5 hours ago, Prinny said:

 Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.


it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.

Couple of observations. 

I have no idea if its true or not about Pearson only wanting Brits. However as Pearson was brought in to build a culture then it would totally make sense to bring in Brits to build that culture rather than bringing in overseas players who'd need need to adjust and to be integrated. Pearson commented on the fact we didn't have the dressing room to support loan signings so it wouldn't be too much of a reach to suggest he probably didn't think we had a dressing room to support someone like Yu. 

Manning spoke about how players are helping Yu to settle in etc. Thats a legacy of the culture Pearson brought into the club. 

Pearson brought in the likes of Dickie, James, King, Knight (although Irish but developed in UK) Naismith, Cornick, McCrorie, Atkinson and Sykes. All players that you'd consider to be leaders. 

Pearson showed at other clubs he was happy to purchase players from overseas. Mahrez for example. 

Currently we have quite a few players out injured before a ball has even been kicked. Those injury problems are still present. 

As for Manning being a hard worker. Well so was Lee Johnson and Dean Holden. You could simply replace Liam Mannings name with Lee Johnson in what you wrote so I'm not sure it is a complete breath of fresh air. Just a return to the previous.

As for him not holding grudges? Hmm not sure Tommy Conway would agree. Wasn't there a player at Oxford he froze out too? 

Lee Johnson and Dean Holden were tryers. Can't fault them at all for that but ultimately they were not good enough. Maybe Manning will be different. We'll soon find out. 

On your final point of course people find it more enjoyable. We have people employed at the club who probably shouldn't be so for them to not be challenged is of course going to be more enjoyable for them. 

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You're claiming that a man (SL) who built a multi-million pound organisation from scratch, employed hundreds, etc., would have a problem with someone who can lead and delegate? Literally two of the key skills for a successful head of an organisation? 

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27 minutes ago, SecretSam said:

You're claiming that a man (SL) who built a multi-million pound organisation from scratch, employed hundreds, etc., would have a problem with someone who can lead and delegate? Literally two of the key skills for a successful head of an organisation? 

I suspect his problem was being told how to run it successfully 

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15 minutes ago, bpexile said:

I suspect his problem was being told how to run it successfully 


I took a job once with a small company, working directly for the owner. I had about 20 years experience in my field at the time.

After a few days it was clear the place wasn't running properly, some of it was just basic obvious stuff but there was an embedded culture and way of working that came straight from the top.

I had a meeting with the boss after my first week and I professionally fed back my thoughts on what I was seeing.

Come the following Monday we had another chat and it was clear his ego had taken a hit and he let me go there and then saying I wouldn't fit in and things wouldn't work going forwards.

Owners can be odd folk and quite possessive over what they have built.

The whole Nige thing has never surprised me.


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10 hours ago, Prinny said:

They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring.

But spiteful enough to dig up the partially buried hares and set them a-running 72 hours before a new season. 
I’ve moved on but I’m really not sure if you have. Perhaps you’ve moved out and not flushed!!

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4 minutes ago, stortfordred said:

But spiteful enough to dig up the partially buried hares and set them a-running 72 hours before a new season. 
I’ve moved on but I’m really not sure if you have. Perhaps you’ve moved out and not flushed!!

Still have plenty of shit left.

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29 minutes ago, bpexile said:

I suspect his problem was being told how to run it successfully 

SL seems to have a very different approach and philosophy to running City than HL. No way would incompetent and inexperienced senior execs be appointed to lead HL- Jon certainly didn’t get such a position there.
A straight talking leader with a vision like Pearson would probably have been highly valued in the stockbroking game certainly in the short term for turning round an underperforming and a struggling business .  Maybe SL saw him as a troubleshooter and once he’d fixed the mess, got rid! 

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10 hours ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

If you try translate feelings into facts its Narcissism. Doesn't matter if it's overt or covert, it is still the same thing.

As long as egos are driving the agenda then we'll continue to go round and round in circles.

I felt we were moving in the right direction under difficult circumstances with a firm but fair manager who was respected by his staff and players and it was trashed by big babies. Whilst appreciative of the investment that has gone into the club it really does need proper football people to get it to the next level. 'Enjoying their investment' has become the problem (in my opinion).

Whilst I pray for change at the top it has to be the right sort of change for the good of the club.

In the meantime I always hope the team does well and want Liam to succeed, but my passion has gone these days. It's all a bit MEH and I don't lose any sleep over it.

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24 minutes ago, Gazred said:


I took a job once with a small company, working directly for the owner. I had about 20 years experience in my field at the time.

After a few days it was clear the place wasn't running properly, some of it was just basic obvious stuff but there was an embedded culture and way of working that came straight from the top.

I had a meeting with the boss after my first week and I professionally fed back my thoughts on what I was seeing.

Come the following Monday we had another chat and it was clear his ego had taken a hit and he let me go there and then saying I wouldn't fit in and things wouldn't work going forwards.

Owners can be odd folk and quite possessive over what they have built.

The whole Nige thing has never surprised me.


You are right. The problem with established companies is that they adhere to what has worked to get them that far often without realising that they need to evolve with the times  to avoid falling behind. 

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11 hours ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

Think that was everything we knew or suspected already. 

One of my very own life lessons is apt to the situation. I learnt (too) late in my own managerial career, results-wise, smart people will usually out-perform hard workers. I know Nige was smart. I know Liam works hard. 

I miss Nige and believe he would have delivered. But as ever, I continue my support Bristol City, The Lansdown’s and think Liam could come up trumps.

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2 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

So, in short, Pearson doesn’t suffer fools gladly. 
IMHO, He became too powerful. ‘ It’s my club’ - S.Lansdown. 

He told too many home truths and upset the cosy club ambiance which threatened the owner. 
He had health problems which potentially meant that he couldn’t be relied upon. 


I quite like the theory that he was so good at delegating the place ran so well without him when he was not around for 7/8 weeks, that the hierarchy decided to make that a permanent feature. 

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1 minute ago, RedRock said:

Think that was everything we knew or suspected already. 

One of my very own life lessons is apt to the situation. I learnt (too) late in my own managerial career, results-wise, smart people will usually out-perform hard workers. I know Nige was smart. I know Liam works hard. 

I miss Nige and believe he would have delivered. But as ever, I continue my support Bristol City, The Lansdown’s and think Liam could come up trumps.


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11 hours ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

Thanks for that but is there really anything in this piece that we didn't know / hadn't guessed already.

"Its my club, my money."

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12 minutes ago, RedRock said:

Think that was everything we knew or suspected already. 

One of my very own life lessons is apt to the situation. I learnt (too) late in my own managerial career, results-wise, smart people will usually out-perform hard workers. I know Nige was smart. I know Liam works hard. 

I miss Nige and believe he would have delivered. But as ever, I continue my support Bristol City, The Lansdown’s and think Liam could come up trumps.

I have learnt the same career lessons as you pal. Work smart, not hard and success is a good work / life balance 👍🏻

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At the end of the day Pearson has gone and as much as people won’t admit it they’re still not over it. I liked Pearson a lot, and no one can deny that he stabilised the club after a disastrous covid season that set us back years and I was annoyed at the time when he went. But I like Manning and feel like he can help realise potential and already in the videos in pre season he’s come out of his shell a lot more 

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13 minutes ago, The chief said:

  Maybe SL saw him as a troubleshooter and once he’d fixed the mess, got rid! 

Exactly this

Posted similar back at the time, NP was being seen less and less around the HPC which was detailed and commented on prior to the sacking, you then start to question why am I paying this guy a massive salary and the message it sends to everyone else. Nige came in did a fantastic job of sorting the club, finances and culture out, but you then have to decide do you stick or twist. Nige was a manager who was not out on the grass, so once he has it operating nicely, has he worked himself out of a job, add to this he was struggling for some time with illness that looked likely to continue for an indefinite period.

Nige also to a degree forced the sacking, he was the one who put it out in the open about his contract renewal, and in effect said back me or sack me. As Nige alluded in his last interview about making sure you have a watertight exit from the club when you join, he knew he was going to get a very handsome payoff which left him time to recover without the stress of being a manager, so whilst I know does not play well on here, I think Nige was happy to go once he knew he was not getting a new contract.

Nige will always be one of my favourite managers and grateful for what he did, only time will tell if LM is the right man, I was very dubious at first but have warmed to him and want him to succeed.

Don't go along with all the SL did not like being told how to run the club, the one thing that Nige was excellent at was being thoughtful and clever in what he said and the way he said it, so would be wise enough to tailor his message to make his point and get his way.

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5 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

Couple of observations. 

I have no idea if its true or not about Pearson only wanting Brits. However as Pearson was brought in to build a culture then it would totally make sense to bring in Brits to build that culture rather than bringing in overseas players who'd need need to adjust and to be integrated. Pearson commented on the fact we didn't have the dressing room to support loan signings so it wouldn't be too much of a reach to suggest he probably didn't think we had a dressing room to support someone like Yu. 

Manning spoke about how players are helping Yu to settle in etc. Thats a legacy of the culture Pearson brought into the club. 

Pearson brought in the likes of Dickie, James, King, Knight (although Irish but developed in UK) Naismith, Cornick, McCrorie, Atkinson and Sykes. All players that you'd consider to be leaders. 

Pearson showed at other clubs he was happy to purchase players from overseas. Mahrez for example. 

Currently we have quite a few players out injured before a ball has even been kicked. Those injury problems are still present. 

As for Manning being a hard worker. Well so was Lee Johnson and Dean Holden. You could simply replace Liam Mannings name with Lee Johnson in what you wrote so I'm not sure it is a complete breath of fresh air. Just a return to the previous. The fresh air simile is about having once had the thing, it's nice to return to it! And obviously I'm talking work atmosphere not quality of management!

As for him not holding grudges? Hmm not sure Tommy Conway would agree. Wasn't there a player at Oxford he froze out too? 

Lee Johnson and Dean Holden were tryers. Can't fault them at all for that but ultimately they were not good enough. Maybe Manning will be different. We'll soon find out. 

On your final point of course people find it more enjoyable. We have people employed at the club who probably shouldn't be so for them to not be challenged is of course going to be more enjoyable for them. YEP!

Let me clear up a couple of misconceptions which make you more right actually.

It's not about only wanting Brits it's about wanting players who have played here to reduce risk of cultural/settling/language problems. Perfectly reasonable IMO. Right he has experience of these players so he knows there are risks. And about not suffering fools gladly, he trusted the person who recommended Mahrez. Is it unreasonable to only trust people you deem competent? I don't think so. But it's perceived as not utilising all the assets and not being collaborative. Not giving out information allows people to make conclusions on their own. It allows people with bad intentions to fill in the gaps. Sport = politics. And Pearson was not playing that game.

Tommy is... a collaborative business decision. It's value for money. It's a football decision which is explained with words like profile. It's about creating a positive atmosphere filled with people who are happy to be here. What's happening is aligned with the way the club wants to be run. Now is it correct? Completely different matter. 

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27 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

I quite like the theory that he was so good at delegating the place ran so well without him when he was not around for 7/8 weeks, that the hierarchy decided to make that a permanent feature. 

Doesn't explain why Curtis, Jason and Rennie were sacked though does it.

And at first opportunity King and James jettisoned.

Edited by Sir Geoff
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11 hours ago, Prinny said:

I'm going to try to explain the Nigel Pearson firing. The motivation is to completely close the chapter on him by revealing information. Some people inside the club think you are owed an explanation and hope that this helps get you behind what is going on now. After the sacking of Nigel Pearson I waited a while then hit up some people who introduced me to some other people, who agreed that after a while they'd talk to me about the subject as long as it was all kept anonymous and I waited for an agreed amount of time to obfuscate any connections to them. Just assume I'm lying and this is a work of fiction. I'm not on the inside or in the know or even "ITK" about anything else. I don't have relationships with these people, it's a one time thing Bill Clinton style. I'd rather my non existent reputation was damaged over my "sauces" so they won't be revealed but they are many.

I wanted to understand the reasons, the real reasons Pearson was sacked. No one believes the result and table nonsense, and I hate being lied to. Enough to try and uncover the truth. I don't follow the team anymore (or try not to as old habits die hard) but I did check in after Pearson was fired to see the reactions.  I've no reason to love either the Lansdowns or Pearson. They're both the reason I've mostly stopped caring. I am helpfully Autistic and OCD so this is why I did this even while I feel it's not my club anymore. Or not the club for me to be less possessive over it. 

I don't like lies, but I understand why they did it. They got caught in a trap, and the only way out was to put out the results lie hoping you'd buy it. I agree that it doesn't read well and that some people would not accept or understand. I don't believe the majority of fans are stupid and while they may disagree, being honest about the reasons would've really helped. Helped the fans that is. I think it would be good for the fans if the "truth" was out in the open. It's not good for Pearson or the Lansdowns or BCFC hence the NDA! And for the real journalists if there are any left, it's shut up and don't poke around or you'll lose the small crumbs of access. Here's some early transfer news and be grateful!

The actual reasons for the firing, well some of them make the Board look weak and foolish, while some of them are legitimate concerns. They're all kinds of muddled and interconnected. I'm no story teller so excuse the writing as I try to take you behind the scenes and into the minds of the various people at the club. I'm giving you second and third hand stories and employees opinions on what they thought and what they thought other people were thinking. I obviously was not there.

BCFC is a combined toy and legacy project for Steven Lansdown and it doing well under Jon it makes him look good and shows his value to the world. When you are old you start to think about legacy, about what you're leaving behind, and a pile of money isn't enough. He's concerned for his son. He wants he and his family to be remembered for doing good. Projects in Africa and the Isles and leaving the city of Bristol with his stamp on it. It's a combination of vanity and a genuine desire to do good and who's to say how much of each makes up the full part? And Steve and his son want to enjoy themselves as they do this. And there lies the big problem which makes them look bad and weak. Pearson is an adult man who does not suffer fools. He creates a daunting atmosphere to walk into if he does not like you or does not respect you. Do you really think he and Jon would get on? Jon's nice but nervous and struggles to look you in the eyes.

The Lansdowns want to walk into the building have nice conversations with people, go anywhere and everywhere they want (it's their money after all) and enjoy being part of a team that is all pulling together in the spirit of jolly cooperation. They want a collaborative company. They want to feel that the money is being well spent. That's the attitude at the top of the club. Ok they know that spending money on a football club is not spending it well but it can at least be fun, and Pearson did not make it fun for them.

But it's not just the Lansdowns that Pearson was problematic for. Pearson is a delegator, a manager. He is the manager and so the coaches, coach the team. You are the strength and conditioning department, why are my players not fit? Ok you suggest this, you're the expert, we'll do this. To the transfer team, you find me players under these conditions (e.g. played in Britain) with these criteria and we'll go from there. Of course publicly he took responsibility, but inside he holds people accountable (which is good!) for doing their jobs. Weak people don't like being held accountable though and there are some at the club. He ensures others do their jobs. He's hard but fair. He doesn't like wasting his time with idiots and idiotic questions. Fair enough. 

Talking about his time. If you were the owner of the club, you would walk in there and he would be doing... well if he delegates everything what IS he doing? Chatting to the female teams manager? Having a cup of tea? You might question to yourself... what ARE WE paying him for? Once he got everything working what does a delegator do? Well you paid him to keep us up and we're grateful but it's getting boring now. It's not pleasant and your problems are growing beyond your worth to us. We're in a position where we're not vulnerable, so why aren't you changing? I put the money in, show me some respect. But money doesn't buy you respect. We all know that.

Not only that, what are we paying this transfer department for? If they scout all over the world and the manager is refusing to include a lot of these players because of his set criteria then are we getting value for money from these people? Are we hurting ourselves in the transfer market? He goes and they sign a player playing in Austria and Japan... but don't draw connections where there aren't any.

If we are having serious player fitness issues why are the players having so many days off? No other club is acting like this, this has never happened before! What are we spending all this money on a training complex for if it's to have the players not train? Why do we have so many injuries when we're putting so much into medical, strength and conditioning? This doesn't seem like value for money.

Now if you don't go often and don't like being there, and can't get the answers you want, you need someone at the club to tell you these things. To help bring you to the conclusion that it's really for the best if Pearson goes. Someone who you trust and has been there a long time and tells you they and you have done a really good job. Can you think of anyone at the club like that?

The board also want people who love working. They want people who are obsessed by the game, are workaholics to the extreme. If your motto is "LIVE TO WORK" (Johnson, Holden, Manning) rather than "WORK TO LIVE" (Pearson) you'll fit in fine.

If you ask Manning what he's up to, first you have to find him on the field (not in the canteen...) then he can give you reports of everything going on, and details of exactly what he's doing for the next few weeks. He's actively working with every player, trying to improve them and he LOOKS BUSY which makes it easier to understand for a non football person that he is busy. He talks openly and honestly about anything and he works himself to the point of exhaustion. It's a complete breath of fresh air. He knows and will communicate why he's doing what he's doing. He's value for money! This is good and everyone likes him outside of normal you're not picking me stuff. But even then he'll take time to explain why and help you to help yourself to get better. He doesn't hold grudges which is a nice change.

Whether any of this helps long term is ... well, they're hopeful that it does, it won't be for the lack of trying if it doesn't and it's much more enjoyable for the most of the people working hard there now than it was before.


The board lied about firing Pearson over results and you didn't need me to tell you that. Opinion of course!
The actual reasons are making sure they're getting everything out of the money they're spending as detailed above head coach, coaches, training, fitness, medical, transfers etc and because they're putting massive amounts of money in, they want to enjoy it. Which neither thing they can really say, hence saying it was over results because they have to say something and not get sued.

Don't be shocked if there's a denial by multiple proxies I was told. I would just say, think about what I've written in this work of fiction and if it lines up, and think about what other people say and if that is always correct and make your own mind up. I hope like for me this makes things less confusing despite the confusing style, which is why I shared. Enjoy the season.

Considering Nigel signed an NDA when he left I think it is safe to say that none of this is fact and just another set of someone's opinions

I have no idea after all this time why the need to post this now though?

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58 minutes ago, phantom said:

Considering Nigel signed an NDA when he left I think it is safe to say that none of this is fact and just another set of someone's opinions

I have no idea after all this time why the need to post this now though?

A couple of days before the first match of the season ?

Obviously not with good intent.

Its just a word salad and another topic going on ignore.

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7 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

As for him not holding grudges? Hmm not sure Tommy Conway would agree. Wasn't there a player at Oxford he froze out too? 

Lee Johnson and Dean Holden were tryers. Can't fault them at all for that but ultimately they were not good enough. Maybe Manning will be different. We'll soon find out. 

First sentence - Manning isn’t holding a grudge against Conway. He’s doing what plenty of managers do with a player who can’t be included in any plans without commitment to the club. 
If Manning did freeze out a player at Oxford it’s probably for the same reason.

Second sentence - Neither LJ or Holden had Championship managerial quality. Sure, they both tried but simply didn’t have the leadership skills needed to take City forward. LJ can be criticised though - he was theoretically sound but full of hot air and waffle. Football matches are not won by theory alone.

Edited by Robbored
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1 hour ago, Charlie BCFC said:

At the end of the day Pearson has gone and as much as people won’t admit it they’re still not over it. 

I'm not "over" the calamity that was 1980 - 1983. Only way I'll get close to "over" that is if we manage promotion from this division. Loads of blokes on here still not "over" Trumpton May 1990 (I am meself, took some work mind); loads of ancient G4s not over their failure to make the old 1st Division when they had their one decent team in the late 50s, and then our subsequent ascent in 1976. They will never get over this.

Football's full of grizzly old blokes harbouring decades old grudges, it's part of the fuel that oils the cogs that keeps the football wheel turning. Just get over it, mate, and move on.

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It's only fair that NP does get acknowledged well and for some time IMO. He did something bit many do or him and Gould for the most part plus his team of course.

*Cut the Wage Bill.

*Promoted Youth.

*Improved the culture 

*Helped to create value in the squad which was so important from early 2022 onwards say..

Laat time we rebuilt in a similar scenario it was in the 3rd Tier. This squad, culture and cost base actually improved in the process of doing so. Probably not only time in our history right where we rebuilt in the 3rd Tier.

It wasn't solely NP but him and his team and Gould deserve to be spoken about highly for a long time.

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4 hours ago, GrahamC said:

Absolutely so.

You are assuming he operates in football the way he does in business, our mediocrity shows he clearly doesn’t.

I have moved on from Nige now (still grateful for what he did) but Lansdown has struggled consistently with leaders in that role since GJ left.

Cotterill was exactly the same.

It's painfully clear. And so he indulges his son and their favourite. To the detriment of everything.

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4 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

I quite like the theory that he was so good at delegating the place ran so well without him when he was not around for 7/8 weeks, that the hierarchy decided to make that a permanent feature. 

I’d like it more if they didn’t throw everything in the bin. Nope, it can’t be the theory you like 

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nothing matters now,what happened,happened,.

time to get behind Liam and the team. 

i will watch plenty on sky and get to the odd away game but more looking forward to visiting a few grounds watching other teams play the game

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5 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

I quite like the theory that he was so good at delegating the place ran so well without him when he was not around for 7/8 weeks, that the hierarchy decided to make that a permanent feature. 

A good theory that makes some sense that........if you allow the existing staff to carry on running the show (so well as you put it). However the circus upstairs started making wholesale changes and we were an absolute joke on and off the pitch for literally months so that's totally ****** your theory then........................some of us haven't forgotten 13 points in 17 games (apologies if it was 15 or 16 but the principle is the same) completely derailing our season even if a lot of you have have genuinely forgotten that happened.


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5 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

nothing matters now,what happened,happened,.

time to get behind Liam and the team. 

i will watch plenty on sky and get to the odd away game but more looking forward to visiting a few grounds watching other teams play the game

Depending on what he produces now I am slowly warming to Liam and he is indeed, along with Chris Hogg, someone I think I can get behind. As I say, dependent on performances and results though (like all managers). That's as high as it goes though, in terms of warming to the management of our club, for me!!

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4 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

I quite like the theory that he was so good at delegating the place ran so well without him when he was not around for 7/8 weeks, that the hierarchy decided to make that a permanent feature. 

If that were the case it would irrefutable proof that the people who made the decisions are imbeciles.

The ability to manage people without putting yourself front and centre and to ensure things run well without you is the clearest sign you can get that someone is excellent at their job.

I play cricket for a social side. The captain isn't the best player but gets the best out of every player often to his own detriment.  Take him away then things slip. You see more selfish behaviours, people become more focused on their personal performance rather than being a good team member. It's quite subtle but very real.  

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I just hope the crowds at Ashton Gate can put these ifs, buts, maybes and gripes to one side for a couple of months and get behind the players. If we play our part, it'll make a big difference. Our away following obviously do that anyway.

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I asked Gemini AI to summarise the OP post. Here we go:

Nigel Pearson's dismissal from Bristol City was not solely due to performance but rather a complex interplay of factors. The club's ownership sought a more collaborative and enjoyable work environment, clashing with Pearson's demanding management style. Additionally, questions arose about the efficiency of the coaching and support staff, leading to concerns about value for money and the club's overall direction.

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1 minute ago, White Stripe said:

I asked Gemini AI to summarise the OP post. Here we go:

Nigel Pearson's dismissal from Bristol City was not solely due to performance but rather a complex interplay of factors. The club's ownership sought a more collaborative and enjoyable work environment, clashing with Pearson's demanding management style. Additionally, questions arose about the efficiency of the coaching and support staff, leading to concerns about value for money and the club's overall direction.

@mods when can you build Gemini into this platform for this reason 😂

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16 hours ago, RedRoss said:

Can't wait to see how many posts before.. 

'Crayon boy' is used or

'Teknical director'

Or discussion turns to 'we should just move on from Twine' and 'need to sell Conway ASAP' 

Crayon boy?  I think you'll find the word used to describe the holder of said crayons is Maverick.

Anyway, the Teknical director has managed to rid himself of Nasty Nige, so can get on with the job at hand, which is selling Conway asap and moving on from Twine....

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5 hours ago, Gert Mare said:

I have learnt the same career lessons as you pal. Work smart, not hard and success is a good work / life balance 👍🏻

My experiences were of people who could talk the talk but were useless outside the meeting rooms. Nevertheless it was them that got promoted

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6 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:

Steve and Jon just want to be loved. They've paid for that love they crave. Pearson didn't love them.

Nige and I have something in common then, and that’s putting it mildly. 

We will never achieve anything under the Lansdowns IMO. The shackles will remain, and will continue to be, on for as long as they are here. 

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not wishing to add fuel to the fire (he says, adding on the fuel), I happen to like SL/JL/NP and now I quite like LM.... so no real agenda here, but my understanding was the "results" etc reasons that were given was the normal stuff all companies and footy clubs occasionally have to say publically for legal and "face saving" reasons. The OP is almost certainly right about there being tension and SL making it hard for the owners to really enjoy the club and getting something back from their vast investment in it. What is not mentioned is his very obvoius health issues that have continues since he left. If I owned any multi million pound business or organisation, I would not want its leader to be having long term health issues that impacted his abilty to do the job...

NP did a great job in lots of ways, was a good man and if healthy and active I would have wanted him to stay, Footballing wise we were still "meh" at the point he left. so it was probably a combo of relationship breakdown, "meh" football and results and his health, that made the decision. not any single issue. He would have probably stayed until the end of the season / contract, but he agitated for a new deal and that brought it forward.

Edited by brady bunch
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3 minutes ago, brady bunch said:

not wishing to add fuel to the fire (he says, adding on the fuel), I happen to like SL/JL/Np and now I quite like LM.... so no real agenda here, but my understanding was the "results" etc reasons that were given was the normal stuff all companies and footy clubs occasionally have to say publically for legal and "face saving" reasons. The OP is almost certainly right about there being tension and SL making it hard for the owners to really enjoy the club and getting something back from they vast investment in it. What is not mentioned is his very obvoius health issues that have continues since he left. If I owned any multi million pound business or organisation, I would not want its leader to be having long term health issues that impacted his abilty to do the job... NP did a great job in lots of ways, was a good man and if healthy and active I would have wanted him to stay, Footballing wise we were still "meh" at the point he left. so it was probably a combo of relationship beakdown, "meh" football and results and his healthy, that made the decision. not any single issue. He would have probably stayed until the end of the season / contract, but he agitated for a new deal and that brought it forward.

So now we have a healthy manager who's football is worse than "meh." 

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2 minutes ago, Sir Geoff said:

So now we have a healthy manager who's football is worse than "meh." 

A statement I find it very hard to argue with! If it goes pointlessly sideways and backwards over and over again, as it did at times last season under LM I am going to mightly pipped off.... I just did not really enjoy NP's foot either.

here's wishing for Joe Jordan (1st time around), John Ward / GJ or Cotts, that was the times I enjoyed the best (winning times helped!)

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Was the football meh?

Debatable IMO. The squad deemed to still be in the process of evolving and losing Scott in August and compensating with 2-3 signings to bolster the squad as a whole- TGH, creator, maybe even another depth striker and GK to push O'Leary, ship out one if Bajic or Thomas.

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21 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Was the football meh?

Debatable IMO. The squad deemed to still be in the process of evolving and losing Scott in August and compensating with 2-3 signings to bolster the squad as a whole- TGH, creator, maybe even another depth striker and GK to push O'Leary, ship out one if Bajic or Thomas.

No, but didnt want to start that argument again. Hull away, Swansea away, Plymouth home to name 3. Even Cardiff away was 100 per cent effort and anything but meh.

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1 hour ago, Midred said:

My experiences were of people who could talk the talk but were useless outside the meeting rooms. Nevertheless it was them that got promoted 

That says it all about the strength of the people at the top. 

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4 minutes ago, MythikRobins said:

The season needs to start ASAP, whilst I'm on the side that this is probably true, I feel like 99% of this was discernible within like a month of the sacking.


Let's hope it begins well or steadily at least, or I expect discourse will be recurring.

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8 hours ago, Charlie BCFC said:

At the end of the day Pearson has gone and as much as people won’t admit it they’re still not over it. 

I’ll happily admit it, I’m not over it. 

Awful decision that’s not looking any better 10 months on. Willing to give Liam a clean slate as the season starts, but everyone above him, nah, nothing but contempt. 

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