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Liam Pre Match - Deja Vu anyone?

Silvio Dante

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Presser below. Missed last weeks as watching Somerset which was a bit more entertaining! 

On a general note he looked tired and a bit stressed - no shock there.


Notes  - the bits in bold stood out as they were very thematically similar from pressure periods last year.

- No new injuries post Saturday, Earthy looked to be coming back but got a knock yesterday. McCrorie still out, Atkinson training but building up load. Likely he’ll play in the U21s

- Re Blackburn - felt it wasn’t good enough, it’s not about not losing it’s about how you lose - they only had three shots and had we taken our chances we’d have got back in the game

- Had a tough meeting Monday with honest conversations and the group have responded well. We have plans and tactical bits but when the game starts people need to step up and take responsibility 

- The energy, aggression, desire and basics needed to be better and referenced Millwall as a reference point. You need to fight to get something from the bad days

- Possibly look at Bird moving back and Twine coming into ten but not confirming. People came in late in the window such as Twine and McNally and we have to remember that. The players need to step up and take responsibility and we need to get people in best slots.

- Asked about the left hand side inverting and possibly going to a three. Stated that the main bit is out of possession.

- Hurts like everyone else but thinks of the first five games three and a half have been really good and one and a half haven’t - Coventry had one shot on target - the group have hit good levels over the first three and a half games and the way the group work and the way we coach you’ll see improvement over the season. The last eight games of last season wasn’t luck it was a lot of hard work

- Knows Oxford and players well. Not giving the Oxford fans too much attention but finds it disappointing considering where the club were when he found them and left them

- Thinks since he left Oxford that there has been a jump up and the margins are finer - has learnt a lot, thinks learnt here as the club is different at this level behind the scenes. Thinks he’s a better coach for the time he’s spent here

Thinks the midfield three have done well generally but not afraid to change it. Again referenced the three and a half good games. 

- The group wanted to learn and react from last weeks performance- didn’t hit the levels they wanted

- New Piercy stated that Liam had worked with McNally before and Liam corrected him…

(New Piercy looks a step down initially)

Overall, as expected - acknowledged it wasn’t good enough at Blackburn but got a lot of “defence” in. 

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17 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

Presser below. Missed last weeks as watching Somerset which was a bit more entertaining! 

On a general note he looked tired and a bit stressed - no shock there.


Notes  - the bits in bold stood out as they were very thematically similar from pressure periods last year.

- No new injuries post Saturday, Earthy looked to be coming back but got a knock yesterday. McCrorie still out, Atkinson training but building up load. Likely he’ll play in the U21s

- Re Blackburn - felt it wasn’t good enough, it’s not about not losing it’s about how you lose - they only had three shots and had we taken our chances we’d have got back in the game

- Had a tough meeting Monday with honest conversations and the group have responded well. We have plans and tactical bits but when the game starts people need to step up and take responsibility 

- The energy, aggression, desire and basics needed to be better and referenced Millwall as a reference point. You need to fight to get something from the bad days

- Possibly look at Bird moving back and Twine coming into ten but not confirming. People came in late in the window such as Twine and McNally and we have to remember that. The players need to step up and take responsibility and we need to get people in best slots.

- Asked about the left hand side inverting and possibly going to a three. Stated that the main bit is out of possession.

- Hurts like everyone else but thinks of the first five games three and a half have been really good and one and a half haven’t - Coventry had one shot on target - the group have hit good levels over the first three and a half games and the way the group work and the way we coach you’ll see improvement over the season. The last eight games of last season wasn’t luck it was a lot of hard work

- Knows Oxford and players well. Not giving the Oxford fans too much attention but finds it disappointing considering where the club were when he found them and left them

- Thinks since he left Oxford that there has been a jump up and the margins are finer - has learnt a lot, thinks learnt here as the club is different at this level behind the scenes. Thinks he’s a better coach for the time he’s spent here

Thinks the midfield three have done well generally but not afraid to change it. Again referenced the three and a half good games. 

- The group wanted to learn and react from last weeks performance- didn’t hit the levels they wanted

- New Piercy stated that Liam had worked with McNally before and Liam corrected him…

(New Piercy looks a step down initially)

Overall, as expected - acknowledged it wasn’t good enough at Blackburn but got a lot of “defence” in. 

Step Up, Levels, Margins, Performances, Take Responsibility, blah blah We need to get a Manning Bingo card and distribute it to the press.


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Whenever/whoever is the manager at any given time doing the pre and post match pressers I always expect to hear something interesting but we don’t get anything from Manning. He’s dull and how he motivates players is beyond me.

When asked about how O’Leary will react after his howler at Blackburn I was expecting him to say something like ‘Max is a strong character and he’ll be fine’ but answered with ‘collective responsibility’ ………:cool2: It was Max who messed up - not the entire team……….:dunno:

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5 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Whenever/whoever is the manager at any given time doing the pre and post match pressers I always expect to hear something interesting but we don’t get anything from Manning. He’s dull and how he motivates players is beyond me.

When asked about how O’Leary will react after his howler at Blackburn I was expecting him to say something like ‘Max is a strong character and he’ll be fine’ but answered with ‘collective responsibility’ ………:cool2: It was Max who messed up - not the entire team……….:dunno:

I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with the collective responsibility angle. You win as a team, you lose as a team.

Where I would have an issue as a player is that Liams reverted to saying the players have to accept responsibility but wasn’t forward in accepting any himself in that presser.

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9 minutes ago, David Brent said:

He’s recruited for a squad. It’s absolutely fine to change formation imo. 


9 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

How have we recruited to a 4-2-3-1?  We haven’t signed any player can’t play in a 3-4-2-1

I suppose but remember too.. 

*We basically played a back 4 in pre season.

*Sans McCrorie we perhaps lack a more natural fit for RWB.

*Manning pre one game, maybe Hull or Millwall, suggested that a back 4 was preferable due to the pressure on the ball that It can provide.

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6 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Whenever/whoever is the manager at any given time doing the pre and post match pressers I always expect to hear something interesting but we don’t get anything from Manning. He’s dull and how he motivates players is beyond me.

When asked about how O’Leary will react after his howler at Blackburn I was expecting him to say something like ‘Max is a strong character and he’ll be fine’ but answered with ‘collective responsibility’ ………:cool2: It was Max who messed up - not the entire team……….:dunno:

hes just got a list of phrases that he  glances at to quickly insert whichever he thinks fits best at each question. when will the day come when he says 'i got the selection and formation wrong'?

we best get used to his bs, hes going to be rolling it out quite often if he dont change things

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Too many meaningless buzzwords from LM for me, I appreciate that journos need to keep their jobs, but some of the questions are beyond bland?  Maybe need to put a couple of supporters in there to stir it up a bit ?  Ha!!   I would have liked to hear why his mate "Twiney" is not playing in the position he was apparently bought to fill?   He never brims me full of confidence, and even though they had a "Really Tough Meeting" on Monday, and they have been "Great in training" (Which means nothing)?....... I'm reserving my judgement until we have played 10 games?   I see a draw on Saturday?

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I think the bit that worried me most in the presser (and it was worrying on the whole as we were back to abdication of responsibility etc) wasn’t the formations, wasn’t the Blackburn post mortem etc but was this:

”The way the group work and the way we coach you’ll see improvement over the season”

I’m trying to square that comment with a coach who has said pre season is massively important and bemoaned that when the season starts because of the schedule they get no time to coach. Essentially, at the back end of last season we were told to expect improvement as we had a meticulous pre season to do all the things we couldn’t do in season - and now we’re being told that despite the schedule being not conducive to coaching, we can expect things to improve as the season goes on - despite, as acknowledged “Players like Twiney and McNally arriving late” and hence having no time to be coached “properly” per prior statements.

I don’t mind bullshit. It goes with the job. But contradictory bullshit just treats the fans like total morons.

Edited by Silvio Dante
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So much respect for people that put themselves through a press conference with.. Liam Manning.

Tried watching his post match interview on the weekend and barely got past the first ‘..ummmmm’ before deciding I couldn’t be bothered. Life is far too short to spend any of it listening to Liam Manning talk.

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11 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

hes just got a list of phrases that he  glances at to quickly insert whichever he thinks fits best at each question. when will the day come when he says 'i got the selection and formation wrong'?

we best get used to his bs, hes going to be rolling it out quite often if he dont change things

The more I listen to him the more he's starting to waffle just as LJ used to………..:facepalm:

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1 minute ago, BLRed said:

If Sykes and Williams start, he has learnt nothing IMO. Should be nowhere near the starting 11. 

Or alternatively let Sykes play in a manner that suits him.

Running at full backs, crosses from wide and coming inside to create a shooting opportunity.

We’ve seen all of these things from Sykes previously and I genuinely believe he’s being stifled at the moment by the instructions given to the team and the style and system being implemented 

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20 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:


I suppose but remember too.. 

*We basically played a back 4 in pre season.

*Sans McCrorie we perhaps lack a more natural fit for RWB.

*Manning pre one game, maybe Hull or Millwall, suggested that a back 4 was preferable due to the pressure on the ball that It can provide.

I don’t disagree. What I disagree with is we have recruiting for one formation 

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1 minute ago, Robbored said:

The more I listen to him the more he's starting to waffle just as LJ used to………..:facepalm:

Exactly how I feel when I hear his interviews. They all sound the same.   

He’s also very good at blaming his players when it’s obvious he got it tactically wrong. 

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35 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with the collective responsibility angle. You win as a team, you lose as a team.

Where I would have an issue as a player is that Liams reverted to saying the players have to accept responsibility but wasn’t forward in accepting any himself in that presser.

Yes I have picked this up from last season. Happy to have a go at  players for for not playing well, not understanding their roles, but does not seem to accept he is ever to blame.

Just as I have seen it. Happy to be corrected if I have missed something 

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18 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

I don’t disagree. What I disagree with is we have recruiting for one formation 

To me, it is quite specific to players..

ie McCrorie at Wingback and Fullback in the right..

Tanner orthodox Fullback. Sykes should barely be tried there.

Pring likewise on the Left.

Roberts not.

Who can slot between back 3 and midfield relatively seamlessly? Naismith perhaps. The rest? (We know Tanner and Roberts can also play in a back 3 or even CB in extremis, Pring similar).

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5 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I must say, him saying Blackburn only had 3 shots on target, and we could’ve got back into the game at 2-0 down, is worrying levels of delusion and ignorance. 

It’s all teed up to have Bird in the 10 again Saturday, isn’t it?

Which there might not be a huge amount wrong with if you then don’t play Twine on the left. Or as Scott likes to call it, the number 10.

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58 minutes ago, David Brent said:

He’s recruited for a squad. It’s absolutely fine to change formation imo. 

It is.  But need to be careful that players aren’t signed just for versatility but are good enough too.  Knight is versatile and good enough.

26 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

The 9s would still be 9s.  Twine and Yu can play in a 3-4-2-1 no problem.  I’m all for criticism but only if it has substance. There’s enough to criticise without inventing stuff 

Yeah, got you…ta.  Was more referring to what we were told Hirakawa was signed as.

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6 minutes ago, petehinton said:

I must say, him saying Blackburn only had 3 shots on target, and we could’ve got back into the game at 2-0 down, is worrying levels of delusion and ignorance. 

It’s all teed up to have Bird in the 10 again Saturday, isn’t it?

I’m getting a bit cheesed off with the rhetoric of “they (Blackburn) only had 3 shots on target” and “they (Coventry) only had one shot on target”.  C’mon Liam you’re better than that.  Process not outcomes.  Is he ignoring the chances that don’t count as on target like the melee on Saturday in the 6 yard box with Ohashi, or Carter’s shot that Bird managed to deflect past the post.  Or Simms chance having rounded O’Leary or BTA’s shot dragged past the far post.

That’s the kind of analysis I hear from the bloke in the pub, not a head-coach of a championship team.

6 minutes ago, The Bard said:

He looks like a dad on bottle duty about 3 months after the birth of a baby who's a nightmare...

Very weak interview.

Felt like he waffled most answers.  The least articulate I think I’ve heard him.


This was the bit that got me.


Since the season started I’ve made comments like “it feels like he’s trying to play a 3421 with a back-4” or “he’s trying to make it feel like we’ve got an extra man on the pitch because we can’t create in a normal set-up”.  The bit highlighted is exactly that for me.  And wanting to use a back-3 shape in and out of possession is exacerbated by trying to do it from a 4231 base, and the transition to and from possession is just making harder work than necessary.  No wonder we are now being exploited.

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25 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

It is.  But need to be careful that players aren’t signed just for versatility but are good enough too.  Knight is versatile and good enough.

I do agree. And to be fair he has been backed and able to recruit for his preferred formation. 

I think we have the players to suit either formation. I’d still be a bit surprised given we played all of pre season with a back 4. 

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42 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

To me, it is quite specific to players..

ie McCrorie at Wingback and Fullback in the right..

Tanner orthodox Fullback. Sykes should barely be tried there.

Pring likewise on the Left.

Roberts not.

Who can slot between back 3 and midfield relatively seamlessly? Naismith perhaps. The rest? (We know Tanner and Roberts can also play in a back 3 or even CB in extremis, Pring similar).

I know you like him but i dont see naismith getting many minutes this season, and if he does it means we have had some crazy injuries… the occasional ability to pass with his left foot doesnt make up for the mistakes, being caught in possession and lack of pace. He was signed as a cb but clearly isnt fancied for that role, and weve signed/ resigned midfielders for that deeper role. Would have been moved on in the ideal world!

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16 minutes ago, Simon bristol said:

I know you like him but i dont see naismith getting many minutes this season, and if he does it means we have had some crazy injuries… the occasional ability to pass with his left foot doesnt make up for the mistakes, being caught in possession and lack of pace. He was signed as a cb but clearly isnt fancied for that role, and weve signed/ resigned midfielders for that deeper role. Would have been moved on in the ideal world!

By midfielders for the deeper role, you mean Bird and McGuane?

Bird I like but I don't think he is that deep...deep yes, a possible pivot or between? Not so much.

McGuane? What's he proven. He's played a lot at League Oje and is 26, 27..was out of favour big time under Buckingham.

Statistical analysis can prove the defensive shortcomings of Naismith and how widespread they are. The perception seems to be worse than the reality. We all remember the big errors...but big errors can stand out mote and for longer.

On that specific point, which other CBs or CMs as a dual use do we have that can potentially slot between e.g. a back 3 and the deepest midfielder? Not sure there are any. 

Very quick reading of stats suggests..

1 Errors lead to Shot

2 Errors lead to Goals

2 Penalties given away

In 42 Games. Not fully sure tbh but..

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1 hour ago, bearded_red said:

So much respect for people that put themselves through a press conference with.. Liam Manning.

Tried watching his post match interview on the weekend and barely got past the first ‘..ummmmm’ before deciding I couldn’t be bothered. Life is far too short to spend any of it listening to Liam Manning talk.

Watched his first one last season that was it for me,Not watched one since 😂

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1 hour ago, petehinton said:

I must say, him saying Blackburn only had 3 shots on target, and we could’ve got back into the game at 2-0 down, is worrying levels of delusion and ignorance. 

It’s all teed up to have Bird in the 10 again Saturday, isn’t it?

Explains why his face fits with the equally deluded BT & JL.

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2 hours ago, David Brent said:

He’s recruited for a squad. It’s absolutely fine to change formation imo. 


2 hours ago, And Its Smith said:

How have we recruited to a 4-2-3-1?  We haven’t signed any player can’t play in a 3-4-2-1

Perhaps let me clarify. In my mind, the recruitment was done with a specific way of playing in mind. Based in part from a formational base.

When you play the entire pre season with a back 4, you spout that the preparation pre season is what sets you up for the next season. To then shift to a 3 makes a mockery of the whole narrative. 

It will have given the players 7 days to be drilled in patterns, behaviours and emotional control. 

Our defence, doesn’t have the capability to excel in a 3 (IMJ). Mind you given how awful we’ve been in a 4 a bit of experimentation might be fun 🤣.





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On 01/09/2024 at 03:12, BristolGit said:

Jesus, 1 game and one of our best players being slammed.

I hear you, Graham 

Here’s @BristolGit moaning about people slating Jason Knight

On 14/09/2024 at 16:34, BristolGit said:

Jason Knight for that 3rd. Hang your head! Captain of our club

And here, in the next game, is @BristolGit slating Jason Knight

5 minutes ago, BristolGit said:

This forum is toxic.

The amount of negativity is unbelievable.

And today, here is @BristolGit accusing the forum of being negative.

Based on his history of sudden 180 degree turns as evidenced above, I look forward to him saying the forum is totally positive tomorrow.

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18 minutes ago, BristolGit said:

This forum is toxic.

The amount of negativity is unbelievable.

I think not.

The critique is welcome really. Plus there is an element of all forums are similar, but the way in which fans don't forget the missteps and lies of the hierarchy and look to stress test or critque the tactics and or plans of Manning or whoever, seems...it seems healthy IMO.

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3 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

Presser below. Missed last weeks as watching Somerset which was a bit more entertaining! 

On a general note he looked tired and a bit stressed - no shock there.


Notes  - the bits in bold stood out as they were very thematically similar from pressure periods last year.

- No new injuries post Saturday, Earthy looked to be coming back but got a knock yesterday. McCrorie still out, Atkinson training but building up load. Likely he’ll play in the U21s

- Re Blackburn - felt it wasn’t good enough, it’s not about not losing it’s about how you lose - they only had three shots and had we taken our chances we’d have got back in the game

- Had a tough meeting Monday with honest conversations and the group have responded well. We have plans and tactical bits but when the game starts people need to step up and take responsibility 

- The energy, aggression, desire and basics needed to be better and referenced Millwall as a reference point. You need to fight to get something from the bad days

- Possibly look at Bird moving back and Twine coming into ten but not confirming. People came in late in the window such as Twine and McNally and we have to remember that. The players need to step up and take responsibility and we need to get people in best slots.

- Asked about the left hand side inverting and possibly going to a three. Stated that the main bit is out of possession.

- Hurts like everyone else but thinks of the first five games three and a half have been really good and one and a half haven’t - Coventry had one shot on target - the group have hit good levels over the first three and a half games and the way the group work and the way we coach you’ll see improvement over the season. The last eight games of last season wasn’t luck it was a lot of hard work

- Knows Oxford and players well. Not giving the Oxford fans too much attention but finds it disappointing considering where the club were when he found them and left them

- Thinks since he left Oxford that there has been a jump up and the margins are finer - has learnt a lot, thinks learnt here as the club is different at this level behind the scenes. Thinks he’s a better coach for the time he’s spent here

Thinks the midfield three have done well generally but not afraid to change it. Again referenced the three and a half good games. 

- The group wanted to learn and react from last weeks performance- didn’t hit the levels they wanted

- New Piercy stated that Liam had worked with McNally before and Liam corrected him…

(New Piercy looks a step down initially)

Overall, as expected - acknowledged it wasn’t good enough at Blackburn but got a lot of “defence” in. 

It's getting quite tedious hearing we played well in 3.5 games and that we've been competitive in training. 

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1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

By midfielders for the deeper role, you mean Bird and McGuane?

Bird I like but I don't think he is that deep...deep yes, a possible pivot or between? Not so much.

Why don’t you think Bird can play as a DM.  He’s played over 100 games at this level and 80% of them as a DM.

You were a big advocate of signing Bird, and before this summer.  What were you basing it on, if you don’t think he’s a DM?

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Rinse and repeat for Mannings press conferences with same sound bites and buzz words each week.  I’m tired of words pre and post match and now is the time to have a fully committed display with people in the right positions with actions speaking louder than any words.  We need a performance that restores optimism & one that gives us pride in our team.

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The minute a manager turns it onto the players, saying they have to step up and take responsibility - you know they arent playing for him.


It took pearson god knows how long to drum confidence into them - hence the upturn in defensive performances, to now its all back to their fault......bearing in mind Manning doesnt get off his arse to change said tactics and plans, or even try and motivate his players....hes as good as washing his hands of any responsibility.


Call me crazy, but you'd think that a good head coach would take each player he has and work tactics and plans to their strengths......


Sooner this textbook exercise coach is out the club, the better.


Hes as much personality as my dogs morning shite.

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2 hours ago, petehinton said:

I must say, him saying Blackburn only had 3 shots on target, and we could’ve got back into the game at 2-0 down, is worrying levels of delusion and ignorance. 

It’s all teed up to have Bird in the 10 again Saturday, isn’t it?

It's almost saying Blackburn only scored 3 goals

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23 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

Here’s @BristolGit moaning about people slating Jason Knight

And here, in the next game, is @BristolGit slating Jason Knight

And today, here is @BristolGit accusing the forum of being negative.

Based on his history of sudden 180 degree turns as evidenced above, I look forward to him saying the forum is totally positive tomorrow.


I am pretty sure he was the idiot who blamed the fan base after the Derby loss for the state of the club. Worst in the football league apparently. 

Imagine talking about our captain like they….tut tut.

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10 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Why don’t you think Bird can play as a DM.  He’s played over 100 games at this level and 80% of them as a DM.

You were a big advocate of signing Bird, and before this summer.  What were you basing it on, if you don’t think he’s a DM?

DM as in the deepest between the back 4 and midfield, thinking e.g. a 4-1-4-1. Maybe the deepest of a 3 which can differ slightly. Always thought Naismith is our best fit for that specific role.

Put another way, if Bird is the James replacement, I think Naismith can play a bit deeper but it's Naismith or Bird I go with the latter as best for the team.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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12 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Rinse and repeat for Mannings press conferences with same sound bites and buzz words each week.  I’m tired of words pre and post match and now is the time to have a fully committed display with people in the right positions with actions speaking louder than any words.  We need a performance that restores optimism & one that gives us pride in our team.

He’s been non inspirational since day one. Look back at his meet the players video, Conway looks so demotivated. 

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19 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I think not.

The critique is welcome really. Plus there is an element of all forums are similar, but the way in which fans don't forget the missteps and lies of the hierarchy and look to stress test or critque the tactics and or plans of Manning or whoever, seems...it seems healthy IMO.

The club don’t deserve the fan base quite frankly. We are let down year after year and we don’t learn from mistakes. It’s a broken record!!!

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28 minutes ago, BeggyBlaggers said:

The minute a manager turns it onto the players, saying they have to step up and take responsibility - you know they arent playing for him.


It took pearson god knows how long to drum confidence into them - hence the upturn in defensive performances, to now its all back to their fault......bearing in mind Manning doesnt get off his arse to change said tactics and plans, or even try and motivate his players....hes as good as washing his hands of any responsibility.


Call me crazy, but you'd think that a good head coach would take each player he has and work tactics and plans to their strengths......


Sooner this textbook exercise coach is out the club, the better.


Hes as much personality as my dogs morning shite.

I wouldn't go as far as saying players aren't playing for him but I will say many of us have questioned his lack of accountability and his poor in game management and not having a plan b. 

It goes without saying that the players must also have their own thoughts on this..

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Couple of interesting / debatable comments here for me…..

‘He impressed in the first seven months of his time at BS3’ - really?

‘When asked by Bristol Live whether he has improved as a coach since his time in the Championship, he said: “It’s one I've spent a bit of time on over the summer thinking over. I do think there is a jump up from League One to the Championship in terms of the level of players, style of games, level of games and I do think the margins are a lot finer in the Championship.’ - no shit Sherlock!


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35 minutes ago, BeggyBlaggers said:

The minute a manager turns it onto the players, saying they have to step up and take responsibility - you know they arent playing for him.

I don’t think Liam fits into the ‘collective responsibility’ he mentions. I’m not a fan of this shifting the blame onto the players. This is a trait that LJ had too.

I really want to speak about the togetherness under a previous manager but fear I’m not allowed to. The players were encouraged to make decisions for themselves.

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