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More on Car Park Closing Times

Bob Binalong


Thanks for the response from Dave Storr.  However simply to say  ".....normally we lock them an hour after the game has finished." suggests the Dave is unaware of the T&Cs.   Just to say "normally" is no guarantee. It could mean that you might lock the gates ten minutes after the game has finished.  The two security guards on the gate on 17 August gave me a similar answer to Dave.
I would like an assurance from the club that:
  • They will abide by the T&Cs published on 19 July
  • Dave Storr will be made aware of, and agree to abide by,  the T&Cs
  • Dave Storr will inform his staff
  • They will confirm the closing time for 1230 and 2000 KOs
I had a prolonged discussion with Gareth Torpey as a consequence of being locked out in January.  He may be able to help you in arriving at a satisfactory conclusion
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