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Okay, I apologise if this comes across as self-important (I know, when did that ever stop me), but having read a number of references to me (both veiled and direct) over the last few days, I thought it best if I wrote a post to make my position clear, with regard to Tins and his appointment.

It is well known by quite a few people on here that I felt Danny Wilson had reached the end of the line at the end of last season, and I wrote a letter to The Evening Post outlining my concerns. As I recall, the letter was met with widespread approval on this forum as can be seen byclicking here .

Anyway, it now seems that people are suggesting I wrote that letter with some sort of agenda to get Tins appointed. Now, I can accept most things, but I draw the line at downright lies (Yes, I know my name is always replaced with the phrase 'certain forum members' and I will get a reply saying "Never said it was you?" or somesuch, but I'm tired of the inference.)

I was as surprised as anyone (including Brian) when he was offered the job, and it was certainly something we hadn't discussed. In fact, Tins was quite uncomfortable with my feelings about DW, so his position was something we rarely talked about at all.

I spoke to Tins when the news first broke about DW's departure on the Friday night, and I can assure every one he was not rubbing his hands or looking at it as an opportunity. Far from it, he was positively downcast. I can only assume that Steve Lansdown rang Tins shortly afterwards, as I had no idea he was to be interviewed for the job the following day. I only found out when I turned up for the forum match and there seemed to be a larger press presence than expected (even allowing for my breathtaking footballing ability..) and the rumours started circulating.

From my point of view, I saw Tins' appointment as a double-edged sword. Of course I was delighted for him as a friend, but I also knew there was a very real possibility that it would become a poisoned chalice and that I would have to watch one of my friends held up for a public flogging.

This is exactly how it seems to be turning out, and for anyone to suggest that I would try to manufacture a situation where a friend of mine would be put in a position where he may face such vitriol shows that the perpetrators of these myths don't know me at all (aside from the fact that it's completely and utterly ludicrous, of course).

Okay, I'm sure most people already realise that the whole thing is preposterous and aren't particularly bothered, but I am growing weary of the constant veiled remarks and I hope that this will draw a line under them.

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Guest LeicesterRed
Okay, I apologise if this comes across as self-important (I know, when did that ever stop me), but having read a number of references to me (both veiled and direct) over the last few days, I thought it best if I wrote a post to make my position clear, with regard to Tins and his appointment.

It is well known by quite a few people on here that I felt Danny Wilson had reached the end of the line at the end of last season, and I wrote a letter to The Evening Post outlining my concerns. As I recall, the letter was met with widespread approval on this forum as can be seen byclicking here .

Anyway, it now seems that people are suggesting I wrote that letter with some sort of agenda to get Tins appointed. Now, I can accept most things, but I draw the line at downright lies (Yes, I know my name is always replaced with the phrase 'certain forum members' and I will get a reply saying "Never said it was you?" or somesuch, but I'm tired of the inference.)

I was as surprised as anyone (including Brian) when he was offered the job, and it was certainly something we hadn't discussed. In fact, Tins was quite uncomfortable with my feelings about DW, so his position was something we rarely talked about at all.

I spoke to Tins when the news first broke about DW's departure on the Friday night, and I can assure every one he was not rubbing his hands or looking at it as an opportunity. Far from it, he was positively downcast. I can only assume that Steve Lansdown rang Tins shortly afterwards, as I had no idea he was to be interviewed for the job the following day. I only found out when I turned up for the forum match and there seemed to be a larger press presence than expected (even allowing for my breathtaking footballing ability..) and the rumours started circulating.

From my point of view, I saw Tins' appointment as a double-edged sword. Of course I was delighted for him as a friend, but I also knew there was a very real possibility that it would become a poisoned chalice and that I would have to watch one of my friends held up for a public flogging.

This is exactly how it seems to be turning out, and for anyone to suggest that I would try to manufacture a situation where a friend of mine would be put in a position where he may face such vitriol shows that the perpetrators of these myths don't know me at all (aside from the fact that it's completely and utterly ludicrous, of course).

Okay, I'm sure most people already realise that the whole thing is preposterous and aren't particularly bothered, but I am growing weary of the constant veiled remarks and I hope that this will draw a line under them.

Thanks for this one Edson.

Rumours such as to BTs appointment will always be rife at such times.

Thanks for putting the record straight

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No disrespect ment, Huw but your reply is exactly what those that "accuse" you would expect you say.They'll simply argue that your're not going to admit the "real truth" (as they see it).

I doubt very much whether it'll draw a line under it as you hope.

Shame, because it does a little repetative and the truth is most of us don't care that much.

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I think the fact that one minute Lansdown was telling us of how he was going to advertise and interview for the post, the next, Tinman was in and even more suprise was expressed at Millens appointment.

This all smacks of a chairman who has suddenly lost his nerve and has made one serious misjudgment.David Pleat on 5 Live summed it up on Friday night, when he condemmed DW's dismissal (along with other managers - in the context of Sturrocks departure) as the result of weak willed chairmen, who crave public support. (reminds me of Davidson, when it all went awry!)

we need to replace Millen with a seasoned coach as soon as possible to even consider getting out of this hole we now find ourselves in.

The levels of acrimony and animosity we are now seeing across the team and the fans will take a long time to go away, and that saddens me.


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From my point of view, I saw Tins' appointment as a double-edged sword. Of course I was delighted for him as a friend, but I also knew there was a very real possibility that it would become a poisoned chalice and that I would have to watch one of my friends held up for a public flogging.

Comes with the territory unfortunately. Everyone knows this.

By posting this Huw, you have just opened yourself up to more 'veiled' remarks. I'm not really sure of the remarks you speak of, although i'm not doubting they exist. I rarely read this forum or it's incresingly ridiculous views anymore anyway. Maybe you might consider a similar line given your feelings on this.

Go with the flow etc. There are dozens of boring cliches that could be used. Don't let this forum make you sick as a parrot

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Guest mercury

personally, I was chuffed when BT was appointed, someone who knew the club inside out, and loved the club. I sincerely hope we stick with him, I do think though, that he needs an experienced assistant. I can't see KM being of much help to be honest, I think he would have been wiser in chosing Tony Fawlthrop, a close friend, by BT's own admission, with plenty of experience.

If there is a drinking culture within the club, as rumour suggests, the directors, and supporters should all be behind brian in clearing it out. The guilty players should either go to BT and admit they were wrong and change, or leave for the good of the club.

They are supposed to be profesional footballers, time to start acting that way I believe.

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fair enough Huw - are you now of the view that the board made a mistake in appointing Tins, rather than going for a more experienced management team, or do you think it's too early to judge?

Personally, I wanted DW to get another season, given how close we came to going up last year, and argued for that position against your mate RedTop on here.

Having heard BT 'talk the talk' pre-season, I pitched up for the Torquay game full of optimism, but to be honest it was pretty obvious after 90 mins that we were not 'walking the walk'.

Very depressing....


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Edson, if I were you I would be flattered that preople think you have that kind of power!

I would feel gutted if Tinnion felt he had to resign right now, ok it hasn't been a good start and I don't know what the answer is. I don't doubt that he is working 24/7 and probably making himself ill trying to sort out the problems. I don't want him to leave and it will be upsetting as he has shown more loyality and commitment to our club than any other player.

I think it is more to do with the other players in the team, for reasons that only he knows and thats the way it should stay.

If you do speak to him, pass on good wishes from me, that's all I can offer.

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Well it just goes to show how much I know and read between the lines :D

I was blissfully unaware that Brian was a personal friend of Edson's, let alone the manipulator of Tinman's ascension to the manager role! ;);)

On a more serious note, I have to say I don't read the forum as much as I used to and did not know there were inferences of Edson's involvement and it is certainly something that sounds completely preposterous to me. :Sleep12:

Back to the lighter vein...

...Perhaps Edson has designs on becoming Brian's first ever agent!

...now there's a rumour to start... :rolleyes::):laugh:

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Okay, I apologise if this comes across as self-important (I know, when did that ever stop me), but having read a number of references to me (both veiled and direct) over the last few days, I thought it best if I wrote a post to make my position clear, with regard to Tins and his appointment.

It is well known by quite a few people on here that I felt Danny Wilson had reached the end of the line at the end of last season, and I wrote a letter to The Evening Post outlining my concerns. As I recall, the letter was met with widespread approval on this forum as can be seen byclicking here .

Anyway, it now seems that people are suggesting I wrote that letter with some sort of agenda to get Tins appointed. Now, I can accept most things, but I draw the line at downright lies (Yes, I know my name is always replaced with the phrase 'certain forum members' and I will get a reply saying "Never said it was you?" or somesuch, but I'm tired of the inference.)

I was as surprised as anyone (including Brian) when he was offered the job, and it was certainly something we hadn't discussed. In fact, Tins was quite uncomfortable with my feelings about DW, so his position was something we rarely talked about at all.

I spoke to Tins when the news first broke about DW's departure on the Friday night, and I can assure every one he was not rubbing his hands or looking at it as an opportunity. Far from it, he was positively downcast. I can only assume that Steve Lansdown rang Tins shortly afterwards, as I had no idea he was to be interviewed for the job the following day. I only found out when I turned up for the forum match and there seemed to be a larger press presence than expected (even allowing for my breathtaking footballing ability..) and the rumours started circulating.

From my point of view, I saw Tins' appointment as a double-edged sword. Of course I was delighted for him as a friend, but I also knew there was a very real possibility that it would become a poisoned chalice and that I would have to watch one of my friends held up for a public flogging.

This is exactly how it seems to be turning out, and for anyone to suggest that I would try to manufacture a situation where a friend of mine would be put in a position where he may face such vitriol shows that the perpetrators of these myths don't know me at all (aside from the fact that it's completely and utterly ludicrous, of course).

Okay, I'm sure most people already realise that the whole thing is preposterous and aren't particularly bothered, but I am growing weary of the constant veiled remarks and I hope that this will draw a line under them.

Comes with the territory, I suppose.

I think much more was made of the 'insider' knowledge regarding the concerns players etc were having about the reign of DW.

Must have missed the veiled comments about you being behind the appt of Tinnion.

And not sure why such a statement has been made on the forum? (Guilt?)

But I was under the impression Tinnion wanted to become manager & had had interviews on previous occasions.

I bow to inside knowledge of the sequence of events leading up to the appt of Tinnion.But I am sure it all a matter of opinions & as it's hard knowing the people at the top.

One point that would help further to clear up these 'so called' veiled comments, is how Tinnion & your dear self became good friends?

It must be very tough being personal friends with Manager & Chairman & trying to keep your independant views.

Havn't seen so much of your valued comments since the demise of DW.

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i wouldn't worry about it...

as for tinns i thought he was a good appointment for

the club but is now being let down by some of the players

for whatever petty reasons, i loved his passion on radio

bristol and his talk of if your not with me then i'll get

people who are, he now has to stand up and do just that,

if he does he will be ok, it swayed my mind to stick with him

and get behined him as he sounded like us! a angry fan.

the players have to stand up and be counted now.

But time is short in football

and i hope he sorts it out, but on the other hand just mabe

he could bring in a director of football to help him as the

next 10 games will be vital for us not sure millen is

up to the job.

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