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Fans Forum : October 16th POSTPONED


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10 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

People start growing the minerals and asking difficult, to the point, near the knuckle, questions, and these Fans forums will mysteriously dry up. Only reason they hold these things still is the guarantee of a soft-soaping 2 hours with Cats coach number one asking dafty, cringe "questions."

When is Jordan Wynter getting a chance? I'd like to know the answer to this, mind ....

Clubs are now obliged to hold 2 a Season minimum, EFL voted in Regulations.

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10 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

My only comment here is whether, in view of reasonably short notice and inability to attend, whether there is potential to add in a Zoom or Teams or similar video link? I agree with a lot of the posts that it’s unreasonable to ask people to speak/ask on their behalf, but such a system should alleviate that. You could even do a hybrid here - people put questions on teams, the most upvoted ones are then asked by the person on teams who raised them.

For me, I logistically couldn’t attend. But I’m more than happy to join remotely and ask a question if it was upvoted enough. Seems to give the best of both worlds and people couldn’t be accused of “hiding” then.

im up for that 👍

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1 hour ago, View from the Dolman said:

They're an EFL requirement so they shouldn't "mysteriously dry up" even if someone really gets their feelings hurt. 

I must be thinking of the ones Stevie Rugby-Guernsey used to do at away games, miles away up north where only 200 people used to be arsed going to .....

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1 hour ago, phantom said:

Not personally no, when I attend I would go on the basis of trying to ask a question, of course some people are uncomfortable asking in public but it gives us fans the opportunity not to blindly raise questions on an Internet forum, I'd hope there'll be lots of questions considering all 256 tickets have been allocated. 

I'd be against pre submitted questions as it gives the opportunity for "tougher" questions to not be asked and "easier" questions to be asked. 

As this isn't a SC&T event I'll be attending as a supporter like everyone else, I would more than happily take questions forward but don't want to be asking multiple questions when people have made the effort to attend.

You know that for the past few months I've taken personal responsibility for taking many questions off here and asking them either at our SC&T meetings or meetings with Tom Rawcliffe and other members of Bristol City / Sport before either replying on the open forum or to the person in person.

I should also remind everyone that I'm not the only SC&T board member who posts on OTIB and that there are a total of 12 of us on the board that can be contacted. 

Of course the other thing, the club will shortly be looking for people to join the FAB so there will be more opportunities in the future for people to have a voice 

I would really like to go, but living in Manchester it is a bit too far to travel for this. 
Questions from people who can’t make it/live far away as others have said would be good.

Use to be able to attend the old SL ones up north when at away games, why have they stopped? Could the club do one at an away game.


Most fans live in Bristol, but it isn’t/shouldn’t be thought of as only Bristol based fans care. We all care but can’t make these meetings for various reasons. Does feel like exiles are being penalised for not living in Bristol.

Edited by wayne allisons tongues
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23 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

I must be thinking of the ones Stevie Rugby-Guernsey used to do at away games, miles away up north where only 200 people used to be arsed going to .....

There will be one in March. Again 2 a Season, seems like one at Home and one Away atm-, unsure if that's the requirement or if it's just 2 of any kind.


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11 hours ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

People start growing the minerals and asking difficult, to the point, near the knuckle, questions, and these Fans forums will mysteriously dry up. Only reason they hold these things still is the guarantee of a soft-soaping 2 hours with Cats coach number one asking dafty, cringe "questions."

I know it's been mentioned already but it is now an EFL regulation that these events occur, I forget the location off the top of my head but the wheels are already in motion about an away game to hold a similar event. 

Of course logistics play a big part into when and where 

Ironically on my Facebook memories yesterday it was 15 years ago Steve Lansdown attended an event at Derby 

14 hours ago, BobBobBobbin said:

There is a point yes, I do agree. But there's also a myriad of reasons why some might not want to put their head above the parapet in "the real world". 

It goes back to my earlier suggestion regarding the SCAT taking some of the better questions forward as our "representatives". I think there's a place for anonymity regarding holding to account, My work does it quite well, through things like slido at Q&A events; most upvoted questions get asked and discussed and there is an opportunity to ask a follow up should someone wish "live". 

What's clear is, we've lost even the semblance of scrutiny from the local press, Geoff's retirement and the loss of Piercy has left a gaping hole in that regard and (you'll be able to correct me if I'm wrong, and this isn't meant as a dig at all) the SCAT seems to be given afterthought status from the club in terms of their responses to anything that gets raised. 

There's a problem and these fans forums often seem to set up in a way that gives the club a get out of jail free card. Two weeks notice for a midweek engagement isn't enough time for many to organise childcare/travel/work etc. 1% of our attendance average can attend, too. They can say they gave an opportunity to all, but that isn't necessarily the reality.

I don't get the feeling that the club really gives a toss about our opinions on things, which is why most of the questions people want to ask are designed to make the person answering it uncomfortable. Because that's all we have left at this football club. 

"see you in the Prem" indeed. 


Apologies I missed your post originally, reading my reply back to @Davefevsit reads a bit blunt. 

I must admit we normally get a "heads up" about these events but only found out on the morning it was announced. 

I took it upon myself to raise questions on OTIB at various meetings and would more than happily collate and ask questions at the event on behalf of those unable to attend. 

My concern though as it's a club event and not a SC&T event I'm unsure if this will be acceptable, thinking about it this morning I will raise it now within the SC&T and offer to be responsible, and maybe we can at least ask the question to know if it is an option 

11 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

My only comment here is whether, in view of reasonably short notice and inability to attend, whether there is potential to add in a Zoom or Teams or similar video link? I agree with a lot of the posts that it’s unreasonable to ask people to speak/ask on their behalf, but such a system should alleviate that. You could even do a hybrid here - people put questions on teams, the most upvoted ones are then asked by the person on teams who raised them.

For me, I logistically couldn’t attend. But I’m more than happy to join remotely and ask a question if it was upvoted enough. Seems to give the best of both worlds and people couldn’t be accused of “hiding” then.

From attending a zoom meeting with the club I know how hard it was to hear those attending 

We all know the club read threads on OTIB so they'll be fully aware of requests like this, I'm just not sure how easy it is to facilitate, though my post above may help 

10 hours ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

I must be thinking of the ones Stevie Rugby-Guernsey used to do at away games, miles away up north where only 200 people used to be arsed going to .....

I do understand what you mean in your posts but things are definitely changing and I believe the club will be more open than before 

6 hours ago, bearded_red said:


It took me a while to get what you mean 

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Great post @BobBobBobbin

What a pity the event in reality will be so far removed from this.

Poor from the club to not liaise with SC&T to discuss plans of the meeting first. It is, for example, clearly tactical from the club to arrange it near the end of an international break, when City won't quite be at the forefront of people's minds, and 10+ days from the last fixture...

Opening the meeting with presentations would also be a good idea, to give some material for fans to comment and ask questions on. Sadly, I think the reality on that is those in charge don't have the skillset to be able to do that.

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17 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Great post @BobBobBobbin

What a pity the event in reality will be so far removed from this.

Poor from the club to not liaise with SC&T to discuss plans of the meeting first. It is, for example, clearly tactical from the club to arrange it near the end of an international break, when City won't quite be at the forefront of people's minds, and 10+ days from the last fixture...

Opening the meeting with presentations would also be a good idea, to give some material for fans to comment and ask questions on. Sadly, I think the reality on that is those in charge don't have the skillset to be able to do that.

Final para is the key one. As I said t’other day, imo the reason last years was such a mess was because there was an incredible awkward silence by the ‘opening’ of the evening being JL saying ‘looking forward to hearing your Qs’ which really set the tone vs 2022’s very extensive 15min+ updates from Gould, Pearson and Tinnion to kick off. 

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3 minutes ago, petehinton said:

Final para is the key one. As I said t’other day, imo the reason last years was such a mess was because there was an incredible awkward silence by the ‘opening’ of the evening being JL saying ‘looking forward to hearing your Qs’ which really set the tone vs 2022’s very extensive 15min+ updates from Gould, Pearson and Tinnion to kick off. 

exactly this, As I eluded to this is something that happens in the business I work for with the panels ranging from senior military leadership to members of the cabinet. They always start with a brief. 

It sets the tone, puts the people present into the role of stakeholder rather than annoyance we have to pay lip service to for an hour. 

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1 hour ago, BobBobBobbin said:

Thanks for the reply, Phants. 

I appreciate what you say; logistically it can be difficult. That said, I work for a company that employs nearly 13,000 people and we regularly engage in "town hall" events which involve Q&A's. This is achievable in a hybrid setting quite easily by utilising some pretty basic software. Zoom is crap, but Microsoft teams and Skype are much better. Slido is also a really good tool for getting feedback/questions and having them upvoted for the person running the session to ask the panel verbatim from a screen. I would presume that would be Sheridan in this instance rather than Jerry. I know Jerry occasionally visits these forums but I do hope Sheridan has an eye on this thread...

hearing that you (as in the SC&T) haven't been engaged ahead of the announcement is a major red flag for me. Frankly, you should have been asked to be involved in the planning and organisation of an event mandated by the EFL. And it would be in that engagement that these discussions on whether we can do it hybrid or the content of the agenda should have happened. 


If I was running the event I'd want to hear a brief from Lansdown on finances, future plans for infrastructure (Sporting Quarter) and an update from his Dad on the potential sale of the club/future investment into the club. I'd want to hear a brief from Tinnion on player recruitment, the pathway and what the overarching policy is for the future in regard to both and I'd want to hear a brief from Manning where he talks about our progress on the pitch in a much more candid and perhaps honest way than in the press. 

I'd use a totally independent person (Ideally from the SC&T) to be responsible for the Question vetting. Now that's not picking the easy questions but ensuring that themes that have been covered already aren't asked multiple times. I'd have the Slido or equivalent set up from around midday of the day and publicise it and then open another one during the event for questions that arise from what is said in the briefs and other answers. 

I'd be explaining to the panel that the purpose of the exercise is to answer tough questions honestly, understand the frustrations that exist and begin the process of fixing them. Clearly, a lot of us fans are now at the point where we don't really care what they say, we just want them gone. I pretty much agree, but I'm always open to being talked round... This is their chance. 


Sadly, I think it's going to be considered an annoyance to those who are on the panel rather than an opportunity. 

It’s challenging to dispute any of the assertions made here and well articulated. While I consider myself a staunch supporter of the club, I also deeply respect the perspectives of those with opposing viewpoints. What truly disheartens me is the fact that individuals who are most vociferous on social media seldom express their concerns face-to-face. I would genuinely be intrigued to hear the club's response to these criticisms from those who are most vocal on here for example. Regrettably, we may never know, as those who are most outspoken online often lack the courage to engage in direct conversation. It perplexes me: why be so active and vocal on a forum to express your disdain for the club, yet refrain from addressing the very individuals who have the power to enact change? If their desire for change is that strong, now is the time to act.

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Great post @BobBobBobbin  and@Kid in the Riot saying it is tactical from the club to arrange it near the end of an international break, when City won't quite be at the forefront of people’s minds, and 10+ days from the last fixture is an interesting point.

I thought having a gap has its benefits, insofar that the last match result (good or bad) doesn’t derail the evening with everything being about that one fixture and the joy or frustration of one result, like a post match phone in tends to be.

The issues/frustrations are over a longer period than that and it will be good that those attending will hopefully ask questions with that wider context in mind.

Edited by sm2webb
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2 minutes ago, Tecknical Director said:

It’s challenging to dispute any of the assertions made here and well articulated. While I consider myself a staunch supporter of the club, I also deeply respect the perspectives of those with opposing viewpoints. What truly disheartens me is the fact that individuals who are most vociferous on social media seldom express their concerns face-to-face. I would genuinely be intrigued to hear the club's response to these criticisms from those who are most vocal on here for example. Regrettably, we may never know, as those who are most outspoken online often lack the courage to engage in direct conversation. It perplexes me: why be so active and vocal on a forum to express your disdain for the club, yet refrain from addressing the very individuals who have the power to enact change? If their desire for change is that strong, now is the time to act.

You say that, but I and a number of others have been blocked by the Technical Director on X having never actively engaged in any negativity directed at them as individuals. I consider myself to be a relatively objective person, I have been critical of the decision to part ways with Nige and I have been critical of the behaviours of those decision makers but it has never been about abuse or insults. 

I do see what you say, and I make a point of voicing my concerns when the opportunity arises at work and in life, but I also understand that that isn't the way a lot of people feel. I don't think people should be shamed for not being comfortable public speakers. It is the clubs duty to seek out the feedback as much as it is the responsibility of the fan to question things. 

Bristol City is lucky to have a community like OTIB. I have had the misfortune of reading a number of other forums at similar sized clubs and I'd argue that we are blessed with a large number of highly articulate, highly knowledgeable and incredibly reasonable posters. Yes there's some drivel to wade through in the aftermath of a defeat, but there's also plenty of comment that if I was involved with the club I'd be looking at and learning from. 


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8 minutes ago, BobBobBobbin said:

You say that, but I and a number of others have been blocked by the Technical Director on X having never actively engaged in any negativity directed at them as individuals. I consider myself to be a relatively objective person, I have been critical of the decision to part ways with Nige and I have been critical of the behaviours of those decision makers but it has never been about abuse or insults. 

I do see what you say, and I make a point of voicing my concerns when the opportunity arises at work and in life, but I also understand that that isn't the way a lot of people feel. I don't think people should be shamed for not being comfortable public speakers. It is the clubs duty to seek out the feedback as much as it is the responsibility of the fan to question things. 

Bristol City is lucky to have a community like OTIB. I have had the misfortune of reading a number of other forums at similar sized clubs and I'd argue that we are blessed with a large number of highly articulate, highly knowledgeable and incredibly reasonable posters. Yes there's some drivel to wade through in the aftermath of a defeat, but there's also plenty of comment that if I was involved with the club I'd be looking at and learning from. 


I agree the blocking of supporters on social media might seem unprofessional, depending on what was actually said. However, that just underscores the importance of attending these events to express your views in person IMO. 

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1 hour ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Great post @BobBobBobbin

What a pity the event in reality will be so far removed from this.

Poor from the club to not liaise with SC&T to discuss plans of the meeting first. It is, for example, clearly tactical from the club to arrange it near the end of an international break, when City won't quite be at the forefront of people's minds, and 10+ days from the last fixture...

Opening the meeting with presentations would also be a good idea, to give some material for fans to comment and ask questions on. Sadly, I think the reality on that is those in charge don't have the skillset to be able to do that.

Dave B - “Jon - would you like to say a few words”

Jon - “thanks everyone for coming along”

That was it wasn’t it?


@phantom your reply wasn’t blunt, it was perfectly fine and reasoned. 

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8 hours ago, BobBobBobbin said:

You say that, but I and a number of others have been blocked by the Technical Director on X having never actively engaged in any negativity directed at them as individuals. I consider myself to be a relatively objective person, I have been critical of the decision to part ways with Nige and I have been critical of the behaviours of those decision makers but it has never been about abuse or insults. 

I do see what you say, and I make a point of voicing my concerns when the opportunity arises at work and in life, but I also understand that that isn't the way a lot of people feel. I don't think people should be shamed for not being comfortable public speakers. It is the clubs duty to seek out the feedback as much as it is the responsibility of the fan to question things. 

Bristol City is lucky to have a community like OTIB. I have had the misfortune of reading a number of other forums at similar sized clubs and I'd argue that we are blessed with a large number of highly articulate, highly knowledgeable and incredibly reasonable posters. Yes there's some drivel to wade through in the aftermath of a defeat, but there's also plenty of comment that if I was involved with the club I'd be looking at and learning from. 


I've read a range of other forums and the depth of critique- Tactical, Technical, Financial- getting onto Underlying data, the Strategy or lack of etc- ours is well above many.

Plus Scouting stuff by Harry and others.

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“Are you happy with the style of play we are seeing on the pitch right now”

that’s the crux of it in my opinion, if the leadership are happy then that’s good for them, but would confirm I am not aligned to their vision, and so would find it easier to vote with my feet/wallet. 

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So Manning has been in place nearly a year now. We have only won 14 games out of 44 played. The football is predictable and boring we have no plan 'B' when the opposition figure us out and change formation to combat us we struggle to get back in the game. He has lost a lot of the fan base. He has not blooded any of the youngsters from the Academy the pathway now seems blocked . So can I ask the board do they think we are better off now compared to last year and was it a mistake bringing in a coach without Championship experience because clearly it is not working

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I think the booing needs to be brought up. The club can’t just say it’s unfair, you reap what you sow and the fans are not happy with style of football and overall approach. That needs to be brought up. Fact he doesn’t appear to have a plan B, won’t mix it up, or change formation to affect a game. Other clubs are. 

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I think along the lines of:

Mr Lansdown has stated that we have the players to be a top six team. Money has been provided to add quality players and I am sure that the club has done their due dilligence to ensure that those players are a good fit. The fans can see that those additions definately have the capability to further improve the team. The new manager has now had the time, a full year and preseason to mould these players into a successful team.

Could you therefore, please explain the reasons why the players seem to be struggling to perform to the level that Mr Lansdown has suggested and the fans expect.

Who or what has failed here. Is it the recruitment, coaching/management or the players themselves?

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3 hours ago, westonred said:

Lets be honest the Club will only sell tickets to known Happy Clappers and all questions will be heavily vetted before being asked

The tickets weren't "sold" and were available to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. And if it's like last year's event, the questions were asked blind with nobody aware of what anyone to blurt out into the microphone.

"Lets be honest" indeed.

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The questions last year I couldn't believe a lot of them.

I suppose a new manager and things doing okay on the pitch helps albeit that new manager arrived in very controversial circs due to the sacking of his predecessor.

No such redeeming features this time, hopefully there will be tough questioning.

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58 minutes ago, View from the Dolman said:

The tickets weren't "sold" and were available to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. And if it's like last year's event, the questions were asked blind with nobody aware of what anyone to blurt out into the microphone.

"Lets be honest" indeed.

No my mistake i ment to put issue to people rather than sell. But i bet the questions will be vetted otherwise it could get rather unpleasant when people speak the truth

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16 hours ago, Shauntaylor85 said:

I think the booing needs to be brought up. The club can’t just say it’s unfair, you reap what you sow and the fans are not happy with style of football and overall approach. That needs to be brought up. Fact he doesn’t appear to have a plan B, won’t mix it up, or change formation to affect a game. Other clubs are. 


However, the booing is giving the poor dears deeply hurty feelings.😭

Horrible, nasty fans.

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1 hour ago, westonred said:

No my mistake i ment to put issue to people rather than sell. But i bet the questions will be vetted otherwise it could get rather unpleasant when people speak the truth

In previous forums you literally stick your hand up & ask a question! Questions aren't pre-submitted (well, they haven't before & there's no suggestion that will change) 

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3 hours ago, CyderInACan said:

In previous forums you literally stick your hand up & ask a question! Questions aren't pre-submitted (well, they haven't before & there's no suggestion that will change) 

I hope its like that now but as there is so much bad feeling going around at the moment i think it could be a mistake hosting it at the current time

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1 hour ago, westonred said:

I hope its like that now but as there is so much bad feeling going around at the moment i think it could be a mistake hosting it at the current time

At the ones they've held at the Hen and Chicken, the questions were quite varied, from those with genuine concerns or issues and those who just wanted to give the impression the club was in great hands. 


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LM has been given millions of pounds yet we have regressed, why did you bring a in exp manager to this club guided by a previous failed manager at this club?  please not the old rebuild takes a while reply....thanks.

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On 07/10/2024 at 21:26, Cornacix the Druid said:

I think along the lines of:

Mr Lansdown has stated that we have the players to be a top six team. Money has been provided to add quality players and I am sure that the club has done their due diligence to ensure that those players are a good fit. The fans can see that those additions definitely have the capability to further improve the team. The new manager has now had the time, a full year and preseason to mould these players into a successful team.

Could you therefore, please explain the reasons why the players seem to be struggling to perform to the level that Mr Lansdown has suggested and the fans expect.

Who or what has failed here. Is it the recruitment, coaching/management or the players themselves?

I quite like this, nothing too unreasonable - No direct attacks to someone who's sat in the room.

JL did say top/upper end as opposed to top 6 I'm pretty sure. Perhaps make sure that if a question is asked where we're quoting someone, to quote them correctly. 

What is top end? Who knows. If someone meant top half, they'd say top half wouldn't they? If someone meant play offs, they'd also just say that wouldn't they? It was a strangely worded at the time.

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In JL, LM and BT we have three ‘leaders’ who each, perhaps wrongly, present as really quite arrogant. Are the leaders of the club unable to take on board outside opinions because of their dogmatic belief in themselves and is it this arrogant culture from the top down which holds us back? 

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15 hours ago, fly in the air said:

I would like to see Naismith on the panel as he appears to say it how it is. Tinnion won't like that. 

That’s exactly why he won’t be.

Theyll probably put Yu on the panel.

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Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.

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6 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.

I’ve just messaged you on here

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22 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.

Go Shuffs.

Hope your Qs are as hard hitting as you tackles oops first touch. 

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27 minutes ago, Shuffle said:

Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.

About time they earned there money hope you get a ticket.🤞

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On 06/10/2024 at 11:17, Tecknical Director said:

I agree the blocking of supporters on social media might seem unprofessional, depending on what was actually said. However, that just underscores the importance of attending these events to express your views in person IMO. 

What complete & utter bollocks. I vented my views to tinnion on twitter. I didn’t swear & was very articulate but forthright in my views. I asked why he thought it was a good idea for someone in a senior role at a club to discuss specific transfer details on social media. No reply , he just blocked me . I won’t be at the so called forum because of work commitments & to be honest it’s probably a good job because I couldn’t imagine being in the same room as those two frauds. 
you said previously that you’re a staunch supporter of the club . Can you state why ? 

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On 06/10/2024 at 09:42, Kid in the Riot said:

Great post @BobBobBobbin

What a pity the event in reality will be so far removed from this.

Poor from the club to not liaise with SC&T to discuss plans of the meeting first. It is, for example, clearly tactical from the club to arrange it near the end of an international break, when City won't quite be at the forefront of people's minds, and 10+ days from the last fixture...

Opening the meeting with presentations would also be a good idea, to give some material for fans to comment and ask questions on. Sadly, I think the reality on that is those in charge don't have the skillset to be able to do that.

Excellent point KITR and indeed a good post by @BobBobBobbin.

The difference between the last one and the one with Nine, Gould and Tinnion was stark; so much so Manning came away as the best on the panel! 

This should be a superb opportunity to update the fans and take questions, but like the last one feels like it's something they have to do rather than want to do. 

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41 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

What complete & utter bollocks. I vented my views to tinnion on twitter. I didn’t swear & was very articulate but forthright in my views. I asked why he thought it was a good idea for someone in a senior role at a club to discuss specific transfer details on social media. No reply , he just blocked me . I won’t be at the so called forum because of work commitments & to be honest it’s probably a good job because I couldn’t imagine being in the same room as those two frauds. 
you said previously that you’re a staunch supporter of the club . Can you state why ? 

I’m not sure what you think I’ve said that’s complete bollocks. I’ve made it clear that I find it unprofessional — it’s literally in the post you quoted. If that’s all you’ve referenced, then yeah, it’s definitely not right. I also said that if fans feel strongly about something, they should speak up at the right events. I don’t see the issue with that view, surely that’s just common sense?

As for why I’m a staunch supporter of the club—it’s simple: I’m a proud Bristolian, and I love my city. Bristol City has been there through some tough times for me, and it’s given me some of my best memories, both as a kid and now as an adult. But let’s not confuse being a staunch supporter with blindly following everything the club or its owners do. I support Bristol City Football Club, not the owners. Sure, I think they’ve had a rough time of late, but I can also understand the other side of the argument. We’ve definitely made some terrible decisions—some might even say hiring Manning was one of them.

I’ve been there at Ashton Gate on a wet Tuesday night when we were playing in front of 5,000 people in League One, with Bristol Rovers being the more dominant team in the city. So yeah, I’m thrilled we’re now in a great stadium, pulling in 20,000-plus crowds, and the “mind the gap” jokes at the Gas are just a bonus.

But I’m also aware we’ve made some really bad choices. That said, we’re still far better off than we were, and I totally get why fans are frustrated. I just tend to be more of a glass-half-full type, and I’m happy we’re a stable club that always has a shot. I just can’t bring myself to get that angry about it.

So when I say I’m a staunch supporter, I mean I’ll still be at the games even if we end up in the Conference. Do I agree with every decision made? Absolutely not. But I also know things could be a whole lot worse, and I’m not going to lose my head over it. What I find odd is that the loudest voices on here against the owners and the technical director are the same people who aren’t attending the the fans forum, especially as the questions aren’t being vetted and all they have to do is put their hand up. If they’re that vocal about change, they need to be speaking to the ones who can actually make it happen, not just sharing it with others who already feel the same way.

Please note, I’m not here for a slagging match, and I don’t get why you’d be so use such a passive aggressive phrase at the beginning of your post? 

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4 hours ago, Shuffle said:

Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.


4 hours ago, Shuffle said:

Long shot but has anyone got a spare ticket. My initial reaction was not going as get the usual bullshit but more I reflect on it, I’m annoyed about what’s happening to our club in respect of imo going backwards and the pathway blocked.  So if anyone has a spare then I’ll ask the three wise men directly as no way any of them deserve an easy ride.

I have a 2xspare if you still need, I’m unable to go now

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On 04/10/2024 at 17:57, Mr Popodopolous said:

Thought Gould and NP were an excellent top team, how far it's fallen.

Rawcliffe is good at his role, Manning jury out but Tinnion in his present position, Jon Lansdown and possibly even Gavin Marshall...hmm.

Marshall's fine - the issue is he shouldnt be having to step into the BCFC side. That was likely done in an attempt to take pressure of off Tinnion and Jon.

He's the one who whistle blew with regards to Ashton's marked overspending - just in enough time that meant we didnt fall foul of FFP under Gould/Pearson.

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2 hours ago, Tecknical Director said:

I’m not sure what you think I’ve said that’s complete bollocks. I’ve made it clear that I find it unprofessional — it’s literally in the post you quoted. If that’s all you’ve referenced, then yeah, it’s definitely not right. I also said that if fans feel strongly about something, they should speak up at the right events. I don’t see the issue with that view, surely that’s just common sense?

As for why I’m a staunch supporter of the club—it’s simple: I’m a proud Bristolian, and I love my city. Bristol City has been there through some tough times for me, and it’s given me some of my best memories, both as a kid and now as an adult. But let’s not confuse being a staunch supporter with blindly following everything the club or its owners do. I support Bristol City Football Club, not the owners. Sure, I think they’ve had a rough time of late, but I can also understand the other side of the argument. We’ve definitely made some terrible decisions—some might even say hiring Manning was one of them.

I’ve been there at Ashton Gate on a wet Tuesday night when we were playing in front of 5,000 people in League One, with Bristol Rovers being the more dominant team in the city. So yeah, I’m thrilled we’re now in a great stadium, pulling in 20,000-plus crowds, and the “mind the gap” jokes at the Gas are just a bonus.

But I’m also aware we’ve made some really bad choices. That said, we’re still far better off than we were, and I totally get why fans are frustrated. I just tend to be more of a glass-half-full type, and I’m happy we’re a stable club that always has a shot. I just can’t bring myself to get that angry about it.

So when I say I’m a staunch supporter, I mean I’ll still be at the games even if we end up in the Conference. Do I agree with every decision made? Absolutely not. But I also know things could be a whole lot worse, and I’m not going to lose my head over it. What I find odd is that the loudest voices on here against the owners and the technical director are the same people who aren’t attending the the fans forum, especially as the questions aren’t being vetted and all they have to do is put their hand up. If they’re that vocal about change, they need to be speaking to the ones who can actually make it happen, not just sharing it with others who already feel the same way.

Please note, I’m not here for a slagging match, and I don’t get why you’d be so use such a passive aggressive phrase at the beginning of your post? 

I have to say I disagree with your stance on this one - I think you’re making a bit of a, if I may say, simplistic, “if you’ve got a problem speak up” solution to something that isn’t so simplistic.

This whole thread and many other discussions have shown how the club are actively attempting to avoid allowing the fans from simply “asking” these questions, and any platforms where they have to engage they are seemingly looking to control and limit what can be said/asked.

So even if people wanted to say what they think, they aren’t allowed or as others have pointed out, can’t because the only option is an in person q and a when they have other things on in their lives and can’t attend, often at short notice.

Additionally - I think that this conversation is only being had because of what happened at the last Q and A - where the club were completely on the defensive and fans IMO simply weren’t prepared with how the evening would unfold. People have wised up, hence the discussion.

If in this next event, we see the same tame questions again, crucially with no interference or vetting of questions of any kind from the club - then we can have this conversation again.

Edited by Alessandro
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10 minutes ago, Fuber said:

Marshall's fine - the issue is he shouldnt be having to step into the BCFC side. That was likely done in an attempt to take pressure of off Tinnion and Jon.

He's the one who whistle blew with regards to Ashton's marked overspending - just in enough time that meant we didnt fall foul of FFP under Gould/Pearson.

I believe you are right!

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My guess is that they'll only take 2 or 3 questions on the evening.

They'll waste a load of time doing introductions, scene setting and making some of of acknowledgement that things aren't quite where they want them to be so that any difficult questions will be met with, 'as we said at the start...'

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On 04/10/2024 at 12:26, phantom said:

City can announce it will host a Fans Forum in the Heineken Lounge at Ashton Gate on Wednesday, October 16th at 7pm.

On the panel will be Head Coach Liam Manning, Chairman Jon Lansdown, Technical Director Brian Tinnion and a senior player to be confirmed.

Fans can secure their seat for free, on a first come, first served basis.

Limited parking will be available at the stadium. Fans will be able to arrive from 6pm, for a 7pm start.

There will be introductions, followed by supporter questions.

Everyone at the club looks forward to seeing supporters there.

if i do manage to get in there early to secure a space ,are there any time restrictions in the car park? 

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4 hours ago, Tecknical Director said:

I’m not sure what you think I’ve said that’s complete bollocks. I’ve made it clear that I find it unprofessional — it’s literally in the post you quoted. If that’s all you’ve referenced, then yeah, it’s definitely not right. I also said that if fans feel strongly about something, they should speak up at the right events. I don’t see the issue with that view, surely that’s just common sense?

As for why I’m a staunch supporter of the club—it’s simple: I’m a proud Bristolian, and I love my city. Bristol City has been there through some tough times for me, and it’s given me some of my best memories, both as a kid and now as an adult. But let’s not confuse being a staunch supporter with blindly following everything the club or its owners do. I support Bristol City Football Club, not the owners. Sure, I think they’ve had a rough time of late, but I can also understand the other side of the argument. We’ve definitely made some terrible decisions—some might even say hiring Manning was one of them.

I’ve been there at Ashton Gate on a wet Tuesday night when we were playing in front of 5,000 people in League One, with Bristol Rovers being the more dominant team in the city. So yeah, I’m thrilled we’re now in a great stadium, pulling in 20,000-plus crowds, and the “mind the gap” jokes at the Gas are just a bonus.

But I’m also aware we’ve made some really bad choices. That said, we’re still far better off than we were, and I totally get why fans are frustrated. I just tend to be more of a glass-half-full type, and I’m happy we’re a stable club that always has a shot. I just can’t bring myself to get that angry about it.

So when I say I’m a staunch supporter, I mean I’ll still be at the games even if we end up in the Conference. Do I agree with every decision made? Absolutely not. But I also know things could be a whole lot worse, and I’m not going to lose my head over it. What I find odd is that the loudest voices on here against the owners and the technical director are the same people who aren’t attending the the fans forum, especially as the questions aren’t being vetted and all they have to do is put their hand up. If they’re that vocal about change, they need to be speaking to the ones who can actually make it happen, not just sharing it with others who already feel the same way.

Please note, I’m not here for a slagging match, and I don’t get why you’d be so use such a passive aggressive phrase at the beginning of your post? 

Apologies if I misconstrue your stance on things. I agree with a lot that  you’ve written . I’ve also witnessed the very low times , especially being bottom of the fourth division albeit briefly & of course nearly losing our club . I admire that you carry on going to games. I made the difficult decision to not renew my season ticket for the first time in 25 years. All I seem to do is moan about the club & realty do not like being that way, but there’s no way I can financially support the lansdowns decisions anymore . I still love the club of course but it’s now a point of principle . If I could make the forum trust me I would be there. 

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