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Not the players although they have lost confidence

Not the manager although he is not experienced or competent

Must be the Chairman then who made the catastrophic decision to get rid of a successful manager who was within a whisker of taking us up

Where are you Mr Davidson, time to ride in on your white charger and kick out these no hopers - and appoint Peter Taylor as you wanted to last time before over ruled by your "friends" and stabbed in the back

Only a personal opinion of course

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I do think Mr Lansdown, as Chairman of the club, needs to show a bit of leadership and at least give the fans some sort of explanation for the mess we are currently in. It's easy to show your smilling face on the back page of the EP when the good times are in town. More important to do it now though.

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Guest Champagne Football

Some people may disagree but I think England speaks the most sense on this forum. A blatent mistake on the chairman's part to appoint such an unexperienced person for the job who has had absoloutely no past experience of the job he has applied for. If I had been trained and given a few badges on being a engineer I certainly wouldn't expect to be offered a job to help our forces out in Iraq, when people who have been there and done that are available and would most probably do a better job than me.

Again only an opinion of course, but it is not Brian's fault he is in charge, ultimately the buck should fall on the person who is accountable for appointing him and therefore Tinnion's responsibilities are the chairman's responsibilties. The stakeholders are not very happy...

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Guest footychik

oh my god i have found three people that think the same of me! I thought if i put tht on here then i would get a load of cr@p aimed right at my face!


Arent we suppose to be having that manager from southampton who took plymouth up?????

I WISH!! :@:@:@:@:@

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Guest footychik
Some people may disagree but I think England speaks the most sense on this forum. A blatent mistake on the chairman's part to appoint such an unexperienced person for the job who has had absoloutely no past experience of the job he has applied for. If I had been trained and given a few badges on being a engineer I certainly wouldn't expect to be offered a job to help our forces out in Iraq, when people who have been there and done that are available and would most probably do a better job than me.

:P Again only an opinion of course, :P  but it is not Brian's fault he is in charge, :blink:  ultimately the buck should fall on the person who is accountable for appointing him and therefore Tinnion's responsibilities are the chairman's responsibilties. The stakeholders are not very happy...

Well, i think the same as you, but if he had any sense he wouldnt have done it and let us get some more experienced manager. But i guess it could turn out great for us, or really bad. 50.50 really.

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Agree SL will not sack BT for he will look stupid and have no foot t stand on. He should come out and back the manger and tell us who is stirring at the club and back BT to get them out.



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With all businesses the buck stops at one place only. The top.

I have been a wholehearted supporter of the board until they took the decision to remove Danny Wilson. If we are to believe the official line for DW's departure, DW stood up to the Chairman and told him that ripping the heart out of the back room staff and slashing wages is no way to get a club promoted. Rather than being vilified, perhaps DW should be seen as the hero who attempted to stop this brutal cull.

That said, the players and the manager should also shoulder responsibility. I'm sticking with Tinnion though. He has been chucked in at the deep end by the board. He's done enough over 11 years to earn our respect and to be given time to work it out. He needs support from fans, players and especially the board at this point and it doesn't look like he's getting much from any of them.

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He needs support from fans, players and especially the board at this point and it doesn't look like he's getting much from any of them.

Tinnion and the team got plenty of support today, in spite of the fact that we were AWFUL. I don't know what the story is about the injuries and the player power stuff. I do know that we started today with a midfield which, apart from Wilkshire, who was playing his first game of the season, had an average age of about 19 and probably less than ten first team games between them.

Who picked the team? Who decided on the tactics? Who has changed the team and the formation just about every game so far this season? And who then slagged the players off after the game?

Miller and Lita had bad games (as did about eight other players including Tinnion when he came on) but the service to the forwards was poor. And they were both trying. So if the manager is going to have a go at them it should be behind closed doors, rather than in public. By slating them in after match interviews, he'll knock their confidence or turn them against him or both.

The manager picks the team and the manager should take responsibilty for the team's appalling performances so far this season. I don't think we should sack him, I don't think he should resign, but I think he needs to change what he is doing PDQ, or we really could end up in a relegation battle.

And yes, when we are at the games we should keep getting behind the team and the manager - but that wasn't easy today!!

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Tinnion and the team got plenty of support today, in spite of the fact that we were AWFUL. I don't know what the story is about the injuries and the player power stuff. I do know that we started today with a midfield which, apart from Wilkshire, who was playing his first game of the season, had an average age of about 19 and probably less than ten first team games between them.

Who picked the team? Who decided on the tactics? Who has changed the team and the formation just about every game so far this season? And who then slagged the players off after the game?

Miller and Lita had bad games (as did about eight other players including Tinnion when he came on) but the service to the forwards was poor. And they were both trying. So if the manager is going to have a go at them it should be behind closed doors, rather than in public. By slating them in after match interviews, he'll knock their confidence or turn them against him or both.

The manager picks the team and the manager should take responsibilty for the team's appalling performances so far this season. I don't think we should sack him, I don't think he should resign, but I think he needs to change what he is doing PDQ, or we really could end up in a relegation battle.

And yes, when we are at the games we should keep getting behind the team and the manager - but that wasn't easy today!!

Fair play for supporting the team today. At the end of the last two home matches there has been vocal discontent and the talk about Sturrock suggests that many fans want Tinnion out already.

I have to agree that Tinnion's after match comments have frequently appalled me for the reasons you state. It seems that every player is fair game for public criticism. It is the BASICS of man management to keep your criticism constructive, supportive and in private. Tinnion has to shut his gob unless he's got something positive to say. Of course for many fans on this forum, failure to critise players publicly was seen as one of Wilson's failings and now we hear Tinman do just that and it is clearly wrong.

On the subject of backing from the board, how supportive does this sound?:

"They (signing two new players) are not foregone conclusions...It is understandable that Brian has spoken up on the situation given what can only be described as a very poor performance at Port Vale on Saturday."

In other words, "These deals are a long way off and it looks like the manager is clutching at straws after messing up". The board appear to be failing this club and they also appear to be failing their manager.

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Now I know this is a case of damned if you do etc.. BUT

assuming the board are serious about Wellens and are considering offering reasonable money (250K+) for him and a target man, does this square up with the fact that they didn't want to give Wilson any more cash?

(I think we're not really in with much chance here and the smell of PR is strong in the air)

I'm very much of the opinion that SL HAS to sort this mess out. as was stated earlier, it's all well and good grinning from the back page of the EP when times are good,(LDV) but now's the time we need to see a clear vision and direction from the club.

second point - going on and on about a target man gives a clear signal to some players that there won't be much of a role for them (Miller) Now a chairman who has just signed Miller, then allows his manager to reduce him to a bit player might be viewed as being a poor manager of the clubs assets, allied to this the departure of some of our key players and I question SL's chairmanship.

I feel quite strongly we are being sold a pup here, and I am not happy


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I have to agree that Tinnion's after match comments have frequently appalled me for the reasons you state. It seems that every player is fair game for public criticism. It is the BASICS of man management to keep your criticism constructive, supportive and in private. Tinnion has to shut his gob unless he's got something positive to say. Of course for many fans on this forum, failure to critise players publicly was seen as one of Wilson's failings and now we hear Tinman do just that and it is clearly wrong.

Yes can't help but agree with you there - how can publicly criticising young players with little experience help them? No wonder they are not performing well.

On the subject of backing from the board, how supportive does this sound?:

"They (signing two new players) are not foregone conclusions...It is understandable that Brian has spoken up on the situation given what can only be described as a very poor performance at Port Vale on Saturday."

In other words, "These deals are a long way off and it looks like the manager is clutching at straws after messing up". The board appear to be failing this club and they also appear to be failing their manager.

I agree with your summary of "clutching at straws" - I have to say that Tins comments on the website come across as those of a desparate man. Not a good sign.

But I don't agree on the comment you make about the board failing the club or manager - new signings have been made over the summer and in theory we have a stronger squad now than last season.

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When descisions are made for financial reasons and not for ability to do the job, there can be only one outcome. SL was asked after Tin's appointment how many other applicants there were. SL replied that nobody was given chance to apply. Wisdom of a wise Chairman????

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But I don't agree on the comment you make about the board failing the club or manager - new signings have been made over the summer and in theory we have a stronger squad now than last season.

Theories can be subjective. I look at the following that has occurred since the Play off Final defeat:

BACK ROOM STAFF OUT: Wilson, Barlow, Jones, Footman


FIRST TEAM SQUAD PLAYERS OUT: Peacock, A Brown, M Brown, Carey, Matthews, Rougier, Burnell


That's a total of 11 people who can make a contribution to results OUT and only 3 IN. Not only are the replacement players on first impressions not up to the standard of those departed (I'd have Peacock, Aaron, Carey and Rouge in my first team ahead of the three new boys) but the annihilation of the coaching side cannot fail to have a negative impact on results. I'd be interested to hear your theory as to how this makes it a 'stronger squad now'.

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BACK ROOM STAFF OUT: Wilson, Barlow, Jones, Footman


FIRST TEAM SQUAD PLAYERS OUT: Peacock, A Brown, M Brown, Carey, Matthews, Rougier, Burnell


That's a total of 11 people who can make a contribution to results OUT and only 3 IN. Not only are the replacement players on first impressions not up to the standard of those departed (I'd have Peacock, Aaron, Carey and Rouge in my first team ahead of the three new boys) but the annihilation of the coaching side cannot fail to have a negative impact on results. I'd be interested to hear your theory as to how this makes it a 'stronger squad now'.

My comment was aimed more at the playing side of things, but in relation to

Back room staff - yes accept lack of experience is our main problem although I do think having Millen, Taylor, Walsh all working with the first team is a good thing. What we lack is an experienced assitant to Tins, said this at the time and still think it now.

First Team Squad - well I was working on the basis that Tins has Gillespie, Murray and Goodfellow for a whole season not just part of or none of it. And Peacock, Carey and Brown are major losses, but Miller, Smith and Goodfellow/Bell are reasonable replacements for their role. With the addition of Orr and Heffernan I still think that makes us stronger, plus the potential of Anyinsah and Harley.

I think it is too soon to judge the quality of the new players completely so you may be right, but my optimism shines through.

The biggest problem as far as I see it, is not playing the same tactics, formation and side in more than 1 or 2 games in a row. Seems to be confusing the players, having a negative effect on morale and obviously a negative effect on results. Once again, we are having the majority of possession in games but without the killer touch.

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