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As Fast As....

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Greg Goodridge and Juniour were fast, and Akinbiyi was quick.

But I'd go for Junior as our fastest player, followed by greg as the Fatest come the end

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I'd say it's a toss up between the phenomenally quick, though useless footballer, Junior Bent & the phenomenally quick, though useless footballer, Mark Flatts.



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Touted maybe, but when lined up to prove it Junior was left watching John Williams' (Swansea) backside disappearing into the distance......



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Junior was certainly one of the quickest players I have ever seen without the ball. Christian Roberts is not far behind when he wants to be; his burst over 10/15 yards is dynamite.

In terms of running fast with the ball at his feet, Scott would take some beating.

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I can answer this one,

Going back a few years now there was a 100 meter sprint challenge organised by someone or other with different players taking part.

Louie Donowa won the race and I think Junior came in forth (memorys a bit hazey on this)

As they both played for city then I think that makes Donowa the fastest in recent times.

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Guest billybob

Definitely Dave Smith. Gavin, Smith, Turner & Taylor caused absolute havoc in the old Div3.

Smith was regularly twatted by the neanderthal gashead Aleaxander - when he could catch him.

Happy days.

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Louie Donawa was the quickest of them all at that was proven on TV some years back.Pity he was so inconsistant.

I would say that Akinbiyi was a close second in the speed stakes followed by Junior Bent.Niether of those two could run with the ball under control.

Murray and Dave Smith were the quickest with ball at their feet.

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Wouldn't say Gavin was quick, just skilful.

Dave Smith and Junior Bent were the quickest with the ball at their feet, but Smithy was the far superior footballer and went like a steam train - usually heading straight for the corner flag!

Ralph Milne was talented but about as pacy as a tortoise in a slo-mo action replay, but could still beat Trevor Morgan.

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Greg Goodridge and Juniour were fast, and Akinbiyi was quick.

But I'd go for Junior as our fastest player, followed by greg as the Fatest come the end

There werent many who could keep up with Keith Curle in his prime. He used to tease oposing players by looking at them as they ran together as if to say "is that as fast as you can go mate ". It was funny to watch.

Have to agree about Dave Smith though , he was really quick .

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