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Guest Lockerman

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Guest Lockerman

Everyone is on here trying to guess who the new Target man is going to be, we know that we are are after Wellens, so the target man is a mystery, Howard, Beckett, maybe I don't know either.

But I believe that the one thing for sure is that:-

Steven Lansdown has made three big mistakes over the past few months Firstly by bringing back Scotty Murray, never ever try and bring a former player back it never works.

Secondly by getting rid of Danny Wilson O.K so there is a lot of you who thought he should go, I for one didn't, O.K we didn't win the playoffs but looking at what has happened recently I think we can figure it out for ourselves why.

Thirdly by bringing Brian Tinnion in as manager and allowing him to bring Keith Millen in as his assistant, three very big mistakes, ones that I think eventually will be catastrophic for the club.

So in conclusion you can bet your life the SL will throw as much money as he can possibly find to make sure that it all comes together, so that he can put two fingers up to the fans and say I told you my decisions were correct, So if that happens it will be good for all of us, if it doesn't then I am sure that we will have a new manager and a new chairman, Sad but true the only thing that would dissapoint me most is that it will throw us back five or six years in our progression and that is bad especially as the Gas are on the march again now that would be very Sad.

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I'm not going to speculate on who if any signings will be made but I think you're right about 2 of the bad decisions SL has made.

Bringing back Murray was a costly mistake and done I'm sure on the basis that he was the missing link.

Appointing Tinnion was knee jerk reaction and seemed the right thing to do because he's a decent chap - bit like considering Atyeo in 67 when Fred Ford resigned [although the board appointed unproven 35 year old Alan Dicks at the time and the rest is history !!!].

Getting rid of Wilson WAS right - he was becomming Eriksson-esque with his cautionary tactics. Had he played Lita more we surely would have gone up

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Guest Wurzel_Bill

Steven Lansdown has made three big mistakes over the past few months Firstly by bringing back Scotty Murray, never ever try and bring a former player back it never works.

I think that Scott will come good again and prove a wise move for Lansdown in the long run. He needs fitness and to play in the right position and with the support behind him.

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it is going to be Neil Roberts from wigan..he is not a target man

but he does hold the ball up well and will always give 100%.

he did take wigan up from this division as there main striker

so he knows this league well....you heard it here first

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